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We are willing to pay for New Content ! Please !


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I think the point that most fans of Guild Wars wanted to make after the August 30th Annoucement, is the following. Most loyal fans, both hardcore and casual, are willing to pay for brand new content; rather than only receiving living story episodes.

Customers that are willing to pay for new content are very different from the free to play crowd that are less likely to support the game.

Free content is always good to get us through huge content droughts in between expansions. But the driving force is that most loyal fans are willing to pay for new content. And it just so happens that willingness to pay for new content in the PC Gaming industry is through Expansions.

Perhaps the point of the August 30th announcement was for everyone that has not bought Path of Fire already, better do it now in order to receive Season 5 (Saga) for free.

Now of course your loyal fan base which has already bought both expansions for this game want more, are now begging and proclaiming how much we desperately need New Content and we are willing to pay for it !

This is what matters the most to me and I don’t think has been stated directly. The fans that were upset by this announcement, who were dedicated enough to attend or even watch the entire 45 min event, wanted something tangible to look forward too. And the driving point that I hope ANET understands is that we simply want more Guild Wars 2.

Please make new content for all the GW2 game-modes, as we love this game and we want more of it ! And We are willing to pay for it ! We need a new Expansion, sometime in the next 2 years in order for this game to not die off and be forgotten.

As of right now, Path of Fire came out 2 years ago. I can definitely wait 1 year for the next expansion to arrive. But Most players need hope and more definitive statements than “expansions are not off-the-Table”.

Simple statements stating that ANET is working on an expansion, but doesn’t know whether it will take 1 year or 2 years to develop, would give players hope and confidence to keep playing and stay invested in the game.

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@"OutOfOrder.3719" said:I think the point that most fans of Guild Wars wanted to make after the August 30th Annoucement, is the following. Most loyal fans, both hardcore and casual, are willing to pay for new content; in favor of receiving more content than only receiving living story episodes.

Customers that are willing to pay for new content are very different from the free to play crowd that are less likely to support the game.

Free content is always good to get us through huge content droughts in between expansions. But the driving force is that most loyal fans are willing to pay for new content. And it just so happens that willingness to pay for new content in the PC Gaming industry is through Expansions.

Perhaps the point of the August 30th announcement was for everyone that has not bought Path of Fire already, better do it now in order to receive Season 5 (Saga) for free.

Now of course your loyal fan base which has already bought both expansions for this game want more, are now begging and proclaiming how much we desperately need New Content and we are willing to pay for it !

This is what matters the most to me and I don’t think has been stated directly. The fans that were upset by this announcement, who were dedicated enough to attend or even watch the entire 45 min event, wanted something tangible to look forward too. And the driving point that I hope ANET understands is that we simply want more Guild Wars 2.

Please make new content for all the GW2 game-modes, as we love this game and we want more of it ! And We are willing to pay for it ! We need a new Expansion, sometime in the next 2 years in order for this game to not die off and be forgotten.

As of right now, Path of Fire came out 2 years ago. I can definitely wait 1 year for the next expansion to arrive. But Most players need hope and more definitive statements than “expansions are not off-the-Table”.

Simple statements stating that ANET is working on an expansion, but doesn’t know whether it will take 1 year or 2 years to develop, would give players hope and confidence to keep playing and stay invested in the game.

These are the same answers we got prior to HoT. There will be no expansions; They are gung-hoe about living world taking its place and that means they will double down on the gemstore. The content will be made to keep you playing and the gemstore will get many, many, many, many more additions and while I agree and want expansions with the level of vast and expansive content they bring the majority of the community doesn't. The majority or I should say the very casual "Vocal minority" who are always yelling about everything don't want a ticket entry fee. They want to log in and get the whole thing at one time; Meaning A-net looking at it are probably saying something like this "We realize now that expansions make it more difficult to create content, because the type of people we actively attract and market too are not the type willing to drop money on a game itself."

