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Spending Money Is Supporting The Game


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I see my guildmates and alot of people are saying they have problem spending too much money on the game. No, there is no such thing spending too much real life money on the game. If you spend your money example buy gems.. You are helping/supporting the game. Your money will be used to update the game, make new outfits, new weapon skins , mount skins and so many more new content for the game. So dont feel bad whenever you feel like spending real money.

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That's just half true. Your money will also be used to pay something like most devs working on non-gw2 projects, paying ghost teams like spvp team, fractal team, ui team, wvw team, raid team, engine team, server team, balance team, community team, and also paying the marketing team who will rent a theater to announce nothing and seeks partnership for unrelated products.

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I only spend money to "support" something if it's a fundraiser for a cause I find worthy.

Conglomerates like NCsoft surely don't need any "support" from poor ol' me. When it comes to a transaction between a corporate service provider and me, a costumer, I just spend money if the service is adequate. Otherwise I don't.

"Support" is not a part of the equation.

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There is such a thing as spending too much on a game.Games with micro transaction make their money off of people with gambling addiction. Some can afford it, some can not.I don't think gw2 is so bad as it is only cosmetics being sold in the "mystery magic box". I've seen worse, but the tactic is the same.Pretty sure blcs get them more money than the convenience items the average players get.

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Since the game gives me regular updates without requiring a subscription I have no problem spending money in the gem store.Although it's not a bad idea to hold onto your money until anet does something you like. If enough people do this and anet sees their income spike after certain things they might pay attention to what people really like.

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@C Cspace Cowboy.5903 said:I've spent thousands of dollars on this franchise and my game mode hasnt seen an update in what? 4? years?

No more. ;)

This! In the past I would have gladly payed for content, such as a new PvP game mode in the gem store, but it never showed up.In fact, on more than one occasion in the past there have been threads coming up with ideas for HOW Anet could make money off of PvP since consumers realized that the need to develop will only be there if they make money in that particular area. As a result, nothing has changed.

Now enough is enough. As a once dedicated player and spender who also once got other people involved and spending money on the game, I wouldn't even pay for an expansion anymore.

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Let people spend their money how they want. I know people who can barely afford car payments that have dropped over $2000 on this game. That's on them. If they want all the newest skins and to look the best, that's the price they have to pay. If it takes learning the lesson the hard way then so be it. If GW2 is the only thing that brings them happiness and spending the money makes them happy instead, then fine. Its their money. I didn't give it to them and its not mine.

Me personally though? I spend money on things I deem worth the content. This is never over skins in a video game. Companies making millions in profit is way more than I can expend. My extra $50 will help me enjoy a nice meal for a few days and that's more important to me than having a skin I'd probably replace in a few weeks anyways.

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Sure that's on them, they chose to spend to get the new shiny.2k in this game

50k in that other mobile game (from experience thats not alway the people who can afford to trow that kind of money)You can say it's their decision, and it is. But it still kind of morally wrong for game companies to milk people so and encouraging their impulsive gambling behaviour.

I 've had my share of addictions , and sure its the player's fault in a way. They get convinced over and over they want to. And after having spent x, what does it matter. If I don't spend another y, that x will have been for nothingStill they are like a brewery making a promo night at an AA meeting.

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Im finding this game rather expensive for what you get. I can play wow get all the mounts pets wardrobe weapons in game and the sub has cost me less in a year than what i spent here in 7/8 months. I think people have blinders on or something, you are spending more on mtx games because thats the content. I wish they would go to a sub even 5 bucks a month would be enough to carry the game from everyone, and all the stuff would be ingame you actually play for.

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@"Tiviana.2650" said:Im finding this game rather expensive for what you get. I can play wow get all the mounts pets wardrobe weapons in game and the sub has cost me less in a year than what i spent here in 7/8 months.

WoW has a store, too. Maybe you just don't want what they''re selling in it. When I looked just now, I saw plenty of mounts and pets.

I think people have blinders on or something, you are spending more on mtx games because thats the content.

Maybe some people do, but plenty don't have blinders on. Some people just don't see the need or have the desire to have all the things. For some, gem store bling is not "the content." Just as you seem happy with the non-paid bling you get in WoW, there are some who play GW2 who are happy with GW2's earned rewards. I suppose amount of playtime is a factor there. There's way more stuff in game that I have not gotten than has ever been in the store.

I wish they would go to a sub even 5 bucks a month would be enough to carry the game from everyone, and all the stuff would be ingame you actually play for.

