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Leaderboards; Something doesn't add up.


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@"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:It's DuoQ hands down without any doubt.

When it was SoloQ only past 1600 rating everyone had about the same even winrates that most the leaderboard still has now. A good player might have a 60-70% winrate and there was very few if any alt accounts hogging LB spots.

DuoQ is too exploitable when it's merged with SoloQs. There might be legends/plat3s playing at any one time of the day, so when they queue together it's just busted and impossible. That's when one of them aren't smurfing on some silver alt to bring down their average rating for even easier wins for their buddy.And the alting is just nasty. Boosting and after Season 16 ended between 10-20 of the accounts on the leaderboard belonged to the same DuoQ, same two people.

Ah yes the classic about finding excuses. "they duo on alt that is silver!" as mentioned before busting this myth you take the rating from the highest duo to be applied this has been confirmed in the past and can be found in the algorithm so stop telling nonsense. It was possible back in s5~ to do this but got fixed years ago.

I can't speak for NA about dodging etc but I encourage other people to come queue at the same time as I do in EU times 20.00->22:00.Then we can get games like this:

Everyone here is 1700-1800+ which id say is a good game.

But as i have mentioned beforeadd 2v2 atsremove unrankedmake ranked soloq only


could also apply what they had back in the dayIn Season 9, players ranked Platinum 2 (1,600) and above could no longer duo-queue in Ranked matches while seasons are active. [3] However, this was reverted in Season 13. [4]

idk how people felt about that

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@"bluri.2653" said:Ah yes the classic about finding excuses. "they duo on alt that is silver!" as mentioned before busting this myth you take the rating from the highest duo to be applied this has been confirmed in the past and can be found in the algorithm so stop telling nonsense. It was possible back in s5~ to do this but got fixed years ago.

The only myth is that it uses the rating of the highest player for matchmaking. If you found that in the algorithm, go ahead and send it to me. I looked it over and it isn't mentioned once. DuoQ's aren't even mentioned at all.I don't know how you expect me to believe that got patched out in s5, as when DuoQ came back in s13; you could still disconnect to save your partner from losing rating from a loss. If that got overlooked, it's pretty safe to assume smurfing did too since it's a less accessible bug? feature.

Let's say it is that way tho, the silver alt could quickly be boosted to plat too since they'd still be matched against people higher level than themselves which is pretty messed up to think about on its own. It's like we want the top 250 to all be the same two people.

You can also test this for yourself. It's a feature so long as it's in the game so you can't be wronged for it. Get a buddy to tank an alt down to silver, queue with them, and see the results. Rating gain/loss in this game is only calculated by the ratings of other players in your lobby. When you gain +3 from queing with a silver and the silver is gaining +16-20 it's because the people are closer to and/or higher than the silver's rating, and they're all lower than yours.

I haven't played for the past few seasons because DuoQ has made the game super boring, but this was for a fact working during Season 13 at least.

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Disconnecting to save partner loss points isn't possible, both loosing points, when one dc's.

Place 1 and "2" are duoq but place 1 is in fact place 2 at once, there are getting there, because there are insane good players and Carry the game, you can even see how they do that because senior bluri is streaming the carry mostly every day

There are around 15 players that are at this type of lvl and all of them are legy and do carry the games and not everyone is doing all they long duo

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@bluri.2653 said:

@Zexanima.7851 said:People at the top of the leader boards having 90% win rates? Hmmm....HMMMMMMMM....
. I used my world class detective skills, basic highschool statistics , and my first hand knowledge and experience of matching in this game to deduce something is fishy.

It's literally just a few lingering veterans duoQ-ing rolling over the ever shrinking and unmotivated playerbase, all while avoiding each other(not that hard, given how there is like 10-15 good players left). Nothing fishy, just a dying gamemode. If you want this gone, remove douQ to make it more fair, you'll see that 90% shrink to 80-70%.

how are we avoiding anyone when im streaming all my games and queuing at 20.00 everydayfeel free to queue vs me for good games

haha well what i do when i see you or other good players stream is trying to get into the same matches. i mean, even if like godly duos are on enemy, i atleast know there will be interresting fights and maybe even a proper fun challanging game

id take a good game losing it over a bad boring winning game any day

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@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

@"bluri.2653" said:Ah yes the classic about finding excuses. "they duo on alt that is silver!" as mentioned before busting this myth you take the rating from the highest duo to be applied this has been confirmed in the past and can be found in the algorithm so stop telling nonsense. It was possible back in s5~ to do this but got fixed years ago.

