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Please also indicate your tier/ranking when asking to nerf things

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There is a big disparity in the things that people experience between Plat2-Legendary vs Plat1 vs Gold vs Silver etc.

Take Necros for example.Lots of people saying nerf core sustain nerf shroud regen nerf tank amulets.Four necros in every team!Necro is broke!

BUT having watched so many Plat2-Legendary tier streams, I've seen nearly ZERO sustain tank necros.They are all mostly Wurm + Walk burst Power Reapers.And there is usually only 1 necro per team.

Sustain tank core necro is seeing practically ZERO usage in Plat2-Legendary tier levels.And the reason is because at that level, players know how to focus, lockdown and burst a Necro very quickly.The sustain/tank isn't going to save that necro.

Moving to Plat1-Gold, which is where I am, it is true that very often there are 2 necros per team = 4 necros per game.And many of them are sustain/tank necros.Because it is easy to play when your opponents do not know how to efficiently lock and burst you fast enough.

I'm no expert to say whether the PvP balance team should balance based on high end minority Plat2-Legendary levels or balance based on majority tier Plat1-Gold/Silver levels.But knowing what tier/ranking you are in when you are asking to nerf classes/skills helps them visualize things better.

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Nah core necro is really strong, but ppl stopped playing the bunker variant after it got nerfed. It is true though that many many people are playing necro in low tiers, probably becuz it’s a forgiving class, but if a completely unskilled necro is in a tough match, it is usually pretty obvious becuz they may be the focus of dps and just get farmed worse than if they played something else

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relax, don't be so elite and devide top250 and silver. We play same game.Also most people write "pls nerf someone" just to do some relaxation, or try boost the they own class. We all know that, and very chill.Some post is just for fun, or part of "let talk about something .. nerf !! hype".And no one of who think and make direction don't look to nerf post seriously.

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Doesn't mean you don't know "how the game mode works". There is a difference between being "stong at combat" and "knowing about the game mode". As long as two enemy teams have the same classes (4 necro in a match would mean 2 on each team!) then it is balanced.

Personally I'm low tier as well. But I'm more concerned about the balancing from the matchmaker and about getting more interesting gamde modes (interesting side mechanics besides combat so you can strategize). It is okay for me to get killed a lot in 1 vs. 1 and I don't complain. (I try to play according to it ... going 2 vs. 1 and using build with fast movement to quickly go somewhere when less enemies are nearby and stuff like that. Not running into mid 1 vs. 3 dying while others are waiting to respawn, etc. Lots of people don't do strategy though and only care about combat.)

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Calling for nerfs to annoying, frustrating or in general unfun things doesn't have to do with rank. It saps enjoyment out of the game, even if the spec you're facing is "meta" or not. I hate dragon hunter traps and general aoe circles with a passion because I play warrior and is more or less forced to trigger them if I want to deal any damage, and also because in combination with CC chains they take fun out of the game for me.

Calls for nerfs are more often than not cries of frustration about something that people want to see changed, "balanced" or not. Then there's also actual OP stuff like revenant and engineer FOTM specs that would feel OK to play against if it wasn't that they have both burst and sustain in one kit.

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This would be interesting if there was a system that determined individual skill. But ranked scaling is based off a 5v5 mode. That includes a variation of duos, solo players, pugs, etc. A whole new dilemma that factors whether GW2's ranking system is even accurate

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@EremiteAngel.9765 said:There is a big disparity in the things that people experience between Plat2-Legendary vs Plat1 vs Gold vs Silver etc.

Take Necros for example.Lots of people saying nerf core sustain nerf shroud regen nerf tank amulets.Four necros in every team!Necro is broke!

BUT having watched so many Plat2-Legendary tier streams, I've seen nearly ZERO sustain tank necros.They are all mostly Wurm + Walk burst Power Reapers.And there is usually only 1 necro per team.

Sustain tank core necro is seeing practically ZERO usage in Plat2-Legendary tier levels.And the reason is because at that level, players know how to focus, lockdown and burst a Necro very quickly.The sustain/tank isn't going to save that necro.

