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I cant earn pips in wvw because....

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Wow, that's an incredibly stupid rule as far as I can see it. Perhaps they could have added the reason for this. The tier of your server has little to do with your participation for pips.

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Wow, that's an incredibly stupid rule as far as I can see it. Perhaps they could have added the reason for this. The tier of your server has little to do with your participation for pips.

There IS a good reason for this, which is to discourage constant transferring and bandwagoning.

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Wow, that's an incredibly stupid rule as far as I can see it. Perhaps they could have added the reason for this. The tier of your server has little to do with your participation for pips.

I'd imagine its to discourage bandwagoning, I think its a good rule if you transferred to one of the T1 servers. But I think the rule shouldn't apply to lower populated servers.

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No it's an incredibly good rule, it's so people don't keep bandwagoning around and get rewarded as those that actually stick to their server.Move on the friday before reset to minimize the time.You can still get reward track rewards, missing a week of skirmish rewards isn't going to kill you, people dealt with no skirmish rewards for 5 years before.

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Wow, that's an incredibly stupid rule as far as I can see it. Perhaps they could have added the reason for this. The tier of your server has little to do with your participation for pips.

I'd imagine its to discourage bandwagoning, I think its a good rule if you transferred to one of the T1 servers. But I think the rule shouldn't apply to lower populated servers.

Those servers get links though so it wouldn't accomplish much if that were the case.

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It costs money to switch servers, I really don't think many would switch weekly, and these players play for kills and not for pips anyway. Not enough people to make an abuse out of it or have an impact. In this case, the individual benefit of getting pips outweigh the risk of bandwagoneers.

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Wow, that's an incredibly stupid rule as far as I can see it. Perhaps they could have added the reason for this. The tier of your server has little to do with your participation for pips.

I'd imagine its to discourage bandwagoning, I think its a good rule if you transferred to one of the T1 servers. But I think the rule shouldn't apply to lower populated servers.

Those servers get links though so it wouldn't accomplish much if that were the case.

I should have clarified by saying by servers in T1, I mean the T1 server and its link.

@Faaris.8013 said:It costs money to switch servers, I really don't think many would switch weekly, and these players play for kills and not for pips anyway. Not enough people to make an abuse out of it or have an impact. In this case, the individual benefit of getting pips outweigh the risk of bandwagoneers.

Maybe the games changed alot since I started playing, but quite often entire guilds would bandwagon onto the winning server like blackgate. This system may make some of them think twice. Whilst the people who genuinely do transfer for the fights wouldn't care much about the lack of rewards.

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@Faaris.8013 said:It costs money to switch servers, I really don't think many would switch weekly, and these players play for kills and not for pips anyway. Not enough people to make an abuse out of it or have an impact. In this case, the individual benefit of getting pips outweigh the risk of bandwagoneers.

Clearly this man hasn't played on EU servers before. :D

Or heard of PvE...

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Wow, that's an incredibly stupid rule as far as I can see it. Perhaps they could have added the reason for this. The tier of your server has little to do with your participation for pips.

I'd imagine its to discourage bandwagoning, I think its a good rule if you transferred to one of the T1 servers. But I think the rule shouldn't apply to lower populated servers.

Those servers get links though so it wouldn't accomplish much if that were the case.

I should have clarified by saying by servers in T1, I mean the T1 server and its link.

And those links change ?

With Alliances out it might be obsolete anyway, or atleast I hope so because it would be nice if they reintroduced that winning thing we used to have with special wvw finishers awarded..I still have most of my yak finishers ?

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@Faaris.8013 said:It costs money to switch servers, I really don't think many would switch weekly, and these players play for kills and not for pips anyway. Not enough people to make an abuse out of it or have an impact. In this case, the individual benefit of getting pips outweigh the risk of bandwagoneers.

Welcome to the first world. 12 Euros is basically nothing to us. Enjoy your stay.

