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5 matches, 5 match manipulaters.


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I had 5 games, each with someone throwing.Map chat is "ill pay everyone on the enemy team 10g to let me win"..

Got annoyed, figured I would start recording and post to the world the state of GW2 PvP, told a dude I had him and his guild recorded.. He started playing properly after that and we won after being down 200 points.

If anyone is good with video editing, make a montage of several matches being thrown and manipulated.. Post it up on these forums, other forums and hopefully something gets done about it.

End rant, sorry guys just frustrated that my game time today was nothing but pure frustration.

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@praqtos.9035 said:Wasnt top1 on NA a wintrader that got a free pass ? So you think your rant will change something?And wintrading at start of the season makes no sense

Wether it makes sense or not, it happened.

I dont think my rant will change anything, I hope I inspire our community to take action though.Bad PR will be dealt with, if we ignore it then so will anet.

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@sephiroth.4217 said:

@praqtos.9035 said:Wasnt top1 on NA a wintrader that got a free pass ? So you think your rant will change something?And wintrading at start of the season makes no sense

Wether it makes sense or not, it happened.

I dont think my rant will change anything, I hope I inspire our community to take action though.Bad PR will be dealt with, if we ignore it then so will anet.A thread about obvious wintrading(top1 spot lol) was deleted as soon as Ben was quoted, its obvious Anet completely dont care about pvp/wintrading, content shop -> anything else.

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@praqtos.9035 said:

@praqtos.9035 said:Wasnt top1 on NA a wintrader that got a free pass ? So you think your rant will change something?And wintrading at start of the season makes no sense

Wether it makes sense or not, it happened.

I dont think my rant will change anything, I hope I inspire our community to take action though.Bad PR will be dealt with, if we ignore it then so will anet.A thread about obvious wintrading(top1 spot lol) was deleted as soon as Ben was quoted, its obvious Anet completely dont care about pvp/wintrading, content shop -> anything else.

Which is probably why the community should start acting on thier behalf as I said in my previous comment.

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@"sephiroth.4217" said:I had 5 games, each with someone throwing.Map chat is "ill pay everyone on the enemy team 10g to let me win"..

Got annoyed, figured I would start recording and post to the world the state of GW2 PvP, told a dude I had him and his guild recorded (well known guild too from ATs).. He started playing properly after that and we almost won after being down 200 points.

If anyone is good with video editing, make a montage of several matches being thrown and manipulated.. Post it up on these forums, other forums and hopefully something gets done about it.

End rant, sorry guys just frustrated that my game time today was nothing but pure frustration.

I learned during season 6, that you get ostracized when you take bold actions to expose these activities. Many people within the community who partake in them begin to view you as an enemy, and will even make sport of going out of their way to make your matches worse than they are now. They like to give people subtle reminders of why they should be keeping their mouths shut.

When I had mentioned in previous threads that: "The top of our leaderboards are controlled & moderated by a fascist like inner-circle, who picks & chooses who they like and don't like, and who plays high and who doesn't" I wasn't joking around about that, and I had chosen the usage of my words carefully.

The other thing I learned is that no matter how loud we get about exposing players who are participating in this, nothing we do matters unless Arenanet cares and wants to take real action against it. So far the best we've seen is wrist slapping and single season suspensions, and then main culprits are allowed right back in to do it again. I often wonder if this is because they do not want to ban players who offer free commercialism via twitch, which I would fully understand to be perfectly honest. If this is the case, I would say to Arenanet that it is important to recognize at this point, that this free commercialization is no longer helping to strengthen Arenanet's product. It only helps strengthen the repute of the streamers themselves. In truth, they are ruining Arenanet's product and running off the consumer base in the process.

All in all I can't help but believe that Arenanet already knows exactly what's going on and who is involved. If I could learn so much simply through interacting with the community in-game, I couldn't imagine what Arenanet must know with the mechanisms they have access to. A junior networker could come in on an internship, getting paid nothing, monitor the servers for even just 24 hours, and get a strong handle on all of the patterns and what was going on. Can you imagine what he would see if he did this for an entire pvp season? The patterns of IP addresses in que and who they happen to que with alone, would have to yield enough incriminating evidence to clean up this problem, yet here we are, it is still happening, it gets worse each season because it goes unchecked. After really sitting and considering the above ^ I believe it is being allowed to happen on purpose, for whatever reason that may be.

The hilarious thing about all of this, is that it was enabled through solo/duo only que. If we want to play, we are forced to feed the match manipulation activity, because we can no longer que as a 5 man team to block ourselves from it.

