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Guild Wars 2 needs superior performance


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Look at these threads.Is balance the issue?Or is the issue LAG?Chances are the next patch they will focus on balance which doesn't solve the issue.Other companies like Zoom, they recognize issues like rapidly scaling, security concerns. What do companies like Zoom do? They focus on the issues like scalability, lag, and security. The issues. They put aside meaningless things and focus on the issue, just look at what they say"After several security snafus, the company said it would focus on beefing up its security over the next few months instead of rolling out new features it had planned."

Look at GW2, the forums rarely talk about balance, but it is overwhelmed with lag, this is just the first page of the forums, look at the sheer amount of.Hello GW2? You there, issue is lag, fix it.This is what GW2 does, we going to spend 4-6 weeks on balance... lag? what about lag? we going to do 4-6 weeks on balance.https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/104025/what-happened-to-4-6-weeks#latestList of threads all about 1 issue, lag, only from the first page of WvW forums.https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/100945/wvw-is-not-playable#latesthttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/103329/wvw-address-the-lagg-issue#latesthttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/102958/server-lags-kill-the-fun#latesthttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/101611/yet-another-skill-lag-complain#latesthttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/99947/wvw-servers-i-know-has-been-said-alot-but-it-lags#latesthttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/103962/lag-wars-2#latesthttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/103742/insane-skill-lag-in-eu-wvw-help-us-get-a-response-from-the-devs#latesthttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/103992/bug-lag-or#latesthttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/103972/lag-is-bad-these-days#latesthttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/103191/wvw-server-performance-unanswered-post-317#latest20% of the first page of WvW forum is letting GW2 they need to fix lag.This is a lot of posts about 1 issue. Which means it is an issue that needs to be taken seriously.

The problem is that GW2 uses AWS has its cloud provider.In this thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/103742/insane-skill-lag-in-eu-wvw-help-us-get-a-response-from-the-devs#latest

@"Deniara Devious.3948" said:I teach game programming and design and I am almost certain that it is server capacity issue.

Everytime when there is blob vs blob fight the server needs to do enormous amount of computation. The amount of calculations done increases if it is a 3-way fight.

Let me inform you of some factsAWS Cloud came about in 2006, it is an old cloud engine. Very clunky and slow.Oracle Cloud came about in 2012, it uses more of the newer technology. It has SUPERIOR performance over AWS

A user case scenario,April 28, 2020, Zoom rapidly growing due to Covid-19, deals with huge scalability spike in users, it also has security breaches. It needs a IaaS cloud infrastructure if it wants to keep growing and not fade away like Pokemon Go, aka it needs to meet consumer demands quickly and not give into bad rep (Pokemon Go took forever to fix issues). Quickly as in the issue should have been resolved like yesterday.

Zoom goes with Oracle Cloud because it recognizes that the cloud technology is newer, up to date, has superior performance and is also better than competitors when it comes to security.https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/28/zoom-taps-oracle-for-cloud-deal-passing-over-amazon-microsoft.html?__source=twitter%7Cmain

GW2 having so many lag issues. It needs to stay modern, it needs to stay with best technology of its time.GW2 lag has been ongoing for years, and Zoom? Zoom fixed issues within weeks, scalability AND focusing on security. Simply by switching to Oracle Cloud.AWS 2006 cloud? It's 2020, and 2006 is 14 years ago.2006 is like javascript. 2012 is like typescript. AWS is to javascript as Oracle is to typescript. It's a big deal when it comes to productivity.GW2 needs to change to the better cloud module. Oracle is well known company, it has the newest cloud infrastructure (Google Cloud, IBM Cloud, Azure, are also old like AWS).

GW2 needs to change to the Oracle Cloud that will solve the lag issues.

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For me, the issue with the game is mostly lag. I'm already at a disadvantage by default to my enemies, but from an enemies point of view they of course see things as being equal footing. I would complain less if they gave an option to proxy/tunnel our connection to a closer geolocated AWS to the main server if only for ping stability and a chance at lower latencies. The other issue is server load causing the lag. It's an echo chamber in here regarding this subject in general.

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@"uberkingkong.8041" said:Let me inform you of some factsAWS Cloud came about in 2006, it is an old cloud engine. Very clunky and slow.Oracle Cloud came about in 2012, it uses more of the newer technology. It has SUPERIOR performance over AWSThat is an incredibly simplistic view on something that probably requires a 200+ page book to fully detail the differences of the two services. Its not always about "newer technology", it has to be the right technology too. The way the GW2 server infrastructure is built may be incompatible with Oracle services, who knows. None of us know anything and I can assure you that no one at Anet is going to say a word on it on this forum if they had any such plans, that is literally on a company management level.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@"uberkingkong.8041" said:Let me inform you of some facts
AWS Cloud came about in 2006
, it is an old cloud engine. Very clunky and slow.
Oracle Cloud came about in 2012
, it uses more of the newer technology. It has SUPERIOR performance over AWSThat is an incredibly simplistic view on something that probably requires a 200+ page book to fully detail the differences of the two services. Its not always about "newer technology", it has to be the right technology too. The way the GW2 server infrastructure is built may be incompatible with Oracle services, who knows. None of us know anything and I can
you that no one at Anet is going to say a word on it on this forum if they had any such plans, that is literally on a company management level.

