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Still Group Events Sitting ON TOP of Old Map POI's, Vista's, and Hero Points?

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Hello all,

So, ever since coming back, I've been aiming towards "World Completion", which is great and all, nothing really seems to be too much of a challenge, however, I'm currently in Malchors reach, and the maps for older content has been for a lack of better words, "Dead" for however many years now, and just in general, when the game launched, and months, maybe even years afterwards, no one cares for the "Orrian" maps, because they consist of a lot of trash monsters that did/do nothing but knock you down, pull you in, etc, etc. Granted now, it's way less littered, so it seems at least the Devs listened somewhat I suppose.

Anyways, that aside, I'm trying to get a Hero Point in Malchor's Leap, it's the only one left I actually need in order to complete this map, which should bring me up to 92% ish World completion. The problem is; these Orrian maps, as mentioned before are just dead, you'll maybe find ten people running from Vista to Vista, but that's about it. So, why are there still "Group Events' that never seem to disappear unless they're complete, sitting on top of Hero points, full aware knowing they're insanely difficult to solo? The one in general I'm talking about is the Hero Point near Doric's Shrine, underneath the temple, where you have to kill three worshippers, two of them being "Elite" Status, and the final one being "Champion" status. This particular Worshipper in general, once the two Elites are dealt with, and even during, does nothing but cripple, and knock you down, while doing massive amounts of damage. I could maybe see if you were a Necro, Mesmer, or Ranger, using something to distract the Worshipper to quickly sneak in, and commune with the Hero Point, I however, am a Renegade, and don't have much in terms of distracting the enemy.

Another one of the Hero Points near Doric's Shrine had a "Champion" Harpy sitting on top of it, though I was able to manage to kite it to a nearby NPC, keeping it distracted long enough for me to grab that Hero Point.

It might have been suggested already (Most likely), but could we set a time limit of these "Group Events", or just move them period? It's very unappealing, and not really worth killing myself, or others who attempt to get there Hero Points, Vista's, etc, etc. Multiple times, just to run back, and attempt it over, and over.

This of course is my opinion.

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Look me up in-game and I'll come help. Two can usually take out even those tough group events.

Alternatively, you can use the LFG tool or even map chat to ask folks to come help. There are usually a few guys running around, and they like nothing better than doing those group events themselves, typically.

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I wish they would revamp the Daily system for the core maps to be more interesting. "Vista Viewer" and "Resource Gatherer" are pretty uninspired. The core maps need more interesting dailies like the new maps have, targeting those champions, group events, and metas specifically so that people do them, rather than just "do 4 events," which just results in all the little events being done in ~2 seconds.

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@Kodama.6453 said:Get a friendly thief or scrapper to help you out. Sneak Gyro makes stuff like this so much better, since you can simply walk past all the enemies and conjure the hero point.

I think there is a whispers spykit which gives you invisibility so you dont even need outside belp. I forget where u get it from

Harpy Feathers are nicer but you need to do an event to access the vendor.

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@costepj.5120 said:I have a character permanently parked in Malchor's Leap (EU) because it is such a good farming map. I do group events there most days. I certainly wouldn't call it a dead map.

Orr on the US servers is pretty barren. I ran a few of my friends through the story at about 7pm eastern time like..two weekends ago, and almost all of the events where either in their failure state and waiting to be taken back, sitting in camps not being triggered or laying dead right outside of the starting location for the event.

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@Lamont.5973 said:do you have to kill the mobs to get that hero point or is it just mobs sitting on a commune point? If the latter, you might try getting a couple of spy kits from Ashford and use the invisibility to commune with the point.

Thanks, I did not know about invisibility kits.

@Dante.1763 said:

@"costepj.5120" said:I have a character permanently parked in Malchor's Leap (EU) because it is such a good farming map. I do group events there most days. I certainly wouldn't call it a dead map.

Orr on the US servers is pretty barren. I ran a few of my friends through the story at about 7pm eastern time like..two weekends ago, and almost all of the events where either in their failure state and waiting to be taken back, sitting in camps not being triggered or laying dead right outside of the starting location for the event.

