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Mount skills needs to be nerfed

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@"White Kitsunee.4620" said:Just buff openworld enemies.

The problem can be solved in another way: improve event scaling, make it much more aggressive. People wouldn't have an issue being able to get credit if instead of facing "groups of regular mobs that get instant killed by dual raptor swipes" if they were instead "groups of veterans lead by an elite".

Low level map events are awful at this: even if there are 30 players in full ascended gear attempting a level 15 event, mobs just don't scale beyond "drop like flies" strength.

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@"Skotlex.7580" said:Low level map events are awful at this: even if there are 30 players in full ascended gear attempting a level 15 event, mobs just don't scale beyond "drop like flies" strength.

We were chatting about this last week during one of the dailies in a starter zone (Ascalon maybe? Can't remember) The high level players getting everything killed before anyone else could get a tag was a real problem. Someone suggested the high level players just get their tag and then back off so the others can get it but that didn't gain any traction. Then someone pointed out that in higher level zones the same players just tag and the sit out the rest of the event.

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@Khisanth.2948 said:

@Tanner Blackfeather.6509 said:I don't think they're in a general need of nerfs but they
need to be affected
more by level scaling!Leave them as is at lvl 80 but drastically cut the damage for lower levels.

So now instead of one button killing stuff it takes two. Great improvement?

To be fair, level scaling could use alot of work in the game in general. Its pretty terrible, but thats another topic.

@Kanok.3027 said:

@XYLO.7031 said:I was happy before the initial nerf. Then the QQ crew had their way.

Yeah, I thought it was dumb, but well, enough cries from the uber casuals and Anet will bend over. Just sayin'...

It wasnt just ultra casuals who where complaining.

I was, and still do agree the change was needed. But i dont think another is required the damage they do now is fine.

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The problem isn't mounts, it's geared level 80s who are inconsiderate of others. Depending on which area in the starter map you are, mounts don't even one-shot mobs because the damage was nerfed already.

Meanwhile a level 80 in full berserker gear can easily one-shot mobs from range, repeatedly. It was a problem before mounts existed, mounts just make it more obvious who's aware of others and who's thinking only of themselves.

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@Zephire.8049 said:Meanwhile a level 80 in full berserker gear can easily one-shot mobs from range, repeatedly. It was a problem before mounts existed, mounts just make it more obvious who's aware of others and who's thinking only of themselves.

I would hazard a guess and state ANet's design for GW2 was that players shouldn't be able to grief each another. Wasn't the idea of the game that we should all be glad to see other players? This feeling is pretty much non existant for lower level maps when it's their turn at the daily. It becomes a frantic race to attempt to earn credit before the event is over (eg: once upon a time before mounts, my mesmer would use a staff as its ranged weapon. I had several daily events end around me without being able to get credit back then).

When the game tells players that the polite thing to do is to just press 1 and tag a few mobs, then I'd say that the whole point of scaling (both of players down to the area's level and of events up to the number of players) has failed miserably.

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@"Zephire.8049" said:The problem isn't mounts, it's geared level 80s who are inconsiderate of others. Depending on which area in the starter map you are, mounts don't even one-shot mobs because the damage was nerfed already.

Meanwhile a level 80 in full berserker gear can easily one-shot mobs from range, repeatedly. It was a problem before mounts existed, mounts just make it more obvious who's aware of others and who's thinking only of themselves.

I don't think it's inconsiderate level 80s at fault; I think it's the way they are scaled based on the zone.

A level 80 isn't going to say "Oh, a level 5 person, I'd better give him a chance to kill those mobs while I hang back and watch him/her". Level 80s also want to kill mobs :smile:

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@"Melech.4308" said:

I don't think it's inconsiderate level 80s at fault; I think it's the way they are scaled based on the zone.

A level 80 isn't going to say "Oh, a level 5 person, I'd better give him a chance to kill those mobs while I hang back and watch him/her". Level 80s also want to kill mobs :smile:

Oh, but it is. Because they sure don't need to kill ALL the mobs, or do they? And then nag here about "ultra casuals" not being good. Like, seriously? Now we'll call newbies ultra casuals, push them away by being kittens in starter maps and then what? Cry that Anet drives (new) players away?

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@anninke.7469 said:

@"Melech.4308" said:

I don't think it's inconsiderate level 80s at fault; I think it's the way they are scaled based on the zone.

A level 80 isn't going to say "Oh, a level 5 person, I'd better give him a chance to kill those mobs while I hang back and watch him/her". Level 80s also want to kill mobs :smile:

Oh, but it is. Because they sure don't need to kill ALL the mobs, or do they? And then nag here about "ultra casuals" not being good. Like, seriously? Now we'll call newbies ultra casuals, push them away by being kittens in starter maps and then what? Cry that Anet drives (new) players away?

So what do you want level 80s to do in low-level zones? Stand back and do /cheer when non-level 80s kill something? Not participate in daily events in low-level zones?

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@Melech.4308 said:

@"Zephire.8049" said:The problem isn't mounts, it's geared level 80s who are inconsiderate of others. Depending on which area in the starter map you are, mounts don't even one-shot mobs because the damage was nerfed already.