This is why you only need PoF to get everything, living world will be what brings us content going forward and I believe since each episode costs money to get if you missed it they will use that and gemstore/armor/weapons/outfits/ect to make money. Im not sure what to expect outside of that, but what I can tell you is don't expect an expansion until they believe living world wont work. (Similar to what happened prior to HoT) when the game clearly wasn't working and expansions became much more enticing because of how living world initially failed.

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Living world will fail. It’s just a matter of time, how long will it take to fail.

And although the community can be very vocal, I sincerely believe that people are willing to pay for brand new content like : new elite specializations or picking a secondary core profession that will dynamically change gameplay. We genuinely want Brand new Content that we have not Seen before in Guild Wars 2 .

Like Guild vs Guild utilizing the current 5vs5 Ranked PvP maps, with a completely separate Guild ladder from solo/duo que Ranked ladder.

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The only way I've ever seen the Living World seasons are as prequels and sequels. I've never seen them "taking the place" of an Expansion, but instead offering story/events/maps/features leading up to and following Expansions themselves, which act as the "climax" points of the story overall.

Base Game = "Start" of the storyExpansions = "Climax" points of the story, or very major eventsLiving World = the build up, resolution, and transitions between them

So I don't think Expansions need to be replaced by Living World. Nor do I think Living World needs to go away. They've been working together fine, but now is the time where an Expansion should be dropping soon--and it's not like they don't have much to work with since they'll have 2 Seasons to build on including Icebrood. An Expansion should definitely be after this Season, much like HoT came after Season 1 and 2.

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The fact GW2 is based off a Buy to Play is one of it's major SP's like GW1 previously.If you revoke that major feature then I would be more inclined to think it will harm the business more than you think, but that is one of the thoughts that had crossed my mind after the live event and the impetus placed on showing all we had gotten upto and including IBS for free.I wonder if there is a change in the air, hopefully not and I think I wont be alone in saying that. I already pay a sub for 1 other MMO out of choice and I wont be doubling that number any time soon for sure.

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Locusts are going to burn through "content" regardless of delivery method. Living World episode? Two weeks, tops. Expansion? A month. New raid? Stops being interesting in 2 months.Expansions are most useful for provoking some big change/addition to characters (gliding, mounts, elites) and other features. ANet can do that without an expansion.

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Bingo! If I see life in the game, as in an expansion, I will not hesitate to buy it. Most likely the most expensive version too so I get whatever we get with it. I have been playing for years. If you broke it down most likely I have sunk more money than in a subscription game but I do not like subs on principle.

I do not consider the living world life unless an expansion has been announced and we get that while we wait. Mainly store updates? Just forget it. That gets classified as 'someone just forgot to turn the servers off'. In either of those 2 cases I will mourn GW2 while actively looking for a replacement.

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@OutOfOrder.3719 said:I think the point that most fans of Guild Wars wanted to make after the August 30th Annoucement, is the following. Most loyal fans, both hardcore and casual, are willing to pay for brand new content; rather than only receiving living story episodes.

Customers that are willing to pay for new content are very different from the free to play crowd that are less likely to support the game.

Free content is always good to get us through huge content droughts in between expansions. But the driving force is that most loyal fans are willing to pay for new content. And it just so happens that willingness to pay for new content in the PC Gaming industry is through Expansions.

Perhaps the point of the August 30th announcement was for everyone that has not bought Path of Fire already, better do it now in order to receive Season 5 (Saga) for free.

Now of course your loyal fan base which has already bought both expansions for this game want more, are now begging and proclaiming how much we desperately need New Content and we are willing to pay for it !

This is what matters the most to me and I don’t think has been stated directly. The fans that were upset by this announcement, who were dedicated enough to attend or even watch the entire 45 min event, wanted something tangible to look forward too. And the driving point that I hope ANET understands is that we simply want more Guild Wars 2.

Please make new content for all the GW2 game-modes, as we love this game and we want more of it ! And We are willing to pay for it ! We need a new Expansion, sometime in the next 2 years in order for this game to not die off and be forgotten.

As of right now, Path of Fire came out 2 years ago. I can definitely wait 1 year for the next expansion to arrive. But Most players need hope and more definitive statements than “expansions are not off-the-Table”.