That seems ... unlikely. NCSoft reported GW2 income in Q2 as 15,882M Korean Won, a little over $13M US for the quarter. Per month, that would be $4.33...M. To replace that with a $5 sub as the sole revenue source, there'd have to be more than 866,666 subs. I'm unsure there would be that many. Even if there are anywhere near that many playing regularly now, how many who play because there is no sub would leave?

WoW has been sub-based from the beginning. It and FF get away with getting more of their revenue from subs because those are hugely popular IP's. Even Elder Scrolls, a much bigger IP than GW, has a store in addition to its optional sub and regular DLC. I get that GW2 becoming a sub-based game would please you, but to me it seems risky for what is not among the better-known IP's.

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I think it's a mistake to assume that everyone who spends money on microtransactions spends more than they would on a subscription. Whenever I've added it up what I've spent works out as far less than a subscription would cost me, in any game. I haven't worked it out for GW2 for a while because there's no easy way to track the transactions and I'm not keen on trawling through 7 years of bank records but if anything the average per month will have gone down recently. (Nothing to do with the game, everything to do with having other things to spend money on and being one of those boring adults who has to understand that "there's no such thing as spending too much on a game" simply isn't true unless you have infinite money.)

But more importantly there's a difference between buying gems as and when you want to because there's an item you want to buy, and paying a subscription because you're required to do it to be allowed to play the game you've already bought. The reason I gave up on subscription games isn't that I couldn't afford it, but that I found having paid for permission to log in I felt like I had to play "enough" to get my money's worth, and then I wasn't enjoying it as much because I felt like I was only playing because I had to. Add on the fact that my life is pretty erratic, meaning it's impossible for me to predict 30 days in advance how much time I'll have for a game so I could easily end up paying a subscription and then never getting to play at all in that time and it just becomes a bad deal. Every time I've ended up deciding I'd rather stick to non-subscription games where I don't need to worry about it.

So I'm one of the ones who would definitely quit if GW2 introduced a subscription, even if it meant all the stuff in the gem store could be unlocked in-game. I'd much rather periodically buy an item I like and then have it available as and when I want to use it than pay in advance for time and have to worry about making sure I get to use it.

(One possible exception is if they introduced a 'pay as you go' subscription where you buy a number of hours and it's only used up when you're actually logged in. I think that might work better for me, but I've never had the chance to try it because it's only ever been offered in Korea by a minority of games trying to introduce people used to free-to-play games to subscriptions.)

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@knomslayer.9457 said:I see my guildmates and alot of people are saying they have problem spending too much money on the game. No, there is no such thing spending too much real life money on the game. If you spend your money example buy gems.. You are helping/supporting the game. Your money will be used to update the game, make new outfits, new weapon skins , mount skins and so many more new content for the game. So dont feel bad whenever you feel like spending real money.

This i naively believed until the contract crash half a year ago. Then we learned none of the gold ends up in gw2

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@Ayakaru.6583 said:

@knomslayer.9457 said:I see my guildmates and alot of people are saying they have problem spending too much money on the game. No, there is no such thing spending too much real life money on the game. If you spend your money example buy gems.. You are helping/supporting the game. Your money will be used to update the game, make new outfits, new weapon skins , mount skins and so many more new content for the game. So dont feel bad whenever you feel like spending real money.

This i naively believed until the contract crash half a year ago. Then we learned none of the gold ends up in gw2

.... Okay.. Then where is the gold end up?

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@knomslayer.9457 said:

@knomslayer.9457 said:I see my guildmates and alot of people are saying they have problem spending too much money on the game. No, there is no such thing spending too much real life money on the game. If you spend your money example buy gems.. You are helping/supporting the game. Your money will be used to update the game, make new outfits, new weapon skins , mount skins and so many more new content for the game. So dont feel bad whenever you feel like spending real money.

This i naively believed until the contract crash half a year ago. Then we learned none of the gold ends up in gw2

.... Okay.. Then where is the gold end up?

Aperently mobile projects.

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@"Danikat.8537" said:I think it's a mistake to assume that everyone who spends money on microtransactions spends more than they would on a subscription. Whenever I've added it up what I've spent works out as far less than a subscription would cost me, in any game. I haven't worked it out for GW2 for a while because there's no easy way to track the transactions and I'm not keen on trawling through 7 years of bank records but if anything the average per month will have gone down recently. (Nothing to do with the game, everything to do with having other things to spend money on and being one of those boring adults who has to understand that "there's no such thing as spending too much on a game" simply isn't true unless you have infinite money.)

