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Mirage is the new scrapper but... with a lot more damage

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It seems like alot of people rerolled to mirage after the patch since it can effectively hold 1v2s like scrapper did but on top of that it can actually kill people unlike scrapper that could not kill anything unless you stood right next to them and face tanked everything. Now the all the power DPS builds have been nerfed, that was an indirect buff to mirage that was already top tier in 1v1s but couldnt carry team fights as hard as a power class but now it can actually team fight aswell which dosent seem balanced considering all the classes have trade offs.

Rev/scourge for example are strong team fighters but weak in 1v1 while soulbeast/ weaver/spellbreaker are strong in 1v1 but weak in team fights but mirage can do everything on top of having top tier mobility/ disengage , CI and daze mantra which dosent have a cast time and has 1200 range.

Mirage has too much of everything now after other specs got tuned down, theres no trade offs when playing mirage compared to other specs and its really hard to counter aswell since most of the skills are not telegraphed. The only other spec as strong as mirage is holo but holo is telegraphed, and dosent apply confusion/torment which basically dont allow you to move your character which is another bad design of the class considering PvP is supposed to be about actively reacting to abilities and not the opposite which is how mirage is played and how mirage forces you to play against it since you cant move or use anything when you have torment/confusion.

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@Skyronight.6370 said:It seems like alot of people rerolled to mirage after the patch since it can effectively hold 1v2s like scrapper did but on top of that it can actually kill people unlike scrapper that could not kill anything unless you stood right next to them and face tanked everything. Now the all the power DPS builds have been nerfed, that was an indirect buff to mirage that was already top tier in 1v1s but couldnt carry team fights as hard as a power class but now it can actually team fight aswell which dosent seem balanced considering all the classes have trade offs.

Rev/scourge for example are strong team fighters but weak in 1v1 while soulbeast/ weaver/spellbreaker are strong in 1v1 but weak in team fights but mirage can do everything on top of having top tier mobility/ disengage , CI and daze mantra which dosent have a cast time and has 1200 range.

Mirage has too much of everything now after other specs got tuned down, theres no trade offs when playing mirage compared to other specs and its really hard to counter aswell since most of the skills are not telegraphed. The only other spec as strong as mirage is holo but holo is telegraphed, and dosent apply confusion/torment which basically dont allow you to move your character which is another bad design of the class considering PvP is supposed to be about actively reacting to abilities and not the opposite which is how mirage is played and how mirage forces you to play against it since you cant move or use anything when you have torment/confusion.

ill take the baitcurrent meta CI mirage doesnt have top tier mobility.current meta CI mirage cant hold nodes 1v2 against players of same skill level.

take a timer, make a meta warrior,thief,mirage,boonbeast. and time how long it takes for each to move from point 1 to point 2, then from point 1 to point 3.you will be suprised how fucking slow cirage can be compared to others.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Skyronight.6370 said:It seems like alot of people rerolled to mirage after the patch since it can effectively hold 1v2s like scrapper did but on top of that it can actually kill people unlike scrapper that could not kill anything unless you stood right next to them and face tanked everything. Now the all the power DPS builds have been nerfed, that was an indirect buff to mirage that was already top tier in 1v1s but couldnt carry team fights as hard as a power class but now it can actually team fight aswell which dosent seem balanced considering all the classes have trade offs.

Rev/scourge for example are strong team fighters but weak in 1v1 while soulbeast/ weaver/spellbreaker are strong in 1v1 but weak in team fights but mirage can do everything on top of having top tier mobility/ disengage , CI and daze mantra which dosent have a cast time and has 1200 range.

Mirage has too much of everything now after other specs got tuned down, theres no trade offs when playing mirage compared to other specs and its really hard to counter aswell since most of the skills are not telegraphed. The only other spec as strong as mirage is holo but holo is telegraphed, and dosent apply confusion/torment which basically dont allow you to move your character which is another bad design of the class considering PvP is supposed to be about actively reacting to abilities and not the opposite which is how mirage is played and how mirage forces you to play against it since you cant move or use anything when you have torment/confusion.

ill take the baitcurrent meta CI mirage doesnt have top tier mobility.current meta CI mirage cant hold nodes 1v2 against players of same skill level.

take a timer, make a meta warrior,thief,mirage,boonbeast. and time how long it takes for each to move from point 1 to point 2, then from point 1 to point 3.you will be suprised how kitten slow cirage can be compared to others.

mobility has almost nothing to do with side noding, mirage isn't a decapper. it sits and baits people to side node , literally the role of mirage.

