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First instance looks nice, boss fight is horrible

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@Adzekul.3104 said:Who designs this stuff? The first instance in the new story looks very nice, and the escorts are good, but the boss fight (Ancient Forgeman) is absolutely horrible.

Actually, it's very easy if everyone listens to the NPC orders. You need 3-4 people to hop on the tank and use the harpoon on the boss, then pull several times to CC it properly, then use skill 1 to deal tons of damage. That way, it goes down quickly.

I, personally, love the boss fight but find the whole escort annoyingly long.

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@Jilora.9524 said:

@Jilora.9524 said:It really seems the same players complain or don't learn no matter how many things anet puts in to help. You get the beginning tutorial which you can't skip even after 20 times so you should learn eventually. You got achieves which tell you things you should learn. They slowly walk you down with each mechanic during escort before boss. You can ask questions as you have 9 others. Or you can google and I'm sure someone has a strike tutorial or these forums. I mean they even got arrows on where to go at points. Some achieves aren't clear enough like Rival should said kill 15 skelk to progress or moving up the ranks should say Beat boss with all 4 challenge modes active etc but the fight come on. Learn to learn.

Not a single NPC in the mission explains how the tank works past the initial pre-event, which can easily be missed by anyone playing through for the first time, as there are three others to do, so players who did not do it, don't really have a chance to "learn". Many, if not most players don't look at or do achievements, or look up guides the first time through playing a main story mission (which this clearly is). If it was a strike mission or raid unrelated to the main story, this advice would be valid as it would be expected for players to know what they're doing beforehand, but Visions of the Past is part of the main story and thus, largely played by those who do not look up the mission or its achievements beforehand so as not to get the plot spoiled. I did not feel like there was enough guidance during this mission and imo there should be a tutorial NPC or tooltips during the mission to explain the mechanics (those of the tank in particular).

So not the guy next to the tank who when you get in starts a tutorial about getting ammo shooting targets then grenades then more targets is not enough. I didn't say you needed to do all but if you are that player getting confused everytime new content is added there are ways to learn. The strike missions prior gave no training. You join you learn. This one you can't even fail it just can take forever. What are they supposed to do put a big msg press F to get in tank. Press 1 to shot. Press 2 for grenades. If it's not clear then maybe you joined late idk but again ask stuff. Plenty of prior solo story stuff we'd get stuck at some bosses and had to learn so this is no different. Like that the whole story one where he would suck you in and heal to full if you didn't cc fast enough so don't hide behing this is story it should be basic

Im glad you think -everyone- participates in those pre/tutorial events. Out of my runs, now totaling five, ive done the tank one exactly once. Asking gets responses like "look at the UI" which, hides itself in combat for me so..that does no good at all.

The harpoon also is counter intituve, the first few times i used it solo i couldnt figure out why the hell you -want- to use it to break the CC bar because it doesnt work well.

@LikeMike.8031 said:I have done this 6 times, 3 in a public group and 3 solo. All of the group ones involved name calling and profanity. I can easily solo this on my soulbeast in 71 minutes. It takes 61 minutes to get to the boss and 10 minutes to kill it. You can completely ignore the tank and just DPS the boss. You do not have to have a group for this.

I soloed it on my ele and it took 35 minutes, mostly because i was learning all the mechanics, the faster you kill the faster the mission it seems which makes sense. Solo you can break the boss by yourself with the harpoon which makes it super fast. But still not as fast as my last run which we downed the boss in 5 minutes, total time? approx 20 minutes. Having 10 players all hop in the tank, do the harpoon and open fire was just..the boss -melted- 90% to 13% in one CC bar.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@Jilora.9524 said:It really seems the same players complain or don't learn no matter how many things anet puts in to help. You get the beginning tutorial which you can't skip even after 20 times so you should learn eventually. You got achieves which tell you things you should learn. They slowly walk you down with each mechanic during escort before boss. You can ask questions as you have 9 others. Or you can google and I'm sure someone has a strike tutorial or these forums. I mean they even got arrows on where to go at points. Some achieves aren't clear enough like Rival should said kill 15 skelk to progress or moving up the ranks should say Beat boss with all 4 challenge modes active etc but the fight come on. Learn to learn.

Not a single NPC in the mission explains how the tank works past the initial pre-event, which can easily be missed by anyone playing through for the first time, as there are three others to do, so players who did not do it, don't really have a chance to "learn". Many, if not most players don't look at or do achievements, or look up guides the first time through playing a main story mission (which this clearly is). If it was a strike mission or raid unrelated to the main story, this advice would be valid as it would be expected for players to know what they're doing beforehand, but Visions of the Past is part of the main story and thus, largely played by those who do not look up the mission or its achievements beforehand so as not to get the plot spoiled. I did not feel like there was enough guidance during this mission and imo there should be a tutorial NPC or tooltips during the mission to explain the mechanics (those of the tank in particular).