Its the infrastructure level, all they do is assign the build file to another infrastructure.It's not like changing from C# to PythonIt's not like using JSP instead of HTMLIt's not like using typescript instead of JavascriptIt's not like going from MySQL to NoSQL

Think of it like a website you have or an appDo you need to change any styles, logic, structure, CRUD, etc. because you of changing from a .net to a .com? No..net or .com could be hosted by either AWS or Oracle or any other IaaS. Only difference is at the server layer.It's just another, a better servers and routers with better logic. All of which GW2 doesn't even touch anyways.If it was a PaaS yes, it would be a lot of work.If it was a SaaS yes, it would be a lot of work.

GW2 is not created using Amazon platform tools, nor is it created using any Amazon applications.Platform is the Unreal Engine, Unreal Engine has nothing to do with AWS.Lets look at GW2 careers (this tells you about their stack and development)https://boards.greenhouse.io/arenanet/jobs/1753778Network EngineerC++ and Unreal Engine, no nothing with AWS relatedneither of those is AWS related, GW2 isnt tied like a knot to AWS

https://boards.greenhouse.io/arenanet/jobs/1988141Senior Software EngineerC++ and Unreal Engine, no nothing about AWSneither of those is AWS related, GW2 isnt tied like a knot to AWS

all they that is different when they switch to Oracle cloud is after creating the build file, they use terminal commands for Oracle cloud instead of AWS cloud, its really not hard to send out production to the cloud

C++ and Unreal Engine can be run on any cloud, its not AWS specific

Thus your argument is invalidWe are talking about the IaaS layerThis is the bare bottom layer, its not like Mac or PC. Its like do you want SSD or HHD (SSD, HHD can be used any OS(OS is like GW2). (analogy)Obviously Oracle is newer, its the SSD and AWS is old and clunky its the HHD (analogy)Just look at things from 2006 and compare to 2012.If you think oh "oh they do updates"Look at Everquest/World of Warcraft, they do expansions, same structure, its still old and clunky.Look at GW2, same system over the years, its pretty much the standard (GW2 came out 2012, Oracle Cloud came out 2012) even though 8 years passed byAWS is like vanilla Javascript, who does that? Oracle is like Angular, React, Vue

Oracle is just outright better, and it's just as easy to switch like changing your cell phone provider. (You can use your phone the apps on your phone, etc., only thing that changes is footprint, some providers have better coverage than others, speed, cost. Nothing about your phone or what apps it can do or use is affected)

Oracle and AWS are disk drives.All it is, is taking out the HDD and switching it to a SSD.Oracle is that SSD. And we all know how much nicer it is then HDD.No OS modifications needed after swapping from HDD to SDD, easy change.All you do is copy your data to a better disk drive.No special, days of debugging needed. Just copy to to other disk drive.Processing data on HDD, slow, 12 seconds computer is readyProcessing data on SSD, fast, 3 seconds computer is ready.

12 seconds, GW2 is laggy3 seconds, GW2 lag is gonekeep compounding it, laggy all day long with AWS.This is where BigO, comes in, O1, 1 is the cloud provider, AWS you will be laggy. You need to change the 1, and thats where a better IaaS comes in, and thats Oracle.

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@"uberkingkong.8041" said:GW2 is not created using Amazon platform tools, nor is it created using any Amazon applications.Platform is the Unreal Engine, Unreal Engine has nothing to do with AWS.Lets look at GW2 careers (this tells you about their stack and development)https://boards.greenhouse.io/arenanet/jobs/1753778Network EngineerC++ and Unreal Engine, no nothing with AWS relatedneither of those is AWS related, GW2 isnt tied like a knot to AWS

https://boards.greenhouse.io/arenanet/jobs/1988141Senior Software EngineerC++ and Unreal Engine, no nothing about AWSneither of those is AWS related, GW2 isnt tied like a knot to AWS

all they that is different when they switch to Oracle cloud is after creating the build file, they use terminal commands for Oracle cloud instead of AWS cloud, its really not hard to send out production to the cloud

C++ and Unreal Engine can be run on any cloud, its not AWS specificLOL!

The GW2 engine isnt even close to the Unreal Engine. It's Anets own engine.

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They know all this they just dont have money to do anything about it. What ever funding they did have NCsoft pulled out from under them and laid that other team off. They have enough money to keep the status quo and put an expac out here and there and thats it. They arent getting money to re-write the engine as at that point they might as well make GW3. they aren't getting money to get better servers either so they are stuck on AWS like everyone else. There isnt really much they can do if you look at it objectively as NCsoft by the looks of it isnt willing to invest anymore than they have to at this point in the games life cycle. The question is even if they were willing to do all that would that drastically increase their earnings or would it just be throwing money at the game with no return? Better off putting out Cantha and getting to work on or licensing a better engine for GW3.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:The GW2 engine isnt even close to the Unreal Engine. It's Anets own engine.