Just a heads up, be careful how you go about exposing any of this. Always do it anonymously, and make sure no one knows that you are doing it all.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@"sephiroth.4217" said:I had 5 games, each with someone throwing.Map chat is "ill pay everyone on the enemy team 10g to let me win"..

Got annoyed, figured I would start recording and post to the world the state of GW2 PvP, told a dude I had him and his guild recorded (well known guild too from ATs).. He started playing properly after that and we almost won after being down 200 points.

If anyone is good with video editing, make a montage of several matches being thrown and manipulated.. Post it up on these forums, other forums and hopefully something gets done about it.

End rant, sorry guys just frustrated that my game time today was nothing but pure frustration.

I learned during season 6, that you get ostracized when you take bold actions to expose these activities. Many people within the community who partake in them begin to view you as an enemy, and will even make sport of going out of their way to make your matches worse than they are now. They like to give people subtle reminders of why they should be keeping their mouths shut.

When I had mentioned in previous threads that: "The top of our leaderboards are controlled & moderated by a fascist like inner-circle, who picks & chooses who they like and don't like, and who plays high and who doesn't" I wasn't joking around about that, and I had chosen the usage of my words carefully.

The other thing I learned is that no matter how loud we get about exposing players who are participating in this, nothing we do matters unless Arenanet cares and wants to take real action against it. So far the best we've seen is wrist slapping and single season suspensions, and then main culprits are allowed right back in to do it again. I often wonder if this is because they do not want to ban players who offer free commercialism via twitch, which I would fully understand to be perfectly honest. If this is the case, I would say to Arenanet that it is important to recognize at this point, that this free commercialization is no longer helping to strengthen Arenanet's product. It only helps strengthen the repute of the streamers themselves. In truth, they are ruining Arenanet's product and running off the consumer base in the process.

All in all I can't help but believe that Arenanet already knows exactly what's going on and who is involved. If I could learn so much simply through interacting with the community in-game, I couldn't imagine what Arenanet must know with the mechanisms they have access to. A junior networker could come in on an internship, getting paid nothing, monitor the servers for even just 24 hours, and get a strong handle on all of the patterns and what was going on. Can you imagine what he would see if he did this for an entire pvp season? The patterns of IP addresses in que and who they happen to que with alone, would have to yield enough incriminating evidence to clean up this problem, yet here we are, it is still happening, it gets worse each season because it goes unchecked. After really sitting and considering the above ^ I believe it is being allowed to happen on purpose, for whatever reason that may be.

The hilarious thing about all of this, is that it was enabled through solo/duo only que. If we want to play, we are forced to feed the match manipulation activity, because we can no longer que as a 5 man team to block ourselves from it.

Just a heads up, be careful how you go about exposing any of this. Always do it anonymously, and make sure no one knows that you are doing it all.

I love everything you just wrote but I have 1 thing to add...I think by now you know me and that I can say the unpopular opinion quite a bit, Im not fussed by what a bunch of strangers think of me.And yes, I know exactly what you mean.. I feel it in the FFA arena when half of a guild decides to gang bang me for something I said on the forums but I dont mind, survival training always helps ?

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Yeah it's pretty bad and not worth any time put into ranked since there is no chance at a top spot unless you make a alt account and wintrade with buddies.

This is why I've mostly played unranked since season 7. Leaderboard has no real leaders just cheaters. Thus not worth the time.

We had 4 seasons 1-4 that weren't full of mama's basement trolls. Guess that's all we can ask for is 4 good seasons out of 17 now. Not bad really.

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You want to know what's real depraved?

I've been noticing strange activity in unranked, since the start of specifically this season 17. I've never had this problem in unranked, ever. But the match quality is beginning to resemble the effects of obvious win trading and throwing. Why would anyone even do this in unranked? To troll people? To practice the method before using it in ranked? I don't know, but if unranked gets overran with casual manipulations like ranked, we really will see this game mode die. There will be nothing left to do but move to a new game.

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This kinda reassures me in one thing though... If I'm in silver or bronze that doesn't even mean that I'm an extremely bad player anymore. I'm just trying my best in PvP matches and somehow half of my team is doing nothing or literally doing absurd things all the way (even saw 4 people, 2 on my team and 2 on the ennemy's and they were dancing in a corner of the map.)

Oh well, I'll still try my best 'cause I'm me and at least I have rewards.

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@Exedore.6320 said:Easy fix: introduce 1-5 queue size to ranked.

