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Why did Rangers get nerfed when Guardians are hitting 10k trueshots on 3000 armor?


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@Drennon.7190 said:How are Guardians hitting trueshot that high?They don't.

The multiplier of True Shot is 1.91. In a perfect scenario (25 Might + 25 Vulnerability + all possible damage modifiers) you can get a 10k crit with that skill on a 3k armor (!) target, but that's so rare that it's not worth talking about it.

I’m full zerk and get excited to see a 5k crit.The 5k you got is what you can expect in typical scenarios.

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@KrHome.1920 said:

@Drennon.7190 said:How are Guardians hitting trueshot that high?They don't.

The multiplier of True Shot is 1.91. In a perfect scenario (25 Might + 25 Vulnerability + all possible damage modifiers) you can get a 10k crit with that skill on a 3k armor (!) target, but that's so rare that it's not worth talking about it.

I’m full zerk and get excited to see a 5k crit.The 5k you got is what you can expect in typical scenarios.

Yeah, let's just pretend the 9k crit screenshot posted hours before doesn't exist.

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@Clownmug.8357 said:

@Drennon.7190 said:How are Guardians hitting trueshot that high?They don't.

The multiplier of True Shot is 1.91. In a perfect scenario (25 Might + 25 Vulnerability + all possible damage modifiers) you can get a 10k crit with that skill on a 3k armor (!) target, but that's so rare that it's not worth talking about it.

I’m full zerk and get excited to see a 5k crit.The 5k you got is what you can expect in typical scenarios.

Yeah, let's just pretend the 9k crit screenshot posted hours before doesn't exist.

Can you tell me how to do this on my own without a blob stacking 25 stacks of weakness first?

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Big issue with ranger is mostly in longbow's design. It encourages basically sitting back and pressing 1 and 2 with the occasional reactive 3 and 4, and maybe 5 thrown in for bag tagging when it's reasonable. It's oppressive just because even when you know it's coming, depending on your class and build, you can be screwed as soon as the first shot is fired. Pretty much the only answer to it is huge mobility and/or some kind of sustained defense to either escape its combo damage entirely or combine it with a lot of CC to lock it down.

Ranger longbow is actually quite well designed. It's got a clear advantage at far, which has the LoS counterplay and reactive dodge/block space attached to it. Once the opponent gets on your skin, the weapon is useless. So you get Hunter's Shot for potential repositioning. But that's it.

It's a very timing-reliant weapon, and contains far more gameplay options than your average forum-goer here would like to admit (or even knows). And ranger needs it, for 1) satisfying gameplay experience and 2) to hang with other classes.

As i.e. Trevor Boyer has pointed out many times, ranger cannot hang with many of the other classes in melee, for prolonged periods of time. That's why the class relies on timed windows of burst and repositioning / timeout tools.

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@Drennon.7190 said:

@Drennon.7190 said:How are Guardians hitting trueshot that high?They don't.

The multiplier of True Shot is 1.91. In a perfect scenario (25 Might + 25 Vulnerability + all possible damage modifiers) you can get a 10k crit with that skill on a 3k armor (!) target, but that's so rare that it's not worth talking about it.

I’m full zerk and get excited to see a 5k crit.The 5k you got is what you can expect in typical scenarios.

Yeah, let's just pretend the 9k crit screenshot posted hours before doesn't exist.

Can you tell me how to do this on my own without a blob stacking 25 stacks of weakness first?

You already mentioned damage modifiers, so I think you can figure out a better way. Also without 25x vulnerability it's still a 7.2k crit, not "typical" 5k.

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@Brutal Augus.5917 said:

@Drennon.7190 said:How are Guardians hitting trueshot that high? I’m full zerk and get excited to see a 5k crit.

Through the powers of imagination and exaggeration anything is possible on the forums

Edit: I'm bad at spelling

Consider people probably rarely realize when they have 10+ stacks of vuln and the opponent has 20+ stacks of might.

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@KrHome.1920 said:

@Drennon.7190 said:How are Guardians hitting trueshot that high?They don't.