Moving to Plat1-Gold, which is where I am, it is true that very often there are 2 necros per team = 4 necros per game.And many of them are sustain/tank necros.Because it is easy to play when your opponents do not know how to efficiently lock and burst you fast enough.

I'm no expert to say whether the PvP balance team should balance based on high end minority Plat2-Legendary levels or balance based on majority tier Plat1-Gold/Silver levels.But knowing what tier/ranking you are in when you are asking to nerf classes/skills helps them visualize things better.

There is more to that...Necro is simply much easier to pick up and do well with compared to an ele which will always have a bad time against a necro at equal skill level, the first thing that you fail to acknowledge is how well does necro when stacked compared to most other classes and that already requires attention.

The second thing that you refuse to acknowledge : the vampiric traits in the blood line did not get balanced like the rest of the sustain traits on other professions, don't really care about death carapace but that life steal it's indeed too strong atm when coupled with loss of global dmg and sustain

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@Stallic.2397 said:This would be interesting if there was a system that determined individual skill. But ranked scaling is based off a 5v5 mode. That includes a variation of duos, solo players, pugs, etc. A whole new dilemma that factors whether GW2's ranking system is even accurate

It's quite accurate If you play enough games

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some fun situation: make vision that rank something matter ..so on top we have some players, they play with specific class. And thay say - "ok, now nerf more someone else". Is this voice have additional weight ??So now we should think how to avoid that exploit .. So may be better not start?

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@Tharan.9085 said:

@Stallic.2397 said:This would be interesting if there was a system that determined individual skill. But ranked scaling is based off a 5v5 mode. That includes a variation of duos, solo players, pugs, etc. A whole new dilemma that factors whether GW2's ranking system is even accurate

It's quite accurate If you play enough games

How can you determine a players actual skill level off of a game based on 5v5? For example, with DuoQ you can scale higher than playing individually. So those two people know how to work together. But what if they were forced to fight for their rank independently?

It's an mmo, so team play should be rewarded. But this thread is implying rank determines individual skill, which should then imply forum knowledge. Which I disagree with, cause rank doesn't imply individual skill

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pvp is so small. the question you rather have to ask is: why is it so small and why are so many bots in it? short answer gw1 jq also had and still has bots in it in order to work. alliance battles got them in small number awell while not being a game changer. so why is pvp small? It is clear as day. not a lot of build variety, only two types of modes conquest and stronghold(which noone seems to like). So how does pvp grow? Ideally by slowing combat even more to have Pvers have a good time. I for one think pvp is garbage that's why I am lame and pick core necro over mirage. dmg reduction bigger maps more objectives. would be a start. by giving a big dmg cut to all professions you can bring more people into a pvp map. ofc they gonna have to reduce healing and toughness in builds to in order to bring it in line and avoid groups of bunkers. and last of all I think anet should introduce a map that forces players via flux to carry the holy trinity. like a flux that punishes players for movement with 50 dmg per tick. passive effect for all pvp and can't be avoided, but negated via healing and regen.

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show badge, big badge gets top of thread, lowbies get bottom and if they get enough downvotes their comments get trash canned. too many down votes and they get a temp forum ban. award top 10 upvoted people the option to "call out" certain threads for downvotes and trash canning. give each upvoted person an "army" of loyalists and ranking within each, with minor powers and such. tie forum interactions to in game gold, you get punished you lose gold etc. award gold for clever ways to dismiss peoples arguments and to "disprove" their opinions. this is the only way to ensure fairness on the forums and the increased chance anet will see the best people with their unbiased and enthralling arguments while all the other low class don't see the light of day.

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@"Stand The Wall.6987" said:show badge, big badge gets top of thread, lowbies get bottom and if they get enough downvotes their comments get trash canned. too many down votes and they get a temp forum ban. award top 10 upvoted people the option to "call out" certain threads for downvotes and trash canning. give each upvoted person an "army" of loyalists and ranking within each, with minor powers and such. tie forum interactions to in game gold, you get punished you lose gold etc. award gold for clever ways to dismiss peoples arguments and to "disprove" their opinions. this is the only way to ensure fairness on the forums and the increased chance anet will see the best people with their unbiased and enthralling arguments while all the other low class don't see the light of day.


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