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@ZhouX.8742 said:

@Vissarion.6509 said:Yeah let's nerf Eles even more, great changes!!!

Useless in PvP ✓Useless in WvW ✓Useless in PvE ✓

I don't like where this is going really...

Weaver useless in pve? what it has one ofthe highest benchmarks in pve lmao and will still be taken in raids

PvP it's actually good but people sleep on it

wvw is dead and a farm mode for keep rotation, nobody takes this seriously, for that matter nobody even takes pvp seriously

the one game mode that is relevant in this game weaver has one of the highest benchmarks

plus you got buffs lol i can't

i mean youre complaining about diversity, every class has this problem not just ele.... this is kind of a common theme now with every class.

Wrong Weaver only gets those high bench marks BECAUSE of other classes. If you don't arthritis your hands you are guaranteed to lose ten percent of the damage right off the bat. And if you actually read the ele mains commenting,with the constant shifting of fire traits, losing said power on the fire trait they are phasing out we losing ANOTHER ten percent.

Weaver in PvP gets eaten by popular meta builds. Sure they get less counters NOW cause Holo are gone. But they still cry to thief, rev, Spellbreaker, scourge. Wow, man oh man.

So no, these are not buffs we haven't gotten buffed since LAST YEAR, so I kindly suggest to actually read up on Ele before spewing that blalantly wrong nonsense. This is why ele always gets nerfed because people like this say the most bleach-worthy comments to get our damage nerfed in the first place.

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If anything, Soul Eater should only heal while in shroud if you are to change it. We don't need one of our rare good trait nerfed. Give our lackluster traits and utilities some love. Give a touch up on minions make the active skills really special and ground targeted, call them commands or something and give us traits related to it. Make bone minion buff nearby allies on detonation or inflict multiple condi making it a condi minion.

Our signets have long cooldown and weak active(or passive, looking at you undeath) effect compared to any other classes's signets. While we have a grandmaster traits that make them somewhat on par, we need to trait them and sacrifice a grandmaster. What?Staff is pretty much only useful for tagging stuff in pve. While in wvw and pvp in has a fear and condi transfer. Really need something there.

Also, can you revive condi reaper? It's been dead since forever with Deathly chill being really bad and scourge just having access to so much more condi. Make Dealthy Chill increase condition damage to target while chilled in addition to current effect or whenever you chill apply frostbite for the same duration, a new stacking condi. Or you know just remove it and give us something new instead.

Shouts also need love! Well, the core shroud change are more than welcome, I might run core necro in the open world for fun or some weird wvw build? But well, Reaper really don't need a hit on their sustain, and it's not like it's a mandatory trait, just a good one.

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I don't want to be that guy. But Ive noticed you mentioned you were listening to feed back for warriors. What about thiefs endless stream of complaints and feed back?

Swipe is a senseless trade off for DD.

Trickery has way too much power making it too necessary, and at the dame time the low efficiency of thiefs initiative is appalling.

Im holding my to gue about shadow traps replacement, because I got a feeling its going to follow the dame rules that made the trap worthless and unreliable.

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@Titan.8215 said:God, this is by far one of the worst patches.

  • Weaver nerfed again, and they still giving it 0 utility skills so they can't cc properly without losing dps, they can't sustain themself with aegis like DH (which is also nerfed), or any kind of healing, and now its the same kitten but with less dmg.
  • Chrono rework again on main skills and gameplay, im so tired of this, stop reworking this class, and make others equally powerful.
  • DH nerfed, a good balanced class in dmg and utilities, no sense for me.

And I can continue but I feel it pointless. When are you going to give some advantages to classes that are not the best atm instead of nerfing it to hell?When are you going to put Spotter, EA, and other kind of buffs to 10 man, so we can get more diversity and more equally buffs for all?

Srsly, no words.

Could you elaborate where weaver was nerfed? Or were DH was nerfed?Core guard meta build hasn't changed much. Dmg modifiers are just less focused arround one spec line.DH itself didn't received a single nerf.Weaver actually got buffed and the ferocity modifier got just shifted to another trait in the line that was best Pic for PvE eitherway and for PvP Air was not even used remotely.