  • boonbeast is really the only one, but mobility isn't what makes boonbeast strong, it's.... well, boon uptime and power dmg with might + demolisher (sometimes paladin's amulet) tank. mobility just helps them to roam, and I would consider boonbeast more of a roamer than a side noder so it's understandable to have the mobility over a side noder (even though again, isn't what makes boonbeast good).
  • thief is a decapper / 1upper and should never be sitting on a node waiting to defend it (this is basic pvp knowledge)
  • holo has 2 in photon to maneuver around the map accordingly , holo's power isn't in it's mobility, it's in it's toolkit of high survivability and burst dmg while maintaining prot making it a good dueler/noder.
  • spellbreaker has mobility in gs and if you want to burn a bull's charge sure , but again, is not what makes it a good side noder.

You just fail to grasp what constant or consistent mobility uptime means for a class within it's concept of roles. High mobility really only is beneficial for thief and maybe necro for chases (hence speed rune).

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@ZhouX.8742 said:

@"Skyronight.6370" said:It seems like alot of people rerolled to mirage after the patch since it can effectively hold 1v2s like scrapper did but on top of that it can actually kill people unlike scrapper that could not kill anything unless you stood right next to them and face tanked everything. Now the all the power DPS builds have been nerfed, that was an indirect buff to mirage that was already top tier in 1v1s but couldnt carry team fights as hard as a power class but now it can actually team fight aswell which dosent seem balanced considering all the classes have trade offs.

Rev/scourge for example are strong team fighters but weak in 1v1 while soulbeast/ weaver/spellbreaker are strong in 1v1 but weak in team fights but mirage can do everything on top of having top tier mobility/ disengage , CI and daze mantra which dosent have a cast time and has 1200 range.

Mirage has too much of everything now after other specs got tuned down, theres no trade offs when playing mirage compared to other specs and its really hard to counter aswell since most of the skills are not telegraphed. The only other spec as strong as mirage is holo but holo is telegraphed, and dosent apply confusion/torment which basically dont allow you to move your character which is another bad design of the class considering PvP is supposed to be about actively reacting to abilities and not the opposite which is how mirage is played and how mirage forces you to play against it since you cant move or use anything when you have torment/confusion.

ill take the baitcurrent meta CI mirage doesnt have top tier mobility.current meta CI mirage cant hold nodes 1v2 against players of same skill level.

take a timer, make a meta warrior,thief,mirage,boonbeast. and time how long it takes for each to move from point 1 to point 2, then from point 1 to point 3.you will be suprised how kitten slow cirage can be compared to others.

mobility has almost nothing to do with side noding, mirage isn't a decapper. it sits and baits people to side node , literally the role of mirage.
  • boonbeast is really the only one, but mobility isn't what makes boonbeast strong, it's.... well, boon uptime and power dmg with might + demolisher (sometimes paladin's amulet) tank. mobility just helps them to roam, and I would consider boonbeast more of a roamer than a side noder so it's understandable to have the mobility over a side noder (even though again, isn't what makes boonbeast good).
  • thief is a decapper / 1upper and should never be sitting on a node waiting to defend it (this is basic pvp knowledge)
  • holo has 2 in photon to maneuver around the map accordingly , holo's power isn't in it's mobility, it's in it's toolkit of high survivability and burst dmg while maintaining prot making it a good dueler/noder.
  • spellbreaker has mobility in gs and if you want to burn a bull's charge sure , but again, is not what makes it a good side noder.

You just fail to grasp what constant or consistent mobility uptime means for a class within it's concept of roles. High mobility really only is beneficial for thief and maybe necro for chases (hence speed rune).

OP said that mirage has top tier mobility/ disengage. which is incorrect.Mirage HAS good disengage, but nothing compared to other sidenoders, good luck killing spellbreaker if he doesnt feel like fighting, he will stonewall for 30s, hit you for 10k, flip you off and dash 10 times away from you. THIS is top tier mobility/disengage. not 1200 range blink and thats it.