Meanwhile a level 80 in full berserker gear can easily one-shot mobs from range, repeatedly. It was a problem before mounts existed, mounts just make it more obvious who's aware of others and who's thinking only of themselves.

I don't think it's inconsiderate level 80s at fault; I think it's the way they are scaled based on the zone.

A level 80 isn't going to say "Oh, a level 5 person, I'd better give him a chance to kill those mobs while I hang back and watch him/her". Level 80s also want to kill mobs :smile:It's definitely people being inconsiderate. It's not hard to notice that you one-shot mobs and there's someone (or multiple people) running around in not even full armour who take multiple swings to kill enemies. You also don't need to continuously kill mobs to get gold credit in an event. Tag what you need to and then chill out and watch the newbies. Especially on starter maps where there is no map rewards loot and at 80 there are far better places to go to farm XP or karma.

I do a lot of map completion. I also have a ton of 80s in exotic and/or ascended 'zerker gear. I don't commit mass-murder of mobs if other people are around, and if there are I'll make sure to let them get a couple hits in so they get credit. Same if there's an event going on. The only time I might jump the gun is for some of the PITA hearts that are made infinitely easier when a certain event is going. Yet I constantly run into other 80s who range mobs down without thinking about others—this includes them killing mobs that are only spawned when someone interacts with an object that locks you in place so the person who spawned the mob doesn't even get credit for it.

And it's not just me that hangs back and lets newbies get credit, either. Just personally I know people on my friendslist and in my primary guild also like to "babysit" newbies over treating them like competition, and I know there are plenty of others out there who do the same.

Scaling could be adjusted a bit due to the powercreep that started in HoT, but if people were more mindful of others it wouldn't be much of an issue.

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@Skotlex.7580 said:

@Zephire.8049 said:Meanwhile a level 80 in full berserker gear can easily one-shot mobs from range, repeatedly. It was a problem before mounts existed, mounts just make it more obvious who's aware of others and who's thinking only of themselves.

I would hazard a guess and state ANet's design for GW2 was that players shouldn't be able to grief each another. Wasn't the idea of the game that we should all be glad to see other players? This feeling is pretty much non existant for lower level maps when it's their turn at the daily. It becomes a frantic race to attempt to earn credit before the event is over (eg: once upon a time before mounts, my mesmer would use a staff as its ranged weapon. I had several daily events end around me without being able to get credit back then).

When the game tells players that the polite thing to do is to just press 1 and tag a few mobs, then I'd say that the whole point of scaling (both of players down to the area's level and of events up to the number of players) has failed miserably.

Scaling in general does need to be adjusted to account for the powercreep that started in HoT, and I'd say that starter maps could have their event scaling increased as well (maybe even tied to when those maps are the daily so more vet and elite mobs get spawned over regular ones), but it's still inconsiderate players who are the primary problem since it's not hard to adjust what you do when others are around. Starter maps just have less wiggle room for everyone else if someone is playing selfishly.

If people just auto-attacking slows down how quickly mobs are killed by a noticeable amount, even with scaling issues I'd say the main problem is the person who comes in on a power reaper and used shroud #4 because if that one person wasn't there, a lot more people could have gotten credit.

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Like that will help you in tagging events when there's a horde of level 80 players doing a low level event...They'll just nuke the mobs with aoes instead...I really hope you and/or the players you mentioned aren't trying to walk up to the mobs and use melee attacks.Use ranged attacks and aoes to tag stuff, they're so generous at giving event credit, it's quite the feat when you don't manage to get any participation at all.....

The only problem I see is the mobs staying squishy while there's a ton of people around doing dailies aka event scaling issues

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@"Antycypator.9874" said:I like the idea what happened to CC skills in PvP and WvW. No damage, only functionality. I think mounts in PvE needs the same thing. Problem is in damage — mostly on low level zones, where 80lvl players can one shot whole groups of mobs. At "X map event completer" it's difficult for other players to tag something because everyone's rushing it with raptors.What about scalling raptor's tail spin to 0,01? This needs to be ONLY pull. That CC is powerful enough and it would be still powerful without damage.I think only Skyscale could do damage because it's skill looks purely for damage.

Humm I still think some need damage some need to CC differently. :/

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An easy first step to take is to remove the starter zone bias from the level 80 account dailies so that this isn't such a regular occurrence. It seems to me that Metrica Province and Plains of Ashford appear with abnormal frequency. Maybe that is based on some actual metric the game uses to determine which zones need the most "help" (perhaps not a coincidence that the non-humanoid starter zones lack the population). But even if that were the case, it's reached a point that is counterproductive to the new player experience. As the daily system already looks at account level to determine which daily an account receives, it should be doing a good enough job of getting appropriate groups of new players together in those zones. There should be a conservative upper limit to the frequency with which a map can be selected as the daily. No map should be able to appear with more than say double the uniform frequency, i.e. 1/(number of maps in the rotation). As it is, it feels like these starter zones appear several times each for every occurrence of a higher-level map.

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