The multiplier of True Shot is 1.91. In a perfect scenario (25 Might + 25 Vulnerability + all possible damage modifiers) you can get a 10k crit with that skill on a 3k armor (!) target, but that's so rare that it's not worth talking about it.

I’m full zerk and get excited to see a 5k crit.The 5k you got is what you can expect in typical scenarios.

Ive been meeting that guardian all evening that night and they consistently hit 8-10k trueshots on me with 3k armor.

@Drennon.7190 said:

@Drennon.7190 said:How are Guardians hitting trueshot that high?They don't.

The multiplier of True Shot is 1.91. In a perfect scenario (25 Might + 25 Vulnerability + all possible damage modifiers) you can get a 10k crit with that skill on a 3k armor (!) target, but that's so rare that it's not worth talking about it.

I’m full zerk and get excited to see a 5k crit.The 5k you got is what you can expect in typical scenarios.

Yeah, let's just pretend the 9k crit screenshot posted hours before doesn't exist.

Can you tell me how to do this on my own without a blob stacking 25 stacks of weakness first?

Not a blob, it was roaming 4v4 max.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Why doent it? Same reason it never does. A high amount of players play it and have bandwagoned it, community to busy asking for nerfs not on the criteria's of what's actually OP but on what they find annoying to fight or out of spite and unfortunately this new team actually lets them drive their balance decisions. So dont expect fb to be nerfed any significant amount any time to nor any other spec like druid to ever not be severely outshined by fb. Just got to accept that's the games fate unfortunately.

I find it curious that throughout the entire life of the game, the combat system was never as good as we wanted it to be. The attempts at balance were clever because in tweaking abilities for a tiny amount;1) the patch notes were longer, implying that lots was changing, and,2) it felt like the developers were all over the issues and that tiny changes were all that the game needed.Now we know different, of course, and I for one am embarrassed at my naïveté.

We know that many abilities are so much better than others (Mirror Blade, Shadowstep, Stealth, Rapid Fire, etc), that they completely overshadow huge portions of the combat system. With the recent Great Nerf Patch, there was an opportunity to boost some of the flagging stuff, but sadly it didn't happen. As you point out in your post, we can't expect things to improve because the record shows that it's not at all likely.

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@Clownmug.8357 said:

@Drennon.7190 said:How are Guardians hitting trueshot that high?They don't.

The multiplier of True Shot is 1.91. In a perfect scenario (25 Might + 25 Vulnerability + all possible damage modifiers) you can get a 10k crit with that skill on a 3k armor (!) target, but that's so rare that it's not worth talking about it.

I’m full zerk and get excited to see a 5k crit.The 5k you got is what you can expect in typical scenarios.

Yeah, let's just pretend the 9k crit screenshot posted hours before doesn't exist.Reading comprehension anywhere?

I did not say it's not possible. I did say it's a best case scenario no one (except a few people like you) cares about.

@"Anput.4620" said:Ive been meeting that guardian all evening that night and they consistently hit 8-10k trueshots on me with 3k armor.There are your subjective experiences on the one side.

There is the objective math the damage calculation is based on on the other side.

Sorry but I trust the latter more than I trust some forum poster. I don't need experiences. I can take the damage formula and insert numbers to get a better insight than asking random exaggerating people.

Btw.: 8k is not 10k!

Damage calculation:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Damage

Damage increasing traits:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List_of_Damage_Adjusting_Traits

These 3 seem to be the main contenders for big trueshot numbers:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unscathed_Contenderhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pure_of_Sighthttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Big_Game_Hunter

Lern their mechanic to be able to avoid them!

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Now let's take some really optimistic values:

1100 Weapon Damagex 3000 Powerx 1,91 Multiplierx 50% Increased Trait Damagex 250% Critical Damage/ 3000 Armor

= 7879 Damage

Only if you had 25 Vulnerability on top of that, then a 10k hit would be possible.

If this is not a best case, then I don't know what would be one.