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@InsaneQR.7412 said:

@Titan.8215 said:God, this is by far one of the worst patches.
  • Weaver nerfed again, and they still giving it 0 utility skills so they can't cc properly without losing dps, they can't sustain themself with aegis like DH (which is also nerfed), or any kind of healing, and now its the same kitten but with less dmg.
  • Chrono rework again on main skills and gameplay, im so tired of this, stop reworking this class, and make others equally powerful.
  • DH nerfed, a good balanced class in dmg and utilities, no sense for me.

And I can continue but I feel it pointless. When are you going to give some advantages to classes that are not the best atm instead of nerfing it to hell?When are you going to put Spotter, EA, and other kind of buffs to 10 man, so we can get more diversity and more equally buffs for all?

Srsly, no words.

Could you elaborate where weaver was nerfed? Or were DH was nerfed?Core guard meta build hasn't changed much. Dmg modifiers are just less focused arround one spec line.DH itself didn't received a single nerf.Weaver actually got buffed and the ferocity modifier got just shifted to another trait in the line that was best Pic for PvE eitherway and for PvP Air was not even used remotely.

Any ele speccing in fire will lose the 10% damage modifier while in fire attunement. With some of the damage buffs in other areas I do not see power sword having a significant damage loss if at all. However, this plus the ferocity changes is a disaster for any staff ele dps builds, making the slowest weapon in the game even worse than it is right now. It is already overnerfed.

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While I'm fine with most professions change, I think that this thief's shadow art rework is the worst thing that could happen to thief. It's litteraly promoting the toxic gameplay that generate complaints about thiefs over and over. It's beyond dumb to push stealth attack power even further when their level of power is already an issue in itself. This change is bound to create issues.

That said, good job finally adressing the unblockable soul beast issue. Hope you remember that ranger wasn't the only one that have unblockable buffs that span over a period of time and that it would be fair to look at these skills on these other professions.

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@Ganathar.4956 said:

@Titan.8215 said:God, this is by far one of the worst patches.
  • Weaver nerfed again, and they still giving it 0 utility skills so they can't cc properly without losing dps, they can't sustain themself with aegis like DH (which is also nerfed), or any kind of healing, and now its the same kitten but with less dmg.
  • Chrono rework again on main skills and gameplay, im so tired of this, stop reworking this class, and make others equally powerful.
  • DH nerfed, a good balanced class in dmg and utilities, no sense for me.

And I can continue but I feel it pointless. When are you going to give some advantages to classes that are not the best atm instead of nerfing it to hell?When are you going to put Spotter, EA, and other kind of buffs to 10 man, so we can get more diversity and more equally buffs for all?

Srsly, no words.

Could you elaborate where weaver was nerfed? Or were DH was nerfed?Core guard meta build hasn't changed much. Dmg modifiers are just less focused arround one spec line.DH itself didn't received a single nerf.Weaver actually got buffed and the ferocity modifier got just shifted to another trait in the line that was best Pic for PvE eitherway and for PvP Air was not even used remotely.

Any ele speccing in fire will lose the 10% damage modifier while in fire attunement. With some of the damage buffs in other areas I do not see power sword having a significant damage loss if at all. However, this plus the ferocity changes is a disaster for any staff ele dps builds, making the slowest weapon in the game even worse than it is right now. It is already overnerfed.

Yeah but now when in air you get a huge chunk of ferocity and you have dmg modifiers with the water traitlines (which is odd IMO).

The patch is not even out yet and many of the changes were actual buffs. This needs to be tested first before screaming nerfs. Additionally it seems that condition dmg on fire got improved.

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@InsaneQR.7412 said:

@Titan.8215 said:God, this is by far one of the worst patches.
  • Weaver nerfed again, and they still giving it 0 utility skills so they can't cc properly without losing dps, they can't sustain themself with aegis like DH (which is also nerfed), or any kind of healing, and now its the same kitten but with less dmg.
  • Chrono rework again on main skills and gameplay, im so tired of this, stop reworking this class, and make others equally powerful.
  • DH nerfed, a good balanced class in dmg and utilities, no sense for me.

