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Gizmo Rewards and PvP Player Population

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We should really do something quickly to increase PvP population and what better way to do that than to offer PvP exclusive rewards that players can grind for?

I would like to see the monthly AT Gizmo’s to be grindable. Hear me out...

There are 12 Gizmo’s, make a vendor to have them cost something like 100 tournament/league vouchers (or more) and reward them SLOWLY in various ways.

  1. Participation and Rank in each Season.

    • Rank 1 = 20 vouchers
    • Rank 2 = 15 vouchers
    • Rank 3 = 10 vouchers
    • Rank 4-10 = 5 vouchers
    • Rank 11-25 = 3 vouchers
    • Rank 25-100 = 2 vouchers
    • Ranks 101-250 = 1 voucher
  2. Win or Place in Monthly or Daily ATs

  • First place Monthly = Choice of that Month’s Gizmo or 25 Tournament Vouchers
  • Semi Finalist = 10 Vouchers
  • Quarter Finalists = 5 Vouchers
  • Participaion = 1 Voucher

Daily AT Finalist = 2/10 Voucher Fragments

  1. Voucher Fragment Reward Track
  • 1/10 Voucher Fragment rewarded for completing the Voucher Fragment Reward Track.10/10 Voucher Fragments = 1 Voucher

Keep all titles and add new Monthly AT titles every season, i.e. Summer Mists Grandmaster or Winter PvP Champion or something like that.

Allowing these rewards to be grindable (NOT TIMEGATED) while also rewarding the absolute best players with exclusivitiy needs to be a fair and delicately balanced . These rewards need to be an extremely lengthy grind or you risk losing the best players in the game. Each specific Gizmo should take multiple seasons for the average player to grind and players should be increasingly rewarded based on their skill level.

I would also want to add an exclusive title, choice of a PvP legendary armor set or two legendaries from any Generation, and the Ultimate Gizmo/Aura/Backpiece/Glider/Legendary to anyone who has collected all 12 Gizmos and has sacrificed them into the Mystic Forge, seperated into 4 seasonal categories. (Gift of Winter, Gift of Summer, Gift of Spring, Gift of Fall). This rewards the best players who win the monthly every month.

This will fix everything that is currently stunting Gw2 PvP population. It will get new players into the game, get old players to come back, keep all skill levels continuously playing and grinding, and successfully reward players based on skill and dedication to the game.

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@HeadCrowned.6834 said:How about we leave the only truly non-grindable reward alone?

it's not like no one ever paid for a Monthly Gizmo anyway right?

Back On topic:

I'm Against the Idea of it overall. It would shut the prestige of what gizmo already is in it's own unique way. I'll Rather See anet Offer Better Reward Track For Plat/Legendary Players while Also Adding New legendary Items for Spvp Players.

The Lack of wanting to add a new reward track that would benefit players from wanting to spam rank games has amazed me. To me personally Anet would do anything they can NOT to help increase the population with simple things such as new reward track+Legendary items. The Spvp Legendary armor was what you call a lazy way out but also fitting overall so people stop complaining after they reworked some things out.

I just believe their isn't a spvp crew to do anything for the community and the fact they gave us false hope for Swizz style At's shows that they don't really have a crew doing anything. It's all talk and No show just how the 2vs2 came out and then never came back lmfao.

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Anet already gives reward incentive - specially in ranked, which I'd say is more widespread than AT's.

Now, for a real issue that desperately needs addressing, we only have a single ranked PvP mode!!!!! During all of the game's lifetime, all we got for ranked is conquest. Really Anet? When Guild Wars 1 had several different PvP modes with widely different objectives and rewards, giving us only conquest for so much time is laughable. Not to mention the map variety...so stale.

So, if they want to draw in people to the mode (I actually suspect they don't...lol), they could actually support the mode by increasing variety of playstyles and variety of rewards, not only the sheer amount of it (if it can all be obtained from the same competition mode...still bad). It's also odd since being an action RPG actually gives Anet more room to introduce PvP modes, not less.

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@"NotoriousNaru.1705" said:Lmao noIf you want a pvp tourny reward earn itmake a team practice and windont ask to be spoon fed literally everything in gw2 is catered to casuals who can eventually grind what they want but pvp is different. if u suck u dont deserve it

I respect you and what you say on the topic but as a top player and an example to most here I think that belittling people with "you suck" is beneath you.

