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This type of behavior is sole reason of why you do NOT progress.

I just don't know who's idea was to design chest progress like this

Long time ago,when you gained/lost pips based on win/lose pvp was much better.

People are going to join with mentality 'oh i need to lose 100 games in order to obtain ascended pvp backpack,tons of pvp tickets,gold and transmutation charges,so i won't even bother to win' and same those people are going to ruin your whole games.

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@"Ghetx.1752" said:https://imgur.com/a/nFNqSxC

This type of behavior is sole reason of why you do NOT progress.

I just don't know who's idea was to design chest progress like this

Long time ago,when you gained/lost pips based on win/lose pvp was much better.

People are going to join with mentality 'oh i need to lose 100 games in order to obtain ascended pvp backpack,tons of pvp tickets,gold and transmutation charges,so i won't even bother to win' and same those people are going to ruin your whole games.

When ESL failed (and thank to Leshe), Anet tryed to bring PVE players to PVP, like waving candy to children. Than they had an epiphany...."!wait! Those PVE players who spend 500€ a day (and I am not lying) in PVE can spend it in PVP".... so now... we... core pvp players are feeding those pve players (and anet pocket). And trust me this time, I can say it whithout being afraid of getting banned cos I know who spent 1000€ in less than 24h in gems. Now you imagine that guy trying pvp and lose....

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w> @Kaburro.4712 said:

@"Ghetx.1752" said:

This type of behavior is sole reason of why you do NOT progress.

I just don't know who's idea was to design chest progress like this

Long time ago,when you gained/lost pips based on win/lose pvp was much better.

People are going to join with mentality 'oh i need to lose 100 games in order to obtain ascended pvp backpack,tons of pvp tickets,gold and transmutation charges,so i won't even bother to win' and same those people are going to ruin your whole games.

When ESL failed (and thank to Leshe), Anet tryed to bring PVE players to PVP, like waving candy to children. Than they had an epiphany...."!wait! Those PVE players who spend 500€ a day (and I am not lying) in PVE can spend it in PVP".... so now... we... core pvp players are feeding those pve players (and anet pocket). And trust me this time, I can say it whithout being afraid of getting banned cos I know who spent 1000€ in less than 24h in gems. Now you imagine that guy trying pvp and lose....

and this is another post that will never see the light of the day XD

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@Kaburro.4712 said:

@"Ghetx.1752" said:

This type of behavior is sole reason of why you do NOT progress.

I just don't know who's idea was to design chest progress like this

Long time ago,when you gained/lost pips based on win/lose pvp was much better.

People are going to join with mentality 'oh i need to lose 100 games in order to obtain ascended pvp backpack,tons of pvp tickets,gold and transmutation charges,so i won't even bother to win' and same those people are going to ruin your whole games.

When ESL failed (and thank to Leshe), Anet tryed to bring PVE players to PVP, like waving candy to children. Than they had an epiphany...."!wait! Those PVE players who spend 500€ a day (and I am not lying) in PVE can spend it in PVP".... so now... we... core pvp players are feeding those pve players (and anet pocket). And trust me this time, I can say it whithout being afraid of getting banned cos I know who spent 1000€ in less than 24h in gems. Now you imagine that guy trying pvp and lose....

Thank you for your reply,and this is just sad.

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@Nilkemia.8507 said:

@shadowpass.4236 said:Well that's what happens when you reward losing.

Winning should be emphasized. Losing should not give any silver/reward track progress to discourage bots and AFKers.

This will just make matches even more toxic and drive away more people.

And make Spvp actually competitive.

Most games you get people who don't care about win because they get rewarded for losing.

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@Ghetx.1752 said:

@shadowpass.4236 said:Well that's what happens when you reward losing.

Winning should be emphasized. Losing should not give any silver/reward track progress to discourage bots and AFKers.

This will just make matches even more toxic and drive away more people.

And make Spvp actually competitive.

Most games you get people who don't care about win because they get rewarded for losing.

Still not sure how a dying PvP mode can/will be competitive. Didn't they try that with E-sports or whatever? How'd that work out again?

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@Nilkemia.8507 said:

@shadowpass.4236 said:Well that's what happens when you reward losing.