The only myth is that it uses the rating of the highest player for matchmaking. If you found that in the algorithm, go ahead and send it to me. I looked it over and it isn't mentioned once. DuoQ's aren't even mentioned at all.I don't know how you expect me to believe that got patched out in s5, as when DuoQ came back in s13; you could still disconnect to save your partner from losing rating from a loss. If that got overlooked, it's pretty safe to assume smurfing did too since it's a less accessible

Let's say it is that way tho, the silver alt could quickly be boosted to plat too since they'd still be matched against people higher level than themselves which is pretty messed up to think about on its own. It's like we want the top 250 to all be the same two people.

You can also test this for yourself. It's a feature so long as it's in the game so you can't be wronged for it. Get a buddy to tank an alt down to silver, queue with them, and see the results. Rating gain/loss in this game is
calculated by the ratings of other players in your lobby. When you gain +3 from queing with a silver and the silver is gaining +16-20 it's because the people are closer to and/or higher than the silver's rating, and they're all lower than yours.

I haven't played for the past few seasons because DuoQ has made the game super boring, but this was for a fact working during Season 13 at least.

You are so missinformed its hilarious. If your partner DC you 100% lose rating if you lose the match.

Even people on reddit remembers it:

"XiahouMaoTrue Hero of the Three Kingdoms6 points·3 years agoIt was changed a while back so that when players partied together, matchmaking was based on the highest skilled player among the party. The change to just a duo queue at most wouldn't alter that at all."

This was STATED in the past, feel free to dig up the post yourself. I know you won't cus that means your world would be shattered

Anyway, you do know that I consider two really high rated players duo queuing getting worse matches rather than a duoq high rated and a lowrated gets?Sometimes highrated players try to snipe my games, but since Im duo queuing with someone who is 1800+ like myself its too hard for the matchmaker to find even matches so it goes to gold, and makes it gold2/3 on my team and plat1/2 on enemy team to average the rating out. That means people that are highrated will get into a better game where its like plat2/3 vs plat 2/3/legend

So you saying duo queuing with low alts would make it easier is also just plain wrong lmao

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@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Let's say it is that way tho, the silver alt could quickly be boosted to plat too since they'd still be matched against people higher level than themselves which is pretty messed up to think about on its own. It's like we want the top 250 to all be the same two people.

You can easily get top 250 with a troll build while soloQing btw, so I dont get your point there

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@"bluri.2653" said:You are so missinformed its hilarious. If your partner DC you 100% lose rating if you lose the match.

Even people on reddit remembers it:

Not saying it's possible anymore, but when it came back you could do it for a while. It's why ratings were so inflated during Season 13.

All i'm saying is that if an oversight like that could be made, so too could one be made towards smurfing.

"XiahouMaoTrue Hero of the Three Kingdoms6 points·3 years agoIt was changed a while back so that when players partied together, matchmaking was based on the highest skilled player among the party. The change to just a duo queue at most wouldn't alter that at all."

This was STATED in the past, feel free to dig up the post yourself. I know you won't cus that means your world would be shattered

Yeah that's cool and all, but unless there's a post from a developer stating that which i've never seen, and I can't say I can really be bothered to scrolls over 100 pages of comments for a chance to find something close to what i'm looking for...

I'm just going by the algorithm, and again it doesn't mention DuoQ anywhere. If it was stated in the past, then they forgot to update that page at least. There's nothing on there to suggest people within a DuoQ get treated any differently. They are just two separate players each effecting their team's average rating.

I know you won't cus that means your world would be shattered

Tru. I'm crying right now already. ?

Anyway, you do know that I consider two really high rated players duo queuing getting worse matches rather than a duoq high rated and a lowrated gets?Sometimes highrated players try to snipe my games, but since Im duo queuing with someone who is 1800+ like myself its too hard for the matchmaker to find even matches so it goes to gold, and makes it gold2/3 on my team and plat1/2 on enemy team to average the rating out. That means people that are highrated will get into a better game where its like plat2/3 vs plat 2/3/legend

So you saying duo queuing with low alts would make it easier is also just plain wrong lmao

I feel that, honestly. If it's already mind-numbingly easy then there really isn't a need to smurf. I don't think the actual effectiveness is as important as to whether or not you can actually do it.

