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No Mount = Garbage


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@Ulyssean.1709 said:Can't keep up the zergGet stomped for lagging behindCan't capture points in timeNo offense to WvW players but Anet can enjoy new players trying it out and then leaving forever twenty minutes later. If they want WvW to retain players this needs fixed.

I agree with this sentiment.

I’m now pretty much a WVW vet and had the mount since it came out but I realized that it’s only a detriment to newer players at this point. New players get left behind and they can’t really play in the serious Zerg scene to learn how to get good at it when they’re constantly playing catch up and getting picked off by roomers or other zergs that also have mounts.

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Get t6 participation by flipping camps + repairing smc walls to get the reward track done (don't need to keep up don't need to follow a tag don't get left behind don't get stomped because you're safely inside smc taps head)... then go to eotm and solo a keep like any super awesome dedicated pve player should be able to kill them champs with the right build in no time! Don't quit you can do eeeet!

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Move to a server that doesn't have zergs.There's plenty of stuff to cap...just not necessarily by you....or at least not in the end most times, I mean you may start to cap it, but mounted enemies will inevitably come along and steal, but at least you won't lose because you don't have a mount.

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@GaijinGuy.8476 said:Yep, sucks to be new to WvW now, who would have predicted that eh?

Tell me, which player ever felt like he doesn't suck when joining competitive mode for the first time? That goes for every game out there. As @Queen Anastasia.7103 said, when you start, do the easy things to get some ranks, then get the mount. You can cap a keep by leeching from a group as a newbie.

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@Faaris.8013 said:

@GaijinGuy.8476 said:Yep, sucks to be new to WvW
, who would have predicted that eh?

Tell me, which player ever felt like he doesn't suck when joining competitive mode for the first time? That goes for every game out there. As @Queen Anastasia.7103 said, when you start, do the easy things to get some ranks, then get the mount. You can cap a keep by leeching from a group as a newbie.

You're right, you can do all that.The only difference now is everyone is racing away from you or racing up to you running around on foot. Big difference from before when you could jump in and keep up with zergs or run away from (well not every profession) enemies on foot. Unless you have perma swiftness and Runes of Speed you are never going to escape anyone and you will always be left in the dust by your own server's zergs.Before, you could suck but still keep with your zerg and have some fun. Now, you just suck and have to continue sucking solo until you get your mount. My guess is many would just give up due to such a bad first experience.

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@Ulyssean.1709 said:Can't keep up the zergGet stomped for lagging behindCan't capture points in timeNo offense to WvW players but Anet can enjoy new players trying it out and then leaving forever twenty minutes later. If they want WvW to retain players this needs fixed.

If you cant deal with frustration you are trying to get into the wrong game mode.

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I dunno what kind of guild you all are in, but our commander won't mount unless everyone is compacted. We get tail we unmount and wait for tail to catch up. Honestly as long as everyone has swiftness it's not that different to just run places.

We also make sure to get our players their mounts ASAP. Granted everyone in our guild has the expacs so that isn't an issue.

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I used 6 runes of speed and lots of swiftness. It was kinda fun to run like a missile XD

P.S. I'm not a WvW player, I only step in and out from time to time. I only wanted to run at the same speed (or near that) of a mount to follow some peeps, but my set-up was really not competitive.

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As i said before in some other thread. Warclaw, as big as it comes, should be able to carry two players. And i did point that in WvW, your passenger ( party or squad member ) can be the one who doesn't have Warclaw yet. So he or she can catch up with wvw zerg.

Option to ride or leave passenger seat on Warclaw should be free option. If that will be added, Warclaw can be usefull in Open World PvE, especially for veteran player who just brought a friend into the game.

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@Ulyssean.1709 said:Can't keep up the zergGet stomped for lagging behindCan't capture points in timeNo offense to WvW players but Anet can enjoy new players trying it out and then leaving forever twenty minutes later. If they want WvW to retain players this needs fixed.

don't worry, they were quitting 20mins after entering wvw anyways. prior to the mount updates.

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I had to WvW to get it recently and I feel you. Between not being able to actually follow groups and the difficulty of getting into one to begin with since in the two years I stopped playing the game, all WvW commanders became privacy invading creeps that demand you are on Teamspeak (at least make it Discord smh) to join their squad apparently (or maybe it's just a German thing since I am in a German server), I just said fuck it and kept taking scouts, camps solo, keeps with a couple other random players and the odd duel and I made it. You could try the same.

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