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@KrHome.1920 said:Now let's take some really optimistic values:

1100 Weapon Damagex 3000 Powerx 1,91 Multiplierx 50% Increased Trait Damagex 250% Critical Damage/ 3000 Armor

= 7879 Damage

Only if you had 25 Vulnerability on top of that, then a 10k hit would be possible.

If this is not a best case, then I don't know what would be one.

Damage modifiers are not additive so it should be 58.7% increased damage. Total damage would actually be 8335.

If we included something like Zealot's Aggression, Force sigil and Scholar Runes you can increase damage 92.4% now. Total damage with that is 10109.

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@Svarty.8019 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Why doent it? Same reason it never does. A high amount of players play it and have bandwagoned it, community to busy asking for nerfs not on the criteria's of what's actually OP but on what they find annoying to fight or out of spite and unfortunately this new team actually lets them drive their balance decisions. So dont expect fb to be nerfed any significant amount any time to nor any other spec like druid to ever not be severely outshined by fb. Just got to accept that's the games fate unfortunately.

I find it curious that throughout the entire life of the game, the combat system was
as good as we wanted it to be. The attempts at balance were clever because in tweaking abilities for a tiny amount;1) the patch notes were longer, implying that lots was changing, and,2) it felt like the developers were all over the issues and that tiny changes were all that the game needed.

Except that some options, like for example on-crit traits got butchered, further deincentivizing stat spreading.

Or how boon duration was nerfed over the years, take the Sigil of Concentration or recent changes to runes for example, instead of expanding upon counterplay options. The only neutral options to remove boons are Sigil of Absorption, which is decent, and the Sigil of Nullification, which is laughable. Both are single target. Mind you some professions have no inherent options at all to remove boons, this is why the ranger 'boonbeast' reigned surpreme as it did way back when, and what added to the demise of chronomancers. All the while the importance of stripping said boons has never changed other than becoming even more vital with the introduction of even more powerful effects like resistance and alacrity, especially in a group setting, further discouraging diversity. Perhaps with their uptime decreased as much as it has it's now finally become a little less vital... Time will tell, but I expect that in larger group fights the only difference is a lower stability uptime.

As with cc, I can only hope that one day we will see diminishing returns.

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~1100 weapon damage3718 Power1.91 multiplier2.54% crit damage~68% Increased trait damage (very optimistic there btw)/3000 armor= 10,936 damage without 25 stacks of vulnerability ( I assume at least one stack for the trait damage but do not factor the vulnerability in).If you factor in 25 stacks of vulnerability it becomes 13,670.

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Is this y'alls first day calculating damage or some Kitten?


1.91 Power Modifier 3868 Power 1050 Weapon Strength (Average) = 7,757,274Divided by 3000 for Armor = 2,585.758

Now. He throws Spear of justice and it connects whilst he has aegis up at 1k range, then uses true shot immediately after and critsUnscathed Contender 20%Inspiring Virtue 10%Power of Virtuous 5% (average, might fury retal swiftness and regen)Fiery Wrath 7%Symbolic Exposure 5%Zealots Aggression 10%Pure of Sight 15%Big Game Hunter 15%Sigil of Force 5%Sigil of Impact 3%Rune of Scholar 5%Critical Hit 111%

We'll leave out impacts 7% against CCed foes, Symbolic Avengers potential 10% increase, and Vulnerability (though he will have 1% for symbolic exposure from Big Game Hunter traited)

14,034 Damage The biggest stretch is this DH having 25 might stacks as an opener, but an empower right after dragon's maw pops is 22 by itself, if he has a couple of allies to throw some his way even easier.

Edit: This isn't even maxed, I used marauders cuz I figured a DH running around in full zerk would be insanity, 4091 Power with 133% crit in full zerk.

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@"God.2708" said:Is this y'alls first day calculating damage or some Kitten?