As for sustain from mirage, Mirage has Regeneration and healing skill, thats it. nothing compared to other classes that pull heals out of their asses. Survi of mirage comes from blocking/dodging not from sustaining. If you wanna get mirage nerfed at least point on the right things, otherwise devs will nerf "sustain" for less regeneration or nerf healing skills. And personally dont think that one last core mesmer can take another kick in the groin like that.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Skyronight.6370 said:It seems like alot of people rerolled to mirage after the patch since it can effectively hold 1v2s like scrapper did but on top of that it can actually kill people unlike scrapper that could not kill anything unless you stood right next to them and face tanked everything. Now the all the power DPS builds have been nerfed, that was an indirect buff to mirage that was already top tier in 1v1s but couldnt carry team fights as hard as a power class but now it can actually team fight aswell which dosent seem balanced considering all the classes have trade offs.

Rev/scourge for example are strong team fighters but weak in 1v1 while soulbeast/ weaver/spellbreaker are strong in 1v1 but weak in team fights but mirage can do everything on top of having top tier mobility/ disengage , CI and daze mantra which dosent have a cast time and has 1200 range.

Mirage has too much of everything now after other specs got tuned down, theres no trade offs when playing mirage compared to other specs and its really hard to counter aswell since most of the skills are not telegraphed. The only other spec as strong as mirage is holo but holo is telegraphed, and dosent apply confusion/torment which basically dont allow you to move your character which is another bad design of the class considering PvP is supposed to be about actively reacting to abilities and not the opposite which is how mirage is played and how mirage forces you to play against it since you cant move or use anything when you have torment/confusion.

ill take the baitcurrent meta CI mirage doesnt have top tier mobility.current meta CI mirage cant hold nodes 1v2 against players of same skill level.

take a timer, make a meta warrior,thief,mirage,boonbeast. and time how long it takes for each to move from point 1 to point 2, then from point 1 to point 3.you will be suprised how kitten slow cirage can be compared to others.

I almost want to take my normal non meta DPS mirage and try this just because I like challenges

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@"Skyronight.6370" said:It seems like alot of people rerolled to mirage after the patch since it can effectively hold 1v2s like scrapper did but on top of that it can actually kill people unlike scrapper that could not kill anything unless you stood right next to them and face tanked everything. Now the all the power DPS builds have been nerfed, that was an indirect buff to mirage that was already top tier in 1v1s but couldnt carry team fights as hard as a power class but now it can actually team fight aswell which dosent seem balanced considering all the classes have trade offs.

Rev/scourge for example are strong team fighters but weak in 1v1 while soulbeast/ weaver/spellbreaker are strong in 1v1 but weak in team fights but mirage can do everything on top of having top tier mobility/ disengage , CI and daze mantra which dosent have a cast time and has 1200 range.

Mirage has too much of everything now after other specs got tuned down, theres no trade offs when playing mirage compared to other specs and its really hard to counter aswell since most of the skills are not telegraphed. The only other spec as strong as mirage is holo but holo is telegraphed, and dosent apply confusion/torment which basically dont allow you to move your character which is another bad design of the class considering PvP is supposed to be about actively reacting to abilities and not the opposite which is how mirage is played and how mirage forces you to play against it since you cant move or use anything when you have torment/confusion.

ill take the baitcurrent meta CI mirage doesnt have top tier mobility.current meta CI mirage cant hold nodes 1v2 against players of same skill level.

take a timer, make a meta warrior,thief,mirage,boonbeast. and time how long it takes for each to move from point 1 to point 2, then from point 1 to point 3.you will be suprised how kitten slow cirage can be compared to others.

mobility has almost nothing to do with side noding, mirage isn't a decapper. it sits and baits people to side node , literally the role of mirage.
  • boonbeast is really the only one, but mobility isn't what makes boonbeast strong, it's.... well, boon uptime and power dmg with might + demolisher (sometimes paladin's amulet) tank. mobility just helps them to roam, and I would consider boonbeast more of a roamer than a side noder so it's understandable to have the mobility over a side noder (even though again, isn't what makes boonbeast good).
  • thief is a decapper / 1upper and should never be sitting on a node waiting to defend it (this is basic pvp knowledge)
  • holo has 2 in photon to maneuver around the map accordingly , holo's power isn't in it's mobility, it's in it's toolkit of high survivability and burst dmg while maintaining prot making it a good dueler/noder.
  • spellbreaker has mobility in gs and if you want to burn a bull's charge sure , but again, is not what makes it a good side noder.