Simple statements stating that ANET is working on an expansion, but doesn’t know whether it will take 1 year or 2 years to develop, would give players hope and confidence to keep playing and stay invested in the game.

While I do agree with your general sentiment, i.e. I would be fine with paying for an expansion, I do not think that you are being very clear here.

First of all, new Living World episodes are brand new content, because each of them introduces either maps or activities that have not existed in the game before. Your refusal to see LW as new content does not make it not new or old.I assume that what you really want is not new content, but an expansion, which is basically just a big bundle of new content. It is not clear from your post whether a simultaneous release of full LW season (instead of 1 episode/3 months) would satisfy your demands.

Secondly, please avoid broad generalisations without any factual support and/or research. I am one of those loyal fans who are totally fine with ArenaNet's decision to work on LW and release 3-4 episodes per year. In fact, I prefer the LW model for new content. It does not deter me from supporting the company financially, as well.

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@Thornwolf.9721 said:

@"OutOfOrder.3719" said:I think the point that most fans of Guild Wars wanted to make after the August 30th Annoucement, is the following. Most loyal fans, both hardcore and casual, are willing to pay for new content; in favor of receiving more content than only receiving living story episodes.

Customers that are willing to pay for new content are very different from the free to play crowd that are less likely to support the game.

Free content is always good to get us through huge content droughts in between expansions. But the driving force is that most loyal fans are willing to pay for new content. And it just so happens that willingness to pay for new content in the PC Gaming industry is through Expansions.

Perhaps the point of the August 30th announcement was for everyone that has not bought Path of Fire already, better do it now in order to receive Season 5 (Saga) for free.

Now of course your loyal fan base which has already bought both expansions for this game want more, are now begging and proclaiming how much we desperately need New Content and we are willing to pay for it !

This is what matters the most to me and I don’t think has been stated directly. The fans that were upset by this announcement, who were dedicated enough to attend or even watch the entire 45 min event, wanted something tangible to look forward too. And the driving point that I hope ANET understands is that we simply want more Guild Wars 2.

Please make new content for all the GW2 game-modes, as we love this game and we want more of it ! And We are willing to pay for it ! We need a new Expansion, sometime in the next 2 years in order for this game to not die off and be forgotten.

As of right now, Path of Fire came out 2 years ago. I can definitely wait 1 year for the next expansion to arrive. But Most players need hope and more definitive statements than “expansions are not off-the-Table”.

Simple statements stating that ANET is working on an expansion, but doesn’t know whether it will take 1 year or 2 years to develop, would give players hope and confidence to keep playing and stay invested in the game.

These are the same answers we got prior to HoT. There will be no expansions; They are gung-hoe about living world taking its place and that means they will double down on the gemstore. The content will be made to keep you playing and the gemstore will get many, many, many, many more additions and while I agree and want expansions with the level of vast and expansive content they bring the majority of the community doesn't. The majority or I should say the very casual "Vocal minority" who are always yelling about everything don't want a ticket entry fee. They want to log in and get the whole thing at one time; Meaning A-net looking at it are probably saying something like this "We realize now that expansions make it more difficult to create content, because the type of people we actively attract and market too are not the type willing to drop money on a game itself."

This is why you only need PoF to get everything, living world will be what brings us content going forward and I believe since each episode costs money to get if you missed it they will use that and gemstore/armor/weapons/outfits/ect to make money. Im not sure what to expect outside of that, but what I can tell you is don't expect an expansion until they believe living world wont work. (Similar to what happened prior to HoT) when the game clearly wasn't working and expansions became much more enticing because of how living world initially failed.

2 years from now GW2 is gonna be free altogether.I mean, I can see what ANet is getting at. They are trying to appeal to the biggest community - casuals that drop in and out. Leave a few dollars here and there for the GemStore.I am afraid that this is very short-sighted as this kind of methodology is applied to the Mobile MMO market. I don't think it can work in the long run. I just don't believe it will. Even if they can deliver expansion-like content in LW, we are still talking about 18 months. It's certainly too long.

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Ok. When I say “We” it should only represent the majority of players that were upset or disappointed with the August 30th press release.