And I can continue but I feel it pointless. When are you going to give some advantages to classes that are not the best atm instead of nerfing it to hell?When are you going to put Spotter, EA, and other kind of buffs to 10 man, so we can get more diversity and more equally buffs for all?

Srsly, no words.

Could you elaborate where weaver was nerfed? Or were DH was nerfed?Core guard meta build hasn't changed much. Dmg modifiers are just less focused arround one spec line.DH itself didn't received a single nerf.Weaver actually got buffed and the ferocity modifier got just shifted to another trait in the line that was best Pic for PvE eitherway and for PvP Air was not even used remotely.

Any ele speccing in fire will lose the 10% damage modifier while in fire attunement. With some of the damage buffs in other areas I do not see power sword having a significant damage loss if at all. However, this plus the ferocity changes is a disaster for any staff ele dps builds, making the slowest weapon in the game even worse than it is right now. It is already overnerfed.

Yeah but now when in air you get a huge chunk of ferocity and you have dmg modifiers with the water traitlines (which is odd IMO).

The patch is not even out yet and many of the changes were actual buffs. This needs to be tested first before screaming nerfs. Additionally it seems that condition dmg on fire got improved.

Yes, there are lots of improvements, but that removal of the 10% modifier in fire seems like a huge oversight. Basically a huge nerf on staff for no reason and it leaves the master fire trait column with 2 different condi options and no power ones. There is no way any of the changes will make up for it on staff. With sword it is very likely that the buffs will make up for it and the damage will be somewhat similar. Condi is getting big buffs for sure.

We will have to wait for benchmarks to see how exactly everything lines up, but there is no doubt that staff is going into the trash. Wouldn't have been as bad if staff weaver wasn't the only damage option for WvW zergs, where there is already a very small amount of meta builds. I guess it's yet another class out of the WvW zerg.

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@Yasai.3549 said:Nerfing Impossible Odds sure.

But is it still gonna cost the same Upkeep?

Yeah that one didn't make sense.

They knew rev damage needed nerfs but since no one on the balance team actually knows how to play rev they put all 5 shiro skills on a wheel and spun it while a blind monkey tossed a dart. It landed on IO and thus IO gets the nerfbat.

Actually on second thought this seems to be the decision making process for every class.

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wtf are you doing anet? why nerfing the druid so much (even ranger in general) first spirits then u give us an useless new elite then the nerf at the pet and now we can't even move with a bit of safety? i don't even care for pvp or wvw cause druid was never an option there..thief and ele are always perma blockin-evading but yes give portal to thief for sure is balanced..but but druid going out perfectly visible just evading OH STOP IT IS TO MUCH..you killed pve for druid..now is worth bringin it only in raid and i will not say why because i don't want you to get it, really stop this whole thing of wanting make base specialization woth nobody gonna play them because u nerf the other, i cannot anymore pve with druid..i just jump to slb i have no clue for going base ranger it has nothing and nerfing the other specs is just stupid as hell things were good before all this "base psec need to be played" i don't really care for pvp and wvw i just go in it for something different try to learn a valid build and having a bit of fun but theres a lot of thing that cant make me get pvp/wvw serious like most of build that don't even fight, to much "oh look i do tons of damage but you can't even attack me because i am evading"..or "i tank all of your shit but now why not i 1shot you" and so on..ok sure sure a more experienced player probably can fuck this but..is not fun XD but yeah nerf a ranger skill cause it give to damage cause is to hard to simply stun or trow away the slb when it has it active?, i don't see why thief get to have a portal..just cause player asked it? is stupid if u want a portal at least play a supportive class it really don't make sense on a thief is lame..you're going the wrong way

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On a second thought, I do wonder if the devs are actually playing Guardian at all. They haven't listened to any of the more than reasonable complaints surrounding Core and DH (unlike in the case of Warrior, as they proudly pointed out). The minor buffs granted to DH don't fix anything in PvP, and Core is left in the same weak spot in the game mode as before (though the indirect buffs by nerfing other classes might help a bit, we'll see). Meanwhile, with damage being redistributed between Zeal and Radiance, Firebrand is potentially getting more build diversity.

