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Is it worth it


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@Randulf.7614 said:

@Mortifera.6138 said:No; you'll regret all the time you invested when you hit a wall where there's no more progress to be made.

So... pretty much every game ever.

Other games end, they don't run on life support.

You have never experienced an MMORPG on life support. I have and even have seen one shut down (Warhammer Online).

You must have missed the thread where everyone acknowledges that ANet is only doing the "bare bones" of development needed to keep this game running...

There is no such thread where "everyone" acknowledges that

Orly? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/95725/do-you-feel-like-arenanet-is-actively-developing-gw2-or-just-doing-the-bare-minimum/p1

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@Mortifera.6138 said:

@Mortifera.6138 said:No; you'll regret all the time you invested when you hit a wall where there's no more progress to be made.

So... pretty much every game ever.

Other games end, they don't run on life support.

You have never experienced an MMORPG on life support. I have and even have seen one shut down (Warhammer Online).

You must have missed the thread where everyone acknowledges that ANet is only doing the "bare bones" of development needed to keep this game running...

There is no such thread where "everyone" acknowledges that


Yes, really

You might want to read the linked thread more thoroughly - ie read the poll, read everyone's answers. I've read every post in that thread and "everyone" does not acknowledge that Anet are doing the bare minimum.

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@Mortifera.6138 said:No; you'll regret all the time you invested when you hit a wall where there's no more progress to be made.

So... pretty much every game ever.

Other games end, they don't run on life support.

You have never experienced an MMORPG on life support. I have and even have seen one shut down (Warhammer Online).

You must have missed the thread where everyone acknowledges that ANet is only doing the "bare bones" of development needed to keep this game running...

There is no such thread where "everyone" acknowledges that


Yes, really

You might want to read the linked thread more thoroughly - ie read the poll, read everyone's answers. I've read every post in that thread and "everyone" does not acknowledge that Anet are doing the bare minimum.

It's also posted on Reddit, where people are more honest 'cause they won't be banned there.

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@Mortifera.6138 said:

@Mortifera.6138 said:No; you'll regret all the time you invested when you hit a wall where there's no more progress to be made.

So... pretty much every game ever.

Other games end, they don't run on life support.

You have never experienced an MMORPG on life support. I have and even have seen one shut down (Warhammer Online).

You must have missed the thread where everyone acknowledges that ANet is only doing the "bare bones" of development needed to keep this game running...

There is no such thread where "everyone" acknowledges that


Yes, really

You might want to read the linked thread more thoroughly - ie read the poll, read everyone's answers. I've read every post in that thread and "everyone" does not acknowledge that Anet are doing the bare minimum.

It's also posted on Reddit, where people are more honest 'cause they won't be banned there.

Serious question, if you are so salty about this game why do you stick around the forums? you arent even being truthful about the game. Its not in life support status, you wanna see that play GW1. Where they are literally doing nothing. If this game was on life support, they wouldnt make content at all sure it might not be what people expect, but honestly it seems to me they are catering to the majority of the player base, sucks if you are in one of the minority communities though or a veteran who has done everything there is to do. Also not everyone is agreeing. I dont agree. are -alot- of people agreeing? yes, but not everyone, dont lie.

Do what i did when i got to your levels of being bored, salty, and disenchanted with the game, i stopped playing, stopped following and stopped going to the forums, Give yourself a chance to reset.

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@Booman.6071 said:I'm just now coming back to the after a couple years, I really enjoyed the game when it first came out and played for a while with my friends up until it went to f2p i believe, life got busy and online time took a dive. the other day i felt a little nostalgia when one of the golem power suits popped up in an image search. After a bit of research it seems the game has changed a great deal from it's launch. is it worth buying the expansions and getting back on. Is it worth it?

I think it's worth to run through all content at least once. Unfortunately, the game in its current state has huge issues with powercreep, and 85% of its world becomes boringly easy for you the moment you fully develop your character and get a basic optimal gear. From that moment, the only modes that can give you a consistent challenge and fun will be instanced content (dungeons, fractals and raids) and PvP - and if you are not a fan of the latter, you'll get bored very fast, as there is very little of the former, and it's updated too infrequently. At that point, you either quit or resort to handicaping yourself intentionally (like, using just-or-fun suboptimal builds and crap gear, to make killing things harder), or resort to creating tons of alts again and again, as many seem to do.

Also, I believe that introduction of mounts to core and HoT maps without any downsides to them on these maps ruined experience from them a lot. They should have limited use in there (like, loose stamina quickly and have some sort of cooldown), so native navigation masteries of HoT would have to be used more often.

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@Kaliwenda.3428 said:I stopped playing for several years and came back about a year and a half ago. I say yes, it's worth it. There's a ton of stuff to do.

Buy Path of Fire, get Heart of Thorns for free, and do the quest to get your raptor. It's a game-changer. :)

Then go back and pick up the core game from the point you left off and work your way thru the story and the maps.

my biggest issue when i left it seemed they geared the expansions to particular races and even now neither of the races i enjoyed playing are highlight ed it might be dumb to look at it this way , I will at least pull it open and at least play to see if it still has its wandering adhd vibe which was my favorite part.

