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ANET - please correct this error in the balance patch


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I don't consider the next patch a balance patch. A balance patch is made to help PvP reach a state of equilibrium. The following patch is more a shuffling patch, because everything is reshuffled and new professions and new builds will become meta. This is not actually balance, and it's not something new either, it's just the same game with reshuffled meta.

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@Alin.2468 said:I don't consider the next patch a balance patch. A balance patch is made to help PvP reach a state of equilibrium. The following patch is more a shuffling patch, because everything is reshuffled and new professions and new builds will become meta. This is not actually balance, and it's not something new either, it's just the same game with reshuffled meta.

its a pparadigm shift as they mentioned in the first few paragraphs of the update... I dont understand whats so hard to understand about it.

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And the 1000th person with An avatar of his main classComplaining about an unfair nerve about this class

Like the people benefit from social care systems: ofcourse you want to keep IT. But for the better of the overall view its best to consider the opinion 'unvalid'

I know IT sounds rough, Being practised would make this world a better place

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@Ragnar.4257 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:There are definitely a few errors in the print of the patch for sure like moa stance- reducing from 66% to 20%, where I should say from 33% to 20% unless they mean there’s some extra synergy with beast mode which there isn’t. I think we all know what they mean in those cases.

@James.1065 said:In thier own words on the wiki page Anet state:

"Necromancer has always been designed to be a resilient profession that was light on Stability. Since this update specifically is removing some stability from their traits we made sure to buff their stunbreak skills appropriately in response."

They then proceed to make the following changes:
  1. remove foot in the grave from the game
  2. Increase spectral walk CD by 10 sec in pvp
  3. Increase spectral armour CD by 5 sec in pvp

Is this a joke or an over sight? I mean pvp is the game mode that requires the shorter CD on the stun breaks. Why on earth is pve recieveing a decrease in CD OF These skills, while pvp they increase it!?

Come on guys, think about what you are doing before you make these updates

You have a good point are they increasing cd and if so is this really a buff? They said they would decrease so maybe it’s just a typographical error, we’ll have to see.

They said they would buff it in the global notes. I.e the notes that pertain to PvE. If you read those you can clearly see they did buff them in that mode. They got nerfed here..like pretty much every other stun break in the game based off the PvP notes.

The OP is trying to call them out for doing exactly what they said by using another game modes notes..

Have you ever heard a necro in pve complain of this lack of stability? EVER!?

Go play a few hours of necro yourself and then read 80% of pvp necro comments and you will quickly realise as Anet even mention themselves it's a profession light on stability and mobility.

That means in pvp, necro in the current state is already below average. That means to make balance you don't cut off more acess to stability and increase CD of stun breaks for the necro, especaily when increasing all the hard CC of all professions.

To make balance at the very least shave the stability and leave the stun break CD alone,while reducing other professions to the same level of stun break and stability of a necro.

Essentially what has happened is that all professions have moved the same amount of stun breaks backward, so necro is relatively speaking in the same spot as it was before the patch, but with less stability. So it's actually a huge nerf while Anet calls it a buff!

Dude, just stop, its embarrasing.

They said it themselves in the patch notes; necro is SUPPOSED to have less stab/stunbreak than other classes, and is compensated for it by having by far the highest health-pool, and more boon/condi control than any other class.

You might as well argue that necro should have the same access to teleports as mesmer, the same access to blocks as guardian, and the same access to evades as thief........ that's the whole point of having different classes with different play-styles. Things have different strengths and weaknesses.

Seems to me, like you didn't play necro for a long time yourself. Or even the game...

To me these notes seem odd as well.

High health is a reason for no stability and high cooldown on stunbreaks and no mobility+ evades or blocks? Man look at warrior.And even if damage gets reduced by 30%, damage will still be pretty high. And blocks, evades can still prevent much more damage reduction, than health can ever absorb.

I'd gladly trade the extra health that necro has over your clasd, for all the mobility, boongeneration, evades and blocks of your favourite class. As soon as you'd play your class then, with nothing left but your health, you'd be one of the first persons back here, complaining about it and begging us to give those things back.

