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What is that safest class pick for long term in PvP, Thieve or Engineer?


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Thief mobility is pretty wild making it pretty safe where as engineer can have good sustain mobility, even damage, though thief can have those too, but usually not all at once. I’d say thief would always be safe at this point- just play with dash whereas engineer- while it’s been good in the meta for a long time might not always be safe

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Thief. The build may change, but it's always good in conquest. The high mobility and hit-and-run nature is unmatched.

Engineer lacks a strong core, so is mostly subject to the state of its elite specs... which usually go between extremely strong and pretty weak every few months.

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@Revolution.5409 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Revolution.5409 said:Guardian is Meta since release, nothing safer for any game mode.

Except in all of HoT and current EU meta. But apart from that, yeah.

Funny jokes are always welcome. :)

Oh yeah, you're right. Dragonhunter really did dominate worlds.

DPS Guardian was always a pubstomp class. Never saw play in high profile tournaments. (With the exception of Tage (in the 2014 worlds)).

But you keep complain about guardian when you can't break out of silver buddy.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Revolution.5409 said:Guardian is Meta since release, nothing safer for any game mode.

Except in all of HoT and current EU meta. But apart from that, yeah.

Funny jokes are always welcome. :)

Oh yeah, you're right. Dragonhunter really did dominate worlds.

DPS Guardian was always a pubstomp class. Never saw play in high profile tournaments. (With the exception of Tage (in the 2014 worlds)).

But you keep complain about guardian when you can't break out of silver buddy.

Well, you know in this game there are those who lose dodge as tradeoff, there are those who lose a pet as a tradeoff and then there are those who has 15 skills as a new mechanical, for me this is not "balance"

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@Revolution.5409 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Revolution.5409 said:Guardian is Meta since release, nothing safer for any game mode.

Except in all of HoT and current EU meta. But apart from that, yeah.

Funny jokes are always welcome. :)

Oh yeah, you're right. Dragonhunter really did dominate worlds.

DPS Guardian was always a pubstomp class. Never saw play in high profile tournaments. (With the exception of Tage (in the 2014 worlds)).

But you keep complain about guardian when you can't break out of silver buddy.

Well, you know in this game there are those who lose dodge as tradeoff, there are those who lose a pet as a tradeoff and then there are those who has 15 skills as a new mechanical, for me this is not "balance"

And added cast times and double cooldown. So take your improved shatters on mesmer with double cooldown and a second and a half cast time.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Revolution.5409 said:Guardian is Meta since release, nothing safer for any game mode.

Except in all of HoT and current EU meta. But apart from that, yeah.

Funny jokes are always welcome. :)

Oh yeah, you're right. Dragonhunter really did dominate worlds.

DPS Guardian was always a pubstomp class. Never saw play in high profile tournaments. (With the exception of Tage (in the 2014 worlds)).

But you keep complain about guardian when you can't break out of silver buddy.

Well, you know in this game there are those who lose dodge as tradeoff, there are those who lose a pet as a tradeoff and then there are those who has 15 skills as a new mechanical, for me this is not "balance"

And added cast times and double cooldown. So take your improved shatters on mesmer with double cooldown and a second and a half cast time.

And this should be worth as much as the tradeoffs that got other professions?

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@Revolution.5409 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Revolution.5409 said:Guardian is Meta since release, nothing safer for any game mode.

Except in all of HoT and current EU meta. But apart from that, yeah.

Funny jokes are always welcome. :)

Oh yeah, you're right. Dragonhunter really did dominate worlds.

DPS Guardian was always a pubstomp class. Never saw play in high profile tournaments. (With the exception of Tage (in the 2014 worlds)).

But you keep complain about guardian when you can't break out of silver buddy.

Well, you know in this game there are those who lose dodge as tradeoff, there are those who lose a pet as a tradeoff and then there are those who has 15 skills as a new mechanical, for me this is not "balance"

And added cast times and double cooldown. So take your improved shatters on mesmer with double cooldown and a second and a half cast time.

And this should be worth as much as the tradeoffs that got other professions?

Brother, take a look at core virtues without traits. Compare it to literally any other class mechanic. Except steal I guess. So yes, there is a trade off, if it's enough or not is debatable.

Saying there is none however is wrong. I would prefer having instant cleanse and stab over Firebrand virtues at times.

