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I feel like Bound of Faith takes some fun out of mounts

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@ROMANG.1903 said:

This entire complaint can be summarized as:I enjoy more limited traversal but do do not enjoy being less efficient than other players. I demand other players be limited in their movement options so I can use my favorite way of traversal without being disadvantaged.

I'm not going to argue, that's exactly what it is. Limitations are not necessarily a bad thing, it gives challenge and a sense of pride in mastering the options we have at our disposal. But let's be honest, we have enough movement options already so that we don't feel "limited"

Fair enough, at least you are open and honest about this. I can respect that.

I just wanted to developp around what I said, as I think I found a beautiful way of saying it:

The most fun way of playing the game should also be the most optimal. I think that the current most optimal way of playing the game isn't the most fun, hence my original suggestion.

For you.... as other have stated why would you take out the most fun way to play for others just becouse you dont like it?

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@ROMANG.1903 said:

@Mewcifer.5198 said:I don't understand your point of view because mine is almost the exact opposite. Being able to chain together these kinds of abilities to reach new heights it, to me, a thing that makes the game feel more dynamic and fun.

I don't personally like having to combine so many actions for something that simple. To put it simply, if we're
to be able to launch ourselves from such heights before using the griffon, why does the griffon not have its own jump skill? In my opinion, Bound of Faith should be restricted to a way of leaving our mount from great heights, without dying from fall damage, a bit like a parachute... Or a glider.

And I'll admit, that making gliding useful again makes, to me, most of the appeal of my suggestion. I find the gliding mechanic amazing, and I don't like that the only true opportunity to use it is when we're in combat, near a cliff, and want to get away. And even in this very niche and rare situation, we swap to our griffon as soon as we get out of combat...

Then don't? Stop trying to take it away from others.

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Seriously it's very cool the way it works now I don't agree with OP at all. Occasionally I use these tricks and it seemed to be exactly how the devs intended me to reach a spot and I think "wow that's good design, they want me to use everything they have made available". In an mmorpg dumbing things down Is almost never the answer.

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@Linken.6345 said:

This entire complaint can be summarized as:I enjoy more limited traversal but do do not enjoy being less efficient than other players. I demand other players be limited in their movement options so I can use my favorite way of traversal without being disadvantaged.

I'm not going to argue, that's exactly what it is. Limitations are not necessarily a bad thing, it gives challenge and a sense of pride in mastering the options we have at our disposal. But let's be honest, we have enough movement options already so that we don't feel "limited"

Fair enough, at least you are open and honest about this. I can respect that.

I just wanted to developp around what I said, as I think I found a beautiful way of saying it:

The most fun way of playing the game should also be the most optimal. I think that the current most optimal way of playing the game isn't the most fun, hence my original suggestion.

For you.... as other have stated why would you take out the most fun way to play for others just becouse you dont like it?

And, this is why the forums exist. I shared my point of view, you shared yours. How am I supposed to know I'm the only one who thinks like this? And why should I refrain from sharing my opinion? Just because it's uncommon?

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@ROMANG.1903 said:

This entire complaint can be summarized as:I enjoy more limited traversal but do do not enjoy being less efficient than other players. I demand other players be limited in their movement options so I can use my favorite way of traversal without being disadvantaged.

I'm not going to argue, that's exactly what it is. Limitations are not necessarily a bad thing, it gives challenge and a sense of pride in mastering the options we have at our disposal. But let's be honest, we have enough movement options already so that we don't feel "limited"

Fair enough, at least you are open and honest about this. I can respect that.

I just wanted to developp around what I said, as I think I found a beautiful way of saying it:

The most fun way of playing the game should also be the most optimal. I think that the current most optimal way of playing the game isn't the most fun, hence my original suggestion.

For you.... as other have stated why would you take out the most fun way to play for others just becouse you dont like it?

And, this is why the forums exist. I shared my point of view, you shared yours. How am I supposed to know I'm the only one who thinks like this? And why should I refrain from sharing my opinion? Just because it's uncommon?

Whats stoping you from not just useing it, why do you want it removed?

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@Linken.6345 said:

This entire complaint can be summarized as:I enjoy more limited traversal but do do not enjoy being less efficient than other players. I demand other players be limited in their movement options so I can use my favorite way of traversal without being disadvantaged.

I'm not going to argue, that's exactly what it is. Limitations are not necessarily a bad thing, it gives challenge and a sense of pride in mastering the options we have at our disposal. But let's be honest, we have enough movement options already so that we don't feel "limited"

Fair enough, at least you are open and honest about this. I can respect that.

I just wanted to developp around what I said, as I think I found a beautiful way of saying it:

The most fun way of playing the game should also be the most optimal. I think that the current most optimal way of playing the game isn't the most fun, hence my original suggestion.