Winning should be emphasized. Losing should not give any silver/reward track progress to discourage bots and AFKers.

This will just make matches even more toxic and drive away more people.

And make Spvp actually competitive.

Most games you get people who don't care about win because they get rewarded for losing.

Still not sure how a dying PvP mode can/will be competitive. Didn't they try that with E-sports or whatever? How'd that work out again?

GW2 esports was actually pretty big during core days. It just died bc of the bunker meta during HoT that made every match boring af to watch.

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@Nilkemia.8507 said:

@shadowpass.4236 said:Well that's what happens when you reward losing.

Winning should be emphasized. Losing should not give any silver/reward track progress to discourage bots and AFKers.

This will just make matches even more toxic and drive away more people.

And make Spvp actually competitive.

Most games you get people who don't care about win because they get rewarded for losing.

Still not sure how a dying PvP mode can/will be competitive. Didn't they try that with E-sports or whatever? How'd that work out again?

They did, but got banned. thats when they changed PIP system for Leader Board... shame :\

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@shadowpass.4236 said:Well that's what happens when you reward losing.

Winning should be emphasized. Losing should not give any silver/reward track progress to discourage bots and AFKers.

Nothing would just encourage people to abandon games. Have an AFKer, everyone might as well leave. Reward the win but reward additionally both sides based on personal output, which could be done on existing metrics. AFKers would receive little to nothing since they had no numbers.

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I totally get it why they make it available as it is,because some people are never going to be good at pvp,and some people have bad luck,so system in which you lose PIPS would mean they are never going to get ascended or lege backpack,but...

It should at least be that way in which you don't get any pips if you lose game,because i think anyone even most horrible players can win enough games in 2-3 months to be able to obtain pvp legendary wings.

With that system players would give their best to win and to learn how to play,this was its just plain sad.Im gonna lose every single game still win big time.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:Well that's what happens when you reward losing.

Winning should be emphasized. Losing should not give any silver/reward track progress to discourage bots and AFKers.

how to remove even more players from pvpearn nothing for losinglets punish all players because bots and afkers instead of just fixing bots and afkers

This would be the worst choice they can make Fix the cause dont fight symptoms and pushing real players at the same time.

I wouldnt touch pvp if i was told there was a chance i wont get anything for each game if i lose.This will also make people more toxic as a result creating a new problem

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@Tharan.9085 said:

@shadowpass.4236 said:Well that's what happens when you reward losing.

Winning should be emphasized. Losing should not give any silver/reward track progress to discourage bots and AFKers.

This will just make matches even more toxic and drive away more people.

And make Spvp actually competitive.

Most games you get people who don't care about win because they get rewarded for losing.

Still not sure how a dying PvP mode can/will be competitive. Didn't they try that with E-sports or whatever? How'd that work out again?

GW2 esports was actually pretty big during core days. It just died bc of the bunker meta during HoT that made every match boring af to watch.

What? Even pre-hot weekly ESLs struggled with getting 8 teams together despite participation being free and gen rewards for the top 2 (or was it 4? Can’t remember).

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@Nilkemia.8507 said:

@"shadowpass.4236" said:Well that's what happens when you reward losing.

Winning should be emphasized. Losing should not give any silver/reward track progress to discourage bots and AFKers.

This will just make matches even more toxic and drive away more people.

They don't have to go all in, but there really should be a score threshold before even letting players get rewards.

Too many times I have been in games where the first two minutes one team might have ~100 and the other might be at ~25.

The 25 point team will have a player, possibly two, that go ahead and say "gg" while proceeding to sandbag.

I think rewards should be given for effort, but getting slam dunked because you don't want to even try, deserves zero coin or pips.

In my opinion, nothing should be given to losers that score less than 250.

I mean if you can't do that, you got players that are not even trying.

Here would be when you say, but some of us are, what about those that tried?

Do we get screwed by those that don't?

Yes, but according to your argument those players would leave because they get no rewards.

If the population was smaller but devoid from gold bots and quitters/griefers, I would be able to accept it.

Since we can not prove what you say to be true because it is an opinion like this, I wager that if old players who have since quit for other game modes found out that the bots and bitches were gone, they might return and offset that decline.

PvP is not supposed to be a place to get easy gold and shiny shiny's.

