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Can we get optional gem subscriptions?

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Danikat.8537 said:I can see the benefit for some people of automating the process of buying a fixed amount of gems each month, although it's not something I'd use because I only buy gems when there's something in the store I want and I don't have enough left over from before. But I would be wary of the potential for it to progress beyond that with incentives being added to keep people using that system.

@Thornwolf.9721 said:I would be ok if it functioned like ESO where if you pay the subscription you get the expansions and all the crafting expansions/maybe some exp increase toward said things without having to buy them seperatly. And then get an allowance of 1000 gems every month as a thank you to buy a costume, skin or some such thing because then the value is there. As it stands now what you suggest is just a lazy way for them to milk, in an excessively unhealthy fashion money from the consumer without much thought needing to be put into what they sell.

Like the OP I'd be opposed to adding any extra perks to a regular gem purchase or subscription type system precisely because of how it works in Elder Scrolls Online. Aside from the tiny XP and gold boosts which no one seems to care about enough to even mention them most of the time all the perks which have been added to ESO+ over time are things which otherwise would have been base game upgrades available to everyone and I'd hate to see Anet under the same pressure to restrict quality of life changes to a minority of players in order to pressure us into spending more on the game.

We don't have to worry about the crafting material storage (the thing most ESO+ subscribers say they pay for - even going as far as to call it being 'held hostage' to the system) because that's been in GW2 since release, but there's plenty of other QoL ideas players keep requesting which could easily be tied to a subscription system.

They can prob add some incentives that doesnt really make the game unplayable without and add value, one thing like thos would be to have all the lw episodes be unlocked as long as you have the sub running, regardless if you missed them or not (ofc the ones you didnt ud have available by default).

Alot of ppl pay dub in eso to also get acess to most dlc content for its rewards and then choose to sub or not. It would also make it much more simple for new players who dont really want to go through the lw purchase hassle, just pay the sub and u get all the content unlocked.

So, would the Living World Season maps be open only as long as those players subbed, or would it just be an easy/inexpensive way to unlock missed Living World Season map by subbing one month and then cancelling?

Lw would be exactly as is now, they would just be available to you if you are subbed, u could prob buy the episodes with the gems from the sub if you wanted them past the sub. Like it is in eso, u get acess to all dlc with the sub for the duration of your subscription, then u can buy the episodes if you want to own them without a sub.

No thank you. Please don't force this type of subscription model on me.

Nobody forcing anything? I repeat, lw would be exactly as is now.

Then, I suppose I don't understand the request.

Bundle the ability to unlock lw episodes that u might have missed if you are a returning or new player for the duration of your subscription

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They already have a better alternative.

War Eternal Supply Drop Requistion (Monthly package that unlocks part of it every week. Is great value, but might include things you don't care about).

They should continue with Monthly Packages that offer good value. This is way better and more engaging than a generic sub.

Being a big Rift fan, Free-2-Play + Buying Currency + Cosmetics + Subscriptions + Expansions + QOL items was when Rift population took a nosedive. I don't want GW2 to end up with the same fate. People got mad about Subscription Perks, then people got mad because that was changed and they thought the Subscription was $$$ greedy.

Both times, they lost a lot of players.

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@zealex.9410 said:

@Danikat.8537 said:I can see the benefit for some people of automating the process of buying a fixed amount of gems each month, although it's not something I'd use because I only buy gems when there's something in the store I want and I don't have enough left over from before. But I would be wary of the potential for it to progress beyond that with incentives being added to keep people using that system.

@Thornwolf.9721 said:I would be ok if it functioned like ESO where if you pay the subscription you get the expansions and all the crafting expansions/maybe some exp increase toward said things without having to buy them seperatly. And then get an allowance of 1000 gems every month as a thank you to buy a costume, skin or some such thing because then the value is there. As it stands now what you suggest is just a lazy way for them to milk, in an excessively unhealthy fashion money from the consumer without much thought needing to be put into what they sell.

Like the OP I'd be opposed to adding any extra perks to a regular gem purchase or subscription type system precisely because of how it works in Elder Scrolls Online. Aside from the tiny XP and gold boosts which no one seems to care about enough to even mention them most of the time all the perks which have been added to ESO+ over time are things which otherwise would have been base game upgrades available to everyone and I'd hate to see Anet under the same pressure to restrict quality of life changes to a minority of players in order to pressure us into spending more on the game.

