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Storyline Disconnects - [Merged]

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So I had a lot of these disconnects during the latter parts of the Personal Story, especially the final mission Victory or Death. There were some instances that had no problems, others would DC after the final cutscene but I managed to do most of them on the second try. Victory or Death DC-d three times after I collected the cores and boarded the airship, but on the fourth time managed to finish it.

Here are all the fixes I tried over the last few days in incremental steps.

  • Disable Remember Account Name and Password, Untick Auto-Play and deleting the cache afterwards.
  • Port forwarding 80, 443, 6112 ports on router
  • Added "-clientport 80" to the shortcut, later changed it to 443, then changed it back to 80
  • Added " assetcdn.102.arenanetworks.com" entry to hosts
  • Set my PC Power settings into High Performance mode and disabled turning off the ethernet device to save power


I did all of these before my fourth run on Victory or Death and still DC-d after some cutscenes, on the finished run I did these:

  • Changed the host entry to " assetcdn.102.arenanetworks.com assetcdn.103.arenanetworks.com"
  • Ran a youtube stream in the background while I was doing the instance
  • Skipped every skippable cutscene and pressed buttons during the unskippable ones (the last one probably doesn't do anything)


Maybe one of these worked, maybe the combination of all worked or I just got lucky, probably the last one though. The last things left to try are using a VPN, changing content streaming in the settings to "On Demand" (some people say they had success with this but mine is on Max already so...) and replacing the router since it is a pretty old one.

Hopefully one day this issue gets fixed!

Edited by czpeti.9724
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So I wanted to give an update after my last post.

I completed LW Season1 without any disconnects, and Season 2 went pretty well... until episode 5 Hidden Arcana.

In this instance I died on the last boss and had to restart from the checkpoint, then the final cutscene caused a dc. On the next attempt I died on the Facet of Darkness and had to restart, and then the next cutscene (the one that introduces the last boss) caused a DC. Then on the final attempt I managed to do it in one run and there was no disconnect.

Again I had all the "fixes" that I found on the net active, apart from using a VPN.

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As the title says, I got a repeated bug blocking my story progress in EoD Fallout: Arborstone after killing Ishan. I get all of the dialouge after Ishan is slained, but then my screen goes white and the HUD remains for about 1min before the game crashes and boots me back to teh character selection. After the first time I thought it was my end, thought it was a drop in connection. But after a 2nd time with no connection issues and got a the same bug blocking progress and the same game crashing, returned to character selection... I got tired of fighting the same mini boss and calling it a night. I tried to do the bug report ingame, but the crash prevented me from submiting it in, so I don't have a screenshot unfortunatly.

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I just playd again after 10 years. I got a disconnect at nearly every story mission. I have to play most of them twice. With the second try it works. No matter what the end is, in the second it should end i got the disconnect. I was about to think to fall into the game over the christmas time, buying the addons, but if that problem stays i am not sure. After such a long time this MUST be fixed. Sure there is a ton of other content, but the story must work. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, I decided to return to GW2 last week after a few years. now leveling up a new character and going through the story, I am running into the issue of being disconnected at the very end of an instanced story quest, every day. It's become extremely exhausting to play when every single day I have to redo hours of progress because it disconnects me once I finish. It doesn't happen with every quest, but at least a few times a day, and it's just no fun constantly being paranoid & redoing hours.


Is there a known fix or solution?

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If its happening on specific quests, its likely the game but if its happening on random ones, especially only a few times per day, it sounds like your connection or ISP have a problem with infrequent packet loss.


You should run a constant ping test in the background throughout the day to measure it. Anything above an average of 1% is bad, and will likely result in disconnects.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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So frustrating. 8 attempts at Victory or Death.

I love this game, so I'm trying again. So far I've cleared my DNS cache, manually added GW2-64.exe to the firewall exceptions, added the entire GW2 folder to the antivirus exceptions (MS Defender), but I still got disconnected right after a cutscene after killing the Mouth of Zhaitan.

Next, I deleted the %AppData/Roaming/GW2 folder and set my FPS to 60 & ran in windowed mode, but it still crashed.

Finally, I uninstalled & reinstalled the game. I changed the Content Streaming setting to "On Demand" and was able to finish Victory or Death, even watching cutscenes. I admit that I used movement keys whenever the action paused or a cutscene was running, just in case that would make a difference, but I suspect re-installing the game is what did the trick.

One item to note, the game was not fully downloaded when I did this last play-through, so I guess that might have something to do with it.