So not the guy next to the tank who when you get in starts a tutorial about getting ammo shooting targets then grenades then more targets is not enough. I didn't say you needed to do all but if you are that player getting confused everytime new content is added there are ways to learn. The strike missions prior gave no training. You join you learn. This one you can't even fail it just can take forever. What are they supposed to do put a big msg press F to get in tank. Press 1 to shot. Press 2 for grenades. If it's not clear then maybe you joined late idk but again ask stuff. Plenty of prior solo story stuff we'd get stuck at some bosses and had to learn so this is no different. Like that the whole story one where he would suck you in and heal to full if you didn't cc fast enough so don't hide behing this is story it should be basic

Im glad you think -everyone- participates in those pre/tutorial events. Out of my runs, now totaling five, ive done the tank one exactly once. Asking gets responses like "look at the UI" which, hides itself in combat for me so..that does no good at all.

The harpoon also is counter intituve, the first few times i used it solo i couldnt figure out why the hell you -want- to use it to break the CC bar because it doesnt work well.

@LikeMike.8031 said:I have done this 6 times, 3 in a public group and 3 solo. All of the group ones involved name calling and profanity. I can easily solo this on my soulbeast in 71 minutes. It takes 61 minutes to get to the boss and 10 minutes to kill it. You can completely ignore the tank and just DPS the boss. You do not have to have a group for this.

I soloed it on my ele and it took 35 minutes, mostly because i was learning all the mechanics, the faster you kill the faster the mission it seems which makes sense. Solo you can break the boss by yourself with the harpoon which makes it super fast. But still not as fast as my last run which we downed the boss in 5 minutes, total time? approx 20 minutes. Having 10 players all hop in the tank, do the harpoon and open fire was just..the boss -melted- 90% to 13% in one CC bar.

Yeah if you keep joining via public it could be started so join lfg when it's at 3 not at 9 cuz again it could be started. You don't even need the tutorial. Any time you get near the tank it says press f to enter. Then the skills are basic. The harpoon is perfectly normal. shoot then pull to break bar. The fact you can solo so fast tells me you can learn but you def one of the same players on these forums complaining about what most see as basic stuff so ask questions not I never get the tutorial because I only join public and it's already started. Yeah that's publc. The 1st dude joins it starts and adds more where lfg waits till 8 or all 10 are there to start. More basic knowledge

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@Shena Fu.5792 said:Instructions in-game are grade F. Doesn't tell you that players are supposed to drive the tank, and players alternating. Scant instructions on how to use the tank. They don't tell you how to refill tank ammo. What to do with Dark munitions.

Harpoon only takes the defiance down to 10-15%. So on its own seems useless.

Also the keybinds are broken for skill #2 and 3. Have to use the mouse to click the skills. But #2 is AOE, so just end up blowing at the tank.

so you need to be told 'if you are out of ammo, get out and get some'? Really?

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@Jilora.9524 said:

@Jilora.9524 said:It really seems the same players complain or don't learn no matter how many things anet puts in to help. You get the beginning tutorial which you can't skip even after 20 times so you should learn eventually. You got achieves which tell you things you should learn. They slowly walk you down with each mechanic during escort before boss. You can ask questions as you have 9 others. Or you can google and I'm sure someone has a strike tutorial or these forums. I mean they even got arrows on where to go at points. Some achieves aren't clear enough like Rival should said kill 15 skelk to progress or moving up the ranks should say Beat boss with all 4 challenge modes active etc but the fight come on. Learn to learn.

Not a single NPC in the mission explains how the tank works past the initial pre-event, which can easily be missed by anyone playing through for the first time, as there are three others to do, so players who did not do it, don't really have a chance to "learn". Many, if not most players don't look at or do achievements, or look up guides the first time through playing a main story mission (which this clearly is). If it was a strike mission or raid unrelated to the main story, this advice would be valid as it would be expected for players to know what they're doing beforehand, but Visions of the Past is part of the main story and thus, largely played by those who do not look up the mission or its achievements beforehand so as not to get the plot spoiled. I did not feel like there was enough guidance during this mission and imo there should be a tutorial NPC or tooltips during the mission to explain the mechanics (those of the tank in particular).

