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New XPAC anounced - Cantha teased! - New Elite Spec?


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@Thornwolf.9721 said:A shaman

  1. totems
  2. Imbued elemental forms
  3. More connected to tyria in some form, perhaps nomadic and having more to do oddly enough in theme with native americans
  4. Could have a frenzy mechanics?
  5. Duel wields axes and is a martial sort of variant, but its weapon skills can be used at long range.

Very basic but something like this, perhaps their utilities could be glyphs or even an up-keep mechanic with their frenzy. The more frenzy they have the more power they draw in.

Ranger already has druid. Seems like shaman would be closer to that spec than elementalist?

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The Arcanist will have a Longbow and focuses on single target power damage. The Traitline will increase precision/ferocity stats and include new boons to the class like quickness, retaliation and resistance.

An Arcanist will be able to weapon swap. Two attunements are chosen by the player for one weapon and the other two attunements are chosen for the other weapon. So still the 4 general attunements as normal.

The fifth attuenement will always be Arcane. The skills of the new attunement will be decided by the weapon itself. So for Example, Dagger will have Fire/Air/Arcane. Then when you swap weapons to Longbow it'll be Water/Earth/Arcane. The trade-off will be a lower power base value upon specialization. Similar to Bezerker's loss of toughness.


Arcanist can weapon swap weapons but it's tradeoff is the Elementalist can only use two attuenments. Each attunement is selected by traiting into that attunement. Which means you can't trait into arcane. You have to trait an Element Traitline. So if the Arcanist Traited Fire and Air. Then he'll have Dagger and Longbow as his weapons with only Fire, Air, and Arcane as his Attunments.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@"Thornwolf.9721" said:A shaman
  1. totems
  2. Imbued elemental forms
  3. More connected to tyria in some form, perhaps nomadic and having more to do oddly enough in theme with native americans
  4. Could have a frenzy mechanics?
  5. Duel wields axes and is a martial sort of variant, but its weapon skills can be used at long range.

Very basic but something like this, perhaps their utilities could be glyphs or even an up-keep mechanic with their frenzy. The more frenzy they have the more power they draw in.

Ranger already has druid. Seems like shaman would be closer to that spec than elementalist?

Not nessacarily, its not a healer for one. And for two its more about countering your enemies with a more warrior like playstyle while also using the elements in other ways. Think of it like this you imbue yourself with the power of the elements and in doing so you gain special abilities/buffs and tons of aoe pressure ontop of your melee attacks, but your melee attacks double as mid -range too. The totems would be to say give yourself an aura of protection, or an aura of power to fight within and would function more like Renegades spirits but be unable to be killed or CC'd.

It basically makes ele almost like a bear in a fight with wolves, it walks into an area and can say "This whole area is mine" and when people engage its on your terms. For example stealth cant be used within the totem radius and it slows enemies (Could be a trait) and you could trait to run the totems OR trait to be more powerful when imbued with the life and power of tyria. Druids use celestial magic to heal their allies and I feel like this paired with maybe a form of dark elemental might might be unique enough to set it apart. Its not a healer is a bruiser, self sustained spec based around overwhelming enemies with your bond and connection to the elemental forces of our world. (Maybe you could channel dragon magic as a fifth element? Since it is almost elemental in of itself?)

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@lare.5129 said:relax. Currently ele have to much variations, so will hope now any elite spec will come. Few new mount will be more better.

how can you have too much variations? Variety is the spice of life. More options means more people will find something they like, which is better overall. Having more options isn't a bad thing.

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@"Hot Boy.7138" said:how can you have too much variations? Variety is the spice of life.don't see any reason in uselees spec. We have meta. If this is not unclude in meta - it fail, and only required some work from anet, but currently useless.

For example my well chrno mesmer is useless in fractal meta setup. What we reason have additional chrono well nr 2?

More options means more people will find something they likein norm party people not care that someone like. They say "you can use want you want in caledon forest"

Having more options isn't a bad thing.Having a wrong vision that you have more options is a bad thing.

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That's your point of view, and pve (fractal) point of view. Fractals are already restricted and blindfolded compared to raids. Most of players are looking for "meta" but don't even know the expectations of their own class. Like the dps, the cc, the utilities on precise situations, etc; most of ren for example are useless, no f2-f4, no cc, no stab, poor dps, no soulcleave's summit etc ... Your chrono is not meta in fractal ; it doesn"t mean you can't do better than others players or can't play it in others modes.

Personnaly in pvp-wvw i'm a bit jaded, I play less and less and less... ; even with balance patchs and new meta/top tier i'm not suprised anymore, all builds seem reheated. 7New designs, new mechanics; new counters will make me happy and may even create new builds in the "old" specs.Sure, today already, not all specs are "viable", it depends of classes and patchs. But in any case it will create more possibilities, even if it's not top tier.

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@Fueki.4753 said:Playing Meta stuff isn't mandatory.Yes, it is not mandatory. Inside Caldon forest you can do mini jump puzle and complete heats with any build what you want. If you want touch, and make that touch solid, and non toxic, normal content - you should use strong typed meta.

Most people play wants fun to them, not what could be strongest.So petition to nerf raids already written from you?

Meta-elitism should not get in the way of variety.yes, it should not. But it is.

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@"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:Your chrono is not meta in fractal ; it doesn"t mean you can't do better than others players or can't play it in others modes.I have all classes, and for mots current content I can chose only from meta. So I cleary see that I realy can choose from 5 variants, but not from 35.