You said it just right. Classes are supposed to have different strength and weaknesses.Let's take the class of your picture: guardianWhat's your strengths and weaknesses?Oh right I forgot, guard is one of the strongest classes in all gamemodes right now.Good at dealing power damageGood at dealing Condi damageGood at being a support

Necro: weak against cc, mobility, range and focus of multiple enemies.Strong at: doesn't surpass other classes at anything (maybe corrupts, but that's only pretty small strong point as all classes have insane amounts of condicleanses right now)

Also: compare it to other classes?-> Ele gains stability on some skills AND gets lower cooldowns on 2 pretty strong stunbreaks, while not loosing any evades! (If I read that correctly)They get lower cooldowns on teleport+ stunbreakThey get lower cooldown on stunbreak for up to ten people + superspeed

On the topic of boonremoval:With the patch a lot of corrupts get gutted while other classes gain insane boonremoval (engi) and other not loosing theirs.

Also on conditions:Most classes don't get many nerfs on their Condi applicationsNecro gets the most nerf on that end.Even though other classes have already much better Condi bursts (guard, thief,...) and more sustained Condi dmg than necro has, loosing corrupts lowers the Condi damage even more.

You seem to be one of those people that don't want to allow necro to be good at anything but being a punching bag, that soaks some damage and easily dies without much resistance.

Cause if there's one part of the game where necro excels every other class it's exactly that:

Being a punching bag, that is only able to fight back, if you have a pocket healer with you.

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@Nimon.7840damage went down both power and condi.CC skills dont deal damage anymore.evading attacks got heavy ners, be it BIG damage nerfs or cooldown increases.meanwhile shround HP wasnt touched.people will hit you for less, but you generate as much shroud as you used to, and thus Necro will be MUCH MUCH harder to kill then before.CC chaining necro to oblivion will be the only way to take them down. how else would you deal with necro that keeps recasting 30k hp barrier every 15-20s ?

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Also as a necro main i think the majority of necro might not need access to stability so long as everyone elses damage is addressed and allows it to soak damage in a way thats effective and equal to other professions just avoiding the damage. Right now the two styles of play have such a wide gap which makes common necro players feel uneasy about the notes on paper.

If damage comes down in the right way and necro can soak hits for sustain instead of avoiding them (people screaming necro op need to remember we dont have blocks, extra evades, vigor up time, invulns etc.) I think the biggest issue will be the rest of the community adjusting to the idea that necromancer wont be inherently free anymore even if its a pingpong ball and they will not like it and demand it to be nerfed even more.

But if i can have something thats not just boon corrupts that keeps me viable in the meta im happy with it.

If they remove necromancers ability to damage soak when that is their ideal way of increased sustain over just avoiding or blocking the damage like every other profession then we will have a major problem. Which might be liable to happen if enough people complain that they cant kill necros cause too tanky. Basically if necro gets to the way it is right now where the incoming damage from any profession melts its shroud or vastly outperforms its life force gain / shroud making damage soaking no where near as effective as damage evasion we got real big problems.

Now the only exception to the stability rule is reaper. Reaper is designed to be in peoples faces where its generally the most dangerous especially for a light armor profession with no blocks, evasive skill, disengage etc. Reaper does need "SOME" stability access possibly a tiny bit more than what they are allowing right now. I think the nerf to infusing terror was a bit over kill but other professions also got some pretty insane "over the top" nerfs that are just as questionable.

The spectral skills i would have been fine with increasing if there was still a trait tied to them that allowed their cooldowns to be reduced back down a bit or effectiveness to be increased. Had "spectral mastery" and or "Last Ghasp" not been removed from their soul reaping line i might agree with the increase to their spectral defenses skills.

Ideally the OP is kind of right to be frustrated as the global notes speak a total 180 of what they did in pvp.

My thoughts is that they could have at least given spectral armor 2 charges as it was the only spectral skill to not recive anything when spectral mastery was removed. ITs cd did not even decrease during that patch and it gained no bonus effects or QoL improvements like spectral walk did. So we lost a passive spectral armor and the active one gained no benefit from losing its respective trait.

I think reaper will be in a good spot still though core necromancer however im not so sure too much is effectively changing especailly with doom no longer being instant for me to be sure about how effective it will be for solo play and jumping into a match. IT might have some tanky build options but i dont know about any damage role options without having a support tied to its leg anymore.