We don't have to worry about the crafting material storage (the thing most ESO+ subscribers say they pay for - even going as far as to call it being 'held hostage' to the system) because that's been in GW2 since release, but there's plenty of other QoL ideas players keep requesting which could easily be tied to a subscription system.

They can prob add some incentives that doesnt really make the game unplayable without and add value, one thing like thos would be to have all the lw episodes be unlocked as long as you have the sub running, regardless if you missed them or not (ofc the ones you didnt ud have available by default).

Alot of ppl pay dub in eso to also get acess to most dlc content for its rewards and then choose to sub or not. It would also make it much more simple for new players who dont really want to go through the lw purchase hassle, just pay the sub and u get all the content unlocked.

So, would the Living World Season maps be open only as long as those players subbed, or would it just be an easy/inexpensive way to unlock missed Living World Season map by subbing one month and then cancelling?

Lw would be exactly as is now, they would just be available to you if you are subbed, u could prob buy the episodes with the gems from the sub if you wanted them past the sub. Like it is in eso, u get acess to all dlc with the sub for the duration of your subscription, then u can buy the episodes if you want to own them without a sub.

No thank you. Please don't force this type of subscription model on me.

Nobody forcing anything? I repeat, lw would be exactly as is now.

Then, I suppose I don't understand the request.

Bundle the ability to unlock lw episodes that u might have missed if you are a returning or new player for the duration of your subscription

I would do that , i dont have any of them but war eternal and the start one you get for pof/hot

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:It might be confusing for a new player that, say, purchased Path of Fire (or Heart of Thorns), and got Season 2, 3 and 4 unlocked but could not access Season 3 (or Season 4) because of a paywall (requisite Heart of Thorns purchase [or Path of Fire purchase]). In other words, not much different than now.

The only real difference is that the sub bundle is of more value to them overall.

But yeah wouldt be any less confusing than it is now if anet doesnt bother explaining it.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Well, value can be subjective. It might not seem valuable to some to feel that must keep 'subbing' to access the content. Whether that was actually the case, or not (as they could use the Gems to purchase the Episodes, rather than something else). /shrug

I think thats a bit of a straw man plus as you said they can buy the episodes they want with the sub gems anyways.

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@zealex.9410 said:

@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:Well, value can be subjective. It might not seem valuable to some to feel that must keep 'subbing' to access the content. Whether that was actually the case, or not (as they could use the Gems to purchase the Episodes, rather than something else). /shrug

I think thats a bit of a straw man plus as you said they can buy the episodes they want with the sub gems anyways.

There's no logic to how people feel about things. Which is why is said, "Whether that was actually the case..."

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Well, value can be subjective. It might not seem valuable to some to feel that must keep 'subbing' to access the content. Whether that was actually the case, or not (as they could use the Gems to purchase the Episodes, rather than something else). /shrug

I think thats a bit of a straw man plus as you said they can buy the episodes they want with the sub gems anyways.

There's no logic to how people feel about things. Which is why is said, "Whether that was actually the case..."

True but if we go designing feature or a system or anything based on every person's view on a matter u either take a decade to make it or never end up making it.

I think for objective reason it would be a good addition to the game which is why i support it. Feelings aside if someone cant really articulate with data how something is bad for the game or not then they arent the target audience for giving good feedback.

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NO !!!! Why can't you just buy them like everyone else if you get $20 worth of GEMS each month just do that through the proper channels you can even get $25 gem cards at Walmart no tax on them unless your area charges taxes on services of course. Why do they need to add some subscription for it? The only thing I would want is the more you spend it adds a percentage of Gems increase like if you buy 4000 gems for $50 you get another 100 gems free not included for the ultimate game purchase though.

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@"Chyanne Waters.8719" said:The only thing I would want is the more you spend it adds a percentage of Gems increase like if you buy 4000 gems for $50 you get another 100 gems free not included for the ultimate game purchase though.

I would like some kind of adjusted quantity of gems purchased based on how much one spends, but then I suppose others would call that "predatory" and get us all on that tangent again.

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The only subscription I would be OK with is one in which you just receive gems each month and nothing else.

Subscribed players could get a discount on gems (i.e. you pay for 1,000 gems/month and you get 1,100).

