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I play a core condi Mesmer. I avoided learning Mirage because, as I publicly predicted, it would be nerfed out of existence much like Chronomancer.

Mesmer has been nerfed too hard AGAIN and I'm tired of eating dirt because of it.

ANET had a vibrant Mesmer community. Now, many of them are alienated.

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@Ithilwen.1529 said:I play a core condi Mesmer. I avoided learning Mirage because, as I publicly predicted, it would be nerfed out of existence much like Chronomancer.

Mesmer has been nerfed too hard AGAIN and I'm tired of eating dirt because of it.

ANET had a vibrant Mesmer community. Now, many of them are alienated.

@Ithilwen.1529 said:I play a core condi Mesmer. I avoided learning Mirage because, as I publicly predicted, it would be nerfed out of existence much like Chronomancer.

Mesmer has been nerfed too hard AGAIN and I'm tired of eating dirt because of it.

ANET had a vibrant Mesmer community. Now, many of them are alienated.

I think moa mesmers will be strong with this bunker/necro oriented meta. Moa will ruin the tank necro's day when they go into their shroud, same vs. any bunker. Moa then cc.

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@Ithilwen.1529 said:I play a core condi Mesmer. I avoided learning Mirage because, as I publicly predicted, it would be nerfed out of existence much like Chronomancer.

Mesmer has been nerfed too hard AGAIN and I'm tired of eating dirt because of it.

ANET had a vibrant Mesmer community. Now, many of them are alienated.

condi mesmer isnt that bad. Compared to fb it might be however many classes are bad compared to fb right now. Just wait for the announced actual balance patches + hotfixes.

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@"Faux Play.6104" said:My understanding is physical limitations are a factor with the OP. Regardless, sticking to the origional comment about nerfs, this is why memser got nerfed, and rightfully so:UA2f5BQ.jpg

No one every said that there wasn’t a problem with Mesmer. The whole Mesmer community suggested things to balance. And there have been some very very good suggestions Anet could have adapt to. Also you admit that some things have been very overtuned and op. Why not nerf those things instead of killing a whole elite spec. clone-ambush is doing to much Condi dmg? Great nerf it. Chaos trait line gives to much boons, great nerf it. But what happened is that the parents gave their unwanted child not a toy gun, the child got a real gun. And now people blame the child for playing with a real gun so the child gets in jail. I can’t understand in any way how people can justify a so significant and dramatic change to a class. players just quit the game.

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@"Faux Play.6104" said:My understanding is physical limitations are a factor with the OP. Regardless, sticking to the origional comment about nerfs, this is why memser got nerfed, and rightfully so:UA2f5BQ.jpg

Are you seriously bringing up raid support boonshare chrono as if it's ever been relevant in SPvP?

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Mirage is still playable. It just requires actual positioning, picking your battles and using your shatters instead of just getting carried by MC + IH spam. Just swap to Illusions instead of Chaos for better shatters and drop the scepter for an axe. You won't be nearly invincible but you can still kill stuff.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@"Faux Play.6104" said:My understanding is physical limitations are a factor with the OP. Regardless, sticking to the origional comment about nerfs, this is why memser got nerfed, and rightfully so:

Are you seriously bringing up raid support boonshare chrono as if it's ever been relevant in SPvP?

I think he's talking about the perma boon phantasm chrono build that completely ruined sPvP for a few months.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@"Faux Play.6104" said:My understanding is physical limitations are a factor with the OP. Regardless, sticking to the origional comment about nerfs, this is why memser got nerfed, and rightfully so:

Are you seriously bringing up raid support boonshare chrono as if it's ever been relevant in SPvP?

I think he's talking about the perma boon phantasm chrono build that completely ruined sPvP for a few months.