@James.1065Keep your head up and start playing around with non meta builds is the best advice i can give you. Start playing as if the traits are already changed.For example if you are using foot in the grave currently stop using it.IF you use one of the amulets being removed from the game stop using it.Ideally the better you get now with things that are not changing much and not using things that wont be in the game in a month or so the more prepared you will be when the changes hit the game. Then you can unleash your power patch day ;) :+1:

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@"Sigmoid.7082" said:They said they would buff it in the global notes. I.e the notes that pertain to PvE.

this confused me. doesn't global = all modes, how does global = pve? everyone is saying that. they never said that those notes were specifically for pve either. also those guys don't do pve balance...

Because unless it's a functional change those duration changes specifically pertain to PvE since PvP and WvW have their own specific changes. Quoting saying "you said you would compensate but you nerfed" when its respective to another game mode is disingenuous at best.

Not only that but pretty much everyone has had the same reductions. Literally it feels like half these salty posts are from people only looking at or considering their own classes(s).

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@James.1065 said:

@"Mini Crinny.6190" said:^ basically, Every class got nerfed so leaving necro as it was would mean Necro being way too strong

Other classes might have been over performing and needed a nerf. Just to get to the necro level

Sorry but in no game mode ever was necro considered king or even average with mobility and stability.

Everyone including Anet knows it's light on stability, but what do they do? Take thr game mode where the most CC is thrown out and increase hard CC even more, shave off more necro access to stability and increase thier CD on stun break.

You can read all the patch notes you want of every profession you want, it still does not justify this poor "balance" decision

You are not taking into account the type of nerfs every other class has gotten and the direction anet are taking on how they will now balance the game around.. Necro would be ridiculously strong if it had been left to what it is now, Necro's weakness is it's lack of mobility and Stability, but it's strength is or will be it's high damage and high health pool + Barrier or Shroud depending on Elite spec. So this change is pretty fine to be honest

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@Sigmoid.7082 said:They said they would buff it in the global notes. I.e the notes that pertain to PvE.

this confused me. doesn't global = all modes, how does global = pve? everyone is saying that. they never said that those notes were specifically for pve either. also those guys don't do pve balance...

yeah, i think they made global changes which affect every game mode, and then the PvP or WvW changes are skill splits that won't affect PvE

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@Nimon.7840 said:

Also: compare it to other classes?-> Ele gains stability on some skills AND gets lower cooldowns on 2 pretty strong stunbreaks, while not loosing any evades! (If I read that correctly)They get lower cooldowns on teleport+ stunbreakThey get lower cooldown on stunbreak for up to ten people + superspeed

Just to clarify:

  • Ele Weaver gains stability on 1 Dual Skill per weapon set, and you have only 1 weapon set available. And you have to be in those 2 specific attunements (4s gcd per attunement swap), meaning it's not on demand stab, you have to anticipate the cc 8s beforehand. And that is to compensate the removal of stab on stances when traited.
  • Armor of earth (stab+stunbreak) cd increased from 50s to 60s (available to all specs)
  • Arcane Shield (3 blocks+stunbreak) cd increased from 40s to 45s (all specs)
  • Twist of Fate (evade+stunbreak) cd increased from 40s to 75s (weaver only)
  • Lightning Flash (damage+teleport) damage decreased (-80%), cd decreased from 40s to 35s (not a stunbreak)
  • Eye of the storm ( superspeed+stunbreak) cd decreased from 40s to 35s (tempest only). 5 targets base. 10 traited.
  • evades on skills get increased cd (mostly weaver)
  • Still have 11k base hp.

So no, it's not really greener.

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@MyPuppy.8970 said:

Also: compare it to other classes?-> Ele gains stability on some skills AND gets lower cooldowns on 2 pretty strong stunbreaks, while not loosing any evades! (If I read that correctly)They get lower cooldowns on teleport+ stunbreakThey get lower cooldown on stunbreak for up to ten people + superspeed

Just to clarify:
  • Ele
    Weaver gains stability on 1 Dual Skill per weapon set, and you have only 1 weapon set available. And you have to be in those 2 specific attunements (4s gcd per attunement swap), meaning it's not on demand stab, you have to anticipate the cc 8s beforehand. And that is to compensate the removal of stab on stances when traited.
  • Armor of earth (stab+stunbreak) cd increased from 50s to 60s (available to all specs)
  • Arcane Shield (3 blocks+stunbreak) cd increased from 40s to 45s (all specs)
  • Twist of Fate (evade+stunbreak) cd increased from 40s to 75s (weaver only)
  • Lightning Flash (damage+teleport) damage decreased (-80%), cd decreased from 40s to 35s (not a stunbreak)
  • Eye of the storm ( superspeed+stunbreak) cd decreased from 40s to 35s (tempest only). 5 targets base. 10 traited.
  • evades on skills get increased cd (mostly weaver)
  • Still have 11k base hp.

