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get rid of the overpowered ability's on character professions there way too unfair in pvp


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@"IronSpyder.9524" said:i say all specializations should be balanced or don't have pvp

That isn't an explanation...

"They should be balanced" Okay...uh...how? What abilities are a problem? Why do you think they are a problem? You're not giving an explanation, you're just saying words with no context or explanation.

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I agree - elite specs shouldn't provide new skills on top of damaging skills currently available for any profession.

  • F.ex this means replacing Eviscerate with Decapitate when using the Berserker spec is fine, as long as the damage output of each isn't too far off.
  • F.ex this means it's not okay for Tempest to do dmg on overloads, since it's extra damage/sec that core ele doesn't have.
  • This is not to say you can't have damage modifiers in an elite spec traitline, however it should be designed as either an offensive/defensive/utility traitline and not all at once.

Basically choosing an elite spec shouldn't drastically alter your dps/s more than choosing an offensive traitline would. This disparity is painfully obvious if you f.ex try to capture a supply camp in WvW with a core spec - it's way harder than with an elite spec!

The elite specs basically gives all classes free damage and defense over core, which really hurts the viability of core builds. Imo they went in a good direction with the core revenant buff, and I wouldn't mind them keeping elite specs a little overpowered if they would give every build without an elite spec equipped some kind of edge - a global cd reduction of 20% maybe?

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@rng.1024 said:it's not okay for Tempest to do dmg on overloads, since it's extra damage/sec that core ele doesn't have.

When overloading the attunement, CD is 20 sec then instead of 10 sec, so there is a trade off. Also tempest trait-line is pretty weak.Tempest and core-ele are on the same level and if you want to reach top 250 in ranked, both of them are useless.

@FrownyClown.8402 said:Also weaver tradeoff isnt really a tradeoff

Weaver is the only class with no tradeoff at all, although they gain perma double stats plus dual skills plus incredibly strong weaver sword.Thats got nothing to do with balance. Weaver killed tempest and core-ele, very sad !

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@hotte in space.2158 said:

@rng.1024 said:it's
not okay
for Tempest to do dmg on overloads, since it's extra damage/sec that core ele doesn't have.

When overloading the attunement, CD is 20 sec then instead of 10 sec, so there is a trade off. Also tempest trait-line is pretty weak.Tempest and core-ele are on the same level and if you want to reach top 250 in ranked, both of them are useless.

@FrownyClown.8402 said:Also weaver tradeoff isnt really a tradeoff

Weaver is the only class with no tradeoff at all, although they gain perma double stats plus dual skills plus incredibly strong weaver sword.Thats got nothing to do with balance. Weaver killed tempest and core-ele, very sad !

i reached t250 last season with Core Ele...different builds of core ele (Not only core ele. but not more than 1/4 of the games with other core specs. And most core builds are more fun than Elite builds)

edit: its not even that hard ... i mean there are only a few good players left.

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This is silly there will never be the kind of balance you guys want, because it would kill replayability and any sort of value for elites. Why even have elites?

Why should for instance mirage weaver scourge reaper zerker spellcounter deadeye daredevil scrapper holosmith herald renegade soulbeast etc do no dmg? its ridiculous Some classes are meant to be dps in a different way such as deadeye is a ranged DPS sniper, so making it do 0 dmg would make it pointless, and if you do nerf elites, they need to be compensated massively. Its clear that eles were meant to play a certain way with weaver, and this would be like scourge when trying to force support down their throat.

There has to be a way to keep the vision of classes without completely decimating and making it unrecognizeable or non fun for the player playing said elite. I play all sorts of elites, and this would make me not want to come back ever again if most if not all elites were useless and unplayable, so think very hard before gutting.

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@JorKadeen.3846 said:

i reached t250 last season with Core Ele...different builds of core ele (Not only core ele. but not more than 1/4 of the games with other core specs. And most core builds are more fun than Elite builds)

edit: its not even that hard ... i mean there are only a few good players left.

I mean on EU server. NA doesnt count :p

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@hotte in space.2158 said:

@rng.1024 said:it's
not okay
for Tempest to do dmg on overloads, since it's extra damage/sec that core ele doesn't have.

When overloading the attunement, CD is 20 sec then instead of 10 sec, so there is a trade off. Also tempest trait-line is pretty weak.Tempest and core-ele are on the same level and if you want to reach top 250 in ranked, both of them are useless.

@FrownyClown.8402 said:Also weaver tradeoff isnt really a tradeoff

Weaver is the only class with no tradeoff at all, although they gain perma double stats plus dual skills plus incredibly strong weaver sword.Thats got nothing to do with balance. Weaver killed tempest and core-ele, very sad !

The challenge is on! Top 250 EU next season on core ele exclusively, place your bets ;)

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@rng.1024 said:The challenge is on! Top 250 EU next season on core ele exclusively, place your bets ;)I like challengers :) Well, as you seem to be a very good core-ele specialist I would say :You will probably make it up to top 250 during the season, but you wont manage it, to stay there til end of the season^^Thats my prophecy as its this what happend to me.The core problem of core-ele is its lack of stability (and there are so many CCs around) but lets see how PvP works after the patch.But I really wish you good luck - I respect everybody who makes it up with a non OP class !It is possible ! (dont forget to make screenshots to prove that its just been core-ele)Core-ele is the last class I actually want to play but if I should find an interesting build maybe I join your challenge

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@hotte in space.2158 said:

i reached t250 last season with Core Ele...different builds of core ele (Not only core ele. but not more than 1/4 of the games with other core specs. And most core builds are more fun than Elite builds)

edit: its not even that hard ... i mean there are only a few good players left.

I mean on EU server. NA doesnt count :p

You dont even have to use weapons at this point to reach top 250, stop pretending this is an achievement

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@hotte in space.2158 said:

@rng.1024 said:The challenge is on! Top 250 EU next season on core ele exclusively, place your bets ;)I like challengers :) Well, as you seem to be a very good core-ele specialist I would say :You will probably make it up to top 250 during the season, but you wont manage it, to stay there til end of the season^^Thats my prophecy as its this what happend to me.The core problem of core-ele is its lack of stability (and there are so many CCs around) but lets see how PvP works after the patch.But I really wish you good luck - I respect everybody who makes it up with a non OP class !It is possible ! (dont forget to make screenshots to prove that its just been core-ele)Core-ele is the last class I actually want to play but if I should find an interesting build maybe I join your challenge

That is a fair prediction ^^

Since I pretty much tanked the majority of my 11 games this season, I expect I will soft reset at around gold 2 which is a nice starting point.

I don't feel the lack of stability is that much of an issue, but it's definitely missed when you get pluss'ed - however it's all about knowing my matchups and don't go for daring rotations now, in order for me not to be a liability to my team on such a niche role/build.

Best of luck to you in the new season aswell :)

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