You just fail to grasp what constant or consistent mobility uptime means for a class within it's concept of roles. High mobility really only is beneficial for thief and maybe necro for chases (hence speed rune).

OP said that mirage has top tier mobility/ disengage. which is incorrect.Mirage HAS good disengage, but nothing compared to other sidenoders, good luck killing spellbreaker if he doesnt feel like fighting, he will stonewall for 30s, hit you for 10k, flip you off and dash 10 times away from you. THIS is top tier mobility/disengage. not 1200 range blink and thats it.

As for sustain from mirage, Mirage has Regeneration and healing skill, thats it. nothing compared to other classes that pull heals out of their kitten. Survi of mirage comes from blocking/dodging not from sustaining. If you wanna get mirage nerfed at least point on the right things, otherwise devs will nerf "sustain" for less regeneration or nerf healing skills. And personally dont think that one last core mesmer can take another kick in the groin like that.

"As for sustain from mirage, Mirage has Regeneration and healing skill, thats it."

Then you are bad at mesmer if you think that.

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@ZhouX.8742 said:

@"Skyronight.6370" said:It seems like alot of people rerolled to mirage after the patch since it can effectively hold 1v2s like scrapper did but on top of that it can actually kill people unlike scrapper that could not kill anything unless you stood right next to them and face tanked everything. Now the all the power DPS builds have been nerfed, that was an indirect buff to mirage that was already top tier in 1v1s but couldnt carry team fights as hard as a power class but now it can actually team fight aswell which dosent seem balanced considering all the classes have trade offs.

Rev/scourge for example are strong team fighters but weak in 1v1 while soulbeast/ weaver/spellbreaker are strong in 1v1 but weak in team fights but mirage can do everything on top of having top tier mobility/ disengage , CI and daze mantra which dosent have a cast time and has 1200 range.

Mirage has too much of everything now after other specs got tuned down, theres no trade offs when playing mirage compared to other specs and its really hard to counter aswell since most of the skills are not telegraphed. The only other spec as strong as mirage is holo but holo is telegraphed, and dosent apply confusion/torment which basically dont allow you to move your character which is another bad design of the class considering PvP is supposed to be about actively reacting to abilities and not the opposite which is how mirage is played and how mirage forces you to play against it since you cant move or use anything when you have torment/confusion.

ill take the baitcurrent meta CI mirage doesnt have top tier mobility.current meta CI mirage cant hold nodes 1v2 against players of same skill level.

take a timer, make a meta warrior,thief,mirage,boonbeast. and time how long it takes for each to move from point 1 to point 2, then from point 1 to point 3.you will be suprised how kitten slow cirage can be compared to others.

mobility has almost nothing to do with side noding, mirage isn't a decapper. it sits and baits people to side node , literally the role of mirage.
  • boonbeast is really the only one, but mobility isn't what makes boonbeast strong, it's.... well, boon uptime and power dmg with might + demolisher (sometimes paladin's amulet) tank. mobility just helps them to roam, and I would consider boonbeast more of a roamer than a side noder so it's understandable to have the mobility over a side noder (even though again, isn't what makes boonbeast good).
  • thief is a decapper / 1upper and should never be sitting on a node waiting to defend it (this is basic pvp knowledge)
  • holo has 2 in photon to maneuver around the map accordingly , holo's power isn't in it's mobility, it's in it's toolkit of high survivability and burst dmg while maintaining prot making it a good dueler/noder.
  • spellbreaker has mobility in gs and if you want to burn a bull's charge sure , but again, is not what makes it a good side noder.

You just fail to grasp what constant or consistent mobility uptime means for a class within it's concept of roles. High mobility really only is beneficial for thief and maybe necro for chases (hence speed rune).

OP said that mirage has top tier mobility/ disengage. which is incorrect.Mirage HAS good disengage, but nothing compared to other sidenoders, good luck killing spellbreaker if he doesnt feel like fighting, he will stonewall for 30s, hit you for 10k, flip you off and dash 10 times away from you. THIS is top tier mobility/disengage. not 1200 range blink and thats it.