So no, it's not really greener.

yeah @Nimon.7840 has an issue with ele for some reason, dont forget the gale song nerf from 40 sec ICD to 300 sec :D

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@Mini Crinny.6190 said:

Also: compare it to other classes?-> Ele gains stability on some skills AND gets lower cooldowns on 2 pretty strong stunbreaks, while not loosing any evades! (If I read that correctly)They get lower cooldowns on teleport+ stunbreakThey get lower cooldown on stunbreak for up to ten people + superspeed

Just to clarify:
  • Ele
    Weaver gains stability on 1 Dual Skill per weapon set, and you have only 1 weapon set available. And you have to be in those 2 specific attunements (4s gcd per attunement swap), meaning it's not on demand stab, you have to anticipate the cc 8s beforehand. And that is to compensate the removal of stab on stances when traited.
  • Armor of earth (stab+stunbreak) cd increased from 50s to 60s (available to all specs)
  • Arcane Shield (3 blocks+stunbreak) cd increased from 40s to 45s (all specs)
  • Twist of Fate (evade+stunbreak) cd increased from 40s to 75s (weaver only)
  • Lightning Flash (damage+teleport) damage decreased (-80%), cd decreased from 40s to 35s (not a stunbreak)
  • Eye of the storm ( superspeed+stunbreak) cd decreased from 40s to 35s (tempest only). 5 targets base. 10 traited.
  • evades on skills get increased cd (mostly weaver)
  • Still have 11k base hp.

So no, it's not really greener.

yeah @Nimon.7840 has an issue with ele for some reason, dont forget the gale song nerf from 40 sec ICD to 300 sec :D

Didn't mention the passive procs since it's the same for all profs. Only hurts those who relied on them anyway.

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@MyPuppy.8970 said:

Also: compare it to other classes?-> Ele gains stability on some skills AND gets lower cooldowns on 2 pretty strong stunbreaks, while not loosing any evades! (If I read that correctly)They get lower cooldowns on teleport+ stunbreakThey get lower cooldown on stunbreak for up to ten people + superspeed

Just to clarify:
  • Ele
    Weaver gains stability on 1 Dual Skill per weapon set, and you have only 1 weapon set available. And you have to be in those 2 specific attunements (4s gcd per attunement swap), meaning it's not on demand stab, you have to anticipate the cc 8s beforehand. And that is to compensate the removal of stab on stances when traited.
  • Armor of earth (stab+stunbreak) cd increased from 50s to 60s (available to all specs)
  • Arcane Shield (3 blocks+stunbreak) cd increased from 40s to 45s (all specs)
  • Twist of Fate (evade+stunbreak) cd increased from 40s to 75s (weaver only)
  • Lightning Flash (damage+teleport) damage decreased (-80%), cd decreased from 40s to 35s (not a stunbreak)
  • Eye of the storm ( superspeed+stunbreak) cd decreased from 40s to 35s (tempest only). 5 targets base. 10 traited.
  • evades on skills get increased cd (mostly weaver)
  • Still have 11k base hp.

So no, it's not really greener.

yeah @Nimon.7840 has an issue with ele for some reason, dont forget the gale song nerf from 40 sec ICD to 300 sec :D

Didn't mention the passive procs since it's the same for all profs. Only hurts those who relied on them anyway.

that's true, it seemed to only be good in PvE or WvW ^^

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

@Sigmoid.7082 said:They said they would buff it in the global notes. I.e the notes that pertain to PvE.

this confused me. doesn't global = all modes, how does global = pve? everyone is saying that. they never said that those notes were specifically for pve either. also those guys don't do pve balance...

Not only that but pretty much everyone has had the same reductions. Literally it feels like half these salty posts are from people only looking at or considering their own classes(s).