1.91 Power Modifier 3868 Power 1050 Weapon Strength (Average) = 7,757,274Divided by 3000 for Armor = 2,585.758

Now. He throws Spear of justice and it connects whilst he has aegis up at 1k range, then uses true shot immediately after and critsUnscathed Contender 20%Inspiring Virtue 10%Power of Virtuous 5% (average, might fury retal swiftness and regen)Fiery Wrath 7%Symbolic Exposure 5%Zealots Aggression 10%Pure of Sight 15%Big Game Hunter 15%Sigil of Force 5%Sigil of Impact 3%Rune of Scholar 5%Critical Hit 111%

We'll leave out impacts 7% against CCed foes, Symbolic Avengers potential 10% increase, and Vulnerability (though he will have 1% for symbolic exposure from Big Game Hunter traited)

14,034 Damage The biggest stretch is this DH having 25 might stacks as an opener, but an empower right after dragon's maw pops is 22 by itself, if he has a couple of allies to throw some his way even easier.

Edit: This isn't even maxed, I used marauders cuz I figured a DH running around in full zerk would be insanity, 4091 Power with 133% crit in full zerk.:lol:I like how this has turned into a DPS Olympics to prove someone wrong.

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@"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWwAMx3jJYTGm9hj9yfbH-zRIYTUzXINFCBmAVUB6fACZP8WC71C-e

~1100 weapon damage3718 Power1.91 multiplier2.54% crit damage~68% Increased trait damage (very optimistic there btw)/3000 armor= 10,936 damage without 25 stacks of vulnerability ( I assume at least one stack for the trait damage but do not factor the vulnerability in).If you factor in 25 stacks of vulnerability it becomes 13,670.

@"God.2708" said:Is this y'alls first day calculating damage or some Kitten?


1.91 Power Modifier 3868 Power 1050 Weapon Strength (Average) = 7,757,274Divided by 3000 for Armor = 2,585.758

Now. He throws Spear of justice and it connects whilst he has aegis up at 1k range, then uses true shot immediately after and critsUnscathed Contender 20%Inspiring Virtue 10%Power of Virtuous 5% (average, might fury retal swiftness and regen)Fiery Wrath 7%Symbolic Exposure 5%Zealots Aggression 10%Pure of Sight 15%Big Game Hunter 15%Sigil of Force 5%Sigil of Impact 3%Rune of Scholar 5%Critical Hit 111%

We'll leave out impacts 7% against CCed foes, Symbolic Avengers potential 10% increase, and Vulnerability (though he will have 1% for symbolic exposure from Big Game Hunter traited)

14,034 Damage The biggest stretch is this DH having 25 might stacks as an opener, but an empower right after dragon's maw pops is 22 by itself, if he has a couple of allies to throw some his way even easier.

Edit: This isn't even maxed, I used marauders cuz I figured a DH running around in full zerk would be insanity, 4091 Power with 133% crit in full zerk.

What server are yall on?

Yall can bring these builds and I will bring my DH, lets see how useful those builds are.

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@TinkTinkPOOF.9201 said:

@"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

~1100 weapon damage3718 Power1.91 multiplier2.54% crit damage~68% Increased trait damage (very optimistic there btw)/3000 armor= 10,936 damage without 25 stacks of vulnerability ( I assume at least one stack for the trait damage but do not factor the vulnerability in).If you factor in 25 stacks of vulnerability it becomes 13,670.

@"God.2708" said:Is this y'alls first day calculating damage or some Kitten?

1.91 Power Modifier
3868 Power
1050 Weapon Strength (Average) = 7,757,274Divided by 3000 for Armor = 2,585.758

Now. He throws Spear of justice and it connects whilst he has aegis up at 1k range, then uses true shot immediately after and critsUnscathed Contender 20%Inspiring Virtue 10%Power of Virtuous 5% (average, might fury retal swiftness and regen)Fiery Wrath 7%Symbolic Exposure 5%Zealots Aggression 10%Pure of Sight 15%Big Game Hunter 15%Sigil of Force 5%Sigil of Impact 3%Rune of Scholar 5%Critical Hit 111%

We'll leave out impacts 7% against CCed foes, Symbolic Avengers potential 10% increase, and Vulnerability (though he will have 1% for symbolic exposure from Big Game Hunter traited)

14,034 Damage
The biggest stretch is this DH having 25 might stacks as an opener, but an empower right after dragon's maw pops is 22 by itself, if he has a couple of allies to throw some his way even easier.

