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Please let us turn off other player effects [Merged]

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2 hours ago, tetrodoxin.2134 said:

Thats completely fine, and an optional setting wouldnt affect you.

Exactly this, an optional toggle is just that, an option. Honestly there is more support for this than there is not. This is the perfect time to add a slider or toggle in time for EoD with the advent of DX11. I really hope they do so, the demand is there for it. 

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I wouldn't have a problem for an optional setting.  I would  like to see them include  skill effects from other players  when in groups  as an option,  for me it's a bigger problem than infusions which i don't have a problem with but can accept others may not want to see them.   I just haven't seen that many people with overbearing infusions  for it to be an issue for me.   But if turning off these effects cuts into   anets bottom line.  Which is people spending real money to buy the (look at me ) shiny stuff . I fear we may be disappointed.

Edited by danielrjones.8759
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7 hours ago, danielrjones.8759 said:

I wouldn't have a problem for an optional setting.  I would  like to see them include  skill effects from other players  when in groups  as an option,  for me it's a bigger problem than infusions which i don't have a problem with but can accept others may not want to see them.   I just haven't seen that many people with overbearing infusions  for it to be an issue for me.   But if turning off these effects cuts into   anets bottom line.  Which is people spending real money to buy the (look at me ) shiny stuff . I fear we may be disappointed.

Just to clarify - I just gave infusions as an example out of many. It's the overall sum of things that makes this game look overwhelmingly blinding (to many).

Few days ago I invited some friends to come and try GW2 (free account of course), and first thing they mentioned was just how incredibly overtuned all effects and colors are. It's a matter of taste of course, but at least the visual effects are something that could (and should, imo) be looked into.

Other games give you that option too, I don't see how this would affect their bottom line. If you leave the visuals "on" by default, most of the players would probably not even notice that you could turn them off.

Edited by tetrodoxin.2134
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11 hours ago, danielrjones.8759 said:

Guess I'm the odd person out on this.  I like seeing the ways people put together infusions with weapons/armor.  Some look very nice.  Some on the other hand I don't care for but to each their own. 

Well it would be optional, but don't you feel it's too much once you get into combat with large groups like world bosses or bounties? I mean I'm with you until I get into such situations.

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I find meta bosses quite painful on the eyes, as such, I can't do a meta every day. Just can't tolerate it.

There is juat way too much visual noise when the groups get over 10 people.


Let us turn off other people's skills and back pieces etc, at least in some places.


Its fine to have all that visible in towns.

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  • 3 months later...

As a person who's been playing this game for awhile. I am now in that very point, sorry for being very straight, where i don't care about fashion of the others.

I have found my fashion for myself and my characters. If others like it, i will share my skin combos. But i definitely will not force my fashion on others in any way.

I have lowest character models and character limit. But it simply doesn't work.

Game still shows:

-Effects of cosmetic Infusions.

-Effects and model of Weapons, specially if it is legendary weapon.

-Backpack's skins.

-Trinket's effects.

For some reason only PvP mode enjoys such option as 'Basic Character Model'. But PvE is the one mode which creates most distraction with Character Models.

Simple solution for this: Character Model Limit - Targeted\Selected Character Only.

This, at least, will help with unwanted particles from the list above.

Unless player will left click on another character, it's model will not load. It is that simple. Currently game engine itself prioritize targeted character model to be loaded first. While doing meta events, it is hard to focus through all of those particles from trinkets, backpack, infusions and legendary weapons of others. Specially when others placing their characters in your camera view.

Edited by Aeon.4583
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Posting in favor of this option.

The effects in this game seem like they can be a shotgun to the face for those with photo-sensitivity issues.


Would love to see separate options for turning down particle effects for others, party/squadmates, and self. (Show all, hide hitspark, hide all effects) as well as a "hide cosmetic emissives" option (wouldn't mind if it has separate options for mounts, infusions, armor, and weapons as well, just 'cause options are fun!)

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+1! Yes please, let as turn off flashing effects and skins, they can also be  a serious health issue to some!

My husband has kitten (edit: what ? The word for his sickness was censored to "kitten"..anyway, has the serious sickness we all know, one that causes tumors)  and GW 2 is very important to him: he has just a little bit of metastasis and swelling in his brain, but even that little bit sometimes causes symptoms similar to what epileptics may experience when seeing flashy effects. For instance a very bright and flashy mount riding ahead of him made his eyes and head instantly hurt and caused slight dizziness, same  can happen when fighting in a group of people with many flashy effects, and he has to stop playing.

Epileptics can get a seizure from such effects and some even from fast paced combat in general, and games have warnings about it, but just being able to turn off at least the worst effects would help many people to be still able to play.

(Personally I don´t usually mind flashy effects but in some other games "screen shake" effects can quickly make me feel sick. I was very happy when ESO added disable screen shake option.)

Edited by Manulitar.4389
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2 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

I'm always on max zoom out. 

Only thing that helps is holding Alt for names, because even though there's loads of those, there is only one that's white.

I wish Anet would give us a "here are your feet" 0th layer glowy point or something.

If game will have Character Model Limit - Targeted\Selected Character Only, which i did suggest, then Mounts and Gliders will not be shown too. Only name tags of your raid\party will be present.

You guys can even try it yourself. In events like Tequatl or any HoT meta, any event with crowd, choose your character model limit to lowest. Then find character without character model present and left click on it. Character model  of that character will be loaded first and foremost.

Character model limit setting needs just a little bit adjustment, which can't be too hard to implement.

Edited by Aeon.4583
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The problem is skill particle effects! esp overlaying mob or boss particle effects. This issue has been ongoing forever and its only getting worse, just do an internet search on it and see tons of posts and reviews talking about it. Even the old forums have it, one example https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Can-t-see-enemy-attacks-and-fed-up-with-it

Im getting fed up too, put in a toggle to turn down or off player spells, if they dont its only going to ramp up in EoD, cant even see player animations its so bad now.

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