The only bit i dont agree with on this statement is that many other professions not all of them but some of them still have their traits that reduce the cooldowns on their active defenses as far as we know for exampleWarriors active balance stance, zerker stance, endure pain got their cooldowns increased how ever the trait last stand while its active is 300s its passive that boost the effect on all stance skills is still very much in the game and will apply to the the active utility skills. so even though the base times increased there is an option to boost them. and on other professions drop the cooldowns back down etc.

(edit made a fix here with my warrior example not sure why i thought cd reduction was a thing here but you know what i mean as an example))

Necro had spectral mastery taken away and the cooldowns on the actives were dropped respectively now the cooldowns are going back up (or in some cases just out right increasing even more for the skills that didnt drop in that patch ((cough... spectral armor)) which is very suspect but also probably an oversight.

This is my only hang up on the spectral skill increases.

Still you aint wrong.

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@MyPuppy.8970 said:

Also: compare it to other classes?-> Ele gains stability on some skills AND gets lower cooldowns on 2 pretty strong stunbreaks, while not loosing any evades! (If I read that correctly)They get lower cooldowns on teleport+ stunbreakThey get lower cooldown on stunbreak for up to ten people + superspeed

Just to clarify:
  • Ele
    Weaver gains stability on 1 Dual Skill per weapon set, and you have only 1 weapon set available. And you have to be in those 2 specific attunements (4s gcd per attunement swap), meaning it's not on demand stab, you have to anticipate the cc 8s beforehand. And that is to compensate the removal of stab on stances when traited.
  • Armor of earth (stab+stunbreak) cd increased from 50s to 60s (available to all specs)
  • Arcane Shield (3 blocks+stunbreak) cd increased from 40s to 45s (all specs)
  • Twist of Fate (evade+stunbreak) cd increased from 40s to 75s (weaver only)
  • Lightning Flash (damage+teleport) damage decreased (-80%), cd decreased from 40s to 35s (not a stunbreak)
  • Eye of the storm ( superspeed+stunbreak) cd decreased from 40s to 35s (tempest only). 5 targets base. 10 traited.
  • evades on skills get increased cd (mostly weaver)
  • Still have 11k base hp.

So no, it's not really greener.

What about the fact that wurm has shorter cd than ele TP? wurm is something like 20-sec cd and lighting teleport is 60 seconds.

So yeah I'm not buying it either.

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@Mini Crinny.6190 said:

Also: compare it to other classes?-> Ele gains stability on some skills AND gets lower cooldowns on 2 pretty strong stunbreaks, while not loosing any evades! (If I read that correctly)They get lower cooldowns on teleport+ stunbreakThey get lower cooldown on stunbreak for up to ten people + superspeed

Just to clarify:
  • Ele
    Weaver gains stability on 1 Dual Skill per weapon set, and you have only 1 weapon set available. And you have to be in those 2 specific attunements (4s gcd per attunement swap), meaning it's not on demand stab, you have to anticipate the cc 8s beforehand. And that is to compensate the removal of stab on stances when traited.
  • Armor of earth (stab+stunbreak) cd increased from 50s to 60s (available to all specs)
  • Arcane Shield (3 blocks+stunbreak) cd increased from 40s to 45s (all specs)
  • Twist of Fate (evade+stunbreak) cd increased from 40s to 75s (weaver only)
  • Lightning Flash (damage+teleport) damage decreased (-80%), cd decreased from 40s to 35s (not a stunbreak)
  • Eye of the storm ( superspeed+stunbreak) cd decreased from 40s to 35s (tempest only). 5 targets base. 10 traited.
  • evades on skills get increased cd (mostly weaver)
  • Still have 11k base hp.

So no, it's not really greener.

yeah @Nimon.7840 has an issue with ele for some reason, dont forget the gale song nerf from 40 sec ICD to 300 sec :D

I don't have an issue with Ele. I was remembering some things incorrectly.So my bad here.For example that lightning flash isn't a stunbreak (I think I was thinking at mesmers blink, that definitely is a stunbreak)Also seems like I didn't read carefully enough.Did it yesterday, went through the notes again, and looked up every single change and also looked at which traits get used in the meta builds right now.

But there's no denial that Weaver is one of the best duelers in the game right now. Even though "it only has 11k base hp"And even though necro has "big 19k base hp + shroud" it's one of the weaker duelers.