For you.... as other have stated why would you take out the most fun way to play for others just becouse you dont like it?

And, this is why the forums exist. I shared my point of view, you shared yours. How am I supposed to know I'm the only one who thinks like this? And why should I refrain from sharing my opinion? Just because it's uncommon?

Whats stoping you from not just useing it, why do you want it removed?

I already adressed that...

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@ROMANG.1903 said:

This entire complaint can be summarized as:I enjoy more limited traversal but do do not enjoy being less efficient than other players. I demand other players be limited in their movement options so I can use my favorite way of traversal without being disadvantaged.

I'm not going to argue, that's exactly what it is. Limitations are not necessarily a bad thing, it gives challenge and a sense of pride in mastering the options we have at our disposal. But let's be honest, we have enough movement options already so that we don't feel "limited"

Fair enough, at least you are open and honest about this. I can respect that.

I just wanted to developp around what I said, as I think I found a beautiful way of saying it:

The most fun way of playing the game should also be the most optimal. I think that the current most optimal way of playing the game isn't the most fun, hence my original suggestion.

For you.... as other have stated why would you take out the most fun way to play for others just becouse you dont like it?

And, this is why the forums exist. I shared my point of view, you shared yours. How am I supposed to know I'm the only one who thinks like this? And why should I refrain from sharing my opinion? Just because it's uncommon?

Whats stoping you from not just useing it, why do you want it removed?

I already adressed that...

you haven't really addressed..why you can't just choose not to use the skill.

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@Taygus.4571 said:

This entire complaint can be summarized as:I enjoy more limited traversal but do do not enjoy being less efficient than other players. I demand other players be limited in their movement options so I can use my favorite way of traversal without being disadvantaged.

I'm not going to argue, that's exactly what it is. Limitations are not necessarily a bad thing, it gives challenge and a sense of pride in mastering the options we have at our disposal. But let's be honest, we have enough movement options already so that we don't feel "limited"

Fair enough, at least you are open and honest about this. I can respect that.

I just wanted to developp around what I said, as I think I found a beautiful way of saying it:

The most fun way of playing the game should also be the most optimal. I think that the current most optimal way of playing the game isn't the most fun, hence my original suggestion.

For you.... as other have stated why would you take out the most fun way to play for others just becouse you dont like it?

And, this is why the forums exist. I shared my point of view, you shared yours. How am I supposed to know I'm the only one who thinks like this? And why should I refrain from sharing my opinion? Just because it's uncommon?

Whats stoping you from not just useing it, why do you want it removed?

I already adressed that...

you haven't really addressed..why you can't just choose not to use the skill.

@ROMANG.1903 said:The most fun way of playing the game should also be the most optimal. I think that the current most optimal way of playing the game isn't the most fun, hence my original suggestion.
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@ROMANG.1903 said:

This entire complaint can be summarized as:I enjoy more limited traversal but do do not enjoy being less efficient than other players. I demand other players be limited in their movement options so I can use my favorite way of traversal without being disadvantaged.

I'm not going to argue, that's exactly what it is. Limitations are not necessarily a bad thing, it gives challenge and a sense of pride in mastering the options we have at our disposal. But let's be honest, we have enough movement options already so that we don't feel "limited"

Fair enough, at least you are open and honest about this. I can respect that.

I just wanted to developp around what I said, as I think I found a beautiful way of saying it:

The most fun way of playing the game should also be the most optimal. I think that the current most optimal way of playing the game isn't the most fun, hence my original suggestion.

For you.... as other have stated why would you take out the most fun way to play for others just becouse you dont like it?

And, this is why the forums exist. I shared my point of view, you shared yours. How am I supposed to know I'm the only one who thinks like this? And why should I refrain from sharing my opinion? Just because it's uncommon?

Whats stoping you from not just useing it, why do you want it removed?

I already adressed that...

you haven't really addressed..why you can't just choose not to use the skill.

@ROMANG.1903 said:The most fun way of playing the game should also be the most optimal. I think that the current most optimal way of playing the game isn't the most fun, hence my original suggestion.

Except that, for many people (myself included), this "optimal" way of juggling mounts is the most fun. Furthermore, while you can choose not to bounce from one mount to another if you don't enjoy it, those who do enjoy that couldn't do so if ANet implemented your suggestion. That's actively restricting player options just because you don't find it fun, and frankly that's fundamentally bad design.

If you don't enjoy it, don't do it. But do not try to take it away from those who do enjoy it or force them to play your way.

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@ROMANG.1903 said:

This entire complaint can be summarized as:I enjoy more limited traversal but do do not enjoy being less efficient than other players. I demand other players be limited in their movement options so I can use my favorite way of traversal without being disadvantaged.