You come to compete in an arena, and to test your skill, tactics, and teamwork against others.

Loot should only be a bonus for victory.

What do you get for losing?

I'll tell you what: a chance to reflect on why you failed, or a reason to move on from the game mode.

As long as they reward losing, the game mode will decline.

If taking it away drives pve gold farmers away, good riddance.

I won't say "NO" competitive person would be competitive for the glory alone, but I think the ones that like the game mode for the competition would be fine without it, but surely loot for wins is rewarding enough.

I mean when I get blown out because my team gg's at the slightest bit of resistance to victory, I say the little reward I got is a slap in the face because it encourages the rats that are truly only there for that to continue their behavior.

That behavior wastes my time, makes me hate the game mode, and ultimately because the pve was never a draw, I quit the game and take any money I would have spent here and put it to other things like air wick pre-poop spray.

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@ZDragon.3046 said:

@"shadowpass.4236" said:Well that's what happens when you reward losing.

Winning should be emphasized. Losing should not give any silver/reward track progress to discourage bots and AFKers.

how to remove even more players from pvpearn nothing for losinglets punish all players because bots and afkers instead of just fixing bots and afkers

This would be the worst choice they can make Fix the cause dont fight symptoms and pushing real players at the same time.

I wouldnt touch pvp if i was told there was a chance i wont get anything for each game if i lose.This will also make people more toxic as a result creating a new problem

Sorry it's not like you get bots and AFKers on your team every game.

If you REWARD losing, you're going to have people who don't care about winning because the rewards for literally AFKing are decent enough that they don't care to try.

Other games are like this too. GW2 doesn't need to be the "UBER-OMEGA-CASUAL-CATERING-NOOBFEST!" to retain players... and thinking it has to be is silly in the first place.

If you wouldn't touch PvP if they decide to not reward losses, bye bye! A lot of people dislike how casual the game is. The current system rewards bots and AFKers too, so removing the rewards for losing would actually help get rid of them. In other words, it benefits you too and improves match quality. If you decide to quit, that's on you, not the game.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@shadowpass.4236 said:Well that's what happens when you reward losing.

Winning should be emphasized. Losing should not give any silver/reward track progress to discourage bots and AFKers.

how to remove even more players from pvpearn nothing for losinglets punish all players because bots and afkers instead of just fixing bots and afkers

This would be the worst choice they can make Fix the cause dont fight symptoms and pushing real players at the same time.

I wouldnt touch pvp if i was told there was a chance i wont get anything for each game if i lose.This will also make people more toxic as a result creating a new problem

Sorry it's not like you get bots and AFKers on your team every game.

If you REWARD losing, you're going to have people who don't care about winning because the rewards for literally AFKing are decent enough that they don't care to try.

IF you only reward winning people who lose become easily tilted and like most people like you have been doing need a reason to make it nothing you did wrong and start pointing fingers at someone else. People who continue to play and lose become super tilted and easily toxic because not only was it a loss but 0 compensation at all for losing.

Other games are like this too. GW2 doesn't need to be the "UBER-OMEGA-CASUAL-CATERING-NOOBFEST!" to retain players... and thinking it has to be is silly in the first place.

Most other games are the same way you always get something for playing even if you lose. While win rewards should never be equal to lose rewards there needs to be at least some minor copensation for time played. Thats the point of play time compensation. Time is moeny even for gamers if you are willing to invest time doing something you feel like you should get something out of it even if you lose. Im sorry no your idea is not going to work or solve any problems.

If you wouldn't touch PvP if they decide to not reward losses, bye bye! A lot of people dislike how casual the game is. The current system rewards bots and AFKers too, so removing the rewards for losing would actually help get rid of them. In other words, it benefits you too and improves match quality. If you decide to quit, that's on you, not the game.

So once again why not just fix the AFKers and Bots fix the problems dont bandaid the symptoms. IF they wont do that then leave the rewards alone and you can deal with losing every now and again. IF you think removing reward will stop afkers and bots you are wrong. All it takes is a low enough pvp population of active players to reach a point where botters and afkers still end up making profits from games with other afkers and bots.

Im thankfully happy you are not in charge of making these kind of decisions for anet.

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