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Enough Tomes of Knowledge Please


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Seriously, I don't need them every time I increase in rank, and a bunch of times in my reward track when I could have gotten better stuff, like a mat shipment, or a champ bag. Could they remove tomes from most of the reward tracks (keep them in the non-repeatable, gift of battle, and dungeon, since the last two you'll need a good deal of spirit shards for, and if you're a new player chances are you are going to do the non-repeatable tracks.)

Where the Tomes were, put something actually useful.

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@jul.7602 said:Agreed. Should be able to convert tomes of knowledge into something like mats.

You use them for spirit shards at level 80 which are used to make legendary/ascended stuff, material promotion, but we just get flooded with them. 3 spirit shards a day for dailies, plus some as a login bonus if you paid for the game. I think I'm somewhere north of 2k shards.

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@archmagus.7249 said:

@jul.7602 said:Agreed. Should be able to convert tomes of knowledge into something like mats.

You use them for spirit shards at level 80 which are used to make legendary/ascended stuff, material promotion, but we just get flooded with them. 3 spirit shards a day for dailies, plus some as a login bonus if you paid for the game. I think I'm somewhere north of 2k shards.

Get to it! The return of investment is really high. It's tedious busy work, but it's how I and many others make ALL of our gold! :PI can understand wanting an easier, more instant way of doing that though. Would probably destroy the economy if it was easily available though, the need to click hundreds of times through the forge kind of keeps the market alive in that regard.

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@Blocki.4931 said:

@jul.7602 said:Agreed. Should be able to convert tomes of knowledge into something like mats.

You use them for spirit shards at level 80 which are used to make legendary/ascended stuff, material promotion, but we just get flooded with them. 3 spirit shards a day for dailies, plus some as a login bonus if you paid for the game. I think I'm somewhere north of 2k shards.

Get to it! The return of investment is really high. It's tedious busy work, but it's how I and many others make ALL of our gold! :PI can understand wanting an easier, more instant way of doing that though. Would probably destroy the economy if it was easily available though, the need to click hundreds of times through the forge kind of keeps the market alive in that regard.

Sorry right now I'm working on frigate for The HMS Divinity. I need elder wood and mithril ore for the stupid shards of war. Because walking around shooting people in the face with cannonballs from a handheld naval ship sounds so cool.

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It really doesn't make any sense that they are awarded in what is basically a level 80 part of the game. I think instead they could make it so that tomes are purchasable with tokens or something. Just give us something else.

Also they should look into compressing the boxes more. I don't care if it means they're worth less; it's just too much clutter. I mean you can open some boxes and find more boxes inside!

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You can go to the Mystic Forge vendor and trade them for Spirit Shards. From there, you can trade the spirit shards for something else. I am glad we have them and now we also have some options to use them alternatively. Plus, you need 100 to craft the PVP Amulet so if you ever wanted to craft that you can use some towards the gift.

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@DemonSeed.3528 said:I don't think they should be removed, people still need them for alts and shards - in any case they should make them tradeable for something else that is useful and won't wreck economy. I don't think we need another gobbler though, depends.

I'm not saying they should be removed entirely, just from reward tracks where we're sick of them(living world tracks). Chances are that you want a shipment of mats over yet another spirit shard. If yousstill want them, you can find them in the dungeon reward tracks, gift of battle, and all non-repeatable tracks.

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@Elementalist Owner.7802 said:

@ArchonWing.9480 said:It really doesn't make any sense that they are awarded in what is basically a level 80 part of the game.

It makes complete sense. A lot of players only play WvW so how else are they going to level up alts?

Login rewards? If they are ftp, they only have one alt slot, so leveling alts probably isn't on the top of their minds.

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I still think they should be available in all reward tracks though, people are doing them for specific reasons I suppose and we shouldn't halt them from trying to level up/acquiring tomes just because they didn't choose a particular track.I suppose they can have a option check mark for "I don't want tomes" maybe?

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@"DemonSeed.3528" said:I still think they should be available in all reward tracks though, people are doing them for specific reasons I suppose and we shouldn't halt them from trying to level up/acquiring tomes just because they didn't choose a particular track.I suppose they can have a option check mark for "I don't want tomes" maybe?

Like a check box for "Enable Tomes of Knowledge" when you activate a reward track? If you uncheck it, you get blueprints instead.

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Do not get rid of tomes. Having earned most of my gold I use for WvW from selling legendaries, and needing shards for legendary armor, leave them alone.

If someone finds it takes ‘too much time’ to talk to the Mystic forge person and literally convert stacks of times in less than 10 clicks, then I am not sure what to do.

Maybe also give the vendor an option to trade the tomes in for something else.

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@archmagus.7249 said:

@ArchonWing.9480 said:It really doesn't make any sense that they are awarded in what is basically a level 80 part of the game.

It makes complete sense. A lot of players only play WvW so how else are they going to level up alts?

Login rewards? If they are ftp, they only have one alt slot, so leveling alts probably isn't on the top of their minds.

I personally have 45 characters and have leveled 43 of them exclusively from tomes of knowledge I got from playing WvW and PvP lol. Tomes have been a big help to me since I rarely ever PvE. X3

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At one point I had nearly filled an entire bank tab with these. I started collecting them for the novelty at first, then it got to the point I was like "okay, no way I'm gonna sit there and click through consuming all these" so they just kept piling up. I think I had around 6,500, something like 26 stacks or so, before the option to trade them with Miyani became an option, at which point I did so.

Trading them for Spirit Shards ( or consuming them ) is a nice option and all, Spirit Shards have a lot of value if you're willing to make the effort of crafting materials with them, but the problem is exactly that... "The effort."

I don't have a problem with dedicating some time to make gold, the game practically throws it at you anyway so it's only fair to have some things require actual commitment if you want a pay off... But in the case of Spirit Shards, idk... It's so tedious to make anything in the Mystic Forge. Like I sat there for something like 2 hours one day trying to put a dent in my massive stash of Shards and still have over 11,000 of them today. It just doesn't feel worth it to me.

Here are some options I think should be available for spending Tomes:

  1. Salvage for T6 Materials
  2. Trade with a Vendor for Boosters ( XP, Magic Find, Karma )
  3. Trade 250 with a Vendor for a "Level 80 Boost Kit" that works like a Experience Scroll instantly leveling a character to 80 but with extra benefits: Grants a box with a full set of Exotic armor + weapons + trinkets ( account bound, stat selectable ) and skips the level prompts so you don't have to spend 10 minutes clicking through level up rewards.
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