Or we just auction titles off. So the games can be played aside from ranking and the ones with the most gold get them. Not much of a difference to now but than at least it is official. The respect ppl have for titles is nearly zero anyway already, old and new ones.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@"sephiroth.4217" said:I had 5 games, each with someone throwing.Map chat is "ill pay everyone on the enemy team 10g to let me win"..

Got annoyed, figured I would start recording and post to the world the state of GW2 PvP, told a dude I had him and his guild recorded (well known guild too from ATs).. He started playing properly after that and we almost won after being down 200 points.

If anyone is good with video editing, make a montage of several matches being thrown and manipulated.. Post it up on these forums, other forums and hopefully something gets done about it.

End rant, sorry guys just frustrated that my game time today was nothing but pure frustration.

I learned during season 6, that you get ostracized when you take bold actions to expose these activities. Many people within the community who partake in them begin to view you as an enemy, and will even make sport of going out of their way to make your matches worse than they are now. They like to give people subtle reminders of why they should be keeping their mouths shut.

When I had mentioned in previous threads that: "The top of our leaderboards are controlled & moderated by a fascist like inner-circle, who picks & chooses who they like and don't like, and who plays high and who doesn't" I wasn't joking around about that, and I had chosen the usage of my words carefully.

The other thing I learned is that no matter how loud we get about exposing players who are participating in this, nothing we do matters unless Arenanet cares and wants to take real action against it. So far the best we've seen is wrist slapping and single season suspensions, and then main culprits are allowed right back in to do it again. I often wonder if this is because they do not want to ban players who offer free commercialism via twitch, which I would fully understand to be perfectly honest. If this is the case, I would say to Arenanet that it is important to recognize at this point, that this free commercialization is no longer helping to strengthen Arenanet's product. It only helps strengthen the repute of the streamers themselves. In truth, they are ruining Arenanet's product and running off the consumer base in the process.

All in all I can't help but believe that Arenanet already knows exactly what's going on and who is involved. If I could learn so much simply through interacting with the community in-game, I couldn't imagine what Arenanet must know with the mechanisms they have access to. A junior networker could come in on an internship, getting paid nothing, monitor the servers for even just 24 hours, and get a strong handle on all of the patterns and what was going on. Can you imagine what he would see if he did this for an entire pvp season? The patterns of IP addresses in que and who they happen to que with alone, would have to yield enough incriminating evidence to clean up this problem, yet here we are, it is still happening, it gets worse each season because it goes unchecked. After really sitting and considering the above ^ I believe it is being allowed to happen on purpose, for whatever reason that may be.

The hilarious thing about all of this, is that it was enabled through solo/duo only que. If we want to play, we are forced to feed the match manipulation activity, because we can no longer que as a 5 man team to block ourselves from it.

Just a heads up, be careful how you go about exposing any of this. Always do it anonymously, and make sure no one knows that you are doing it all.

Ahhh, you hit the the spot here mate!This is soooo true, so much changes need to happen. Sadly nothing will. I guess all we have left is to just try to enjoy wether you win or lose.I guess its time for us to build an "inhouse" type of PvP where we get people in a guild and we organise our small tournaments in the guild pvp arena or we open exclusive custom arenas and we have a dedicated website for this inhouses to be announced and organised.If there is anything like this, please hit me up i probably have missed it!

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@bravan.3876 said:Or we just auction titles off. So the games can be played aside from ranking and the ones with the most gold get them. Not much of a difference to now but than at least it is official. The respect ppl have for titles is nearly zero anyway already, old and new ones.

Although I understand the sentiment, this kind of thing makes me... not so much sad, as disappointed. I solo queued my way to Merciless Legend a few seasons back, and came within striking distance of the top 100 title as well. I'm not sure if any match manipulation benefited me along the way, but I certainly never knowingly participated in throwing. However, match manipulation give folks bad feelings about the pvp titles, and I feel like my achievements have been sullied by association. Disappointing.

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@voltaicbore.8012 said:

@bravan.3876 said:Or we just auction titles off. So the games can be played aside from ranking and the ones with the most gold get them. Not much of a difference to now but than at least it is official. The respect ppl have for titles is nearly zero anyway already, old and new ones.

Although I understand the sentiment, this kind of thing makes me... not so much sad, as disappointed. I solo queued my way to Merciless Legend a few seasons back, and came within striking distance of the top 100 title as well. I'm not sure if any match manipulation benefited me along the way, but I certainly never knowingly participated in throwing. However, match manipulation give folks bad feelings about the pvp titles, and I feel like my achievements have been sullied by association. Disappointing.

Yes it is really sad. But no worries it goes mostly for the top 25 titles.