Edit: This isn't even maxed, I used marauders cuz I figured a DH running around in full zerk would be insanity, 4091 Power with 133% crit in full zerk.

What server are yall on?

Yall can bring these builds and I will bring my DH, lets see how useful those builds are.

Oh, I don't run that. Running Burn DH at the moment. I honestly don't like DH longbow, I just posted that because I knew the 7k number was too low. Why not hop into Armistice Bastion though? There is a dueling ground there.

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@"God.2708" said:Is this y'alls first day calculating damage or some Kitten?


1.91 Power Modifier 3868 Power 1050 Weapon Strength (Average) = 7,757,274Divided by 3000 for Armor = 2,585.758

Now. He throws Spear of justice and it connects whilst he has aegis up at 1k range, then uses true shot immediately after and critsUnscathed Contender 20%Inspiring Virtue 10%Power of Virtuous 5% (average, might fury retal swiftness and regen)Fiery Wrath 7%Symbolic Exposure 5%Zealots Aggression 10%Pure of Sight 15%Big Game Hunter 15%Sigil of Force 5%Sigil of Impact 3%Rune of Scholar 5%Critical Hit 111%

We'll leave out impacts 7% against CCed foes, Symbolic Avengers potential 10% increase, and Vulnerability (though he will have 1% for symbolic exposure from Big Game Hunter traited)

14,034 Damage The biggest stretch is this DH having 25 might stacks as an opener, but an empower right after dragon's maw pops is 22 by itself, if he has a couple of allies to throw some his way even easier.

Edit: This isn't even maxed, I used marauders cuz I figured a DH running around in full zerk would be insanity, 4091 Power with 133% crit in full zerk.

Wouldn't that require a complete potato of a target to land all that?

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@ArchonWing.9480 said:

@"God.2708" said:Is this y'alls first day calculating damage or some Kitten?

1.91 Power Modifier
3868 Power
1050 Weapon Strength (Average) = 7,757,274Divided by 3000 for Armor = 2,585.758

Now. He throws Spear of justice and it connects whilst he has aegis up at 1k range, then uses true shot immediately after and critsUnscathed Contender 20%Inspiring Virtue 10%Power of Virtuous 5% (average, might fury retal swiftness and regen)Fiery Wrath 7%Symbolic Exposure 5%Zealots Aggression 10%Pure of Sight 15%Big Game Hunter 15%Sigil of Force 5%Sigil of Impact 3%Rune of Scholar 5%Critical Hit 111%

We'll leave out impacts 7% against CCed foes, Symbolic Avengers potential 10% increase, and Vulnerability (though he will have 1% for symbolic exposure from Big Game Hunter traited)

14,034 Damage
The biggest stretch is this DH having 25 might stacks as an opener, but an empower right after dragon's maw pops is 22 by itself, if he has a couple of allies to throw some his way even easier.

Edit: This isn't even maxed, I used marauders cuz I figured a DH running around in full zerk would be insanity, 4091 Power with 133% crit in full zerk.

Wouldn't that require a complete potato of a target to land all that?

Yes, it would also require the DH to play perfect and land everything, as you have to setup most of those modifiers, from F1 to landing a symbol etc etc and most are short lived modifiers, so you will need to be very quick with the rotation, and then ignore the long cast time and rooted animation.

The builds people are posting are HORRIBLE, I will gladly fight them any day. Myself, I don't care if they do something with TS, as LB is in such a bad clunky state that I have moved away from LB.

Matter of fact, since DH LB seems to be the problem for Rangers, how about we get anet to swap them? DH gets Ranger LB and Ranger gets DH LB with TS, since it seems Ranger needs a dmg boost from people posting here, it's a good trade no?