You have that backwards by the way. The players who play for kills or good wvw do not care and will switch for good fights, so not necessarily to the winning side but rather the side they have good public commanders or guilds on which promise fun. The bandwagoners who are there for only the loot and joining the winning side are the ones who will be switching weekly. Preventing them from getting loot is an efficient approach.

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@Sovereign.1093 said:

@"Anatolian Turk.4057" said:i just transfered to a new server and it says im not a citizen of the world. How does that work?

Edit: I moved from EU to NA

just play wvw regularly. when i transfered i got mine in 3 days. but thats because i play more than 12 hours sometimes.

Screenshots or it didn’t happen.

OP: two resets is the accurate info.

If you move on Saturday , then it’s two full weeks before you get pips.

If you move right before reset on Friday, then it’s about 8 days before you get pips.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@"Anatolian Turk.4057" said:i just transfered to a new server and it says im not a citizen of the world. How does that work?

Edit: I moved from EU to NA

just play wvw regularly. when i transfered i got mine in 3 days. but thats because i play more than 12 hours sometimes.

Screenshots or it didn’t happen.

OP: two resets is the accurate info.

If you move on Saturday , then it’s two full weeks before you get pips.

If you move right before reset on Friday, then it’s about 8 days before you get pips.

i can't screen shot what happened 2 years ago. :/

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@Cyninja.2954 said:Welcome to the first world. 12 Euros is basically nothing to us. Enjoy your stay.

You must have missed when I stated that I'm German in my earlier post.

Most players I have met are greedy when it comes to spending real money on this game, no matter how much they earn monthly. My guess with WvW guilds is that a whale is paying them off to switch servers. The whales most likely not only pay the switching fee but add some hand money.

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@"Faaris.8013" said:You must have missed when I stated that I'm German in my earlier post.How is that remotely relevant? Are 12 German Euros different than 12 French Euros?

Most players I have metGood thing the game is designed around the actual community and not just around players you (or I) have met.

My guess with WvW guilds is that a whale is paying them off to switch servers. The whales most likely not only pay the switching fee but add some hand money.You'd guess wrong then.

It's always been a mix of things. I'm sure there have been some people willing to pay €480 to move a GvG guild and others who could throw away €1200-2400 to move a larger guild. Historically, though, guilds moved because

  • They follow their GL, whatever he or she wants to do. People (mostly) pay their own way.
  • They agree to transfer, and the guild shares resources to help everyone transfer.
  • The "War Council" of a world buys their loyalty. This is paid for from a shared treasury from many, many guilds.

In most cases, it's simply not necessary to buy gems with RL monies, because there's enough gold to go around to do so with in-game currency. 1800 gems is "only" 600 gold, which is little enough for some guild members to make it possible to see to it that everyone can move.

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@"Faaris.8013" said:You must have missed when I stated that I'm German in my earlier post.How is that remotely relevant? Are 12 German Euros different than 12 French Euros?

Yes, that is the case, and that is what Cyninja was implying. That I must live outside the 1st world to think that 12 Euro is "money" because for him, it's "basically nothing". 12 Euros have a completely different value for someone living in Hungary than for someone living in Munich. I stated to Cyninja that since I'm German, my sense of value of 12 Euros fits into the 1st world accordingly. I'll be paying 12 Euro for a single Mass at the Oktoberfest this year. Yet, I would not server hop for 12 Euros regularly.

Most players I have metGood thing the game is designed around the actual community and not just around players you (or I) have met.

Thing is that "good" is a most subjective feeling people have about something and has nothing to do with rationality or objectively good game design. And I do believe the community is the people you and I meet in the game. Who else should it be? It's always the same players you meet on your WvW server. The same goes for other game modes like Fractals. I've regularly joined LFG groups and met people I've played with before. This is not a game with millions of players.

My guess with WvW guilds is that a whale is paying them off to switch servers. The whales most likely not only pay the switching fee but add some hand money.You'd guess wrong then.