I'm not going to argue, that's exactly what it is. Limitations are not necessarily a bad thing, it gives challenge and a sense of pride in mastering the options we have at our disposal. But let's be honest, we have enough movement options already so that we don't feel "limited"

Fair enough, at least you are open and honest about this. I can respect that.

I just wanted to developp around what I said, as I think I found a beautiful way of saying it:

The most fun way of playing the game should also be the most optimal. I think that the current most optimal way of playing the game isn't the most fun, hence my original suggestion.

For you.... as other have stated why would you take out the most fun way to play for others just becouse you dont like it?

And, this is why the forums exist. I shared my point of view, you shared yours. How am I supposed to know I'm the only one who thinks like this? And why should I refrain from sharing my opinion? Just because it's uncommon?

Whats stoping you from not just useing it, why do you want it removed?

I already adressed that...

you haven't really addressed..why you can't just choose not to use the skill.

@ROMANG.1903 said:The most fun way of playing the game should also be the most optimal. I think that the current most optimal way of playing the game isn't the most fun, hence my original suggestion.

For you...So, just stop using it the way you don't find fun and let others use it how they like it. Because the most fun for a lot of people using mounts is chaining these skills together.

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@"ROMANG.1903" said:The most fun way of playing the game should also be the most optimal. I think that the current most optimal way of playing the game isn't the most fun, hence my original suggestion.

Are we gonna start policing people's builds too? Non-meta builds aren't very optimal, take away their choice to play sub-optimally and force them into a build they may not like, all in the name of "fun".

At the end of the day fun is completely subjective. If you don't like using that skill then don't use it, but stop this whole "I don't like x therefore no one else should like or use x". It comes off as incredibly immature and entitled.

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@Taygus.4571 said:so clearly the most optimal way.. isn't the most fun for you....so don't do it.

You haven't answered why you can't simply play how you want....without forcing everyone to play that way.

This. The way it is now offers the most options. Don't take things away from others. People need to stop asking for the removal of things just because they dislike them.

One way of finding out if others feel the same as you is by explaining your situation, then asking if anyone else shares that opinion. The worst way to figure this out is by stating you don't like it, then saying it should be taken out.

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I'm tired of answering the same thing again and again, I'm going to do it one last time and ignore the next comments asking about it.

I do not want to have to play in a way that isn't optimal, that will get me late to events and such, in order to have that fun. This is why I share my thoughts about it, so if the majority of people agreed to it, we could maybe implement that change and all have a better game. I don't see how I'm supposed to know most people don't like this idea, and you know what? That's why forums exist.

@Miss Lana.5276 said:

@"ROMANG.1903" said:The most fun way of playing the game should also be the most optimal. I think that the current most optimal way of playing the game isn't the most fun, hence my original suggestion.

Are we gonna start policing people's builds too? Non-meta builds aren't very optimal, take away their choice to play sub-optimally and force them into a build they may not like, all in the name of "fun".

This is... actually supporting my suggestion?

People don't play meta builds, because they are sub-optimal. In a way we actually do take away their choice of playing these builds because meta builds are mandatory. These non-meta builds should be buffed so these people can have their fun. If swaping to griffon was just as good as gliding after using Bound of Faith, I would have no problem. But it is not the case.

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except its not mandatory to use bond of faith. You dont actually need to use it to get anywhere... you're not locked out of content by choosing not to use iy and its hardly going to be the deal breaker to you getting to an event.

You find the most optimal way unfun, but dont want to play "sub optimally" thats your problem...and not a reason to want to take something away from everyone.

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@ROMANG.1903 said:I'm tired of answering the same thing again and again, I'm going to do it one last time and ignore the next comments asking about it.

I do not want to have to play in a way that isn't optimal, that will get me late to events and such, in order to have that fun. This is why I share my thoughts about it, so if the majority of people agreed to it, we could maybe implement that change and all have a better game. I don't see how I'm supposed to know most people don't like this idea, and you know what? That's why forums exist.

@ROMANG.1903 said:The most fun way of playing the game should also be the most optimal. I think that the current most optimal way of playing the game isn't the most fun, hence my original suggestion.

Are we gonna start policing people's builds too? Non-meta builds aren't very optimal, take away their choice to play sub-optimally and force them into a build they may not like, all in the name of "fun".

This is... actually supporting my suggestion?

People don't play meta builds, because they are sub-optimal. In a way we actually do take away their choice of playing these builds because meta builds are mandatory. These non-meta builds should be buffed so these people can have their fun. If swaping to griffon was just as good as gliding after using Bound of Faith, I would have no problem. But it is not the case.

