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Twohandedaxe skin for Hammer

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Hello dear twohandedaxe fans, skins collector friends and of course ArenaNet :)

There are many scythe and spear skins for the staff.

Unfortunately (especially on Halloween) I miss a twohandedaxe as a skin for the hammer. Existing skins are already in the game, but unfortunately only available as toys (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Executioner_Axe_Toy) or carried by opponents (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_Mordrem_Commander_Axe).


What do you think? Would you buy a twohandedaxe in a trading post? Are the 600 gems too expensive or okay?

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I've always wanted the Axemaster Hareth greataxe since HoT released. Unfortunately they turned it into a one handed axe without the glowing red effect.

If you haven't already, check out the Glacial Hammer skin. It does resemble a greataxe to a certain degree, although the blade turns thick very quickly the closer it gets to the helve.

I'd also like more greataxe skins for hammers, if they don't plan to create completely new weapon types.

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a few months ago yep, i'd have thrown money at the screen for a huge axe hammer skin,i played warrior with hammer, guardian with hammer, rev with hammer, and an axe skin would have been AWESOME!but now that Anet have smitebooned hammers, nope.no point buying skins for a weapon that is in an unuseable state on most classes.

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It would be better to just have greataxes as a new weapon type because they aren't used the same way hammers are, so hammers can't really effectively approximate them. Same deal for spear and staff.

Anet can and should do this, and so that's what we should encourage. It should have happened 6 years ago.

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@sorudo.9054 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:If greataxes aren't used in the same way that hammers are used, wouldn't Anet then have to create all new visuals?

the average staff isn't for actual fighting with them yet the rev does that anyway.

Revenant wasn't an original class at release. ANet could change things during its development. How would they change things for replacing a greataxe where current hammer skills are used?

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:If greataxes aren't used in the same way that hammers are used, wouldn't Anet then have to create all new visuals?

the average staff isn't for actual fighting with them yet the rev does that anyway.

Revenant wasn't an original class at release. ANet could change things during its development. How would they change things for replacing a greataxe where current hammer skills are used?

the current hammer is used pretty much the way a greataxe would be used, better yet, the hammer isn't used properly right now so it kinda puts the issue to mute.

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@Hecksler Der Henker.9280 said:

@"Westenev.5289" said:Honestly, I think Greatswords would be a better place to put great axes

The animation and posture with hammer and axes would be identical. Greatswords are held and carried differently.I was in the armory of the vigil but look for yourself ;)


Why is the axe blade when swung ower shoulder then wrong way?

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@Einlanzer.1627 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:If greataxes aren't used in the same way that hammers are used, wouldn't Anet then have to create all new visuals?

Yes, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's the kind of thing should be doing for expansions.

But then you have excuses made that they are unable to do certain things because of “limited resources “

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@Linken.6345 said:

@"Westenev.5289" said:Honestly, I think Greatswords would be a better place to put great axes

The animation and posture with hammer and axes would be identical. Greatswords are held and carried differently.I was in the armory of the vigil but look for yourself ;)


Why is the axe blade when swung ower shoulder then wrong way?

Because the axe blade has weight and wants to pivot the pointed end towards the ground. If it was held the other way, this would create torque (and sore hands). It makes about as much sense as walking around with a drawn bow while out of combat.

Now, if those vigil soldiers actually attack with the wrong end, then we might have found the reason why the vigil botch every military campaign the commander doesn't directly participate in.

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