It's always been a mix of things. I'm sure there have been some people willing to pay €480 to move a GvG guild and others who could throw away €1200-2400 to move a larger guild. Historically, though, guilds moved because
  • They follow their GL, whatever he or she wants to do. People (mostly) pay their own way.
  • They agree to transfer, and the guild shares resources to help everyone transfer.
  • The "War Council" of a world buys their loyalty. This is paid for from a shared treasury from many, many guilds.

In most cases
, it's simply not necessary to buy gems with RL monies, because there's enough gold to go around to do so with in-game currency. 1800 gems is "only" 600 gold, which is little enough for some guild members to make it possible to see to it that everyone can move.

Do you have statistical evidence that indicates that these are "most cases" or is that the impression you got from talking with players you met in the game?

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@Faaris.8013 said:

@Faaris.8013 said:You must have missed when I stated that I'm German in my earlier post.How is that remotely relevant? Are 12 German Euros different than 12 French Euros?

Yes, that is the case,How are 12 German euros different from 12 French ones? It's literally the same currency.

12 Euros have a completely different value for someone living in Hungary than for someone living in Munich.In fact, they don't have a different "value." They might be easier or harder to come by, but the value is the same. By definition.

I'll be paying 12 Euro for a single Mass at the Oktoberfest this year. Yet, I would not server hop for 12 Euros regularly.That's a matter of priorities in your spending, not about the purchasing power.

Most players I have metGood thing the game is designed around the actual community and not just around players you (or I) have met.

Thing is that "good" is a most subjective feeling people have about something and has nothing to do with rationality or objectively good game design. And I do believe the community is the people you and I meet in the game. Who else should it be? It's always the same players you meet on your WvW server. The same goes for other game modes like Fractals. I've regularly joined LFG groups and met people I've played with before. This is not a game with millions of players.

This is a game with millions of accounts. 100s of thousands log on monthly. It's difficult to estimate the numbers for WvW, but it's not that hard to estimate that the 100s of people either of us know well enough to know their opinions aren't big enough to form a representative sample, especially since it's not a random group.

So, no it's not just made up of the people that you met; there's a lot more out there with all sorts of different views.

That's made clear by how many people ask for contradictory things for WvW just in the forums alone: there are those that favor PPT, those that prefer fights, those that like to roam, those that love downed state (those that hate it), etc.

My guess with WvW guilds is that a whale is paying them off to switch servers. The whales most likely not only pay the switching fee but add some hand money.You'd guess wrong then.

It's always been a mix of things. I'm sure there have been some people willing to pay €480 to move a GvG guild and others who could throw away €1200-2400 to move a larger guild. Historically, though, guilds moved because
  • They follow their GL, whatever he or she wants to do. People (mostly) pay their own way.
  • They agree to transfer, and the guild shares resources to help everyone transfer.
  • The "War Council" of a world buys their loyalty. This is paid for from a shared treasury from many, many guilds.

In most cases
, it's simply not necessary to buy gems with RL monies, because there's enough gold to go around to do so with in-game currency. 1800 gems is "only" 600 gold, which is little enough for some guild members to make it possible to see to it that everyone can move.

Do you have statistical evidence that indicates that these are "most cases" or is that the impression you got from talking with players you met in the game?I don't keep track these days. When I did, yes, most guilds that were moving to|from various worlds were getting paid by War Councils or funding it on their own. To be fair, it's still an estimate that requires assuming that WvW gets a fraction of the game's total population and that the 1000s of players covered by the transfers that were public were sufficient to establish a pattern for most.

So yes, it's statistical estimate rather than a full or near-full census. Only ANet would have access to that information.

The other major data point is that gold:gem ratios tended to spike after major relinks. That's less true now, mostly because the gold:gem ratio has reached a point where it takes more than routine transfers to cause it to noticeably change.

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Wow, that's an incredibly stupid rule as far as I can see it. Perhaps they could have added the reason for this. The tier of your server has little to do with your participation for pips.