I wouldn't buy the sub, but I'm OK with offering a sub like this for those who do want it.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

That doesn't make sense ... What you play as a class isn't relevant to the discussion here. Not every thread is a soapbox for player's being angry.

Bottomline: People that buy gems are subsidizing those that don't and when someone proposes a way to get people to buy more gems, it makes no sense when someone wants to impose restrictions on it because they simply don't like it.

You're right, the focus of the discussion is not what one plays. But the focus isn't also if people buying gems paids the game for all, but IF opening the gate of an optional monthly fee charge (in form of money x gems) would TEMPT ANet to provide gameplay advantage to those players. And some people are showing concern about that because is exactly what happened in other MMOs.

Take in consideration that the initial model of ANet about horizontal progression and cosmetics was partially eroded when they introduced the ascended gear, and recent inclusion of stats combinations which perform better than older ones at raids while they keep nerfing old stuff as runes and skills to make the new gear more impactful in the game keeps pushing in the same direction: this is no longer a pure horizontal game from the perspective of gear grinding.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@"Knighthonor.4061" said:i am against this because soon after adding this feature they will start adding bonus to those that use this feature

So ... the problem here is what? You don't like the idea that Anet would give benefits to people that patronize the game periodically? That doesn't really make any sense ... unless you are simply one of those jealous types.

If the intention is to have a more convenient way of supporting the company financially, then what is the problem with no added bonus? Could it be that the stated intention is not entirely honest? If that's the case, one can just clearly say they want to pay to be a special snowflake above the rest of the peasants, instead of those "selfless" dev support claims that convince no one.

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@Buran.3796 said:

That doesn't make sense ... What you play as a class isn't relevant to the discussion here. Not every thread is a soapbox for player's being angry.

Bottomline: People that buy gems are subsidizing those that don't and when someone proposes a way to get people to buy more gems, it makes no sense when someone wants to impose restrictions on it because they simply don't like it.

You're right, the focus of the discussion is not what one plays. But the focus isn't also if people buying gems paids the game for all, but IF opening the gate of an optional monthly fee charge (in form of money x gems) would TEMPT ANet to provide gameplay advantage to those players. And some people are showing concern about that because is exactly what happened in other MMOs.

So we don't do it because someone speculates that Anet might do so? That's a rather ignorant position to have considering that it would free Anet up to develop more of the game and less of the stuff they peddle in the gemstore. People better shelve these ideas of jealousy because the fact is that the people that do pay allow those that don't to play.

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@AlexxxDelta.1806 said:

@"Knighthonor.4061" said:i am against this because soon after adding this feature they will start adding bonus to those that use this feature

So ... the problem here is what? You don't like the idea that Anet would give benefits to people that patronize the game periodically? That doesn't really make any sense ... unless you are simply one of those jealous types.

If the intention is to have a more convenient way of supporting the company financially, then what is the problem with no added bonus? Could it be that the stated intention is not entirely honest? If that's the case, one can just clearly say they want to pay to be a special snowflake above the rest of the peasants, instead of those "selfless" dev support claims that convince no one.

I got no problem with that ... if I'm up front supporting the game with guaranteed revenue, you're damn straight there better be advantages to it. I mean ... this should be no problem to anyone that spends money on this game already. As far as I'm concerned, if someone did volunteer to pay into a monthy fee scheme, they do deserve whatever bonus would be associated with it ... and for the benefits it gives ... anyone that doesn't pay should also be thankful for it.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@"Knighthonor.4061" said:i am against this because soon after adding this feature they will start adding bonus to those that use this feature

So ... the problem here is what? You don't like the idea that Anet would give benefits to people that patronize the game periodically? That doesn't really make any sense ... unless you are simply one of those jealous types.

If the intention is to have a more convenient way of supporting the company financially, then what is the problem with no added bonus? Could it be that the stated intention is not entirely honest? If that's the case, one can just clearly say they want to pay to be a special snowflake above the rest of the peasants, instead of those "selfless" dev support claims that convince no one.

I got no problem with that ... if I'm up front supporting the game with guaranteed revenue, you're kitten straight there better be advantages to it. I mean ... this should be no problem to anyone that spends money on this game already. As far as I'm concerned, if someone did volunteer to pay into a monthy fee scheme, they do deserve whatever bonus would be associated with it ... and for the benefits it gives ... anyone that doesn't pay should also be thankful for it.