In theory the enemy team's rating would be lower too if you brought down your DuoQ's rating, and if you could smurf you could easily do this. If rating is indicative of skill, then you'd be fighting lower-skilled enemies in that case which would in theory mean easier games.Totally unnecessary tho, urite. Why bother when you can just pick on low-mid level plats and the occasional g3 when the matchmaker inevitably fails to find another 1800+ DuoQ after searching a few minutes? I appreciate you saving me the trouble of explaining that.

While it may not be all that practical to smurf, if someone were really committed to metagaming and never being matched against other good players, it would be a very easy way to hold a leaderboard spot while keeping up the games requirement through smurfing.

It also still doesn't explain the numbers thing.

@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:You can also test this for yourself. It's a feature so long as it's in the game so you can't be wronged for it. Get a buddy to tank an alt down to silver, queue with them, and see the results. Rating gain/loss in this game is only calculated by the ratings of other players in your lobby. When you gain +3 from queing with a silver and the silver is gaining +16-20 it's because the people are closer to and/or higher than the silver's rating, and they're all lower than yours.

Anyone can try this if they have a friend or an alt a couple hundred rating below theirs.

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@Tharan.9085 said:You can easily get top 250 with a troll build while soloQing btw, so I dont get your point there

If smurfing were/is possible, the lower ranked player will gain a lot more rating(and lose a lot less) from queuing with someone much higher rating than them because the people in their lobbies will always be higher, or at the very least close to the same rating as the lower rated player in the smurfing DuoQ.

Like I get being able to easily YoloQ your way into top 250, but what confuses me is how people find the time to manage multiple sometimes accounts beyond top 250. Talking top 25, 80-90% winrates across multiples accounts with the 120(125?) games played.

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@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

@Tharan.9085 said:You can easily get top 250 with a troll build while soloQing btw, so I dont get your point there

If smurfing were/is possible, the lower ranked player will gain a lot more rating(and lose a lot less) from queuing with someone much higher rating than them because the people in their lobbies will always be higher, or at the very least close to the same rating as the lower rated player in the smurfing DuoQ.

Like I get being able to easily YoloQ your way into top 250, but what confuses me is how people find the time to manage multiple sometimes accounts beyond top 250. Talking top 25, 80-90% winrates across multiples accounts with the 120(125?) games played.

If you manage to get an acc to top 25 while duoqing with someone of your own skillevel, why shouldnt you be able to get your other acc with the Same duo partner there aswell?

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@"bluri.2653" Whatever the reason, within the rules or not, the system isn't working correctly. I'm not saying you or anyone on the top of the leaderboard is "bad" at the game per-say, but no one is that good. Even if just from bad luck win rates should not be that high. Its either a broken system or shady practices, I imagine it's some of both though.

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@Zexanima.7851 said:@"bluri.2653" Whatever the reason, within the rules or not, the system isn't working correctly. I'm not saying you or anyone on the top of the leaderboard is "bad" at the game per-say, but no one is that good. Even if just from bad luck win rates should not be that high. Its either a broken system or shady practices, I imagine it's some of both though.

imagine all you want, it's all on stream feel free to look at it.

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@"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:I've played with some of those duos before. The key is communication w/team (some teams are unsalvagable=their losses) and flawless rotations. A duo team with good rotations and adjusting to ally team/enemy team will get that high. Saying this has anything to do with wintrading/gold bribing is rather silly

No. What's rather silly is the broken logic in your explanation. Work with me here. Let's say you and I are top tier players teamed up in duo queue. We communicate, perform flawless rotations, and win 90% of our matches. So far, so good. Now please explain to me what happens when we run up against duos on the opposing team that also have a 90% win rate due to communication and flawless rotations?

You see my problem? Somebody has to lose...unless we never face each other.

Edit: Just to be clear, I'm not accusing anyone in particular of match manipulation. It occurs to me that if you're a player with sufficient skill to play at the top tier, it would be very frustrating if you failed to achieve the rank commensurate with your ability season after season. Yet, if match manipulation were pervasive enough at that level, you would have no choice but to participate despite the fact that you may very well be among the very best players in the game.

At the very least, I expect it would be hard to resist the urge to keep tabs on your competition and avoid them as best you can. It's almost sportsmanlike, right? An acknowledgement to a fellow big fish in a small pond. Besides, none of this really matters. When's the next tournament?

In any event, I have no evidence of match manipulation. I simply observe that it isn't possible for most of the players at the top tier to have a 90% win rate and also be regularly playing against each other, which is what should be happening.