Im up for anything that increases population but I personally feel that lies within reintroducing Team queue for us plebs, making 2v2 a mode you can queue for and bringing back Courtyard for TDM purposes rather than boosting loot.players leave after gaining said loot and then we are back to square one looking for something to boost population again so I strongly believe that bringing back the fun aspect will go a long way.

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While rewards are nice, I don't think they alone will resolve the low population problem. In short, and in no particular order, sPvP needs:

On Anet's Part:

  • Better balance: Ideally, every core and elite spec should have at least one viable build and all of those should be equally viable in their respective roles, no more, no less. E.g., all duelists should be on par with each other. Over-performing as well as under-performing specs should be reworked appropriately.
  • More frequent balance updates and/or test servers: If actual play is serving as "testing" then frequent updates are more important.
  • An end to match manipulation, botting, cheating: This includes win-trading, LB sniping, and even abusing character swap.
  • Separate solo and team queues, with separate leaderboards: This has been discussed in other threads. It can also help reduce match manipulation.
  • More promotion of sPvP: Like bonused rank gain or reward track progress weeks. Maybe even a mount that requires some amount of participation/achievement in all three game modes, including sPvP. "A mount to rule them all" but by no means necessary to enjoy the game. And no, the mount would not be usable in sPvP.
  • More game modes/maps: Although even if they put in the resources for this, it might be problematic until population is large enough. As it stands, the population feels small for even one sPvP mode (Stronghold doesn't count).

On Players' Part:

  • A welcoming atmosphere for newcomers: Good sportsmanship, no finger-pointing, no armchair commanding. Friendly advice if solicited or appropriate. No toxicity, period.

There's probably more, but this is just what I could come up with at the moment based on my experience and things I've heard or read from others.

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No offence but this is a truly terrible idea lol. Why on earth would it be a good idea to make the only item in the game that actually requires a lot of skill to get be obtainable my mindless grinding. For pvp to be successful, you need to give players incentive to actually get good, not to mindlessly farm. Right now players have plenty of incentive to farm games with how rewarding ranked/ATs are in terms of gold, but that isn’t helping the competitive community grow is it? We need more exclusive rewards that can only be achieved through being extremely good at the game, not less.

Saying all of this as someone who does not play ATs and will never get a gizmo.

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This guy really wants the total end of PvP XD. Instead of asking for some more prestigious and really hard to get rewards in PvP he asks to make available the last one to all players. What a genius we got there. Probably comes from PvE tho.

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@NotoriousNaru.1705 said:Lmao noIf you want a pvp tourny reward earn itmake a team practice and windont ask to be spoon fed literally everything in gw2 is catered to casuals who can eventually grind what they want but pvp is different. if u suck u dont deserve it

Asking players to grind out 1000 ranked PvP Reward Track rewards, 500 AT wins, 10 Semi Finalist MaT wins, 5 rank 1 league finishes or a combo of the above for 1, a single 1, of the 12 Gizmos is hardly being spoon fed rewards.As it stands, maybe 5-7 players in the entire game (5 being in NA), would be able to aquire the final reward of all 12 Gizmos before the game completely dies or they actually end up making Gw3. Maybe 20-30 players after a year of consistent playing and WINNING would be able to get a single Gizmo without winning MaT.There are plenty of players who play PvP daily who definitely don’t ‘suck’ Naru, and this change would even benefit you as a top player who wins every MaT. It would increase competitivness in all aspects of PvP, especially in monthlies. Your team would be a barrier from keeping any player from possibly getting all 12 rewards. The final boss if you will.At the very least it would benefit any players who would sink as low as to sell MaT wins in a competitive PvP format and then brag about it on the official forums...

edit: 500 daily At wins*

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  • ArenaNet Staff

We have no current plans to make the monthly tournament gizmos available outside of winning the monthly AT.

We do have a weapon set coming for PvP/WvW this summer, assuming nothing goes wrong. Additionally, there is a new pvp/wvw armor set planned for late fall/early winter. We have some other rewards planned as well, but I want to preserve some mystery. :)

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@Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:We have no current plans to make the monthly tournament gizmos available outside of winning the monthly AT.

We do have a weapon set coming for PvP/WvW this summer, assuming nothing goes wrong. Additionally, there is a new pvp/wvw armor set planned for late fall/early winter. We have some other rewards planned as well, but I want to preserve some mystery. :)

right on.

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