While Disenchanter Chrono was absolutely insane deserved a hard ban when it showed up, it absolutely did not stack 25 seconds of quickness. That's literally PvE Wells and Time Warp and Diviner Amulet/Harrier Amulet stuff, which was never relevant in PvP.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@"Faux Play.6104" said:My understanding is physical limitations are a factor with the OP. Regardless, sticking to the origional comment about nerfs, this is why memser got nerfed, and rightfully so:

Are you seriously bringing up raid support boonshare chrono as if it's ever been relevant in SPvP?

I think he's talking about the perma boon phantasm chrono build that completely ruined sPvP for a few months.

And while Disenchanter Chrono was absolutely insane deserved a hard ban when it showed up, it absolutely did not stack 25 seconds of quickness. That's literally PvE Wells and Time Warp and Diviner Amulet/Harrier Amulet stuff, which was never relevant in PvP.


The only boon that build wasn't able to maintain 100% of the time was resistance. It was "only" able to stack 16 seconds of it... lol

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@Yasai.3549 said:Mirage is still playable but yu have to learn to forget the IH spam style.If yu play carefully with Desert Distortion and Illusionary Ambush, yu can still pull it off.

Yeah that’s why we have not a single meta build

@Shadow.1345 said:Mirage is still playable. It just requires actual positioning, picking your battles and using your shatters instead of just getting carried by MC + IH spam. Just swap to Illusions instead of Chaos for better shatters and drop the scepter for an axe. You won't be nearly invincible but you can still kill stuff.

We all know how much you know about this game why do you even write in this forum. You are so ignorant that you even oversee the fact that we all played without IH spam but Anet made it like that so we HAD to play with it. People didn’t like shatter play so they moved everything to IH and playstyle that supports that. Now they even nerfed the dmg coefficients of F1 so when we shatter 3 clones and not all clones crit we are doing less dmg then with 1 clones that crits. How are we supposed to compensate that? You are right with even more passiv play. You talk about more skilled game play but it is definitely the other way around.

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@Senqu.8054 said:

@Yasai.3549 said:Mirage is still playable but yu have to learn to forget the IH spam style.If yu play carefully with Desert Distortion and Illusionary Ambush, yu can still pull it off.

Yeah that’s why we have not a single meta build

The patch is less than a week old, there are 0 meta builds right now. Even if there won't be a meta build the join the club with all the other classes that went years without a meta build while Mesmer had one pretty much every different meta.

@Shadow.1345 said:Mirage is still playable. It just requires actual positioning, picking your battles and using your shatters instead of just getting carried by MC + IH spam. Just swap to Illusions instead of Chaos for better shatters and drop the scepter for an axe. You won't be nearly invincible but you can still kill stuff.

We all know how much you know about this game why do you even write in this forum. You are so ignorant that you even oversee the fact that we all played without IH spam but Anet made it like that so we HAD to play with it. People didn’t like shatter play so they moved everything to IH and playstyle that supports that. Now they even nerfed the dmg coefficients of F1 so when we shatter 3 clones and not all clones crit we are doing less dmg then with 1 clones that crits. How are we supposed to compensate that? You are right with even more passiv play. You talk about more skilled game play but it is definitely the other way around.

Have you even tried playing Mirage since the patch to see how it handles or do you just QQ on the forums?

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@"Faux Play.6104" said:My understanding is physical limitations are a factor with the OP. Regardless, sticking to the origional comment about nerfs, this is why memser got nerfed, and rightfully so:

Are you seriously bringing up raid support boonshare chrono as if it's ever been relevant in SPvP?

It was pretty strong in sPvP as a dualist when scourge corrupts got a hard nerf. That shot was from PvP not PvE. But you are right as broken as it was Mesmer had some options that were even better.

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@Ithilwen.1529 said:To bring the thread back to it's topic:

Core Mesmer is far too weak at the moment.

For condi variant, Illusions nerfs from before does hurt it a lot.

For it to be a consistent power dps build, it lacks staying power and sustained damage (just gs auto lol).

A support variant isn't even viable because of self centered natures of inspiration (rip distortion share) and chaos.

It can only do a bad burst.

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