So not the guy next to the tank who when you get in starts a tutorial about getting ammo shooting targets then grenades then more targets is not enough. I didn't say you needed to do all but if you are that player getting confused everytime new content is added there are ways to learn. The strike missions prior gave no training. You join you learn. This one you can't even fail it just can take forever. What are they supposed to do put a big msg press F to get in tank. Press 1 to shot. Press 2 for grenades. If it's not clear then maybe you joined late idk but again ask stuff. Plenty of prior solo story stuff we'd get stuck at some bosses and had to learn so this is no different. Like that the whole story one where he would suck you in and heal to full if you didn't cc fast enough so don't hide behing this is story it should be basic

I've done the event 4 times. This is the first I hear about a tank tutorial. I guess I just don't walk the right way. Also, I've never entered an instance where the pre-events that I do know of hadn't already been mostly finished. That might have something to do with it as well. This should be like a real strike mission, locking everything until a vote starts it and no players can join after that. That would get rid of a lot of the kind of confusion I've ran into.

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@Manasa Devi.7958 said:

@Jilora.9524 said:It really seems the same players complain or don't learn no matter how many things anet puts in to help. You get the beginning tutorial which you can't skip even after 20 times so you should learn eventually. You got achieves which tell you things you should learn. They slowly walk you down with each mechanic during escort before boss. You can ask questions as you have 9 others. Or you can google and I'm sure someone has a strike tutorial or these forums. I mean they even got arrows on where to go at points. Some achieves aren't clear enough like Rival should said kill 15 skelk to progress or moving up the ranks should say Beat boss with all 4 challenge modes active etc but the fight come on. Learn to learn.

Not a single NPC in the mission explains how the tank works past the initial pre-event, which can easily be missed by anyone playing through for the first time, as there are three others to do, so players who did not do it, don't really have a chance to "learn". Many, if not most players don't look at or do achievements, or look up guides the first time through playing a main story mission (which this clearly is). If it was a strike mission or raid unrelated to the main story, this advice would be valid as it would be expected for players to know what they're doing beforehand, but Visions of the Past is part of the main story and thus, largely played by those who do not look up the mission or its achievements beforehand so as not to get the plot spoiled. I did not feel like there was enough guidance during this mission and imo there should be a tutorial NPC or tooltips during the mission to explain the mechanics (those of the tank in particular).

So not the guy next to the tank who when you get in starts a tutorial about getting ammo shooting targets then grenades then more targets is not enough. I didn't say you needed to do all but if you are that player getting confused everytime new content is added there are ways to learn. The strike missions prior gave no training. You join you learn. This one you can't even fail it just can take forever. What are they supposed to do put a big msg press F to get in tank. Press 1 to shot. Press 2 for grenades. If it's not clear then maybe you joined late idk but again ask stuff. Plenty of prior solo story stuff we'd get stuck at some bosses and had to learn so this is no different. Like that the whole story one where he would suck you in and heal to full if you didn't cc fast enough so don't hide behing this is story it should be basic

I've done the event 4 times. This is the first I hear about a tank tutorial. I guess I just don't walk the right way. Also, I've never entered an instance where the pre-events that I do know of hadn't already been mostly finished. That might have something to do with it as well. This should be like a real strike mission, locking everything until a vote starts it and no players can join after that. That would get rid of a lot of the kind of confusion I've ran into.

I've only done it once, but this was my experience as well. I showed up and people were running around doing the pre events which were almost finished. I didn't get any credit for them. Then, the escort started so I just played along. Fortunately, I had a group that had done this before so things went smoothly.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:I’ve done the public strike over 30 times and every time it’s spawned me into an instance where the events had not been completed including that one.

I guess that might have something to do with the times you play. Prime-time, instances will fill up fast. Off-peak hours, instances are more likely to already be up for minutes before the last few people join. All my runs were off-peak, with hardly any people in the EotN instance, which is probably representative for mission.

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@Manasa Devi.7958 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:I’ve done the public strike over 30 times and every time it’s spawned me into an instance where the events had not been completed including that one.

I guess that might have something to do with the times you play. Prime-time, instances will fill up fast. Off-peak hours, instances are more likely to already be up for minutes before the last few people join. All my runs were off-peak, with hardly any people in the EotN instance, which is probably representative for mission.

It was throughout the day. Even several hours before reset.

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Players just need to learn with the events preceding the escorting instead of rushing through without paying attention, ESPECIALLY the tank part 'cause it's how you learn how to use the bombs and, more importantly, how to use the harpoon which is mandatory in boss' fight.

However, regardless of the motives of why you don't know how to do things, if you're not in a squad with someone broadcasting information, at least keep your chat open to read just-in-time guidelines. An experienced player will always pass along what you have to do in a pug group.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Jilora.9524 said:It really seems the same players complain or don't learn no matter how many things anet puts in to help. You get the beginning tutorial which you can't skip even after 20 times so you should learn eventually. You got achieves which tell you things you should learn. They slowly walk you down with each mechanic during escort before boss. You can ask questions as you have 9 others. Or you can google and I'm sure someone has a strike tutorial or these forums. I mean they even got arrows on where to go at points. Some achieves aren't clear enough like Rival should said kill 15 skelk to progress or moving up the ranks should say Beat boss with all 4 challenge modes active etc but the fight come on. Learn to learn.

