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Getting Double Teamed [HOD]


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@Sinester.3572 said:Why is FA and CD working together to kill HOD, FA zerg is protecting CD while they take the stuff and they dont fight each other this is supouse to be WvWvW, not w and w v W

HoD currently has a lot of guilds bandwagon on it atm, there is no reason it can't fight back. Also it is a tactic [though one that is not really liked] to at least see that a structure is reset no matter who does it, not necessarily double team but it makes for easy capping afterwards if it was T3 before. Maybe that was just another way to deal with how stacked HoD is, I don't know. Just saying it could be a tactic they are using to their advantage, not necessarily double team truce between them. I see this happen on many servers.

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@Sinester.3572 said:this is supouse to be WvWvW, not w and w v W

Double teaming isn't against the rules. If two worlds think it's advantageous and can coordinate their own people and coordinate with each other and keep that going an entire week, more power to them (although not necessarily more bags).

It's MMO warfare, not Duke of Cumberland gentleperson rules of engagement.

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The OP didn't give enough information and I find their claims very unlikely. I was on earlier at a weak coverage hour and CD and HOD took FA stuff. Sure it was crappy to lose our keeps, but I won't make up a conspiracy theory to explain it. Don't invent things unless you have more information or proof. Also it isn't against the rules of wvw. Every player does what they want and some mass conspiracy wouldn't work because some of the wvw people are newish and it'd be like herding chickens to try that. Did you ever think that maybe one server prefers to take objectives while another server just might want to fight actual people for a challenge? It happens. When were against YB for example they focused on capping things while a server like Mag actually wanted to fight/get bags. Guild attitudes vary on what they want. Some like to defend, some like bags, some want to go paper things, others just want to pass time. Go enjoy the game and relax.

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Lol @matchup_threadJust get good. Majority of gameplay mechanic complaints come from players who just aren't that good and get schooled by someone who can do it better.Change strategy, organize, and overcome.

Edit: not even directed at just solo players, this goes for servers and guilds too.

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