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As much as is sucks that players continue to exploit/cheat the system, I think anet has made it pretty clear they intend to do nothing about it. Some players are known to have been exploiting for years, have been recorded and proved without doubt that they are doing so, and received little to no punishment. Honestly the only real solution is to stop caring. If you try to be competitive in gw2, or get frustrated by exploits, you will only be met with disappointment.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:If this is the case, I would say to Arenanet that it is important to recognize at this point, that this free commercialization is no longer helping to strengthen Arenanet's product. It only helps strengthen the repute of the streamers themselves. In truth, they are ruining Arenanet's product and running off the consumer base in the process.

Let's not act as if Arenanet is the only one at fault here.The most highly publicized incident of a PVP streamer wintrading saw that player welcomed back by the community with absolutely open arms. Who cares that the first Montly AT was tarnished by this person who for years went off about how bad wintrading was before selling out for a Chak Egg Sac. Lets get him back on Tea Time to discuss PVP!And no one said a thing.Arenanet did the right thing in this case, they outted the player, stripped him of rewards and handed him a suspension that was in alignment with other punishments.It was this community that welcomed him back as some kind of hero, subbing to his stream and treating him like a celebrity.

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By reading the comments I came to a conclusion that to deal with this you have to gather your own group of talented ppl to go as high as you can and then start playing the same game as they do, it's like we have more ppl to wintrade/matchmanipulation than you do, now you gonna lose your spot.

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@KingstonWD.2047 said:

@"sephiroth.4217" said:I had 5 games, each with someone throwing.Map chat is "ill pay everyone on the enemy team 10g to let me win"..

Got annoyed, figured I would start recording and post to the world the state of GW2 PvP, told a dude I had him and his guild recorded (well known guild too from ATs).. He started playing properly after that and we almost won after being down 200 points.

If anyone is good with video editing, make a montage of several matches being thrown and manipulated.. Post it up on these forums, other forums and hopefully something gets done about it.

End rant, sorry guys just frustrated that my game time today was nothing but pure frustration.

I learned during season 6, that you get ostracized when you take bold actions to expose these activities. Many people within the community who partake in them begin to view you as an enemy, and will even make sport of going out of their way to make your matches worse than they are now. They like to give people subtle reminders of why they should be keeping their mouths shut.

When I had mentioned in previous threads that: "The top of our leaderboards are controlled & moderated by a fascist like inner-circle, who picks & chooses who they like and don't like, and who plays high and who doesn't" I wasn't joking around about that, and I had chosen the usage of my words carefully.

The other thing I learned is that no matter how loud we get about exposing players who are participating in this, nothing we do matters unless Arenanet cares and wants to take real action against it. So far the best we've seen is wrist slapping and single season suspensions, and then main culprits are allowed right back in to do it again. I often wonder if this is because they do not want to ban players who offer free commercialism via twitch, which I would fully understand to be perfectly honest. If this is the case, I would say to Arenanet that it is important to recognize at this point, that this free commercialization is no longer helping to strengthen Arenanet's product. It only helps strengthen the repute of the streamers themselves. In truth, they are ruining Arenanet's product and running off the consumer base in the process.

All in all I can't help but believe that Arenanet already knows exactly what's going on and who is involved. If I could learn so much simply through interacting with the community in-game, I couldn't imagine what Arenanet must know with the mechanisms they have access to. A junior networker could come in on an internship, getting paid nothing, monitor the servers for even just 24 hours, and get a strong handle on all of the patterns and what was going on. Can you imagine what he would see if he did this for an entire pvp season? The patterns of IP addresses in que and who they happen to que with alone, would have to yield enough incriminating evidence to clean up this problem, yet here we are, it is still happening, it gets worse each season because it goes unchecked. After really sitting and considering the above ^ I believe it is being allowed to happen on purpose, for whatever reason that may be.

The hilarious thing about all of this, is that it was enabled through solo/duo only que. If we want to play, we are forced to feed the match manipulation activity, because we can no longer que as a 5 man team to block ourselves from it.

Just a heads up, be careful how you go about exposing any of this. Always do it anonymously, and make sure no one knows that you are doing it all.

Ahhh, you hit the the spot here mate!This is soooo true, so much changes need to happen. Sadly nothing will. I guess all we have left is to just try to enjoy wether you win or lose.I guess its time for us to build an "inhouse" type of PvP where we get people in a guild and we organise our small tournaments in the guild pvp arena or we open exclusive custom arenas and we have a dedicated website for this inhouses to be announced and organised.If there is anything like this, please hit me up i probably have missed it!

If you're willing to do this, count me in.

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