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Who do you wanna see more in season 5??


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Marjory mainly just cause I want to play detective and solve crimes.

Otherwise, don't really care who I see more of. I just don't want to have to save the world from imminent destruction and fight off another dragon.... yet again. I'm so sick of this storyline being repeated over and over. Join together with a band of colorful characters and save the world from annihilation and slay the big dragon at the end.

Can't we do something else for once? This is getting old.

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@SpyderArachnid.5619 said:Marjory mainly just cause I want to play detective and solve crimes.

Otherwise, don't really care who I see more of. I just don't want to have to save the world from imminent destruction and fight off another dragon.... yet again. I'm so sick of this storyline being repeated over and over. Join together with a band of colorful characters and save the world from annihilation and slay the big dragon at the end.

Can't we do something else for once? This is getting old.

I mean, this seems like the main plot for the game, but idk, the white mantle conspiracies was good though too bad they ended that pretty quickly, maybe deal with the nightmare courts or separatist.

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Kasmeer, Marjory, Rox and Braham are too boring.

I liked Canach in HoT and LWS3. Now he is in to through one liners, usually at the least appropriate times. This is coming relief going south.

Unlike most, I like Taimi. People do not like her for the exact same reason they did not like Trahearne; she tells us what to do. I think it is time for a change though, since she was technically our boss during entire PoF and LWS4. In addition, since she is sick, it makes sense for her to take some time off, considering there are no imminent threats.

Rytlock works best for me. He does some comic relief, but unlike Canach, he is serious when he should be serious. He also have an arms length relationship with us, compared to most of the other characters, who either act as your boss or subordinates.

I prefer that we go to a new place and have new characters.

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I like Canach the best. My second favorite is Thackery. But, he's totally crushing on Queen Jenna, so ... yeah. Marjory and Kass, well, they can go do whatever they want to do, just not in front of me, please. I can do without watching any of that.

I didn't like the story with Eir, but don't want Brahm to just disappear.

I want to see Canach go on the road and become a legend.

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@Genesis.7864 said:We need a change of pace, hopefully someone new would help that along.

I would like to add to that. I think we need a character who BONDS with the Commander not just for a new season of content but for the rest of the story. The above mentioned cast seems loosely connected to the Commander. That and I agree with everyone who said the Commander is more of a spectator in the group's decisions rather than well, a Commander?

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@XYLO.7031 said:I think we need a character who BONDS with the Commander not just for a new season of content but for the rest of the story.

We had Aurene, who I loved for filling exactly that role, but it looks like she's going to be sort of removed from things from now on. Everyone else doesn't seem to care much whether the commander lives or dies. Not that I blame 'em, the commander is pretty dull.

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@Tarlonniel.6534 said:We always need more Canach.

Lol ye, this dude is funny as. His dry sarcastic humour is uplifting. That being said, I think Humans and Sylvari have had plenty of story time dedicated to them, as well as Asura. Though I don't have any great love for Charr or Norns or have any character based on their race, I do think they deserve more story time.

Or maybe... an underwater story with new non playable characters?

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