Probably to try and discourage people from constantly transferring, but it's not really a deterrent

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seriously i still dont know what to do with pips (or in other words the tickets..) beside fact that u can make legendary armor etc which i dont have mats for i dunno what else to do with these crap things. so personally i dunno why people want pips so bad.

infact all currency in wvw is pretty much useless..

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@reddie.5861 said:seriously i still dont know what to do with pips (or in other words the tickets..) beside fact that u can make legendary armor etc which i dont have mats for i dunno what else to do with these kitten things. so personally i dunno why people want pips so bad.

infact all currency in wvw is pretty much useless..

I sometimes buy hero points in WvW for new characters. Much better way compared to HoT champs if you want to simply play the character. And yes, tickets are for ascended and legendary armor, and many people do have the mats to do this. I got the last ascended piece of heavy armor for my alacrity renegade yesterday, diviner's stats or whatever you wish. When I have enough tickets, I'll turn the set into legendary. It's the only way to aquire legendary armor available to the public, and you don't have to deal with the raid community's toxicity.

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@Faaris.8013 said:You must have missed when I stated that I'm German in my earlier post.How is that remotely relevant? Are 12 German Euros different than 12 French Euros?

Yes, that is the case,How are 12 German euros different from 12 French ones? It's literally the same currency.

12 Euros have a completely different value for someone living in Hungary than for someone living in Munich.In fact, they don't have a different "value." They might be easier or harder to come by, but the value is the same. By definition.

In case nobody ever gave you feedback on this: you take things too literally. Either you really do, or you troll me and act like you don't understand the difference between the value of 12 Euros for someone who lives in a rich country and someone who lives in a poor country (on average of course). Or the value of 12 Euros in 2002 and its value in 2019. What you are talking about is the nominal value of 12 Euros, which has nothing to do with what we were talking about.

If I said "I'm so hungry I could eat a bear right now." you would probably try to educate me on how one person cannot eat a bear within a short period of time, and google for data on eating contests to prove that it would literally be impossible for me to eat a complete bear and that therefore, my statement was completely wrong or a lie or bragging. And nobody would be able to argue against the fact that it is indeed impossible to eat a bear right now. But you would have completely missed the point anyway.

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@Faaris.8013 said:

@Faaris.8013 said:You must have missed when I stated that I'm German in my earlier post.How is that remotely relevant? Are 12 German Euros different than 12 French Euros?

Yes, that is the case,How are 12 German euros different from 12 French ones? It's literally the same currency.

12 Euros have a completely different value for someone living in Hungary than for someone living in Munich.In fact, they don't have a different "value." They might be easier or harder to come by, but the value is the same. By definition.

In case nobody ever gave you feedback on this: you take things too literally. Either you really do, or you troll me and act like you don't understand the difference between the value of 12 Euros for someone who lives in a rich country and someone who lives in a poor country (on average of course). Or the value of 12 Euros in 2002 and its value in 2019. What you are talking about is the nominal value of 12 Euros, which has nothing to do with what we were talking about.

Which still doesn't change the fact that 12 Euros are insignificant for a vast majority of Europeans and many spend an amount way higher on leisure every day.

Your personal preferance is of no interest in this matter. If you personally would not spend 12 Euros weekly on changing servers only to join the winning side, fine, that is your choice. Many others would and have the financial means to do so.

The mechanic to disallow pips for 8-14 days, depending on when a person changed, is very clear in its goal: no loot for people who change servers regularly but are interested in pips. This is clearly in place to prevent win swappers. It is quite literally telling people: if you swap weekly, you will not get pip rewards.

Even without any cost associated with swapping servers, this mechanic would be beneficial, since it prevents directly a major reason why players would swap: joining the winning side for more loot. Unlike the opposite: asking a Euro cost but no loot penalty would not have the same effect. If you believe that 12 Euros are enough incentive to keep people from wanting to always win, you have absolutely no experience in how far players will go.

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