Except it's not mandatory to do so.

You just have to be more willing to wait longer as not everyone wants to play with people who don't run optimal builds.

I played for the first few years after hitting max level (and I've played since launch) on a Cleric's build. Which is Healing Power, Power, Toughness. It was laughable at what DPS I did. I was able to play with friends in Fractals and story dungeons without any issue of them trying to force me to do otherwise. I now at least play with meta gear, though I don't think I'll be able to get a rotation down. But I don't join groups that ask for meta and if I'm not sure I go "hey, I'm not running meta as I don't know the rotations, is that ok?". Sometimes it is and sometimes it's not. But I've never felt forced to switch my gear or change my build - not by others.

So no, her comment doesn't support your suggestion.

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@ROMANG.1903 said:I'm tired of answering the same thing again and again, I'm going to do it one last time and ignore the next comments asking about it.

People understand what you’re asking for. They are disagreeing with you, quite resoundingly, in fact. It is you that can not accept that, so feel the need to reassemble the same suggestion as if it will make a difference. Which it won’t, because people disagree with your basic premise.

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@ROMANG.1903 said:I'm tired of answering the same thing again and again, I'm going to do it one last time and ignore the next comments asking about it.

I do not want to have to play in a way that isn't optimal, that will get me late to events and such, in order to have that fun. This is why I share my thoughts about it, so if the majority of people agreed to it, we could maybe implement that change and all have a better game. I don't see how I'm supposed to know most people don't like this idea, and you know what? That's why forums exist.

@ROMANG.1903 said:The most fun way of playing the game should also be the most optimal. I think that the current most optimal way of playing the game isn't the most fun, hence my original suggestion.

Are we gonna start policing people's builds too? Non-meta builds aren't very optimal, take away their choice to play sub-optimally and force them into a build they may not like, all in the name of "fun".

This is... actually supporting my suggestion?

People don't play meta builds, because they are sub-optimal. In a way we actually do take away their choice of playing these builds because meta builds are mandatory. These non-meta builds should be buffed so these people can have their fun. If swaping to griffon was just as good as gliding after using Bound of Faith, I would have no problem. But it is not the case.

No, I'm not supporting your suggestion. It was a hyperbolic example made in jest to show how ridiculous your "force them to play a different way" stance is.

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@ROMANG.1903 said:

There is a debuff that prevents us from mounting, which lasts just a second after we used Bound of Faith, probably to avoid bugs. I suggest to make that debuff permanent until we reach the ground. This would not only make it feel like a commitment to jump out of our mount, but would also make gliding useful again, because it would become the only way to keep directing ourselves after we jumped out. And it would do all this without breaking the game!

Or you could stop pretending everyone has to play like you and just stop using the power.

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... I don't see a problem with allowing more options of movement. One of the funnest things about the Dragonfall map is taking advantage of all your available movement options, like bond of faith off a griffon into gliding up an updraft or leyline and then slinging yourself onto a high tree branch using an oakheart essence into glider into skyscale and up a wall.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:

@"ROMANG.1903" said:

There is a debuff that prevents us from mounting, which lasts just a second after we used Bound of Faith, probably to avoid bugs. I suggest to make that debuff permanent until we reach the ground. This would not only make it feel like a commitment to jump out of our mount, but would also make gliding useful again, because it would become the only way to keep directing ourselves after we jumped out. And it would do all this without breaking the game!

Or you could stop pretending everyone has to play like you and just stop using the power.

Your argument that he "simply not use the ability" is flawed to the core.

For one, it has invalidated gliders main niche since the griffon came out. Glider mechanics, a main mechanic in HoT, has been nearly completely obliterated with this change.

For two, it has changed the gameplay of not only the OP, but the nature of the open world. It is certainly valid for him to state as much and to suggest that it be reverted.

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@Opopanax.1803 said:

@"ROMANG.1903" said:

There is a debuff that prevents us from mounting, which lasts just a second after we used Bound of Faith, probably to avoid bugs. I suggest to make that debuff permanent until we reach the ground. This would not only make it feel like a commitment to jump out of our mount, but would also make gliding useful again, because it would become the only way to keep directing ourselves after we jumped out. And it would do all this without breaking the game!

Or you could stop pretending everyone has to play like you and just stop using the power.

Your argument that he "simply not use the ability" is flawed to the core.

For one, it has invalidated gliders main niche since the griffon came out. Glider mechanics, a main mechanic in HoT, has been nearly completely obliterated with this change.

For two, it has changed the gameplay of not only the OP, but the nature of the open world. It is certainly valid for him to state as much and to suggest that it be reverted.

What about people who dont have hot they need to be able to mount the griffon or they die useing the skill.

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