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Blocked out from content behind PoF and LS4 Metas, not doable even with small groups.

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Besides the ungodly lag I've been experiencing lately, there's the problem of being blocked off from stuff that require me to do PoF and LS4 Metas. Had similar trouble with LS3, Anet needs to redesign these things to be attainable, solo-able maybe or with a small group, or better yet maybe better rewards to motivate people into doing them.

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@"Blocki.4931" said:So which metas are you talking about? All metas are still regularly done, check your LFG at different times, use map chat or simply make a group yourself if you need something. You will always find enough people to do most events.

I'm not new to the game, I do all those things, and even do my best to frequent them during the various timezones, besides certain maps, like Thunderhead Peaks and Dragonfall the other maps are mostly empty even during meta events.

"You will always find enough people to do most events." This is false. ~____~"

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I suspect that there is a bit of perception involved in both views here. When I am not specifically looking for something It does seem like meta events are happening on maps I visit, but when I was looking for specific events I had a difficult time with a few.

@OP have you tried the maps you need specifically on days that the map is part of the rotating dailies? That might help.

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One of the issues was to combat the decline, they moved dailies to one map per day in each season. Now it works from a point of view of that map on its daily does get more people, but the rest of the time it is even more empty than before and means players need to schedule their playtime to specific days or miss out.

Metas certainly shouldn’t be soloable as group content is hugely important in an mmo, but some scaling tweaks are needed and I maintain a reversal and better implementation if their newest daily system

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@eXruina.4956 said:

@"Blocki.4931" said:So which metas are you talking about? All metas are still regularly done, check your LFG at different times, use map chat or simply make a group yourself if you need something. You will always find enough people to do most events.

I'm not new to the game, I do all those things, and even do my best to frequent them during the various timezones, besides certain maps, like Thunderhead Peaks and Dragonfall the other maps are mostly empty even during meta events.

"You will always find enough people to do most events." This is false. ~____~"

Let's correct that last statement to be true then: ""You will always find enough people to do most events on days that map has it's daily achievements."

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I just did LS3 (since you mentioned you had similar problems with that): And it was pretty easy even on days where it was not daily. Most stuff can be done solo: The story stuff. The collection (items, tokens, etc.) stuff. Only champ events and certain stuff ... but people often are already there to do that. Mainly because some legendary collections keep them playing the maps I guess.

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:Your not blocked out. You just can't get everything done exactly when you want if you go back to older content. Eventually w lfg and daily being on that map and primetime hours etc you get it. You of course could always advertise lfg 15m before any meta to get a group otherwise you have to wait. They aren't going to go change oil on thunderhead to be able to be done with 5 or what you seem to be asking

Lol.. I know I'm not literally blocked out, but I guess in a way as good as blocked out anyway if threes no viable way of successfully doing it.

Like I said, couldn't find or make a successful run, been attending the maps early and scouring lfg/making my own group, and also camping them on various time zones in hopes of finding a successful map, the methods you mentioned are standard, its the first thing anybody with tenure with the game would do. Heck even amid the lockdowns and self quarantines, with most people home I couldn't find a successful meta and its been a month now.

Also note I wasn't alone, there were usually other people there its just that there weren't enough of us to successfully do the metas.

Its suggestible to make the content more appealing so there will be an active following or making it doable by smaller groups, because there are stuff locked behind them.

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@Moira Shalaar.5620 said:@OP have you tried the maps you need specifically on days that the map is part of the rotating dailies? That might help.

That is a great suggestion, I will definitely pay more attention to it, and hope it works out. Thank you. >___<"


@"Zaklex.6308" said:Let's correct that last statement to be true then: ""You will always find enough people to do most events on days that map has it's daily achievements."

Hahaha, yes I do hope this turns out to be true. ^^

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Well many events can be done with surprisingly low amount of people. I did metas like Junundu, Augury and Bloodstone Fen stuff with ~5 people. And you can usually get 5 people if you put on mentor and spam /map.It helps if you have some builds that can really hold their weight in OW, solo champs and such. The timers can be a problem.

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Uh ... which part of Dragonfall requires a huge group? For the build up each lane can be done individually. For weak points segment you need 9-15(mainly for the splits with the 3 bosses in the middle of the fight).

Same goes for THK south(less for north).

If on the other hand you want to complete those with little effort as possible then sure a big group will be required. In the case of THK's south meta it is also unfortunate that it only takes one person to screw things up.

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@kharmin.7683 said:I wonder if ANet lowered the requirements for these events on maps 6, 8, 12 months after release if less people would do them earlier and wait for the eventual nerf?

That would end up being a great thing. In the beginning we have the hardcore (me) and those hungry for new content. That would just make the even populations taper out slower.

I still like the idea of better scaling. Then they wouldn't need to adjust. Just make the minimum like 4 or something.

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Metas I can usually find people for, but random map events that are required for achievements are definitely a problem for me and others I've played with (Kourna cannon achievement, Willowdread, etc.). 2-3 causal players stand little chance at doing many of these, and that's usually the number of players I can get without waiting for hours or days at a time. Daily maps do help, but require players to be available on those specific days, which many are not. I would be in favor of scaling down map events and, if they are not as often played, metas, after several LW episodes pass by and the player population in those maps decreases, so players who did not complete all the achievements shortly after their release can still get them done without waiting hours or days.

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@Khisanth.2948 said:Uh ... which part of Dragonfall requires a huge group? For the build up each lane can be done individually. For weak points segment you need 9-15(mainly for the splits with the 3 bosses in the middle of the fight).

Same goes for THK south(less for north).

If on the other hand you want to complete those with little effort as possible then sure a big group will be required. In the case of THK's south meta it is also unfortunate that it only takes one person to screw things up.

Please read, think you didn't understand the posts. I said as examples, Dragonfall and Thunderhead Keep usually have people doing them compared to other maps. ;) Little effort as possible? When did I ever mention such a thing, I said they weren't doable with few to no people and is a hindrance when people can't successfully do them since there is content locked behind them. for example Death Branded Shatterer in 8 minutes with 6=7 people aspiring to complete the meta? We finished the pres and got to the Shatterer it just wasn't doable, how is that about effort?

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