Not a single NPC in the mission explains how the tank works past the initial pre-event, which can easily be missed by anyone playing through for the first time, as there are three others to do, so players who did not do it, don't really have a chance to "learn". Many, if not most players don't look at or do achievements, or look up guides the first time through playing a main story mission (which this clearly is). If it was a strike mission or raid unrelated to the main story, this advice would be valid as it would be expected for players to know what they're doing beforehand, but Visions of the Past is part of the main story and thus, largely played by those who do not look up the mission or its achievements beforehand so as not to get the plot spoiled. I did not feel like there was enough guidance during this mission and imo there should be a tutorial NPC or tooltips during the mission to explain the mechanics (those of the tank in particular).

So not the guy next to the tank who when you get in starts a tutorial about getting ammo shooting targets then grenades then more targets is not enough. I didn't say you needed to do all but if you are that player getting confused everytime new content is added there are ways to learn. The strike missions prior gave no training. You join you learn. This one you can't even fail it just can take forever. What are they supposed to do put a big msg press F to get in tank. Press 1 to shot. Press 2 for grenades. If it's not clear then maybe you joined late idk but again ask stuff. Plenty of prior solo story stuff we'd get stuck at some bosses and had to learn so this is no different. Like that the whole story one where he would suck you in and heal to full if you didn't cc fast enough so don't hide behing this is story it should be basic

I've done the event 4 times. This is the first I hear about a tank tutorial. I guess I just don't walk the right way. Also, I've never entered an instance where the pre-events that I do know of hadn't already been mostly finished. That might have something to do with it as well. This should be like a real strike mission, locking everything until a vote starts it and no players can join after that. That would get rid of a lot of the kind of confusion I've ran into.

I've only done it once, but this was my experience as well. I showed up and people were running around doing the pre events which were almost finished. I didn't get any credit for them. Then, the escort started so I just played along. Fortunately, I had a group that had done this before so things went smoothly.

I've done the public strike only two times, but both times were like you described it.

That's why I liked it much more to solo it, because I could do (and learn) all mechanics myself without to bother that other players already finished them before I could try.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:I’ve done the public strike over 30 times and every time it’s spawned me into an instance where the events had not been completed including that one.

I guess that might have something to do with the times you play. Prime-time, instances will fill up fast. Off-peak hours, instances are more likely to already be up for minutes before the last few people join. All my runs were off-peak, with hardly any people in the EotN instance, which is probably representative for mission.

It was throughout the day. Even several hours before reset.

You must be the luckiest person in the game, always arriving early in a public instance. By the way, I don't know what "several hours before reset" means for you. For me that means pretty late in the evening. Close to midnight.

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@Manasa Devi.7958 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:I’ve done the public strike over 30 times and every time it’s spawned me into an instance where the events had not been completed including that one.

I guess that might have something to do with the times you play. Prime-time, instances will fill up fast. Off-peak hours, instances are more likely to already be up for minutes before the last few people join. All my runs were off-peak, with hardly any people in the EotN instance, which is probably representative for mission.

It was throughout the day. Even several hours before reset.

You must be the luckiest person in the game, always arriving early in a public instance. By the way, I don't know what "several hours before reset" means for you. For me that means pretty late in the evening. Close to midnight.

Wouldn’t that then qualify as off peak hours?

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Lol. This is one of the best training encounters out there. There is a UI timer, the visual tells are clearly projected, the tank follows a constant and easy to follow pattern, and the NPCs even call out the critical moments.

It is ok to fail things while learning the first times. But blaming it on this encounter design is laughable.

-I will give some exception to the pull chain mechanic, that particular mechanic needs to be explained better. Best thing to do there is to press and HOLD 3, but the game does not teach you that except trial and error.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:I’ve done the public strike over 30 times and every time it’s spawned me into an instance where the events had not been completed including that one.

I guess that might have something to do with the times you play. Prime-time, instances will fill up fast. Off-peak hours, instances are more likely to already be up for minutes before the last few people join. All my runs were off-peak, with hardly any people in the EotN instance, which is probably representative for mission.

It was throughout the day. Even several hours before reset.

You must be the luckiest person in the game, always arriving early in a public instance. By the way, I don't know what "several hours before reset" means for you. For me that means pretty late in the evening. Close to midnight.

Wouldn’t that then qualify as off peak hours?

For me, yes, and I rarely play that early. I can't answer it for you because I still don't know what "several hours before reset" means for you, not having the first clue what time zone you reside in.

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