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@PeerlessArch.6547 said:Thief even without SB 5... Still viable. Just don't be like most and try to be a hero 1v4; and stick to our role as cap/decap; +1.

Very thankful for the advice but I have one simple question, if I have both sides caped and there is a big circle jerk on mid, what should I do at this time? afk at protecting sides or join mid?

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Revolution.5409 said:Guardian is Meta since release, nothing safer for any game mode.

Except in all of HoT and current EU meta. But apart from that, yeah.

Funny jokes are always welcome. :)

Oh yeah, you're right. Dragonhunter really did dominate worlds.

DPS Guardian was always a pubstomp class. Never saw play in high profile tournaments. (With the exception of Tage (in the 2014 worlds)).

But you keep complain about guardian when you can't break out of silver buddy.

Well, you know in this game there are those who lose dodge as tradeoff, there are those who lose a pet as a tradeoff and then there are those who has 15 skills as a new mechanical, for me this is not "balance"

And added cast times and double cooldown. So take your improved shatters on mesmer with double cooldown and a second and a half cast time.

Yeah, that's not a trade-off as much as you spin it, same with steal on thieves.

Mesmer shatters got worse on chrono and that didn't make it as a trade-off - distortion and IP were deleted as the trade-off.

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@Murshid.9854 said:

@PeerlessArch.6547 said:Thief even without SB 5... Still viable. Just don't be like most and try to be a hero 1v4; and stick to our role as cap/decap; +1.

Very thankful for the advice but I have one simple question, if I have both sides caped and there is a big circle jerk on mid, what should I do at this time? afk at protecting sides or join mid?

join clusterduck, you have lotta option, focus squishy targets, mesmers, thiefs etc etc. when you see someone run then you can chase, if someone leaves to cap/decap make a choice to chase them down or let them be, but sneakly follow after they cap to insta decap them.You can do wonders with thief just by using your brains, without even knowing how to play the class

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@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Revolution.5409 said:Guardian is Meta since release, nothing safer for any game mode.

Except in all of HoT and current EU meta. But apart from that, yeah.

Funny jokes are always welcome. :)

Oh yeah, you're right. Dragonhunter really did dominate worlds.

DPS Guardian was always a pubstomp class. Never saw play in high profile tournaments. (With the exception of Tage (in the 2014 worlds)).

But you keep complain about guardian when you can't break out of silver buddy.

Well, you know in this game there are those who lose dodge as tradeoff, there are those who lose a pet as a tradeoff and then there are those who has 15 skills as a new mechanical, for me this is not "balance"

And added cast times and double cooldown. So take your improved shatters on mesmer with double cooldown and a second and a half cast time.

Yeah, that's not a trade-off as much as you spin it, same with steal on thieves.

Mesmer shatters got worse on chrono and that didn't make it as a trade-off - distortion and IP were deleted as the trade-off.

So, assuming you're a mesmer main right. Would you triple the effect of all the shatters, but adding a second and a half cast time to all of them and doubling - tripling the cooldown on them all?

Maybe you would, but it would be a trade-off. This is literally what happened to Firebrand.

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@Murshid.9854 said:

@PeerlessArch.6547 said:Thief even without SB 5... Still viable. Just don't be like most and try to be a hero 1v4; and stick to our role as cap/decap; +1.

Very thankful for the advice but I have one simple question, if I have both sides caped and there is a big circle jerk on mid, what should I do at this time? afk at protecting sides or join mid?join mid and spam sb #4. 0 risk100% reward guaranteed

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@Murshid.9854 said:

@PeerlessArch.6547 said:Thief even without SB 5... Still viable. Just don't be like most and try to be a hero 1v4; and stick to our role as cap/decap; +1.

Very thankful for the advice but I have one simple question, if I have both sides caped and there is a big circle jerk on mid, what should I do at this time? afk at protecting sides or join mid?

If your play style puts you in this position often or similar situations where enemies are holding side nodes but you still want to join mid fight while maintaining the possibility of decapping or maintaining pressure on side nodes- than shadow portal is for you. Once you decap or cap a side node just put down a shadow portal on the node and rotate to team fight or w.e and the second the enemy caps that node or decaps and moves away you can activate and use shadow portal to instantly get back to that node and just decap it, leave another portal there if it’s off cd and go back to team fight, then rinse and repeat. This tactic is actually very viable in high level matches as either they forget to address it often or it allows pressure on the map in multiple places

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