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The current state of Stealth hurts the game.


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@"Aenaos.8160" said:Even after the almighty balance patch it is still possible for a class to exit stealth and delete a high sustain heavy class in under 2 seconds. Literally, I was on a Guardian FB, a PP Thief came out of stealth without any hint of it being there before, and within the time it took me to dodge and try to counter with a reflect while it was unloading I was in downed state. I wasn't more than 2 secs. I'll speak only for my case, but in a game where there is no carrot to persue and the quality of the game play is what attracts and keeps a player playing, this kind of bs ends up hurting the game. Of course I'm sure the other guy had fun.

I find amusing two points:

  1. The usual cry about Stealth (that I can agree at some point, since some builds are broken 'cos being able to stack it without pause).
  2. To say "almighty balance patch" and still complain 'cos being downed after 2 secs.

Logic behind all this? I don't find any, tbh. So next time, don't AFK in a place where a thief can ambush you like this.

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tldr;you need to git gud, you were afk, you were glass teef was glass, glass is gud, you are not, you didn't dodge, you couldn't dodge cuz immob, you didn't clear immob and so deserve to die in 2 or less secs, quickness is something no one mentioned but you're still bad, git gud, just dodge, counter pressure and when teef disengages from 3k distance and comes back too bad you need to git gud


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@"Stand The Wall.6987" said:tldr;you need to git gud, you were afk, you were glass teef was glass, glass is gud, you are not, you didn't dodge, you couldn't dodge cuz immob, you didn't clear immob and so deserve to die in 2 or less secs, quickness is something no one mentioned but you're still bad, git gud, just dodge, counter pressure and when teef disengages from 3k distance and comes back too bad you need to git gud


Sums up every thread that involves getting instagibbed from stealth by a thief.

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From the balance notes:

Counterplay is important. Skills that have a major impact on an enemy player should allow that player the opportunity to react, which means that we want to avoid instant skills that do large amounts of damage or hard cc.I think this explains why I find stealth frustrating.

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@"Dzheen.5291" said:I found this video

P/P thief vs Guardian FB. Guardian has around 10k hp. Sneak Attack deals 1.7-3.3k damage. Unload 2.8-3.5k damage.How it's possible to die in 2 secs?

u both go full zerk and then cry when some1 landed full burst in your face that 1 class is OP

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@Svarty.8019 said:

@Svarty.8019 said:This is what it might look like to someone who watches patch notes...

Thief OP.

Nerf scourge,Nerf ranger,Nerf everything except thief.

What was OP about thief that was supposed to get fixed on this last patch that wasn't fixed?

The title of the thread hints at the answer...

And his original post claiming pistol/pistol stealth thieves were deleting people in 2 seconds hinted at this thread being a joke. Are you trying to say that pistol/pistol thieves or stealth outside of roaming camps was op and didn't get fixed but everyone else got nerfed?

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@kash.9213 said:

@Svarty.8019 said:This is what it might look like to someone who watches patch notes...

Thief OP.

Nerf scourge,Nerf ranger,Nerf everything except thief.

What was OP about thief that was supposed to get fixed on this last patch that wasn't fixed?

The title of the thread hints at the answer...

And his original post claiming pistol/pistol stealth thieves were deleting people in 2 seconds hinted at this thread being a joke. Are you trying to say that pistol/pistol thieves or stealth outside of roaming camps was op and didn't get fixed but everyone else got nerfed?

If that's the strawman you want to build, go ahead and build it, my friend.

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@Svarty.8019 said:

@Svarty.8019 said:This is what it might look like to someone who watches patch notes...

Thief OP.

Nerf scourge,Nerf ranger,Nerf everything except thief.

What was OP about thief that was supposed to get fixed on this last patch that wasn't fixed?

The title of the thread hints at the answer...

That's rather vague, so I can't say if you make sense or not. What exact changes do you expect?

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I wish guardian had more HP rather of an inane amount of healing and defense and an absolutely ridiculous amount of group support compared to other professions, but we don't all get what we want.I got insta-gibbed by a blackstab heartseeker quickness combo on my marauder core ranger the other day, as well. They've been doing it since the launch of the game. I'm sure they don't enjoy it when I shoot at them from half way across the map. It happens. That sort of thing bothers me less than stealth which itself bothers me less than evasion spam (-- also prevalent on some elemenalist builds).

~ Kovu

edit- incidentally, what do melee folks even do against immob-spamming rifle builds?

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@Svarty.8019 said:

@Svarty.8019 said:This is what it might look like to someone who watches patch notes...

Thief OP.

Nerf scourge,Nerf ranger,Nerf everything except thief.

What was OP about thief that was supposed to get fixed on this last patch that wasn't fixed?

The title of the thread hints at the answer...

And his original post claiming pistol/pistol stealth thieves were deleting people in 2 seconds hinted at this thread being a joke. Are you trying to say that pistol/pistol thieves or stealth outside of roaming camps was op and didn't get fixed but everyone else got nerfed?

If that's the strawman you want to build, go ahead and build it, my friend.

His post title is about stealth and his post talks about pistol/pistol and stealth.

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@Kovu.7560 said:I wish guardian had more HP rather of an inane amount of healing and defense and an absolutely ridiculous amount of group support compared to other professions, but we don't all get what we want.I got insta-gibbed by a blackstab heartseeker quickness combo on my marauder core ranger the other day, as well. They've been doing it since the launch of the game. I'm sure they don't enjoy it when I shoot at them from half way across the map. It happens. That sort of thing bothers me less than stealth which itself bothers me less than evasion spam (-- also prevalent on some elemenalist builds).

~ Kovu

edit- incidentally, what do melee folks even do against immob-spamming rifle builds?

Laugh in warrior and use Rush with Warrior's Sprint?

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@Svarty.8019 said:

@Svarty.8019 said:This is what it might look like to someone who watches patch notes...

Thief OP.

Nerf scourge,Nerf ranger,Nerf everything except thief.

What was OP about thief that was supposed to get fixed on this last patch that wasn't fixed?

The title of the thread hints at the answer...

And his original post claiming pistol/pistol stealth thieves were deleting people in 2 seconds hinted at this thread being a joke. Are you trying to say that pistol/pistol thieves or stealth outside of roaming camps was op and didn't get fixed but everyone else got nerfed?

If that's the strawman you want to build, go ahead and build it, my friend.

That's not "the strawman he wants to build", that's what OP claims and you referred him to what OP wrote. And what OP wrote was pretty funny -as in it didn't make much sense.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@Kovu.7560 said:I wish guardian had more HP rather of an inane amount of healing and defense and an absolutely ridiculous amount of group support compared to other professions, but we don't all get what we want.I got insta-gibbed by a blackstab heartseeker quickness combo on my marauder core ranger the other day, as well. They've been doing it since the launch of the game. I'm sure they don't enjoy it when I shoot at them from half way across the map. It happens. That sort of thing bothers me less than stealth which itself bothers me less than evasion spam (-- also prevalent on some elemenalist builds).

~ Kovu

edit- incidentally, what do melee folks even
against immob-spamming rifle builds?

Laugh in warrior and use Rush with Warrior's Sprint?

Immob condi DE's arch nemesis

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@"Captain Kuro.8937" said:Loki from Smite has the same exact mechanics , as GW2 stealth application (it will change in the future).They could learn some lesson from an E-sport game , rather than butchering stealth entirely


This is what serious gaming competitive companies do when dealing with Toxic design.

  1. deal with it at its core root
  2. redesign it completely with a healthy root

once again I am overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude that more gaming studios companies are embracing healthy competitive design

Bravo Hi-Rez Studios!!

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