As for sustain from mirage, Mirage has Regeneration and healing skill, thats it. nothing compared to other classes that pull heals out of their kitten. Survi of mirage comes from blocking/dodging not from sustaining. If you wanna get mirage nerfed at least point on the right things, otherwise devs will nerf "sustain" for less regeneration or nerf healing skills. And personally dont think that one last core mesmer can take another kick in the groin like that.

"As for sustain from mirage, Mirage has Regeneration and healing skill, thats it."

Then you are bad at mesmer if you think that.

or you cant distinguish between survivability and susatain, oh well.

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To be fair survivability contributes to sustain. If I have to heal 40% less often but have 25% less heal regen I come out ahead.

I think the biggest issue when fighting CI Mirage is that anyone with low stability and lacking sufficient cleave is going to seriously suffer in an even fight. You need some form of cleave against condi Mirage because of the way extra condi is applied from clones. In team fights that cleave leaves Mirage vulnerable unless played more carefully or against weaker players.

Sustain is also an issue because you need to reach the clones and then the Mesmer. Currently, the interrupt plus immobilize really is key to this builds ability to sustain both in terms of survival and avoiding losing clones to cleave.

Tldr: Cut the interrupt Immobilize to a reasonable level and a lot of issues are solved.

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sustain and survival go hand in hand, mirage has plenty of boons, invul and evades on top of double chaos storm. Also while the enemy is perma immob and dazed they cant attack back obviously. Mirage is broken beyond belief, there needs to be emergency nerfs asap

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@saerni.2584 said:To be fair survivability contributes to sustain. If I have to heal 40% less often but have 25% less heal regen I come out ahead.

I think the biggest issue when fighting CI Mirage is that anyone with low stability and lacking sufficient cleave is going to seriously suffer in an even fight. You need some form of cleave against condi Mirage because of the way extra condi is applied from clones. In team fights that cleave leaves Mirage vulnerable unless played more carefully or against weaker players.

Sustain is also an issue because you need to reach the clones and then the Mesmer. Currently, the interrupt plus immobilize really is key to this builds ability to sustain both in terms of survival and avoiding losing clones to cleave.

Tldr: Cut the interrupt Immobilize to a reasonable level and a lot of issues are solved.

mirage honestly needs a big changes, IH should be baseline and dmg of it nerfed by 80-90%, condi from clones should be halved on autos and immob on interrut shouldnt scale with condi duration. that way it doesnt screw over power mirage, ofc there would be compensation needed.

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that's legit the only class i can think off that can spam condi while Dazing someone and also Immobilizing at the same time. They legit need to make every class as good as mesmer trait lines or start nerfing Chaos and dueling.

One year worth of nerfs and Reworks yet this class stays out performing no matter the meta lmfaooooooooooooooo.

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No, it is currently not OP. It is strong, but it is more or less okay compared to the other strong builds.

It is, however, extremely beginner-unfriendly. You get confused by the mechanics, the clones and illusions, the constand dazes and unforeseeable immobilizes. Do not worry, try to play the build - even in PVE it can help - and learn its possibilities and mechanics. You will learn, struggle less and have fun.

You can also jump on a counterbuild like guard or something like that, but in the long term, trying the class will improve your playing more. :smile:

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@"GoldenPants.1870" said:So I have played a few matches today.. and just.. It feels impossible to fight a mirage, the immobilize.. The Dazes... The high condi damage, Blinds, evades.... Like what can I do to counter this class ? It's not fun to play against them at all.

Assuming you're fairly new to PvP, don't feel too bad. You're definitely not alone. Every game has "that" opponent whose unconventional design makes it extra complicated to learn to fight against. In this one it's mesmer, namely mirage. Pretty much everyone embarking on PvP has that first fight with a mirage leaving them asking "what just happened?" To be fair, this happens the first, and probably first several times, fighting other specialized classes as well (scourge, thief, most "meme builds", etc.).

It's become cliche, but the most important skill you can develop for fighting mirage is learning how to spot and track the real player through clones, illusions, stealths, and target breaks. Easier said than done, but with practice it will become second nature. The two biggest tells are: (1) player-only skill/buff icons like signets and celebration bonuses, and (2) player-only movement such as jumping, strafing, taking direct vertical paths instead of running all the way around obstacles/elevation, etc.

