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Nerf prediction game


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As you have seen, the mighty firebrand and necro have been nerfed. Posts about them have quelled as the forums set their sights on their next target, the ranger!

Brought to you from the same kind of player who wants retaliation nerfed because getting punished for pressing buttons is bad, pets should be nerfed into oblivion because tossing weakness or cripple onto a bird that cannot cleanse, and instead tanking several autos should not result in significant damage taken.

Once our birb overlords have been knocked down a peg, who shall be next on the forum's chopping block?

Perhaps Holo. It's not terribly oppressive now, but as the competition grows weaker, Holo's decent damage, sustain, and mobility may be called into question.

When Anet properly guts holo for the broken class that they are, who else to recieve the nerf bat but ele. Shocking aura is oppressive in this CC focused meta, and a class should not be able to become impervious to melee pressure at the click of a button. (Sure there's the obvious tell of huge hecking bubble with arcing lightning, but we do not talk about that).

On and on the cycle goes, nerfing everything that's strong until we reach the point of WoW... and let me tell you, you do not want to become WoW.

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If they keep nerfing damage people are gonna want necro nerfed again. People are already complaining about the sustain and lich still hits really hard even if it has 10 sec duration and 150-sec cd.

Just imagine if necro uses summon horrors, that is enough to wreck your day with lich form and that nuke from the other one.

Imagine if two liches use summon horrors on you, oh boy is that gonna be nasty.

After that.. Prob thief again? Thief nerf threads actually might be next one lotsa ranger and thief nerf threads.

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I have a feeling thief passives might get nuked outside of acro ones which are not playable for meta atm. But obviously no one will complain about it until 5v5 is a thing again or wait some ppl are complaining but those complaints will be x5 more common once 5v5 ranked comes back

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My elite does 7 damage on DH, and my auto does 400 damage as zerk, I think this should be scaled down 150%, it's pretty oppressive, I'd feels bad man for be too OP.That engi turret is kinda under performing though, may wanna raise the heal to a 3.2 ratio with 66% longer duration.

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For wvw i'll say "Burning.

It feels like its the only damage condition that actually does work and thats a big problem. If they buff the other condis like Bleeding, condi will be OP. If they nerf Burning, condi will be dogsh1t. And i alrready think pure condi builds are bad depsite what this forum says.

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