Edited by Bogartan.8017
updated for success
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I have resigned myself to not being able to finish the core game personal story on this account due to the same bug disconnecting me on a dozen occasions at least. I progress through Forging The Pact until the cutscene with the necromancer at the end. The audio will then cut out, the cutscene will play out without sound to the end and afterwards the game thinks i'm still in a cutscene and then dc me. I then have to try to redo the whole story chapter, at which point the same thing happens again and again. At the end of the living world season 3 story (Frozen Out) quest, during the ongoing conversation at the end of the quest, i get constantly disconnected at roughly the same point in the conversation. Only Once has the game progressed to the cutscene of Braham shooting the arrow at Jormag's tooth, at which point the cutscene ends, and the game thinks i'm still in the cutscene and then dc's me, and makes me do the whole 20 minute story chapter again. I've attempted to do this 6 times now, and i'm tired of wasting time trying to progress this story. (Yes i know i could just go to the journal to start episode 4, but i want to do this in order fully).

Please investigate and sort this issue out, as i'm sure that it's not the first time someone has mentioned this

Edited by Actordaz.8032
Update after topic merge
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I feel obliged to post here as a relatively new account able to recreate this issue. Have created a thread for a specific case / instance here - 

Will attempt a single fix at a time and post back. First change: Switching streaming from Idle to Max....Wish me luck.

Edit: yup, that fixed it.

Edited by Hemmels.6184
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  • 2 weeks later...

I really appreciate how dedicated the developers are to the story content that they forcefully disconnect players 2-5 times during occasional instanced story content, BUT NOT UNTIL THE END.

This way, players have to re-play content multiple times to truly appreciate the work that was put into creating it.


Sure, game developers could simply implement a progression system so that if you get disconnected by spaghetti-code on the last cinematic of an hour-long story instance, that you'd start over at the last "save point".


But would you truly appreciate defeating Zhaitan if you didn't have to defeat all his minions, champions, and then him four times before getting credit for it?

I think not.


This is truly ingenious game design.  

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This has been discussed many times, and there's an entire, very long thread about solutions. Usually its because your graphics settings are too high for cinematics causing the network code to be starved for processing time, but the actual problem is often unique to ever player and has a wide variety of causes beyond just "the game is bad".


This game was designed in an era when the average desktop computer had only one CPU.


Progression has been implemented since LWS4, IBS and EoD, has been implemented in the re-introduction of LWS1 and is slowly being added to other instances from LWS2, HoT, LWS3 and PoF.


Some Path of Fire instances already had progression, but not all.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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That's happened to me perodically over the years. It's always been due to a problem with my PC (usually either the graphics card or the hard drive) and fixed by adjusting the settings to what my PC can actually handle or repairing or replacing the faulty part. In between those problems disconnects are very rare.

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I very rarely get disconnected and when I do the reason is usually my router going bonkers (really need to get a new one) or some other connection issue. I've likely experienced more disconnects outside the story instances than in them.

Other than content streaming on max you might want to check network adapter's power management settings from the device manager. If it has power saving mode on then disable it. If you connect thru wi-fi the power plan options should also have a setting for Windows to turn off the wireless adapter to save power. To prevent this from happening set it to maximum performance mode.

Edited by Jukhy.2431
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11 minutes ago, Khazral.7592 said:

I have never experienced this problem in all 10 years of playing.   I have completed the entire story arc on many characters.  Sounds like a personal problem.

Yeah same, never had a disconnect in a story mission. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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8 hours ago, Lancel.1490 said:

I really appreciate how dedicated the developers are to the story content that they forcefully disconnect players 2-5 times during occasional instanced story content, BUT NOT UNTIL THE END.

This way, players have to re-play content multiple times to truly appreciate the work that was put into creating it.


Sure, game developers could simply implement a progression system so that if you get disconnected by spaghetti-code on the last cinematic of an hour-long story instance, that you'd start over at the last "save point".


But would you truly appreciate defeating Zhaitan if you didn't have to defeat all his minions, champions, and then him four times before getting credit for it?

I think not.


This is truly ingenious game design.  

Wait till you realize you have to do story on more than one character for some collections, or for mutually exclusive achievements. Or for some components to crafting gen3 legendary weapon precursors.

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9 hours ago, Lancel.1490 said:

I really appreciate how dedicated the developers are to the story content that they forcefully disconnect players 2-5 times during occasional instanced story content, BUT NOT UNTIL THE END.

This way, players have to re-play content multiple times to truly appreciate the work that was put into creating it.


Sure, game developers could simply implement a progression system so that if you get disconnected by spaghetti-code on the last cinematic of an hour-long story instance, that you'd start over at the last "save point".


But would you truly appreciate defeating Zhaitan if you didn't have to defeat all his minions, champions, and then him four times before getting credit for it?

I think not.


This is truly ingenious game design.  

Yeah been there. Especially rough when you have multiple characters. It made me not even want to do the stories anymore on new characters and this is one a high end computer that can run games far more demanding that gw2 could ever dream of rendering. Maybe check the thread the one guy posted; that may or may not help. But yeah it sucks.

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