Meanwhile, clones are made of paper and die to one or two auto attacks. It's easy to clear multiple at once with cleaves and AOEs. Clearing clones both hampers the mirage's offensive strength and makes it easier to find the player. Focus the real player, force their defensive cool downs, and you'll realize how squishy most mirage builds are. They're also very vulnerable to CC and condi themselves as they lack stability and have pretty limited cleanse.

Also, contrary to popular belief, mirage isn't very mobile at all. They struggle with gap closing/opening thanks to nerfs to Jaunt, Portal, no reliable access to swiftness, and a unique dodge that does not move them as far out of harm's way as a regular dodge roll. Their big mobility skill, Blink, is a 1200 range teleport typically saved for disengage. Once they've used it, they can't go anywhere fast. Many classes are capable of catching a fleeing mirage.

Hope some of this is helpful. Remember, we've all been there. Difficulty with mirage, followed by overcoming said difficulty, is pretty much a right of passage for anyone who sticks to PvP in this game.

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  • Always fight them on nodes - mirages are worst in the open
  • Don't be afraid to temporarily lose cap, if you make them waste a few cooldowns it's time to kite
  • Avoid the first cc-chain when you see clones IH
  • Avoid standing in Chaos Fields unless evading/blocking or dodging
  • If you can avoid attacking into the Scepter block which has a clear UI icon when up
  • Most importantly of all, you will get hit, so space out your cleanses instead of firing through them all after the first burst (which usually is the IH I mentioned earlier)

Too be honest I might be in the minority feeling mirage is fairly balanced, as they are squishy if they are not evading. Like against many other specs, it requires atleast 2 pressure phases to bring down (go in do some damage, kite out and resustain then back in) and has a decent bomb if you get caught unaware - the stunlock potential could use a shave I have to admit as not being able to do anything isn't fun for anyone - however a slight 5 sec ICD on the immobilize of Chaotic interruption would give them a reliable opening without hurting the pressure.

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@Hex.8714 said:sustain and survival go hand in hand, mirage has plenty of boons, invul and evades on top of double chaos storm. Also while the enemy is perma immob and dazed they cant attack back obviously. Mirage is broken beyond belief, there needs to be emergency nerfs asap

yeah its why i said its like old scrapper because of its sustain

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@Twilight Tempest.7584 said:

@"GoldenPants.1870" said:So I have played a few matches today.. and just.. It feels impossible to fight a mirage, the immobilize.. The Dazes... The high condi damage, Blinds, evades.... Like what can I do to counter this class ? It's not fun to play against them at all.

Assuming you're fairly new to PvP, don't feel too bad. You're definitely not alone. Every game has "that" opponent whose unconventional design makes it extra complicated to learn to fight against. In this one it's mesmer, namely mirage. Pretty much everyone embarking on PvP has that first fight with a mirage leaving them asking "what just happened?" To be fair, this happens the first, and probably first several times, fighting other specialized classes as well (scourge, thief, most "meme builds", etc.).

It's become cliche, but the most important skill you can develop for fighting mirage is learning how to spot and track the real player through clones, illusions, stealths, and target breaks. Easier said than done, but with practice it will become second nature. The two biggest tells are: (1) player-only skill/buff icons like signets and celebration bonuses, and (2) player-only movement such as jumping, strafing, taking direct vertical paths instead of running all the way around obstacles/elevation, etc.

Meanwhile, clones are made of paper and die to one or two auto attacks. It's easy to clear multiple at once with cleaves and AOEs. Clearing clones both hampers the mirage's offensive strength and makes it easier to find the player. Focus the real player, force their defensive cool downs, and you'll realize how squishy most mirage builds are. They're also very vulnerable to CC and condi themselves as they lack stability and have pretty limited cleanse.

Also, contrary to popular belief, mirage isn't very mobile at all. They struggle with gap closing/opening thanks to nerfs to Jaunt, Portal, no reliable access to swiftness, and a unique dodge that does not move them as far out of harm's way as a regular dodge roll. Their big mobility skill, Blink, is a 1200 range teleport typically saved for disengage. Once they've used it, they can't go anywhere fast. Many classes are capable of catching a fleeing mirage.

Hope some of this is helpful. Remember, we've all been there. Difficulty with mirage, followed by overcoming said difficulty, is pretty much a right of passage for anyone who sticks to PvP in this game.

Ah, I see, I have started playing staff support for Ele which seems lots of fun in my opinion, and I can survive mirages now which is nice.

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