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Is the balance patch cycle unacceptable


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the question is what is the question?

balance patch was not fixing anything really, just lower numbers and clouds have overall a far bigger disadvantage now than before this so-called "balance", some classes lost bunch of dps possibilities. i rather not care about the cooldown-adaption, but stealing damage of slow cc-aoe was not a great choice.

also, balancing as if Wvw was Pvp was a "not acceptable" choice, that has nothing to do with any cycle tho.

hell, you'd even have gotten a yes from most people if you'd as as plainly as " is everything unacceptable"... so gg no re.

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Most of the players that frequent these forums understand that a once every 3 months balance patch is not acceptable for any competitive game. The poll is here to let anet know that almost nobody thinks its acceptable. TLDR the thread isn't meant to be a TLDR, since nobody reads that, and almost everyone understands what is meant here. I am not the expert on industry standards, but I can't think of any respectable competitive game that is that slow on balancing.

I have been told by numerous people they will never come back to this game for this reason. They believe the patch cycles are way too slow and they have no faith at all whatsoever without any shadow of a doubt that anet is capable of delivering a balanced competitive game.

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@Warlord.9074 said:Most of the players that frequent these forums understand that a once every 3 months balance patch is not acceptable for any competitive game.

Most of the players who frequent this forum have no interest in a competitive game, which is why they are still playing WvW, which as a skilled, competitive PvP game is an absolute joke.

Same goes for balance, the notion that you can have any sort of meaningful balance in a game mode like WvW is laughable to anyone who isn't blinded by addiction to WvW. Let alone when you add that it's one of three modes (and last in line out of those), that the game's combat was designed around 5v5 conquest, etc.

WvW gets the amount of attention it deserves in regard to balance, which is very little.

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The "balanced" path itself is unacceptable, completely change the gameplay of a game, without asking to the customers, without take care if some of the customers actually enjoy this gameplay is not unacceptable. I really do not understand how all the talented developers, artists, designers at Anet can accept that few of them broke the game.

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Well, imo whenever it seems like they are paying attention, it will peter out within a month or two, bringing us back to the doldrums. It's like every time they get into the red, they will try to announce something amazing to get back into the green and let it slip again. I don't know, it's just that they've done this so many times I don't care anymore. Maybe that is the intention. I also mean this in the general sense regarding the game as a whole.

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should u really have meant "i want more balance patches"... you'd get a NO from me. the last balance wasn't good or useful at all, why would we really want that more frequent? also you gotta always adapt your gear and check what builds changed. having that too often isn't productive either. rather up the quality of "balance" patches instead of the quantity.

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Seems like you're not aware of what's happening...


“Since March 6, the ArenaNet office in Bellevue, Washington has been closed, and our studio staff are working from home to help minimize the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). We’re prioritizing the health and safety of our teammates and making it easy for everyone to practice responsible social distancing.

We’ll continue to monitor efforts against the pandemic and follow guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and other experts. In the meantime, ArenaNet and NCSOFT employees are working together to ensure everyone has what they need to continue development and manage releases while the team works remotely. We’re making steady progress on all our planned Guild Wars 2 releases, and we’ll keep everyone up to date if that changes.

None of us can be sure what the future holds, but we know that incredible friendships can be forged across great distances, and comfort and support can flow from online connections. We are always so proud of Guild Wars 2 players for your kindness and community spirit. Please take care and stay safe.

—The Guild Wars 2 Team”

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@Swagger.1459 said:

“Since March 6, the ArenaNet office in Bellevue, Washington has been closed due to corona virus

Since the last several years, for many years now, the balance patch cycle has remained the same which was every 3 months so the corona virus can't be used as a talking point.

@zinkz.7045 said:the game's combat was designed around 5v5 conquest, etc.The same balance patch cycle for pvp is the same balance patch cycle for all game modes. If we were to put the thread in the pvp or pve section it would be just as relevant since they all have the same patch cycle as far as character skill balance. PVE gets often a lot of NPC and AI updates as well as rewards but that has nothing to do with character skill balance.

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Implying there was ever a time table is rich. Their so called "timetable" is comprised of wishful thinking and happy thoughts. In reality they have failed every single attempt at a steady cycle and the few times they've managed to chain up a few balance releases, it's been at the cost of unfinished (non working) tweaks that are then actually introduced weeks later and labeled as "bug fixes." Like hello, it's not a bug fix if the fixed skill/trait/whathaveyou was using it's old functionality cuz you failed to write the code for it in time. That's called missing content, not a bug fix.

People should accept this as the status quo and stop hoping anything is going to change, because it won't. It's their design philosophy and it's been like that since the bulk of the OG team left. On that note, this is in my personal opinion the reason why the patches feel uninspired and out of focus patch to patch. The people that created this game and had the vision of what it should be, how it should be played, well... they're just not in the company anymore.

Tl;DR: Just play the game if you enjoy it and don't if you no longer do.

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Back in the day, Anet decided to focus on casual player since they cannot regular/hardcore gamer in WvW by putting OP stuff without even trying to communicate with HC/regular WvW community. Instead they wanted that casual player could enjoy WvW as WvW regular member did without joining the community (so no audio/no interest in build and how to play WvW as we did etc..). But with this tunnel vision on Casualplayer and reward stuff they missed that is this community (HC/regular player) who makes WvW alive by promoting video on YT making epic fight and having fun. As now the gamemode has been completly left aside only a small bunch of player of this community remain.

I remember that i really started to play in WvW because of HC guild as RG but now i cant even play WvW anymore.

balance patch is only a part of the major issue of WvW. Actually even with the best balance patch other things will remain completly broken (mount, watchtower banner etc..) and there is no reason to play WvW as servers are mixed every 2months without tournament. the only reason you can play WvW is to get legendary/shiny stuff (as PvE).

Sorry for my bad english

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@Black Storm.6974 said:I feel like more frequent balance patches would just result in even worst balance patches. I just hope they can think deeper and try things before releasing balance patches.

You think that because, over the years of neglect and failed attempts at balance, they've conditioned all of us to expect disappointment. When you expect disappointment, they get an excuse to justify why they're taking so long between releases. You just listed the excuse.

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@ArlAlt.1630 said:

@Black Storm.6974 said:I feel like more frequent balance patches would just result in even worst balance patches. I just hope they can think deeper and try things before releasing balance patches.

You think that because, over the years of neglect and failed attempts at balance, they've conditioned all of us to expect disappointment. When you expect disappointment, they get an excuse to justify why they're taking so long between releases. You just listed the excuse.

I still hope they can think deeper, because I feel like superficiality is a problem much more than the current frequency.

They don’t need to increase the time between balance patches to do that, but reducing it would just support superficiality, because they would have less time seeing how things evolve. I think they are mostly passive (that passivity is the reason why “time” become important) and I don’t expect that to change if balance patches would become more frequent.

I'm not against more frequent balance patches, if that would also come with deeper thoughts (achieving a better quality), but then, probably, people would realise that more frequent balance patches are not needed, unless they just want ArenaNet to change anything they struggle to kill.

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