Guess we'll just have to see, how things will play out.

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@"Nimon.7840" said:And even though necro has "big 19k base hp + shroud" it's one of the weaker duelers.Core fearspamming necro is a pure nightmare to 1x1. Necro "role" never was to duel anything.Some builds can be good at duels but it doesnt make them a good side noder for various reasons

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@Nimon.7840 necro isnt bad at 1v1, it just has problems when it gets +1.in fact core necro is good as a side node on coliseum, where its a nightmare to get them off the point in 1v1, and when they get +1 they can kite up the planks while still hitting you through walls, if you try to chase you will lose most hp or die, and IF you manage to get up there 1 fear can just push you off.Keep in mind damage was nerfed, but shroud generation wasnt. Necro might be REALLY good off after the patch, might even be the best side noder, who knows.

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@"James.1065" said:Guys necro is already the walking ping pong ball of the game.

You can't admit the profession has a weakness of low stability, and then proceed to cut it back further while increasing hard CC across the board and then increase the necro CD to the stun breaks

At least leave it the same CD. Reducing the necros availability to stability while increasing thier CD on stun breaks while at the same time increasing every professions hard CC is like a 3xnerf on a class known to already suck at staying on its feet - and ANET call it a "buff"

How is that making balance!?

I see at least 1 or 2 necro in every team and every match, I think that actually is one of a better class if not the best.It need surely a nerf, like other professions... See Fireweavers how will get nerfed, and actually you never find them as often as Necro.

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@Nimon.7840 said:

Also: compare it to other classes?-> Ele gains stability on some skills AND gets lower cooldowns on 2 pretty strong stunbreaks, while not loosing any evades! (If I read that correctly)They get lower cooldowns on teleport+ stunbreakThey get lower cooldown on stunbreak for up to ten people + superspeed

Just to clarify:
  • Ele
    Weaver gains stability on 1 Dual Skill per weapon set, and you have only 1 weapon set available. And you have to be in those 2 specific attunements (4s gcd per attunement swap), meaning it's not on demand stab, you have to anticipate the cc 8s beforehand. And that is to compensate the removal of stab on stances when traited.
  • Armor of earth (stab+stunbreak) cd increased from 50s to 60s (available to all specs)
  • Arcane Shield (3 blocks+stunbreak) cd increased from 40s to 45s (all specs)
  • Twist of Fate (evade+stunbreak) cd increased from 40s to 75s (weaver only)
  • Lightning Flash (damage+teleport) damage decreased (-80%), cd decreased from 40s to 35s (not a stunbreak)
  • Eye of the storm ( superspeed+stunbreak) cd decreased from 40s to 35s (tempest only). 5 targets base. 10 traited.
  • evades on skills get increased cd (mostly weaver)
  • Still have 11k base hp.

So no, it's not really greener.

yeah @Nimon.7840 has an issue with ele for some reason, dont forget the gale song nerf from 40 sec ICD to 300 sec :D

I don't have an issue with Ele. I was remembering some things incorrectly.So my bad here.For example that lightning flash isn't a stunbreak (I think I was thinking at mesmers blink, that definitely is a stunbreak)Also seems like I didn't read carefully enough.Did it yesterday, went through the notes again, and looked up every single change and also looked at which traits get used in the meta builds right now.

But there's no denial that Weaver is one of the best duelers in the game right now. Even though "it only has 11k base hp"And even though necro has "big 19k base hp + shroud" it's one of the weaker duelers.

Guess we'll just have to see, how things will play out.

Weaver is Indeed overperforming, because it is allowed to play evasively while keeping condi pressure and having good sustain. Fire Weaver is only annoying in 1v1 because of the size of the node. In Foefire mid or anywhere else, it is one of the easiest spec to kite.

Both ele and nec have their own strenghts/weaknesses and different gameplay. We can't and should not have everything, making teamplay what really matters.

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Honestly core necro is looking to be one of the strongest builds in the game going forward based on both the complete eradication of damage on CC skills as well as the lowering of condition cleanses and healing in general.

Spectral walk is also one of the most loaded utilities in the game considering it's a; Stunbreak, 6x condition cleanses, swiftness and also a port back to the original location. It definitely deserves the +10 second cooldown nerf.

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