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Completely nerf all forms of sustain


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Long term sustain needs nerfing more. Short term sustain doesn't. So healing skills themselves are generally fine. Prot durations are fine.etc.... But long term "ticking" sustain needs significant nerfs. They need to reduce regeneration durations, reduce further all the traits that provide passive additional healing and increase the cooldown of some mobility skills that allow for excessive kiting with minimal skill required.

The worst thing I can say about the current state of the game is that it is very boring. I am sure anet can see how much their pvp population has collapsed since it became kite wars 2 (as was obvious a few weeks into the patch). The reduction in damage was amazing, but the power creep of sustain and mobility was not changed nearly enough.

The game is just imbalanced in the other direction now.

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@"Lordrosicky.5813" said:Long term sustain needs nerfing more. Short term sustain doesn't. So healing skills themselves are generally fine. Prot durations are fine.etc.... But long term "ticking" sustain needs significant nerfs. They need to reduce regeneration durations, reduce further all the traits that provide passive additional healing and increase the cooldown of some mobility skills that allow for excessive kiting with minimal skill required.

The worst thing I can say about the current state of the game is that it is very boring. I am sure anet can see how much their pvp population has collapsed since it became kite wars 2 (as was obvious a few weeks into the patch). The reduction in damage was amazing, but the power creep of sustain and mobility was not changed nearly enough.

The game is just imbalanced in the other direction now.

They need to be very careful when dealing with these things. A example: Necromancers shroud is tied to defensive and offensive, so unless you can overhaul it and separate both instances you can completely gimp necro and reaper to the point of non existence.

Eles since they got no srhoud for instance nothing like that, depend on using evades mobility and invulns to stay alive. They don't have that many teleports. You take some of that away, and the class with a lot of melee range becomes a joke.

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There are certain annoying builds that I'd like to see nerfed. Mainly those that can stay at 90 percent health most of the time while still dealing a big load of damage. (And being hard to kill even by 2-3 people focusing.)

I remember certain guardians and weavers doing that. They have nice combos of blocks and CC to avoid damage while still not having the need to go for full toughness/vitality. (They can still deal damage cause their bunker-ish style comes from stuff that does not need stats.)

Other than that I'd think it is okay to make a build that is hard to kill. And using high toughness while being able to deal only low amounts of damage ... not a big thing. Only the combos that can deal tons of damage while being able to have lots of sustain ... they are annoying. Since not every class has these. (Even necro with his high health bar just can be CCed by 1 person ... 2 person and it will be easy to take him down in 5 vs 5 if no other guy is nearby to help him. He just can't use blocking/invulnerability repeatedly like some other classes. Even thief going constantly in stealth can just be countered a bit by AoE around you when you know he is trying to attack you or move to the cap point.)

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