Here's a few examples of what you could and should do:

  • Make Hammer viable by drastically overhauling the auto-attack chain. It is a big fearsome weapon, so make it deal big fearsome damage. Chain 3 should have a 1/2s cast time too, or 3/4 tops.
  • Make Hammer more viable by boosting the damage on Mighty Blow, and also reverting Glacial Heart.
  • Rework skills 3 and 5. They are entirely useless, but especially skill 3. Skill 4 is fine.
    • Skill 3 could send out a wave at 600 range that dazes and damages foes.
  • Increase the damage of LB skill 2.
  • Give Wings of Resolve an evade for the duration of the leap.
  • Make 25% speed increase part of a minor DH trait.
  • Replace Traps with Survival skills (in order to keep the ranger-like theme of Dragonhunter, as conceptually intended).
    • Purification - Heal yourself for 5k, release a flash of light that blinds foes and cleanses the caster of N conditions. Base recharge would be 20 seconds, 16 with Piercing Light.
    • Procession of Blades - Works similarly to the current trap version, but instead, the Guardian is surrounded by a ring of whirling blades that moves together with the caster and deals rapid damage up to 5 foes. Grants Fury as before
    • Dragon's Maw - Same functionality as before, except it doesn't require a trap trigger, and simply occurs at the caster's location instead.
  • Piercing Light grants Retaliation whenever a Survival skill is being used. Reduces recharge on Survival skills by 20%.
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Elementalist gets yet again a massive nerf despite not beeing meta anywhere but in pve.

For WvW this class already was very much subobtimal. Staff-Weaver only brings damage while Herald and Scourge alreadydid nearly as much damage while offering alot of support and other utility.

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After playing for so many years(6) this is the one that does me in. 100%...as soon as I'm done making this post I'm uninstalling. No more time from me, no more gems, no more business. The chrono changes have me so SO aggravated. This is a RPG...people invest a TON of time into it...re-inventing a class over and over and over again takes a toll on players. They think they have a good idea of what's going on, they settle on something they really like and boom, change all of you gear, re-learn how to play a spec, and a big ole middle finger to your fun. Well, this time was the last time for me. There are other great games out there that DON'T keep pulling the rug out from under you. Don't get me wrong I understand balance changes...sometimes things are too strong or too weak so they need to be toned up a bit or down a bit, but completely altering core mechanics of a spec that folks have been accustomed to is downright rude. My opinion doesn't really matter, I'm just a "casual" who had a lot of love for the game. No more.

Just a reflexive point on the kind of havoc that disenfranchising folks gets you: I'll be uninstalling, unsubscribing from all of the blogs/gw2 channels that I used to watch, I won't be getting any more merch, etc. You have lost a customer for good.

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Oh, just great, like chrono wasn't enough dog sh!t already, even more nerfs.Mister Anet, when you guys come up with balance patches, do you take in consideration WvW too? I understand that WvW team you guys have, literally all they do is open tower and PPT with random builds they have, not understanding what's meta and what's not, or how WvW works, but do you ever think, whether generating clones during blob fights to activate F1 F2 F3 F4 will be easy or not? Clones die literally in less than 0.1 sec, try playing GS, for example. I mean I'm fine with that, I'll just going to macro Mirror Images utility to generate 2 clones + F4 to activate CS, since there's no way I'll be able to do it with my own hands, due to how fast clones die.But literally, all the nerfs towards chrono come from Pve, never bother seperating them from WvW. Nerf distortion share, nerf boonshare, destroy Signet of Inspiration, now completely destroy F skills...

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->weaver benching, about 40h in golem to get 32.25k benchmark value on small hitbox (large hitbox exists only on a few bosses for those that'll say there is a LH rotation) FA at the end with full infu + almost 0 condition cleansing, and ultimate fragile gameplay.->daredevil benching, about 2h to get 33.39k bv with about 6 infu + 3 dodges, more cc, more hp and utility, ( d/d deadeye is even more braindead like ... )

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