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

~1100 weapon damage3718 Power1.91 multiplier2.54% crit damage~68% Increased trait damage (very optimistic there btw)/3000 armor= 10,936 damage without 25 stacks of vulnerability ( I assume at least one stack for the trait damage but do not factor the vulnerability in).If you factor in 25 stacks of vulnerability it becomes 13,670.

@"God.2708" said:Is this y'alls first day calculating damage or some Kitten?

1.91 Power Modifier
3868 Power
1050 Weapon Strength (Average) = 7,757,274Divided by 3000 for Armor = 2,585.758

Now. He throws Spear of justice and it connects whilst he has aegis up at 1k range, then uses true shot immediately after and critsUnscathed Contender 20%Inspiring Virtue 10%Power of Virtuous 5% (average, might fury retal swiftness and regen)Fiery Wrath 7%Symbolic Exposure 5%Zealots Aggression 10%Pure of Sight 15%Big Game Hunter 15%Sigil of Force 5%Sigil of Impact 3%Rune of Scholar 5%Critical Hit 111%

We'll leave out impacts 7% against CCed foes, Symbolic Avengers potential 10% increase, and Vulnerability (though he will have 1% for symbolic exposure from Big Game Hunter traited)

14,034 Damage
The biggest stretch is this DH having 25 might stacks as an opener, but an empower right after dragon's maw pops is 22 by itself, if he has a couple of allies to throw some his way even easier.

Edit: This isn't even maxed, I used marauders cuz I figured a DH running around in full zerk would be insanity, 4091 Power with 133% crit in full zerk.

What server are yall on?

Yall can bring these builds and I will bring my DH, lets see how useful those builds are.

Oh, I don't run that. Running Burn DH at the moment. I honestly don't like DH longbow, I just posted that because I knew the 7k number was too low. Why not hop into Armistice Bastion though? There is a dueling ground there.

It's not about what you (or anyone) runs, it's that to get those numbers, not only do you need to run a build that is only good at dealing dmg to golems, but it has a whole multi part setup to boost a very telegraphed skill, which is the only thing that really needs to be dodged, blocked, blinded or reflected. After which the DH should be a pretty easy kill, assuming equal skill levels.

Much like your burn DH, people cry all the time about it, and I can see that in a zerg setting it might be meme, however I have yet to find anyone who can beat my normal power build with a burn DH. While less telegraphed than LB builds, burn DH is pretty easy to see coming and pretty easy to avoid the burst. Only one I ever had trouble with was actually a burn/condi FB, not a DH, as it just had to much sustain, however this was before the patch in the FB case.

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@ArchonWing.9480 said:

@"God.2708" said:Is this y'alls first day calculating damage or some Kitten?

1.91 Power Modifier
3868 Power
1050 Weapon Strength (Average) = 7,757,274Divided by 3000 for Armor = 2,585.758

Now. He throws Spear of justice and it connects whilst he has aegis up at 1k range, then uses true shot immediately after and critsUnscathed Contender 20%Inspiring Virtue 10%Power of Virtuous 5% (average, might fury retal swiftness and regen)Fiery Wrath 7%Symbolic Exposure 5%Zealots Aggression 10%Pure of Sight 15%Big Game Hunter 15%Sigil of Force 5%Sigil of Impact 3%Rune of Scholar 5%Critical Hit 111%

We'll leave out impacts 7% against CCed foes, Symbolic Avengers potential 10% increase, and Vulnerability (though he will have 1% for symbolic exposure from Big Game Hunter traited)

14,034 Damage
The biggest stretch is this DH having 25 might stacks as an opener, but an empower right after dragon's maw pops is 22 by itself, if he has a couple of allies to throw some his way even easier.

Edit: This isn't even maxed, I used marauders cuz I figured a DH running around in full zerk would be insanity, 4091 Power with 133% crit in full zerk.

Wouldn't that require a complete potato of a target to land all that?

That's a very mean thing to call gw2 players

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