My point exactly. So everytime someone create's a new character, and wants something such as a Hero Point, and a Group Event is sitting right on top of it, it becomes a challenge. (US Servers).

My work in real life consists of varying hours, depending on the job I'm doing, Sometimes it's night shifts, sometimes it's days, sometimes I'm "On Call". Thus I can't very well be on 24/7, or during prime/peek hours to find a party.

These are old maps that as mentioned before, even in the earlier stages of Guild Wars 2, no one really cared about. They offer no "Hearts", and are mainly "Exploration" maps, thus, there is no reason to really be there. This is especially true with the expansions, and the maps they have to offer as well.

Again, it's simply my opinion that some of these events should just straight up have timers, or be revamped somehow. Maybe add in some Npc's, and or buff the Npc's depending on the amount of Human players around said event. We all know when it comes to Group Events, and just events in general that the Npc's are absolutely useless, and die in around 5-6 hits, seriously... you have an army of Npc's sometimes VS 5 enemies, and they all die, I'm not even sure how that's possible, the odds are stacked against the enemies.

With this point, I'm not suggesting to buff their damage per-se, maybe increase their health pool though, so at least they can manage long enough for you to actually do something, and not be swarmed by everything within seconds.

I'd like to have Npc's return from Guild Wars 1, like recruit them, or have normal npc's be as useful as them, maybe give them skills or something, rather than attacking once, every two seconds, compared to enemies who attack once per seconds, and have a variety of skills.

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@"Humor.5763" said:Hello all,

So, ever since coming back, I've been aiming towards "World Completion", which is great and all, nothing really seems to be too much of a challenge, however, I'm currently in Malchors reach, and the maps for older content has been for a lack of better words, "Dead" for however many years now, and just in general, when the game launched, and months, maybe even years afterwards, no one cares for the "Orrian" maps, because they consist of a lot of trash monsters that did/do nothing but knock you down, pull you in, etc, etc. Granted now, it's way less littered, so it seems at least the Devs listened somewhat I suppose.

~snip~This of course is my opinion.

Yes, when they eliminated two thirds of the mobs in Orr it made those maps boring, unlike at release when you actually had to pay attention to where you were going and what you were doing. Now you can literally walk from one end to the other without breaking a sweat. Pissed a lot of people off when they culled the mobs...you're in the dragon's territory, what did players think, that the dragon wouldn't pull out all the stops to keep you from reaching it. I hated it when people whined about all the knock downs, pulls, stuns, etc., etc.,...it was exactly what I was expecting...then they removed 66% of the enemies and made it a cakewalk.

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The one under Doric's Shrine can be stealthed as mentioned, or you can kite the mobs away then double back and tag the HP before they catch back up. A good amount of the time, the mobs you are talking about aren't even there.The other one is just a matter of coming back when the champion you mentioned is not there. This is a significant amount of the time.

Just as you suggested, both of these have uptime/downtime timers and both HPs are easily accessed at times.

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@"Perihen the Thawk.9527" said:I wish they would revamp the Daily system for the core maps to be more interesting. "Vista Viewer" and "Resource Gatherer" are pretty uninspired. The core maps need more interesting dailies like the new maps have, targeting those champions, group events, and metas specifically so that people do them, rather than just "do 4 events," which just results in all the little events being done in ~2 seconds.

Unfortunately ArenaNet hasn't updated any Central Tyria content in years, even Fractals and Side Stories are dead (for now).

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@"Perihen the Thawk.9527" said:I wish they would revamp the Daily system for the core maps to be more interesting. "Vista Viewer" and "Resource Gatherer" are pretty uninspired. The core maps need more interesting dailies like the new maps have, targeting those champions, group events, and metas specifically so that people do them, rather than just "do 4 events," which just results in all the little events being done in ~2 seconds.

Perhaps, but remember that new players/characters wouldn't necessarily be ready for (or able to) increasing these challenges.

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