I suppose some players were happy with that press release and I never intended to include the happy players .

But for those players that were disappointed, Even a little bit, I don’t think anyone was really able to pinpoint the real take away message that the let down “majority” experienced.

Although ANET certainty is now aware that we want expansion level content, I’m making my statement as follows.

So I will say it again. I want new content and I am willing to pay for it ! New game changing dynamics or new elite specializations or new game modes .

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@"OutOfOrder.3719" said:Ok. When I say “We” it should only represent the majority of players that were upset or disappointed with the August 30th press release.

I suppose some players were happy with that press release and I never intended to include the happy players .

But for those players that were disappointed, Even a little bit, I don’t think anyone was really able to pinpoint the real take away message that the let down “majority” experienced.

Although ANET certainty is now aware that we want expansion level content, I’m making my statement as follows.

So I will say it again. I want new content and I am willing to pay for it ! New game changing dynamics or new elite specializations or new game modes .

When you say "we," you can include me. I am so willing to pay for a new expansion. Of course I appreciate getting LW content and that it's free, but I want a PoF-sized expansion. Have gotten quite burned out on GW2 lately -- the grindfest of Skyscale acquisition started it for me a few months ago, the 8/30 announcement disappointed me in a big way, and now I feel less inclined to play. Hopefully next Tuesday I'll get some enthusiasm again.

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If we could reliably trust a cycle in which Living World necessarily lead to expansions I would be a happy camper. The only thing that bothers me is the pacing and depth of content upon each release. A reliable road map is the only thing that can really alleviate those particular concerns for players similar to me. For whatever reason, Anet simply hasn't been doing that level of communication and typically work from a very high-level, top-down approach that seems more distant than perhaps they perceive.

As things stand I can reliably predict whenever the Gem Store is going to be updated before I can predict any other additional content to the game. That's not exactly a good sign in my opinion. The Gem Store obviously doesn't have to go anywhere, but it should be handled in a different way than it currently is. However, I acknowledge that they have to make money somehow, but I think that there are better ways of doing it with the additional goal of placating those with concerns about the games future.

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@OutOfOrder.3719 said:I think the point that most fans of Guild Wars wanted to make after the August 30th Annoucement, is the following. Most loyal fans, both hardcore and casual, are willing to pay for brand new content; rather than only receiving living story episodes.

LS episodes is new content so ... ????

@Witch of Doom.5739 said:

@OutOfOrder.3719 said:Ok. When I say “We” it should only represent the majority of players that were upset or disappointed with the August 30th press release.

I suppose some players were happy with that press release and I never intended to include the happy players .

But for those players that were disappointed, Even a little bit, I don’t think anyone was really able to pinpoint the real take away message that the let down “majority” experienced.

Although ANET certainty is now aware that we want expansion level content, I’m making my statement as follows.

So I will say it again. I want new content and I am willing to pay for it ! New game changing dynamics or new elite specializations or new game modes .

When you say "we," you can include me. I am so willing to pay for a new expansion. Of course I appreciate getting LW content and that it's free, but I want a PoF-sized expansion. Have gotten quite burned out on GW2 lately -- the grindfest of Skyscale acquisition started it for me a few months ago, the 8/30 announcement disappointed me in a big way, and now I feel less inclined to play. Hopefully next Tuesday I'll get some enthusiasm again.

Oh the irony ... you don't want more LS because you are burned out on that steady stream of content ... but can't wait to get absolutely crushed by a ten ton expansion.

Don't get me wrong ... I would pay for new content to, but that doesn't ONLY mean it has to be in an expansion. Hell, I would pay for patch that ONLY had new elite specs ,... not even new content. There are TONS of ways Anet can give us new content AND make us pay for it.

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@DonArkanio.6419 said:I'd rather pay for something good than get mediocre for free.

I agree.

I am willing to spend money on my hobbies. I just wish that the gemstore had more worth (IMO) buying without gambling for it. Skins that I would be willing to spend $100 on I ignore because I am not willing to spend even $1 if I can expect to get nothing in return.

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