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Holographic Wep...Anet reusing 'meshes' from Legendary weps

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Why are you doing this again?

Some years back a lot of us bought outfits from the gem shop that people complained was using a cultural armor mesh. It was taken back from those who had purchased it. And now Anet is reusing meshes from Legendary weps? What the kitten? Either meshes should not be reused or give us back the outfit that was removed from us that purchased it.

Be consistent.

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They did this with the Wrapped Weapons during Wintersday as well. The acquiring process is the same too; do a few days of dailies and get your choice. Mad King's Day has a similar mechanic, though the weapons for that are original designs.

All I can think is that the weapons they chose this time are supposed to be 'echoes' or an homage to the legendary weapons used to take out Zhaitan and the other dragons thus far. The festival is all about stuff we've done in the past, so I guess it's fitting we get weapons from the past too.

Would still have preferred an original set, personally.

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@The Angle of Deth.2985 said:But they are exclusive and show the work that was put into them. Anet should use something else or design something new. Again, be consistent.

Eh, not really. If it were legendaries sure, arguably so for gen2 precursors, but gen1 precursors? Half of them are under 200g on the TP by now. They're the easiest part of legendary weapons to obtain now, in all honesty, unless you're doing the (overly expensive) collections.

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They're just precursors, and precursors seemed designed to be the blandest, most underwhelming version of the real thing. The majority of these weapons don't look good.

It's not at all right to compare this to the universally usable & much better upgrade of a cultural specific armor sold exclusively via the gem store...

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@The Angle of Deth.2985 said:Why are you doing this again?

Some years back a lot of us bought outfits from the gem shop that people complained was using a cultural armor mesh. It was taken back from those who had purchased it. And now Anet is reusing meshes from Legendary weps? What the kitten? Either meshes should not be reused or give us back the outfit that was removed from us that purchased it.

Be consistent.

They are being consistent. Have you not seen the Wrapped weapons you get from Wintersday?

! The Wrapped Axe uses the exact shape of The Mechanism, which is a Gen 2 Precursor! There’s a few others which model other legendary/Precursors.

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I kind of agree with @OP here. I mean aside from the "I (dont) like it", these are re-used skins. Which is a lackluster. And there for does not really motive me or others to go through the content. Which again is a shame cause the reason for these kind of festivals is to keep people interested/invested in the game in the first place. Our solution would be to go for the jorbreaks and do something with that obviously. But it would be nice if we could get "unique" stuff out of it. Especially considering the festival has been reintroduced sine 2013? Anet did make adjustments to it, to make it fit for the game -now-. Im pretty sure they could have gone that extra mile to make unique festival exclusive (weapon) skins as well.

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I can understand the OP's position, although if I ever had a Legendary weapon, I'd transmute it. I can't abide all those Las Vegas special effects. Completely tasteless IMHO. But if I did a lot of work (or spent a lot of money) on something, I'd probably be at least a little miffed if cheap knockoffs were made available to the general public at a much reduced cost and effort.

You CAN tell them apart, though, so you Legendary owners can always /point and /laugh at the Hologram owners if you feel they're strutting around showing off some great accomplishment. But I think everyone who has played the game a little while knows the difference, and the holographic copies aren't going to lessen anyone's opinion of the originals. (I own a 2014 Mustang GT Convertible... very nice! But I still very much appreciate the beauty of a beautifully restored '64 model, and wish I had one. Same thing. Both look nice, but there's still something special about the "classics" that everybody can see and appreciate.)

The little sparkles and the understated draw/sheath weapon sounds of the holograms are more than enough flash for me. I think it would be neat to see a NEW holographic weapon set at Dragon Bash every year - knockoffs of other existing sets. (With access to previous years' "Legacy" holographic weapons for those players who didn't have time to complete their work). What better way to commemorate bashing dragons than souvenirs of the very weapons that we used to do the bashing? It would be easy on ANet, yet something new (more or less) to entice returning players to shoot for. And when Tyria fills up with Holographic weapons, having the original will be even THAT much more special!

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@"Hamfast.8719" said:I can understand the OP's position, although if I ever had a Legendary weapon, I'd transmute it. I can't abide all those Las Vegas special effects. Completely tasteless IMHO. But if I did a lot of work (or spent a lot of money) on something, I'd probably be at least a little miffed if cheap knockoffs were made available to the general public at a much reduced cost and effort.

You CAN tell them apart, though, so you Legendary owners can always /point and /laugh at the Hologram owners if you feel they're strutting around showing off some great accomplishment. But I think everyone who has played the game a little while knows the difference, and the holographic copies aren't going to lessen anyone's opinion of the originals. (I own a 2014 Mustang GT Convertible... very nice! But I still very much appreciate the beauty of a beautifully restored '64 model, and wish I had one. Same thing. Both look nice, but there's still something special about the "classics" that everybody can see and appreciate.)

The little sparkles and the understated draw/sheath weapon sounds of the holograms are more than enough flash for me. I think it would be neat to see a NEW holographic weapon set at Dragon Bash every year - knockoffs of other existing sets. (With access to previous years' "Legacy" holographic weapons for those players who didn't have time to complete their work). What better way to commemorate bashing dragons than souvenirs of the very weapons that we used to do the bashing? It would be easy on ANet, yet something new (more or less) to entice returning players to shoot for. And when Tyria fills up with Holographic weapons, having the original will be even THAT much more special!

Its not a legendary tho only a holo from the precursor you can turn into said legendary.

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@Linken.6345 said:Its not a legendary tho only a holo from the precursor you can turn into said legendary.

My point still stands. The holographic weapons are the more common of the two, and as such will generate less peer admiration. If you can't get over the feeling that your accomplishments are being cheapened, then look on it as a compliment instead. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Does anyone use Precursors as gear? I suppose there are a few.

I do, as a skin, not the actual weapon.I use The Bard a lot as it's quite an intricate, non gaudy focus. I obtained the skin when I made the Minstrel, which I sold.The first Holographic weapon I picked was Howl, it's a nice looking Norn-y weapon, with a little particle effect. It looks good on my Necro with Astralaria.

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