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No Mount = Garbage


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@Cyninja.2954 said:

Yes, and the mount puts more limitations on this. Works for me. If people are not motivated to purchase the very basics in expansions, I don't want them ruining my sides WvW experience by running inferior builds. Other MMORPGS require hundreds of $ of investments (say WoW for example which requires you to purchase ALL previous expansions, the current one AND a monthly subscription), GW2 is way to cost efficient in that regard.

actually, buying just the base game unlocks all expansions except the current one. anyone with a subscription has access to everything but the current expansion. that and you can pay monthly sub with gold now. takes about 2-3 solid days to farm up a token which is the equivalent to sub cost. can even turn it in for battlenet balance and buy their other games with it, or the expansions themselves. haven't spent a nickle on wow for the last 3 expansions and i have all the games in battlenet also now.

Yes, they literally changed that last year until which the price was a lot higher (
). That still leaves people out 60-70 bucks for the current expansion (nearly double of PoF's launch price and 3-4 times the cost at which PoF goes currently) with a subscription fee on top.

GW2 is dirt cheap compared to WoW.

@Dagre.2185 said:another thing blizzard would never do is unbalance pvp in such a way that you'd have only some people have access to a mount in instanced pvp content. blows my mind that any developer would consider that ethical at all. if they're that desperate for cash they might as well just go entirely f2p and sell spammable health potions for cash only. or go the archeage way and make it so you have to spend $2000+ to be competitive.

I present to you racial skills. Available in instanced pvp content. Never balanced and usually favoring 1 race heavily. Has the human racial been reworked yet or are the top 100 2v2 ranks still human only? Now obviously this was available for everyone. All it took was a faction and race change, which Blizzard offers at a premium cost.

Get back to me about balance for WoWs competative mode once they actually get it balanced. Haven't managed to do this so far and I played a lot of competative WoW in the past.

they changed that like 6 years ago. i think even more, it was during pandaria. i never had to buy pandaria when i skipped it and got draenor when that came out. so maybe even 8 years ago.

Very doubtful. I was active for both Draenor and Legion and I had to purchase all past expansions until it allowed me to get the current one for my account. That article I linked is from 2018. I doubt it would have made big news last year if they had implemented this 6 years ago.

@Dagre.2185 said:and horde is the preferred race for racials. everyone has access to racials, they can make any character they want and then they can also just buy tokens with gold to have a race change or faction transfer if they don't want to level another toon up. its not restricted behind any pay wall even if people can pay if they don't want to level. mind you, with the new allied races, most people have leveled toons on both factions by now.

oh and they've tweaked racials a few times. you can also make horde/alliance characters on same server and the limit of characters is somewhere around 50. nothing in there forces anyone to spend money to be on par with other players.

During Legion it was alliance only in the top 100. So racial flipped back, fine. Are you going to reroll or rather pay for a faction and race change? Take a guess what most people do.

This entire comparison is hilarious. 1-2 Months of WoW's subscription pay for PoF. The mere fact that people mention WoW when complaining about cost for an expansion purchase is an insult.

dig a little deeper instead of clicking the first link you find. its been years since you had to buy every expansion and if you played warlords of draenor you would know this so at this point i know you just flat out lie to try to get your point across and i'm done with this discussion.

oh and i never complained about cost. had no issues buying the last expansion. i pointed out i don't give my money to companies that lack ethics.

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@Dagre.2185 said:

Yes, and the mount puts more limitations on this. Works for me. If people are not motivated to purchase the very basics in expansions, I don't want them ruining my sides WvW experience by running inferior builds. Other MMORPGS require hundreds of $ of investments (say WoW for example which requires you to purchase ALL previous expansions, the current one AND a monthly subscription), GW2 is way to cost efficient in that regard.

actually, buying just the base game unlocks all expansions except the current one. anyone with a subscription has access to everything but the current expansion. that and you can pay monthly sub with gold now. takes about 2-3 solid days to farm up a token which is the equivalent to sub cost. can even turn it in for battlenet balance and buy their other games with it, or the expansions themselves. haven't spent a nickle on wow for the last 3 expansions and i have all the games in battlenet also now.

Yes, they literally changed that last year until which the price was a lot higher (
). That still leaves people out 60-70 bucks for the current expansion (nearly double of PoF's launch price and 3-4 times the cost at which PoF goes currently) with a subscription fee on top.

GW2 is dirt cheap compared to WoW.

@Dagre.2185 said:another thing blizzard would never do is unbalance pvp in such a way that you'd have only some people have access to a mount in instanced pvp content. blows my mind that any developer would consider that ethical at all. if they're that desperate for cash they might as well just go entirely f2p and sell spammable health potions for cash only. or go the archeage way and make it so you have to spend $2000+ to be competitive.