Personnaly in pvp-wvw i'm a bit jaded, I play less and less and less... ;this is your choose. I play wvw, and if I want play in skilled close squad I prevewnt use only meta too. Any non-meta puch me outside.

New designs, new mechanics; new counters will make me happy and may even create new builds in the "old" specs.you forget world "useless". Useless new builds in the "old" specs.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@"scureuil.4052" said:I can't remember if the shield was an new elite for some class in the past expansions. If it's a "no", I fear that it will be the shield for ele

Both Herald and Chronomancer get shields as their

Yes. No shield for ele pls. Shields are ugly. And too big. You look like a turtle. We already have earth shield. Never played warhorn cuz they're ugly too.

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@MyPuppy.8970 said:

@"scureuil.4052" said:I can't remember if the shield was an new elite for some class in the past expansions. If it's a "no", I fear that it will be the shield for ele

Both Herald and Chronomancer get shields as their

Yes. No shield for ele pls. Shields are ugly. And too big. You look like a turtle. We already have earth shield. Never played warhorn cuz they're ugly too.

I want a main hand shield for Warrior though.They should make it look like door when dual-wielded.

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@lare.5129 said:

@"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:Your chrono is not meta
in fractal
; it doesn"t mean you can't do better than others players or can't play it in others modes.I have all classes, and for mots current content I can chose only from meta. So I cleary see that I realy can choose from 5 variants, but not from 35.

Personnaly in pvp-wvw i'm a bit jaded, I play less and less and less... ;this is your choose. I play wvw, and if I want play in skilled close squad I prevewnt use only meta too. Any non-meta puch me outside.

New designs, new mechanics; new counters will make me happy and may even create new builds in the "old" specs.you forget world "useless". Useless new builds in the "old" specs.

Sure because you can't play chrono dps. Because you can't play chrono support in raid.Because druid, ranger, scrapper, berserker, mesmer, necro, guard, tempest, warrior, herald, daredevil, thief, reaper, are useless old spec but played in pvp-wvw. I forgot the word, sure.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@"scureuil.4052" said:I can't remember if the shield was an new elite for some class in the past expansions. If it's a "no", I fear that it will be the shield for ele

Both Herald and Chronomancer get shields as their

Yes. No shield for ele pls. Shields are ugly. And too big. You look like a turtle. We already have earth shield. Never played warhorn cuz they're ugly too.

I want a main hand shield for Warrior though.They should make it look like door when dual-wielded.

I don't mind for War. They're built for it. I'm a delicate thing.

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@"lLobo.7960" said:After feeling the game got really stagnant for me, they just announced a new XPac and teased Cantha on it.New XPac means new E-Specs and with Cantha as a theme, I'm really hoping for a martial arts style elementalist with longbow!

What are your hopes for the ele in the new XPac?

I don't know if they wil be giving us new ones. I mean...trying to balance what classes have now is a fucking nightmare. It's why so many builds are overlooked and left alone if they aren't complete garbage in ALL content. They don't have the manpower, the resources, or the money to keep pumping balancing patches out, they don't, they simply don't.Plus, I honestly think we should be grateful of what they've given us so far without bitching. Bigger MMOs have classes that have ONE playstyle for Tank, Damage, Heal. Guild Wars 2 not only gave every class three different styles of combat, which does sound similar to most MMOs since every class now has three specs, but you can further change your combat style by changing your gear. Want to be super tnaky? You can. Glass cannon? You can. Heavy DOT? You can.THEN YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR TALENT TREE AROUND TO FIT THESE BUILDS. THEN YOU HAVE UTILITY SKILLS TO COMPLIMENT YOUR STRENGTHS OR COVER WEAKNESSES.There's so much variety , I don't blame Anet for having a hard time balancing. At the moment they have thirty different specs to look at and balance every single time balance patch comes around. For the sake of their resources, some have to be overlooked so they can get to the most popular builds. THEN they gotta balance every spec they choose to touch, around both PVP and PVE. It's insanity compared to other MMOs, even if budget is a major issue.Adding another would give them freaking FORTY specs to watch and try to balance. ..Core, HOT, PAF specs. So I do not think they will give us another one. Honestly giving everyone a new racial elite skill would be nice. A lot of elite skills are straight shit. Maybe they can do that, because that covers ALL the specs at once, give us new racial/class elite skills. I'm sick of using Elementals on my Ele.

If they did for some reason give us more, the madmen they are, I'd love for Elementalist to get Rifles. Maybe Pistol since Pistol would be strictly mainhand like they did with Swords, and that's fine. I just think the concept of firing Elemental rounds from a Rifle at far range would be nice, since people are bored of Staff, which is the only long range option we have . Every other build is close to medium.

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@Psy.7386 said:If they did for some reason give us more, the madmen they are, I'd love for Elementalist to get Rifles. Maybe Pistol since Pistol would be strictly mainhand like they did with Swords, and that's fine.

While I don't mind rifles, I'd rather see Elementalist get longbow.They way it has been so far, Elementalist probably gets another melee weapon though.They could give Elementalist the long-wanted Dervish, with a somewhat scythe-looking hammer and restrict them to Air and Earth Attunements.Before anyone asks why hammer: Elementalist already got staff and the Reaper Shroud's scythe (the only non-staff scythe I know of) technically is a hammer.

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