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Do you want more mounts in the future?

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The beauty of the mounts is that one doesn't replace the other. Sure, you could use the Jackal to go from A to B, but it won't do any damage upon engaging mobs like the Raptor, while the Raptor can't run through a corridor of branded without taking tons of damage. Each mount has their unique strength, and so long as ANET continues this philosophy, they can add as many mounts as they want (just please, no more collection debacles like Skyscale)

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Mostly indifferent but I'm leaning to yes. Wouldn't mind another tbh.(Edit: what the person below and above me said. Underwater hasn't got a mount yet, and if we are ever going to go after the deep sea dragon it would soften the blow. But Underwater gear would have to be expanded on and made better for that too imo. A Tyrian take on a seahorse would be cool.)

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I wouldn't want any new mounts now that we have a proper dragon. I'd like to see devs focus on designing some amazing and unique skins for existing ones.

That being said, I would not mind an underwater mount, as I believe that one might be needed!

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Yes underwater mount is definitely needed in this game (with preferably the options to both harvest & attack while still mounted). Seeing as underwater swimming/combat is one of the least favorite things to do in the game as is, these improvements (with the right implementation) could potentially turn that totally around and open up vast exploration/potential into a previously ignored area of the game.

Lets be honest people underwater combat is clunky (at best) & how many people truly spend that much time in or especially under water? I can't even name a few from any of the guilds I'm in nor other players on my friends list. Most people that I know or run into are always soaring above the clouds or running around on the ground itself. The only real reason to go into the water at all is to complete hearts, grabbing POI or vistas for map completions

Speeding through the ocean quickly (with excellent control/steering), harvesting & even attacking while mounted underwater would definitely entice people to both explore & re-visit those parts of the game with renewed interest. My only other suggestion in regards to any future mounts would be the wurm which could potentially burrow through or up to certain areas that no other mounts in the game can go through. ANET please just make sure in future that the collections are (reasonable to do), for any future mounts that you have in mind. (Find the right balance), cause you guys really did go from one extreme to another with this last 1 (the skyscale) vs previous mounts>> warclaw, beetle, griffon. Peace. =)

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I'm indifferent leaning on yes, because I absolutely would love to see an underwater mount at least. I'm not against additional types of mounts in the future (like hey, i never would have seen any of the post griffon mounts coming and I like them all too), but there's no non-underwater niche i see needing to be filled so I have no particular desire for a specific kind of mount. (i will say that in some sort of ideal world I would have enjoyed a junundu wurm mount, but I think the devs don't really have the space for a junundu mount in their roster mechanics wise. and I'd like to see their creativity go in a different direction too).

If they can surprise me with something, I wouldn't mind and I'd probably end up enjoying it as well. So that's where I'm at with it. No needs (apart from underwater), but will be happy if they do surprise us with something new.

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@Gop.8713 said:Yeah I still want the underwater mount :)

I don't know if it would be worth it considering how little there is to do underwater but anyway . . .

I dunno, we still get plenty on underwater points of interest, vistas, and mastery places underwater to visit with a lot of maps so we're probably going to get more for new maps too. It'd be fun to zip about underwater and might make collecting them a bit more fun too.

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I'm starting to run out of keybinds for mounts. I think I'm good on new mounts officially. The only thing we don't have that isn't going to directly power creep over the other mounts (And with Skyscale compared to Springer we're doing that already) is an underwater mount.

But seriously I want future content (And expansions) to be built around using all of the masteries we've obtained so far going forward. And perhaps whatever masteries we get in LWS5 and a potential expansion after that to be a bit different and do something new for you.

Dragonfall is a top tier map because it pays tribute to stuff like Bouncing Mushrooms, Leyline Gliding, Updrafts, even the Draconis Mond Oakheart Essence. I know it's not popular to invalidate the time and money other people put into the game, but I'd love for the next expansion to give Heart of Thorns, LWS3, Path of Fire, LWS4, and LWS5 included so that the developers making content in the future can know and prepare for players having all the movement mechanics and making content around that.