I present to you racial skills. Available in instanced pvp content. Never balanced and usually favoring 1 race heavily. Has the human racial been reworked yet or are the top 100 2v2 ranks still human only? Now obviously this was available for everyone. All it took was a faction and race change, which Blizzard offers at a premium cost.

Get back to me about balance for WoWs competative mode once they actually get it balanced. Haven't managed to do this so far and I played a lot of competative WoW in the past.

they changed that like 6 years ago. i think even more, it was during pandaria. i never had to buy pandaria when i skipped it and got draenor when that came out. so maybe even 8 years ago.

Very doubtful. I was active for both Draenor and Legion and I had to purchase all past expansions until it allowed me to get the current one for my account. That article I linked is from 2018. I doubt it would have made big news last year if they had implemented this 6 years ago.

@Dagre.2185 said:and horde is the preferred race for racials. everyone has access to racials, they can make any character they want and then they can also just buy tokens with gold to have a race change or faction transfer if they don't want to level another toon up. its not restricted behind any pay wall even if people can pay if they don't want to level. mind you, with the new allied races, most people have leveled toons on both factions by now.

oh and they've tweaked racials a few times. you can also make horde/alliance characters on same server and the limit of characters is somewhere around 50. nothing in there forces anyone to spend money to be on par with other players.

During Legion it was alliance only in the top 100. So racial flipped back, fine. Are you going to reroll or rather pay for a faction and race change? Take a guess what most people do.

This entire comparison is hilarious. 1-2 Months of WoW's subscription pay for PoF. The mere fact that people mention WoW when complaining about cost for an expansion purchase is an insult.

dig a little deeper instead of clicking the first link you find. its been years since you had to buy every expansion and if you played warlords of draenor you would know this so at this point i know you just flat out lie to try to get your point across and i'm done with this discussion.

oh and i never complained about cost. had no issues buying the last expansion. i pointed out i don't give my money to companies that lack ethics.

Fine, I dug deeper, second article, same date, it was changed for BfA.


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@Aeon.4583 said:As i said before in some other thread. Warclaw, as big as it comes, should be able to carry two players. And i did point that in WvW, your passenger ( party or squad member ) can be the one who doesn't have Warclaw yet. So he or she can catch up with wvw zerg.

Option to ride or leave passenger seat on Warclaw should be free option. If that will be added, Warclaw can be usefull in Open World PvE, especially for veteran player who just brought a friend into the game.

^ This...I can support this.

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As a returning player, having been away for almost a year, I can agree that not having the warclaw can be frustrating, but honestly it was not that hard to get. I got it done in two sessions. Maybe 6 hours or so of play time.

I got ganked quite a bit while trying to keep up, but a little patience and anticipating where the commander is going next got it done.

Having access to a rental certainly would have made the experience less frustrating and should be considered.

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@smithkt.8062 said:As a returning player, having been away for almost a year, I can agree that not having the warclaw can be frustrating, but honestly it was not that hard to get. I got it done in two sessions. Maybe 6 hours or so of play time.

I got ganked quite a bit while trying to keep up, but a little patience and anticipating where the commander is going next got it done.

Having access to a rental certainly would have made the experience less frustrating and should be considered.

I think a rental should be a possibly, however the issue from a developer standpoint is what the cost should be. Too cheap then you wont have as many people wanting to drop cash on the expac as they can farm currency's and use that (as a lot of those who WvW may not want to buy expac as they can get the mount anyway through farming currency)...too expensive and it may not be worth it.

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ya, i wanted to try wvw to get the mount but i just get left behind and ganked + even if i do make it to the group, they have already taken the objective so i gave up. basically my server and one i am linked with have been losing every match where we get stomped hard so that doesn't help either. if only there was a rental mount to use. meh w/e.

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For those who speak about that there is no problem, just get your mount and shut up...

Sorry but the critics are right. Not having access to a mount is a terrible user experience in WVW. Other game modes have squads to help level up new players - hp trains, mastery trains etc.

WVW - you are screwed. Mount rentals are the obvious solution.

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@"Glass Hand.7306" said:

For those who speak about that there is no problem, just get your mount and shut up...

Sorry but the critics are right. Not having access to a mount is a terrible user experience in WVW. Other game modes have squads to help level up new players - hp trains, mastery trains etc.

WVW - you are screwed. Mount rentals are the obvious solution.


Sadly, if the WvW community was as supported by developers as the PvE community, you would see forum posts from commanders willing to do "Warclaw" trains (similar to HP/Bounty trains in PvE) to help newcomers get their mounts. But as things are, I don't see that happening outside of guilds.

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@Glass Hand.7306 said:

For those who speak about that there is no problem, just get your mount and shut up...

Sorry but the critics are right. Not having access to a mount is a terrible user experience in WVW. Other game modes have squads to help level up new players - hp trains, mastery trains etc.

WVW - you are screwed. Mount rentals are the obvious solution.... Are you implying WvW doesnt have any braindead zerging people can just jump in and follow around?

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