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Possible new Expansion pets


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I don't post on the ranger forums much. But I was thinking about the pets and what we c ok old expect. I think it could be an interesting discussion.

Panda seems pretty likely to me as another bear.

Imperial Phoenix as a rare pet seems very likely.

Juvenile Siege Turtle with a little jade cannon on their back would be soooooo cute!

More common Tigers. Not an exclusive, but we'll see it for sure.

A Kirin is possible. Which would be pretty cool imo.

The weird Mantis creatures too maybe. Idk.

What do y'all think?

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@Lily.1935 said:

@Eurantien.4632 said:Arent like Pandas that can die not allowed?

Mmm. There fantasy pandas. Not real pandas. Is there some issue with pandas being shown fighting in fiction in China?

I think it's more pandas being shown dead which wouldn't be an issue in Gw2 since your pets don't die anymore and havent for a long time now.Gw1 had Panda's introduced eventually and they could die so I don't see a problem with it in Gw2 at all.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:wormtunnels around and immobs

Could be neat. But what about different environments? Would anet need to program a different tunneling color for each location? I'm sure as kittens not against this idea. But you know. What about attacking it too?

You know what would be cool though? A flying Snake like Xiuquatl! Idk, I just want cute pets...

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Ultimately I'll play whatever is most effective, but thematically I'd be most interested in more plausible looking creatures. The bristlebacks, smokescales, fanged ibogas, wyverns, etc, of HoT & PoF are all nifty creatures on their own but they're very much fantasy monsters. In Cora Tyria, even Drakes still look like something that could happen under the right circumstances, sans breath weapon.

EDIT: I pray for 2 things for Ranger:

  1. A hammer mainhand weapon.

  2. A rabbit pet.


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Thornwolves, they existed within the stone forest.

Those weird badger looking things also from the stone forest (They were like necromancers, but looked like dinosaur rats.)

A RAINBOW phoenix which was the super elite pet in guild wars 1, which required you to do various objectives to get

Some form of melee bug, mantid or some such thing


A creature like a crocodile or a worth-while drake

Salt-spray dragon

A Kappa? They seemed more like animals than actual sentient creatures like the tengu

A GIANT crab

some form of monkey, gorilla or simian

A worthwhile bear of some-kind that isn't trash please...

A yeti






Hyrda (Won't ever stop trying)

Land shark (Second verse same as the first)

More dinosaurs, or dinosaur like creatures.

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@doogal.9368 said:

@Altaiz.3570 said:I would like to see Phoenix, Some form of dragon, a giant bear/wolf like creature much like the new war claw mount the 2k gems one

What sort of dragons come from Cantha areas? (I never finished the campaign back in the day)Is wyvern a dragon species?

no wyverns are their own thing, and seems from lore to be linked to the maguuma. They were not present in the original game ; So I am assuming they are their own species who evolved to their current state..

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Surprised nobody's brought up Reef Lurkers. Until now!

@doogal.9368 said:

@"Altaiz.3570" said:I would like to see Phoenix, Some form of dragon, a giant bear/wolf like creature much like the new war claw mount the 2k gems one

What sort of dragons come from Cantha areas? (I never finished the campaign back in the day)Is wyvern a dragon species?

On the topic of Canthan dragons: Here's something I prepared earlier. Quite a bit earlier - some of the GW2 references I put in that are a little out of date, but the GW1 stuff hasn't changed.

Wyverns are... hard to say. From a mythology perspective, I'd say that absolutely, yes, wyverns are dragons... but so are drakes from that perspective. In a Guild Wars context, I'd probably say that wyverns have a status similar to drakes - related to dragons (possibly more so than drakes) but not actually the same.

Similar observations would probably apply to a lot of the Canthan dragons, however. Saltsprays might technically be wyverns, and Rockhides are dragon tortoises.

@Jheuloh.4109 said:Ultimately I'll play whatever is most effective, but thematically I'd be most interested in more plausible looking creatures. The bristlebacks, smokescales, fanged ibogas, wyverns, etc, of HoT & PoF are all nifty creatures on their own but they're very much fantasy monsters. In Cora Tyria, even Drakes still look like something that could happen under the right circumstances, sans breath weapon.

Aside from the plantimals, most of those are pretty close to things that have existed. Bristlebacks are based on armoured dinosaurs, although they probably didn't have the ability to shoot spines (but then, neither do scorpions or spiders). Take those ridiculous head-horns off the Smokescale and it would probably fit well among therapsid predators of the Permian. Wyverns aren't that far off long-tailed pterosaurs, although pterosaurs would have much lighter bodies and larger wings.

It is a bit silly that in PoF even relatively normal animals like cats and antelopes were fantasy'd up, though.

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I'm going to come at this slightly differently. I don't care which animal so much as I would like to see a pet that falls into the Ferocious category and has ranged damage (without conditions) and when merged provides a regular damage (not condition) beast skills. Right now the closest comparable pet we have is the Bristleback in the Deadly category with condition damage skills when merged.

This is a hole in the current line up of pets that really needs to be filled.

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