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Teammate toxicity: has anyone else noticed this trend?


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@sostronk.8167 said:I have played ~350 games this season. Most of them have been pleasant. I have had maybe 15 games with toxic / abusive teammates. And I have noticed that most of those seem to be duo queue. Anyone else noticed this?

I have players complaining about in while playing other games to former Guild Wars 2 players and players who knows Guild Wars 2 pvp

You are not alone

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That's honestly a very low amount of toxic games relative to games played.

I've only played like 60 games this season, and i'd say close to half those games have either had someone confront me, a teammate, or someone else if not everyone in the match by saying "gg" after the first midfight and afking the remainder of the game.

My stats are a bit unfair though, because I walk around toting a guild called "Get rid of Ranked DuoQ" which is a bit provocative to some people for some reason that's just totally beyond me, since it's hating the concept and not any individual player(s) c: 0

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There are always going to be a few toxic players. I haven’t noticed duos being more likely to be toxic. The duos mainly expect to need to carry at a higher ELO. It’s a waste of their time to harass teammates for being bad when the whole point is to shut down the one or two (non-duo higher ELO) players on the enemy team and ensure their team holds onto the core points they need to in order to win.

There are a few players (who I won’t name) at higher ELO who are really unpleasant to play with or against. But most higher ranked players aren’t as toxic because they know screaming at your teammates is not a good way to turn around games.

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@sostronk.8167 said:I have played ~350 games this season. Most of them have been pleasant. I have had maybe 15 games with toxic / abusive teammates. And I have noticed that most of those seem to be duo queue. Anyone else noticed this?

Game gets more trashy higher up rank you go. You'd be surprised how much it increases between each tier of each rank.

Population doesn't help I find because I can play 2-3 games with 3-4 player a lot lower rank than me and find myself carrying giving advice left right and centre then the next 2-3 games is with trashy plat players and or high golds which afk or trash on you for slightest mistake.

The rate at which you have to change your game plan becomes increasingly more as your faced between better players and worse ones it's difficult to keep up the pace and know what's going on sometimes and I even find myself losing the plot sometimes when I get trashed on then the same players trashing me make the same trash rotations or I end up facing them and destroying them cause I'm playing good. It's hard to stay consistent with the current population issue.

Worst thing anet done was make it easier to get into plat cause now you have kids playing cheese thinking they are good and just trashing everyone or like you said duos who don't realise they are only where they are because they duo. It's a mind fuck of a game to play right now. Am actually considering making an alt to play on when I'm in a bad mood or playing bad for whatever reason and just playing different classes to mix things up a bit and improve.

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@sostronk.8167 said:I have played ~350 games this season. Most of them have been pleasant. I have had maybe 15 games with toxic / abusive teammates. And I have noticed that most of those seem to be duo queue. Anyone else noticed this?there are 3 reasons:

  1. ppl who took the game seriously have quit
  2. after years of nothing, anet suddenly started giving bans to random pvpers for the slightest banter
  3. half the ppl you playing with are bots
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Yeah I have probably had it pretty good with teammates. I mean in League of Legends it was every game.

I have noticed there are alot of bots in game. The other thing is speed hackers (there are several necros I get matched with regularly that warp and outrun me even when I have superspeed and they don't even have swiftness).

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