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@"kratan.4619" said:Absolutely, playing since head start, 8500 hrs played, still have not run out of things to do. Some people cry that they run out of stuff, but they have only run out of things they want to do, not run out of things they have not done.

LoL Hey, kids! Come try GW2! It's chock full of all of the things you don't want to do (so quit whining)!

Seriously, though, you're not wrong. I think it has to do with the decision to forgo the "gear treadmill". That linear upgrade path provides an easy structure to follow in whichever content you prefer to participate in. Not having it lends a "Choose your own adventure" air to the experience that, for those who aren't digging in and looking for it, can feel a lot like "nothing to do".

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@Booman.6071 said:

@Kaliwenda.3428 said:I stopped playing for several years and came back about a year and a half ago. I say yes, it's worth it. There's a ton of stuff to do.

Buy Path of Fire, get Heart of Thorns for free, and do the quest to get your raptor. It's a game-changer. :)

Then go back and pick up the core game from the point you left off and work your way thru the story and the maps.

my biggest issue when i left it seemed they geared the expansions to particular races and even now neither of the races i enjoyed playing are highlight ed it might be dumb to look at it this way , I will at least pull it open and at least play to see if it still has its wandering adhd vibe which was my favorite part.

My main is an asura, she's the only one who's gone thru the whole story so far. For me it wasn't an issue to see other races taking more of a center stage role lots of the time in the story.

I think you'll find lots to explore at your leisure, the wandering around part is definitely still there and can be very enjoyable, especially listening to the NPCs talk to each other in out-of-the way places.

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Any game will hit a wall where there is not much to do anymore

Guild wars 2 will be a game that will keep you in your seat for a while as there is a heck of alot of content after core tyria

Once you hit the wall in this game there are still plenty to do. PvP ranked, WvW, fractals and raids are just somewhat of things I do ever since I "hit the wall of progress"

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I find it hard to endorse it atm.Many of the main developers have left, there is no 'real plan' for the future other than living world rebranded.If you like pvp or wvw you will be neglected.Just play for free what you already have. I don't like to invest in things if they are no longer investing in themselves.

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If you like PvE it's fine, WvW/PvP are getting a major balance update along with 15v15 for PvP custom arena but the maps generally haven't changed. It is unknown how that will pan out so nobody can give you a definitive answer , not even the devs.The addition of warclaw mount to WvW in March 2019 has wreaked havoc on the mode since its inception, but it's supposedly getting changed again in a coming patch this fiscal quarter (q1 2020).

People keep saying this game is on maintenance but it isn't, the content pace has slowed down since they aren't releasing expansions. Living Story likely doesn't bring in as much revenue on its own (since POF launched 2017 the next one would have been 2019) so the gemstore is pushed more heavily (see the outside mobile or newer MMO market where things are generally "free-to-play" with cash-shop). NCSoft is a public company that owns Arenanet currently, after all.You can see a release timeline at https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/ReleaseYou'll notice the next episode of living story is slated for January 28, 2020.

As an example, they reskinned the Halloween, Wintersday (basically Christmas / holidays if you want to be politically correct), and Lunar New year weapons. There was uproar by some about it because some weapons were put into the black lion chests or the gemstore directly at the same time.

The recent addition of the Celestial Challenge shows they are able to make new activities using existing assets (maps, mechanics, and code) even if some older Arenanet staff has left. While it isn't difficult and I wouldn't repeat it over and over for achievement points (seems only the first run of the day is actually worthwhile unless you want to get 12 stacks of "fortune" buff to guarantee a celestial token), it shows they are still putting out new content. We also saw the Metal Legion concert in Grothmar Valley bring about a different kind of content ; mounts such as skyscale and rollerbeetle weren't present before. People that play this hardcore daily fail to see all the things added because they have been replaying it or finished it quickly.

If you just want to complete content (i.e. HoT story, POF story, living story) and do the bare minimum to experience storytelling then it is better suited to you. The game just isn't designed for people that want a grind (whether it is repeating raids, fractals, or otherwise *) or repeat, unless you really want to. There's legendary weapons , trinkets, and armor as well as maxed PvE, WvW, and PvP titles and if you aren't over 20K achievement points not counting dailies/monthly you really can't say you experienced everything in PvE to its fullest extent yet.

  • Even hardcore content has been added in the past years post Path of Fire but in lower volume as the hardcore playerbase has been historically much smaller:
    2017 Hall of Chains raid , Twilight Oasis fractal2018 Mythwright Gambit‎ raid , Deepstone fractal2019 Siren's reef fractal , "Strike missions act as gateway to raids" (debatable): Grothmar strike mission, 3 Bjora strike missions
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@Booman.6071 said:I'm just now coming back to the after a couple years, I really enjoyed the game when it first came out and played for a while with my friends up until it went to f2p i believe, life got busy and online time took a dive. the other day i felt a little nostalgia when one of the golem power suits popped up in an image search. After a bit of research it seems the game has changed a great deal from it's launch. is it worth buying the expansions and getting back on. Is it worth it?

I would have to say YES, it is worth it. For us vets, it is not anymore, but if I had not been in game for as long as your have not been, there is MUCH to do for quite a long time. You have all of core Tyria, HOT--that alone is enough to play--not to mention POF (with mounts).

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