But more importantly there's a difference between buying gems as and when you want to because there's an item you want to buy, and paying a subscription because you're required to do it to be allowed to play the game you've already bought. The reason I gave up on subscription games isn't that I couldn't afford it, but that I found having paid for permission to log in I felt like I had to play "enough" to get my money's worth, and then I wasn't enjoying it as much because I felt like I was only playing because I had to. Add on the fact that my life is pretty erratic, meaning it's impossible for me to predict 30 days in advance how much time I'll have for a game so I could easily end up paying a subscription and then never getting to play at all in that time and it just becomes a bad deal. Every time I've ended up deciding I'd rather stick to non-subscription games where I don't need to worry about it.

So I'm one of the ones who would definitely quit if GW2 introduced a subscription, even if it meant all the stuff in the gem store could be unlocked in-game. I'd much rather periodically buy an item I like and then have it available as and when I want to use it than pay in advance for time and have to worry about making sure I get to use it.

(One possible exception is if they introduced a 'pay as you go' subscription where you buy a number of hours and it's only used up when you're actually logged in. I think that might work better for me, but I've never had the chance to try it because it's only ever been offered in Korea by a minority of games trying to introduce people used to free-to-play games to subscriptions.)

I've never bothered checking whether or not my spending on gw2 would be equal to paying a sub. But with the type of work I do I don't always earn the same amount every month. So sometimes I can't spend any money at all, sometimes I can spend a lot. For me at least it is easier to spend my money through the gem store when I can than to have to cancel a subscription and not be able to play just because I had a slow month.

There have been months where I spent a lot of money (some would even say it was way too much to spend on a game), but I don't know what my monthly spending average is.

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@Glider.5792 said:

@knomslayer.9457 said:I see my guildmates and alot of people are saying they have problem spending too much money on the game. No, there is no such thing spending too much real life money on the game. If you spend your money example buy gems.. You are helping/supporting the game. Your money will be used to update the game, make new outfits, new weapon skins , mount skins and so many more new content for the game. So dont feel bad whenever you feel like spending real money.

This i naively believed until the contract crash half a year ago. Then we learned none of the gold ends up in gw2

.... Okay.. Then where is the gold end up?

Aperently mobile projects.

I see what you're trying to say.. Ncsoft does have alot of mobile games.. But come on man, i dont think they would spend incomes from gw2 for those mobile games

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At least some of the money spent on GW2 has to go to staff working on it, unless you believe all the changes which have happened were done by people working for free or somehow just happened on their own by magic. It may not have been spent on making exactly the changes you personally would prefer to see, but that's a whole other discussion. Anet doesn't have any other games, so there is no where else for money to come from to pay those people.

(Also we've known since before GW1 was released that some of the money spent on these games would go to NCSoft because that's how the industry works.)

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Spending money to support 7 years old game that refuses to progress?

No Thank You!!

Until Anet listen to their player base who want positive healthy change, don't even think about it!!

Instead, support those who prioritize in their players experience, growth and concerns

instead of their own agenda

(by the way, has anyone heard a game called, No Man Sky? here is a read when game companies who finally learned in prioritizing in their players experiences, growth and concerns. In return; gain Trust, Respect and Prosperity)

Hello Games amongst others also realized without addressing the root cause problems in their games; their would never be any solutions. Instead; it would be endless repetitive cycle like what we have here.

so they finally said, No Way!!

--/Bravo to Hello Games including others who took steps to change and who continue to strive in learning and listening - :)

--here goes--


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@Tiviana.2650 said:Im finding this game rather expensive for what you get. I can play wow get all the mounts pets wardrobe weapons in game and the sub has cost me less in a year than what i spent here in 7/8 months. I think people have blinders on or something, you are spending more on mtx games because thats the content. I wish they would go to a sub even 5 bucks a month would be enough to carry the game from everyone, and all the stuff would be ingame you actually play for.

Ironically, you are totally right: I can do quests/achievements to get awesome mounts in WoW. In GW2 - since I can't mindnumbingly farm for hours - I need to buy gems to get mounts which easily cost me about 200€. That's one and a half year sub in other MMOs. There is not one single mount skin aside from the standard ones - which I can earn in game. It just looks so greedy if you compare the tons of skins they dish out. Why not give us even a fraction of it via in game rewards? It would motivate a lot of people. I know for myself that working for mounts in game (and I don't mean stupid farming gold) can be motivating and probably bring in new and former players.

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