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2000 and 2 times 10, and still not a single nice Light Pants Skin

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If you ever try googling it, or searcing for peoples suggestions on good light legs youll find tons of people saying the same. It's been this way since the start, not 1 satisfying light legs for those with acquired taste its always some sort of messy weird thing that either not form-fitting or loaded with ornaments destroying a look unless u wanna be some sort of travelling theater jester/jypsy what-ever-is-good-enough style or wanna get armor that is just gigantic overloading on size.

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My favorite light pants skin is the Ascalonian Performer Pants which you get from the Ascalonian Catacombs dungeon by saving up dungeon tokens and later buying the pants from a dungeon vendor.

Additionally, there are some pants that override the boot layer, meaning that you can trim down a tall pair of boots into looking like shoes or having them clip through in ways that look like they're part of the pants if you're clever about your dyes. Some shirts are the same way, with sleeves that override the glove layer. For a T-shirt, I'd recommend the band tee you can get from Grothmar Valley.

One day, I'd love to see them erase armor weights and free up all of these cosmetics for mixing and matching, but until then we'll just have to get creative in between skin releases.

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@AgentMoore.9453 said:

One day, I'd love to see them erase armor weights and free up all of these cosmetics for mixing and matching, but until then we'll just have to get creative in between skin releases.

Pretty sure thats impossible. The armor weights(all four of them) where coded into the game years before it was even available to the public. Add to that, the armors are -made- for the skeletons of the four weight types. Light, Medium Heavy and Outfits all have different attachment points and the armors in the those weights are created to attach the skeletons. When you try and mix and match armor weights with skeletons ripped from the game the models physically break.

So due to decisions made before the games release, it wont happen, id provide links from anet devs but i dont have that computer on me at the moment :/

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@"AgentMoore.9453" said:My favorite light pants skin is the Ascalonian Performer Pants which you get from the Ascalonian Catacombs dungeon by saving up dungeon tokens and later buying the pants from a dungeon vendor.

Additionally, there are some pants that override the boot layer, meaning that you can trim down a tall pair of boots into looking like shoes or having them clip through in ways that look like they're part of the pants if you're clever about your dyes. Some shirts are the same way, with sleeves that override the glove layer. For a T-shirt, I'd recommend the band tee you can get from Grothmar Valley.

One day, I'd love to see them erase armor weights and free up all of these cosmetics for mixing and matching, but until then we'll just have to get creative in between skin releases.

Really nice t shirt i hadn't seen that before!

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There definitely seem to be a lot more skirt and cutaway skirt styles than pants, and I would never say no to more skins to collect! So I'm with you 100% on this perfectly reasonable and excellent request! More light armor pants, please (and everything else, too!)!

I get it. It's tough when you want a specific look and you just can't find anything that really does it. So, sometimes to make it easy on myself, I will design a look around the skins I've recently unlocked, as opposed to designing a look and trying to fit those skins into it.

For instance, the Requiem/Elegy and Mistshard sets are not normally the sort of look I'd go for and when I looked at the wiki pictures I didn't like the full ensemble at all. But if I were to use some of those pieces in a look, how would it look?

Well, here's the answer to that and I have to admit I am quite pleased with this one. It's completely ridiculous and...absolutely perfect! And it gets even better because I'm a sword/dagger weaver and I have both Bolt and Incinerator to go with this! Bonus points to me for finally finding a use for those awful Weaver gloves! LoL


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It's already been mentioned, but I would point to the Ascalonian Catacombs light pants as well. If you dye them properly, they work well as pants. My Mesmer has gone through many different looks since the game launched, but almost all of them involve that skin.

Not sure how much can be done with pants skins. It really is a simple look - and the AC skin fits the bill nicely.

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@Blaeys.3102 said:It's already been mentioned, but I would point to the Ascalonian Catacombs light pants as well. If you dye them properly, they work well as pants. My Mesmer has gone through many different looks since the game launched, but almost all of them involve that skin.

Not sure how much can be done with pants skins. It really is a simple look - and the AC skin fits the bill nicely.

Well, we all have different tastes but i've no intention of making my queen wear awkward highschool miniskirt. It not regal. I do have another set of pants that im using as well on almost every look coz they are the only half decent, but just like you, they almost resemble what you want - but doesn't quite cut it. They expand too much make me look weirdly shaped from behind.

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No, i realize we live in snowflake era where it's totally in to say "that's just like your opinion man", but it's what it is. There is no plain good cloth pants, there is only weird cloth pants and if one of those weird styles happen to be a style that suits you then great but don't try pulling it it's beyond recognized by true cloth masters that the pants are lacking severely. Most itemslots have only 1-4 good options and pants still got 0 great just a couple of decent. The bigges problem is there is no plain tight pants without huge ornament, and even plain tight pants but with something cool pattern would be ideal but justt he regular would still be better than currrent.

There will always be someone with a different opinion everywhere, it doesnt mean you cannot recognize general truths, or that it nullifies those very truths. Our generation will learn opinions are not equal - the opinions of a fool are rarely weigthed the same as the insightful person and for good reason. The natural order. Look around, read, absorb knowledge, light pants have been demanded for years for people saying the same as I am - and medium are generally recognized as the ones with the best pants. Generally. There will always be exceptions.

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