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Do you want more mounts in the future?

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Honestly, naw. I kinda feel like the first "batch" was enough. I think the Roller Beetle is dumb, the Warclaw is useless, and once I get the Skyscale, I'll probably never be able to look at another collection again, without getting an instant migraine.

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We have more than enough mounts, it's starting to become too much. Although I'm indifferent/would be ok with an underwater mount. Would be nice if instead we would get some actual meaningful changes and improvements to WvW, SPVP, class balance, actual content, actual progression. Probably not going to happen at this point in the game but still have some hope left.

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yes, only if they dont take months to earn

no, if they are going to be annoying and gold/time consuming . i only play this game between story updates (probably like many others) and really cant be bothered to commit the time to those mounts ;(

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I went for indifferent, but also leaning towards yes. I mean there are alot of options for mounts, race and or class specific mounts also as mentioned underwater mounts, dungeon mounts w/e you can think of might be an option. The only reason I am not on the yes part is because of what happened with the skyscale, I don't mind collections but map grinding map currencies. Hell no..

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@Tekoneiric.6817 said:

@Turkeyspit.3965 said:The beauty of the mounts is that one doesn't replace the other. Sure, you could use the Jackal to go from A to B, but it won't do any damage upon engaging mobs like the Raptor, while the Raptor can't run through a corridor of branded without taking tons of damage. Each mount has their unique strength, and so long as ANET continues this philosophy, they can add as many mounts as they want (just please, no more collection debacles like Skyscale)

While the jackal fills the niche of a 4 legged mount that is somewhat between a dog and race horse; I've always felt that the jackal's sand portal ability is a bit of a kludge because they didn't want to use updrafts or ley-lines.

Given the overlaps in abilities that mounts seem to have I wonder if they are planning a wall crawling mount since the skyscale can cling to walls.

the wall climbing was a remnant of the scrapped spider mount that would have been able to climb walls... it was scrapped due to concerns over people with arachnophobia and they simply reused wall clinging on the skyscale instead.

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Honestly I think we're kinda good on mounts. Griffon for high speed flying and getting around wide maps with tall tower like structures.. beetle for large flat open maps.. jackal is great for tight spaces and short distance bursts, raptor is good for that too. springer for climbing most stuff, Skyscale can do that too, while also being really good at moving around areas with large gaps without the need of stamina(like the raptor) and generally just the best afk mount since you can hover in place forever. Skimmer is great at moving over water, but if we needed ANY mount right now, it would be a Swimmer, to move faster UNDER water. everything else is covered well enough, and squeezing in another to anything else would basically be niche. but i also feel that if you added in a swimmer, all those swim speed upgrade infusions you put in would get devalued, since.. honestly, if we got a swimmer mount, we'd only need those infusions when in combat underwater. i suppose if you did add a swimmer. it would be because of massive underwater content, which would mean we'd be MORE Likely to be in combat underwater, so it might even out.. but yeah, thats my opinion.

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@SakuraJD.4720 said:Honestly I think we're kinda good on mounts. Griffon for high speed flying and getting around wide maps with tall tower like structures.. beetle for large flat open maps.. jackal is great for tight spaces and short distance bursts, raptor is good for that too. springer for climbing most stuff, Skyscale can do that too, while also being really good at moving around areas with large gaps without the need of stamina(like the raptor) and generally just the best afk mount since you can hover in place forever. Skimmer is great at moving over water, but if we needed ANY mount right now, it would be a Swimmer, to move faster UNDER water. everything else is covered well enough, and squeezing in another to anything else would basically be niche. but i also feel that if you added in a swimmer, all those swim speed upgrade infusions you put in would get devalued, since.. honestly, if we got a swimmer mount, we'd only need those infusions when in combat underwater. i suppose if you did add a swimmer. it would be because of massive underwater content, which would mean we'd be MORE Likely to be in combat underwater, so it might even out.. but yeah, thats my opinion.

we will most likely have a huge underwater area when we eventually go to fight the sea dragon (which is still unnamed)

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@Adrianna.3092 said:

@Turkeyspit.3965 said:The beauty of the mounts is that one doesn't replace the other. Sure, you could use the Jackal to go from A to B, but it won't do any damage upon engaging mobs like the Raptor, while the Raptor can't run through a corridor of branded without taking tons of damage. Each mount has their unique strength, and so long as ANET continues this philosophy, they can add as many mounts as they want (just please, no more collection debacles like Skyscale)

While the jackal fills the niche of a 4 legged mount that is somewhat between a dog and race horse; I've always felt that the jackal's sand portal ability is a bit of a kludge because they didn't want to use updrafts or ley-lines.

Given the overlaps in abilities that mounts seem to have I wonder if they are planning a wall crawling mount since the skyscale can cling to walls.

the wall climbing was a remnant of the scrapped spider mount that would have been able to climb walls... it was scrapped due to concerns over people with arachnophobia and they simply reused wall clinging on the skyscale instead.

Yep we didn't get a dragon as such as we got a fire breathing gecko with horns and wings. Which actually is a nice take on it imo, rather than a standard dragon that can just run and fly.

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@Adrianna.3092 said:

@SakuraJD.4720 said:Honestly I think we're kinda good on mounts. Griffon for high speed flying and getting around wide maps with tall tower like structures.. beetle for large flat open maps.. jackal is great for tight spaces and short distance bursts, raptor is good for that too. springer for climbing most stuff, Skyscale can do that too, while also being really good at moving around areas with large gaps without the need of stamina(like the raptor) and generally just the best afk mount since you can hover in place forever. Skimmer is great at moving over water, but if we needed ANY mount right now, it would be a Swimmer, to move faster UNDER water. everything else is covered well enough, and squeezing in another to anything else would basically be niche. but i also feel that if you added in a swimmer, all those swim speed upgrade infusions you put in would get devalued, since.. honestly, if we got a swimmer mount, we'd only need those infusions when in combat underwater. i suppose if you did add a swimmer. it would be because of massive underwater content, which would mean we'd be MORE Likely to be in combat underwater, so it might even out.. but yeah, thats my opinion.

we will most likely have a huge underwater area when we eventually go to fight the sea dragon (which is still unnamed)

which was exactly what i was getting at. but until we DO get that, i say no. as of right now, with what we have available, no. if things change, i might.

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@ragingpuma.4618 said:Oh, yes. A dolphin mount would be cool. It would have the ability to swim super fast and jump out of the water

I think any underwater mount like a dolphin should be where the player merges with the mount rather than rides it. Riding a mount underwater would be awkward; especially on the programming. The swim infusion might have been them saying there will be no underwater mount.

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Echoing others re: an underwater mount. I know even after the retuning underwater content still isn't amazing, or maybe even expansive enough to justify it, but I still think an underwater mount would be fun, at least. I imagine some sort of octopus or jellyfish, personally. Though I think the best time to implement that type of mount would be alongside an underwater-focused expansion, so who knows.

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