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@Zexanima.7851 said:@"bluri.2653" Whatever the reason, within the rules or not, the system isn't working correctly. I'm not saying you or anyone on the top of the leaderboard is "bad" at the game per-say, but no one is that good. Even if just from bad luck win rates should not be that high. Its either a broken system or shady practices, I imagine it's some of both though.

youre wrong :) , and here you can see all matchmaking code- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PvP_Matchmaking_Algorithm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glicko_rating_system

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@Zexanima.7851 said:@"bluri.2653" Whatever the reason, within the rules or not, the system isn't working correctly. I'm not saying you or anyone on the top of the leaderboard is "bad" at the game per-say, but no one is that good. Even if just from bad luck win rates should not be that high. Its either a broken system or shady practices, I imagine it's some of both though.


Not like, @ you in particular but it's pretty funny how often people fine high winrates incomprehensible when a lot of people with those winrates stream ranked during normal hours solo or with a duo and still maintain their ratings.

I mean, duo quing at off-hours is the extent people go to nowadays, but seriously... it's not crazy to have high winrates when the game itself is so casual people don't care about improving. If people cared to practice, the players who already have the mechanical skill/rotational knowledge built up would probably have a lower win ratio. But then people realize it for themselves or cry wintrading when they come across these top duos in actual matches and get farmed...

Anyways, I'm not denying wintrading has happened in the past, but all of the people who actually engaged in it have gotten their accounts banned/perm dishonored. So, if they're still quing, it's probably because Anet looked into it and didn't find anything wrong.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@Zexanima.7851 said:@"bluri.2653" Whatever the reason, within the rules or not, the system isn't working correctly. I'm not saying you or anyone on the top of the leaderboard is "bad" at the game per-say, but no one is that good. Even if just from bad luck win rates should not be that high. Its either a broken system or shady practices, I imagine it's some of both though.

Not like, @ you in particular but it's pretty funny how often people fine high winrates incomprehensible when a lot of people
those winrates stream ranked during normal hours solo or with a duo and still maintain their ratings.

I mean, duo quing at off-hours is the extent people go to nowadays, but seriously... it's not crazy to have high winrates when the game itself is so casual people don't care about improving. If people cared to practice, the players who already have the mechanical skill/rotational knowledge built up would probably have a lower win ratio. But then people realize it for themselves or cry wintrading when they come across these top duos in actual matches and get farmed...

Anyways, I'm not denying wintrading has happened in the past, but all of the people who actually engaged in it have gotten their accounts banned/perm dishonored. So, if they're still quing, it's probably because Anet looked into it and didn't find anything wrong.

Even if they are not gaming the system, these kind of win rates still shouldn't happen. That means something is wrong with the system itself. From my experience with competitive gamer, which of course is not exhaustive, I have not known even the best players to get anything close to that high of a win ratio.

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@bluri.2653 said:

@bluri.2653 said:Ah yes the classic about finding excuses. "they duo on alt that is silver!" as mentioned before busting this myth you take the rating from the highest duo to be applied this has been confirmed in the past and can be found in the algorithm so stop telling nonsense. It was possible back in s5~ to do this but got fixed years ago.

The only myth is that it uses the rating of the highest player for matchmaking. If you found that in the algorithm, go ahead and send it to me. I looked it over and it isn't mentioned once. DuoQ's aren't even mentioned at all.I don't know how you expect me to believe that got patched out in s5, as when DuoQ came back in s13; you could still disconnect to save your partner from losing rating from a loss. If that got overlooked, it's pretty safe to assume smurfing did too since it's a less accessible

Let's say it is that way tho, the silver alt could quickly be boosted to plat too since they'd still be matched against people higher level than themselves which is pretty messed up to think about on its own. It's like we want the top 250 to all be the same two people.

You can also test this for yourself. It's a feature so long as it's in the game so you can't be wronged for it. Get a buddy to tank an alt down to silver, queue with them, and see the results. Rating gain/loss in this game is
calculated by the ratings of other players in your lobby. When you gain +3 from queing with a silver and the silver is gaining +16-20 it's because the people are closer to and/or higher than the silver's rating, and they're all lower than yours.

I haven't played for the past few seasons because DuoQ has made the game super boring, but this was for a fact working during Season 13 at least.

You are so missinformed its hilarious. If your partner DC you 100% lose rating if you lose the match.