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Underwater is all that's really missing and even then, I'm pretty indifferent. Don't go underwater unless I absolutely have to and just skip over it with Skimmer.Skyscale pretty much tells me that new mounts aren't needed by being a clumsy mount that tries to combine two others into one (Springer for vertical and Griffon for flight) so it has no function on its own beyond hovering and looking cool (looking cool could have just been done via skins on others).I'd rather they fine tune the ones we have and find new uses for them (Jackal portals in Tyria/HoT/ls3, for example, could be there as non-essential, but as a convenience).

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Yes, as others have said, we need an underwater mount! B)

Also, while I love most of the mounts (not a fan of Warclaw but I don’t WvW so no problem) and love the attention to. It only movement mechanics but details of animations (I love my characters’ interactions with their mounts :3 ) I would not be opposed to the addition of new mounts of equal quality, with overlapping niches, so which mount you use in a given situation could be part personal preference, cosmetics, etc. For instance, I would LOVE a spider mount and I expect it would be good at climbing, but obviously it would not have the gliding/hovering/flying capabilities.

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A water mount aside, I think we have aerial and terrestrial mounts down pat. I was always rooting for Skimmer to get an underwater mastery at some point, but with the introduction of the humming bird skin I think it's settled that won't be happening and Skimmer is confirmed to be well... a Skimmer.

No underwater component even if the majority of it was inspired by a river/sea creature. Oh well. If we get some cool new underwater mount that'd be pretty cool.

But in terms of air or land mounts I don't think they can add much more without it seeming bloated or a new mount ends up stepping on an existing mounts toes. Indifferent because hey I've been wrong before. Maybe they'll make tons of new mounts and it'll be great.

But at the moment I'm not seeing it. I think Skyscale is probably among the last barring a water mount at some point (water dragon expansion).

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We went from a game with 0 mounts to a game where we get a new mount every few months. A big change, but a big problem in some ways too as the list grows longer and longer and the UI struggles to keep up with it.

I think existing mounts could be upgraded with new movement abilities over time, but for future content, I think I'd prefer in-world interactables like the Oakheart Essence or new masteries like gliding that give us new and interesting ways of navigating future terrain. Mounts are all right, but they're not the only way to get around, and a built-in thing like a player mastery would definitely help to reduce UI clutter and keybind strife.

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@VDAC.2137 said:For instance, I would LOVE a spider mount and I expect it would be good at climbing, but obviously it would not have the gliding/hovering/flying capabilities.

A spider is unlikely to happen since there are occasional comments from people with seriously wibbly arachnophobia about spider foes. Imagine those people if you roll up on a spider mount... (Worse: imagine how it would be for those people if the spider mount was an essential story element like Raptor, Springer, Skimmer and Skyscale(1)...)

(1) The other mounts are not directly involved in the story. There's no story step which requires a Jackal or a Griffon or a Roller Beetle.

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@Steve The Cynic.3217 said:

@VDAC.2137 said:For instance, I would LOVE a spider mount and I expect it would be good at climbing, but obviously it would not have the gliding/hovering/flying capabilities.

A spider is unlikely to happen since there are occasional comments from people with seriously wibbly arachnophobia about spider
. Imagine those people if you roll up on a spider mount... (Worse: imagine how it would be for those people if the spider mount was an essential story element like Raptor, Springer, Skimmer and Skyscale(1)...)

(1) The other mounts are not directly involved in the story. There's no story step which requires a Jackal or a Griffon or a Roller Beetle.

Aww, I would be fine with giving people an option to make it appear as something else then — a colorful beetle perhaps. On another note, I wish I could help people reduce their arachnophobia, maybe not always possible, but I used to be at least mildly arachnophobic although I always found spiders fascinating. Long story short, I now love spiders and have over a hundred tarantulas! =) <3 But I guess having a toggle option would essentially require creating two mounts. :disappointed: And no need to have new mounts required for story, although it could make sense with the introduction of an underwater mount.

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