Sure let's add more mechanics from mobile trash mmos and pure f2p games. Mechanics that go directly against their manifesto, not that it means anything in 2019. Inventing more ways to separate players to patricians and plebs (even among paying customers), is what this game needs right now. Surely no way this would cause any negative reaction at all.

Obviously since this is not a feature yet, Anet doesn't think the rest of the players would be...thankful for it. Still wouldn't put it past them at this point, I 'll just make sure to have my popcorn ready.

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@AlexxxDelta.1806 said:

@"Knighthonor.4061" said:i am against this because soon after adding this feature they will start adding bonus to those that use this feature

So ... the problem here is what? You don't like the idea that Anet would give benefits to people that patronize the game periodically? That doesn't really make any sense ... unless you are simply one of those jealous types.

If the intention is to have a more convenient way of supporting the company financially, then what is the problem with no added bonus? Could it be that the stated intention is not entirely honest? If that's the case, one can just clearly say they want to pay to be a special snowflake above the rest of the peasants, instead of those "selfless" dev support claims that convince no one.

I got no problem with that ... if I'm up front supporting the game with guaranteed revenue, you're kitten straight there better be advantages to it. I mean ... this should be no problem to anyone that spends money on this game already. As far as I'm concerned, if someone did volunteer to pay into a monthy fee scheme, they do deserve whatever bonus would be associated with it ... and for the benefits it gives ... anyone that doesn't pay should also be thankful for it.

Sure let's add more mechanics from mobile trash mmos and pure f2p games. Mechanics that go directly against their manifesto, not that it means anything in 2019. Inventing more ways to separate players to patricians and plebs (even among paying customers), is what this game needs right now. Surely no way this would cause any negative reaction at all.

Obviously since this is not a feature yet, Anet doesn't think the rest of the players would be...thankful for it. Still wouldn't put it past them at this point, I 'll just make sure to have my popcorn ready.

Now you're just being sensational. You can invent or speculate all the bad things they could add all you like. None of them are a reason to not consider the benefits of such a business model.

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@"Chyanne Waters.8719" said:NO !!!! Why can't you just buy them like everyone else if you get $20 worth of GEMS each month just do that through the proper channels you can even get $25 gem cards at Walmart no tax on them unless your area charges taxes on services of course. Why do they need to add some subscription for it? The only thing I would want is the more you spend it adds a percentage of Gems increase like if you buy 4000 gems for $50 you get another 100 gems free not included for the ultimate game purchase though.

Maybe because there's no Walmart where many players are from? Because it is convenient? Because then I wouldn't have to go through the annoying process of almost begging the stupid digital retailer kitten to actually work and let me buy the gems?

Look, no one wants to press anyone into getting the hypothetical "sub". That's why there's the word "optional" in the very thread title. What's the problem with others wanting to have this done automatically, especially if you don't have to do it?

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@AlexxxDelta.1806 said:

@"Knighthonor.4061" said:i am against this because soon after adding this feature they will start adding bonus to those that use this feature

So ... the problem here is what? You don't like the idea that Anet would give benefits to people that patronize the game periodically? That doesn't really make any sense ... unless you are simply one of those jealous types.

If the intention is to have a more convenient way of supporting the company financially, then what is the problem with no added bonus? Could it be that the stated intention is not entirely honest? If that's the case, one can just clearly say they want to pay to be a special snowflake above the rest of the peasants, instead of those "selfless" dev support claims that convince no one.

I got no problem with that ... if I'm up front supporting the game with guaranteed revenue, you're kitten straight there better be advantages to it. I mean ... this should be no problem to anyone that spends money on this game already. As far as I'm concerned, if someone did volunteer to pay into a monthy fee scheme, they do deserve whatever bonus would be associated with it ... and for the benefits it gives ... anyone that doesn't pay should also be thankful for it.

Sure let's add more mechanics from mobile trash mmos and pure f2p games. Mechanics that go directly against their manifesto, not that it means anything in 2019. Inventing more ways to separate players to patricians and plebs (even among paying customers), is what this game needs right now. Surely no way this would cause any negative reaction at all.

Obviously since this is not a feature yet, Anet doesn't think the rest of the players would be...thankful for it. Still wouldn't put it past them at this point, I 'll just make sure to have my popcorn ready.

Its not black and white,last time i checked gw2 wasnt a mobile game and having benefits to an optional sub can varry drastically.

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