Even people on reddit remembers it:

"XiahouMaoTrue Hero of the Three Kingdoms6 points·3 years agoIt was changed a while back so that when players partied together, matchmaking was based on the highest skilled player among the party. The change to just a duo queue at most wouldn't alter that at all."sThis was STATED in the past, feel free to dig up the post yourself. I know you won't cus that means your world would be shattered

Anyway, you do know that I consider two really high rated players duo queuing getting worse matches rather than a duoq high rated and a lowrated gets?Sometimes highrated players try to snipe my games, but since Im duo queuing with someone who is 1800+ like myself its too hard for the matchmaker to find even matches so it goes to gold, and makes it gold2/3 on my team and plat1/2 on enemy team to average the rating out. That means people that are highrated will get into a better game where its like plat2/3 vs plat 2/3/legend

So you saying duo queuing with low alts would make it easier is also just plain wrong lmao

I'm a nobody. Just some NA guy who averages out plat 1-2 on usual. Which is probably why I get asked to do this sort of stuff. Over the years since PoF released and I started largely maining PvP I have been offered literally tens of thousands of gold over the years to throw matches from a variety of well known players who I have reported, and if I named I could expect a ban on these forums for "Naming and shaming" and they're still around posting on these forums. This includes stuff like being asked to directly sabotage my own team to being asked to alt-F4 in a losing game so certain players on my team don't lose rating. I never comply and I report them all. Said players and their accounts are still around and kicking. No action is taken on their account. They might even reply to this post.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@bluri.2653 said:Ah yes the classic about finding excuses. "they duo on alt that is silver!" as mentioned before busting this myth you take the rating from the highest duo to be applied this has been confirmed in the past and can be found in the algorithm so stop telling nonsense. It was possible back in s5~ to do this but got fixed years ago.

The only myth is that it uses the rating of the highest player for matchmaking. If you found that in the algorithm, go ahead and send it to me. I looked it over and it isn't mentioned once. DuoQ's aren't even mentioned at all.I don't know how you expect me to believe that got patched out in s5, as when DuoQ came back in s13; you could still disconnect to save your partner from losing rating from a loss. If that got overlooked, it's pretty safe to assume smurfing did too since it's a less accessible

Let's say it is that way tho, the silver alt could quickly be boosted to plat too since they'd still be matched against people higher level than themselves which is pretty messed up to think about on its own. It's like we want the top 250 to all be the same two people.

You can also test this for yourself. It's a feature so long as it's in the game so you can't be wronged for it. Get a buddy to tank an alt down to silver, queue with them, and see the results. Rating gain/loss in this game is
calculated by the ratings of other players in your lobby. When you gain +3 from queing with a silver and the silver is gaining +16-20 it's because the people are closer to and/or higher than the silver's rating, and they're all lower than yours.

I haven't played for the past few seasons because DuoQ has made the game super boring, but this was for a fact working during Season 13 at least.

You are so missinformed its hilarious. If your partner DC you 100% lose rating if you lose the match.

Even people on reddit remembers it:

"XiahouMaoTrue Hero of the Three Kingdoms6 points·3 years agoIt was changed a while back so that when players partied together, matchmaking was based on the highest skilled player among the party. The change to just a duo queue at most wouldn't alter that at all."sThis was STATED in the past, feel free to dig up the post yourself. I know you won't cus that means your world would be shattered

Anyway, you do know that I consider two really high rated players duo queuing getting worse matches rather than a duoq high rated and a lowrated gets?Sometimes highrated players try to snipe my games, but since Im duo queuing with someone who is 1800+ like myself its too hard for the matchmaker to find even matches so it goes to gold, and makes it gold2/3 on my team and plat1/2 on enemy team to average the rating out. That means people that are highrated will get into a better game where its like plat2/3 vs plat 2/3/legend

So you saying duo queuing with low alts would make it easier is also just plain wrong lmao

I'm a nobody. Just some NA guy who averages out plat 1-2 on usual. Which is probably why I get asked to do this sort of stuff. Over the years since PoF released and I started largely maining PvP I have been offered literally tens of thousands of gold over the years to throw matches from a variety of well known players who I have reported, and if I named I could expect a ban on these forums for "Naming and shaming" and they're still around posting on these forums. This includes stuff like being asked to directly sabotage my own team to being asked to alt-F4 in a losing game so certain players on my team don't lose rating. I never comply and I report them all. Said players and their accounts are still around and kicking. No action is taken on their account. They might even reply to this post.

Create video evidence. Post a video. You're smarter than thinking anet will ban with just in-game or email reports.

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@Tharan.9085 said:If you manage to get an acc to top 25 while duoqing with someone of your own skillevel, why shouldnt you be able to get your other acc with the Same duo partner there aswell?

I don't like it personally because it highlights all of Ranked's problem. If people are coming into Ranked to compete and they find out that multiple accounts in the top 25 are the same person, it's kind of a blow to motivation on trying to get there.

And yeah; it's true it could all be done in SoloQ too, but people are going to be pretty confused on why it took grinding multiple seasons and they just barely made the cut with a near-even winrate trying that way, when people are making brand new accounts and boosting them to top in just one season with a 90% winrate. It makes everything they did prior seem like a waste of time, like they were sleeping on easy mode this whole time. Especially if they played back in seasons 9-12 where this was all unheard of, and they happened to like it that way. Not like they can just queue Solo separately with a separate LB and ignore it.

Another reason I don't like it personally is that I don't see the reasoning behind it, or I do and it scares me. When I see someone hoarding expensive titles across multiple accounts, the first thing I think of is boosting and that they just want to sell those accounts later. For all the time and effort it takes, that is the only possibility that makes any sense to me.Unless they're just unabashedly trying to be a jerk by hogging as many leaderboard spots as possible. I don't consider that the case because that would make them all hypocrites when they inevitably go to blame all their problems on the low population.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@Zexanima.7851 said:@"bluri.2653" Whatever the reason, within the rules or not, the system isn't working correctly. I'm not saying you or anyone on the top of the leaderboard is "bad" at the game per-say, but no one is that good. Even if just from bad luck win rates should not be that high. Its either a broken system or shady practices, I imagine it's some of both though.

Not like, @ you in particular but it's pretty funny how often people fine high winrates incomprehensible when a lot of people
those winrates stream ranked during normal hours solo or with a duo and still maintain their ratings.

I mean, duo quing at off-hours is the extent people go to nowadays, but seriously... it's not crazy to have high winrates when the game itself is so casual people don't care about improving. If people cared to practice, the players who already have the mechanical skill/rotational knowledge built up would probably have a lower win ratio. But then people realize it for themselves or cry wintrading when they come across these top duos in actual matches and get farmed...

Anyways, I'm not denying wintrading has happened in the past, but all of the people who actually engaged in it have gotten their accounts banned/perm dishonored. So, if they're still quing, it's probably because Anet looked into it and didn't find anything wrong.

Not true at least on NA u can hear these top players complain on stream or discord about friends q sniping them and effectively get rid of most ppl in their elo, at least duo wise, from Qing at the same time. So even if they are playing during somewhat normal hours or on stream it’s 100% possible that they are still on the receiving side of q-dodging. As far as banned I’m not sure if anet would do much about this, but what about players that were caught cheating? I seem to remember a certain rank 1 thief player who cheated and even had the people who threw for him to attack ppl and brag in map chat about how they were cheating for the rank 1 spot. In what world is it ok for this persons account to be allowed to play, I’m left to wonder if anything is being done about ppl manipulating qs. All I know is I report this stuff as much as possible and hopefully something is done about it

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If for the top players we assume that it is less likely to get teamed up against similar strong players ... then it make sense. As Wolfb already explained they could easy win against lower ranked players since they are stronger than them.

Then at the top there aren't many that are at the top (top 10 = there are only 10) that would have to be online and in queue at the same time to get matched against each other.

I only hope the matchmaker tries to make it balanced in a way that distributes the top players equally in each team. if there are 4 platin online then it should make teams with 2 vs 2 platin (rest filled with gold) and not 4 platin 1 gold vs 5 gold (or if this was the case not changing rating a lot since it is only natural for the stronger team to win and the ratings would not have to change by much).

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@Zexanima.7851 said:

@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:Its been this way for a long time. Everyone knows they match manipulate, que dodge other duos, wintrade, whatever. No one really cares anymore because its not going to get addressed.

Well I'm just going to keep on being annoying about it. You don't get things changed by staying silent. Not that I have high expectations of having an impact.

You also get suspended for sure ;)

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@Kaburro.4712 said:

@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:Its been this way for a long time. Everyone knows they match manipulate, que dodge other duos, wintrade, whatever. No one really cares anymore because its not going to get addressed.

Well I'm just going to keep on being annoying about it. You don't get things changed by staying silent. Not that I have high expectations of having an impact.

You also get suspended for sure ;)

Fine by me, I can spend my money else where.

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