@"psyt.9415" said:They know all this they just dont have money to do anything about it. What ever funding they did have NCsoft pulled out from under them and laid that other team off. They have enough money to keep the status quo and put an expac out here and there and thats it. They arent getting money to re-write the engine as at that point they might as well make GW3. they aren't getting money to get better servers either so they are stuck on AWS like everyone else. There isnt really much they can do if you look at it objectively as NCsoft by the looks of it isnt willing to invest anymore than they have to at this point in the games life cycle. The question is even if they were willing to do all that would that drastically increase their earnings or would it just be throwing money at the game with no return? Better off putting out Cantha and getting to work on or licensing a better engine for GW3.

The issue isnt about GW2 engine.Could be the engine from the greatest game today.If you run on slow outdated servers, you going to keep getting lag.

Servers is the issue.Think of it like dialup vs hi speed internet, it doesn't matter if your on super computer, your going to get lag until you change your service provider.

AWS is a service provider and Oracle is a service provider. Oracle is better, its 2012, its not outdated like AWS 2006 servers.

Only way to fix lag issue is changing to a better plan or server.If it has terrible coverage, you change the provider. Just like a phone provider, Sprint has crappy coverage? You switch to Verizon or AT&T.

Oracle has better servers, its not outdated.Proof?Look at Zoom, 2 days ago they needed more servers, fast, reliable, and provide better security.They went with Oracle, they chose Oracle over AWS.

Biggest company booming right now? It's Zoom.Scalability is another plus for Oracle.

April 28, 2020, its UP TO DATE, TODAY'S BEST user case scenarioGW2 needs to fix lag?Switch to Oracle.
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Yikes, I wouldn’t want the OP making any critical decisions for me based off of anecdotal scenarios from a web conferencing company.

And if he spent five minutes reading anything cloud related he’d see that Zoom primarily uses AWS but also Azure and Oracle cloud.

The lag primarily comes from how the game engine interprets and computes data. There’s efficient programming and not so efficient programming. Going to a different provider or throwing more resources in their cluster is a bandaid that won’t stick.

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Man, someone really has no idea how hosting or services work....At all.

The date a hosting service enters the market has nothing to do with the hardware or tech they are using today. If this was the case, you would always move to the new hosting service. However, back in the real world, servers and hardware are updated all the time, so much so that Amazon is now designing their own CPUs, which is worrying Intel and AMD as Amazon is a major customer. If you had ANY experience with hosting at all, you would know that you can select the kind of system you want, what sort of CPUs they are, how much RAM, what sort of SSD you want etc etc. this is all based on what the user will pay for. AWS also has a dedicated game hosting that is focused on the needs of that market, as game hosting doesn't have the same needs as data hosting, and that doesn't have the same needs as compute servers etc etc. Oracle is a niche player compared to AWS, and AWS hosts games for most of the major game studios, including fortnite and it's millions of consecutive players.

Anet had their own servers for a time after launch and had the same issues, the lag has existed since launch. It has gotten worse over time, but that was due to game changes. We know very well what causes it, that being dmg and boon calculations and that will be on anets end for how the back end handles this. Some calculations can not be parallelized without significant overhead if it can be at all. You also have to be willing to pay for the CPU time, as AWS scales based on load, however if you set a cap on how much you are willing to spend, you are going to run into hardware limits at peak loads.

Also, GW2 is not based on unreal engine, it is a home brewed engine from GW1 that was modified for GW2, this is why it uses an API that was EOL before the game even launched. Part of this was because at the time xbox used a modified version of DX9, which the GW1 engine was based on, so porting over should have been easy enough, however that team was disbanded early on as MMO's have never been that popular on consoles and they also have performance requirements to release on, something anet probably knew they were not going to achieve without significant investment in optimizations. The reason there are job postings for unreal engine is GW2 is not their only game, the unreal job postings were probably for Blade & Soul, as in 2018 they showed a new revamped version that would be upgraded to unreal engine 4.

As for why zoom picked Oracle, there are many reasons, one of the main reasons being cost, as Oracle is far cheaper and offer a more plug and play service stack for those that offer simple services like video streaming. Also, raw bare metal speed is NOT the only factor in picking a service, even if Oracle was significantly faster.

To the OP, you just sound like someone from Oracle's marketing team. You come with no data or proof, no idea how the systems work or the past history and information on what causes the lag to suggest swapping hosting because "ZOOM!!!".

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Not sure if any of you went to college. But they have wifi, and when everyone is using that wifi, LAG happens.Zoom being smart "hey everyone is using AWS, lets switch to Oracle, its fast and not many are on it"Everyone else is slow, and the people on the new wifi are normal speed.

You see a lot of LAG recently, it's because people at home on the internet. Services using AWS is clogged up and causing lag.Another thing, multi cloud platform. It is ok to be something like 30% AWS 70% Oracle cloud.

One other thing, Oracle has been doing cloud before AWS, it just recently entered IaaS because everyone else is doing it.AWS is like Apple, everyone does it because its cool.Oracle is like PC, people know Oracle cloud is better and more cost effective too.

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wow, so much... nonesense.

Amazon buys new servers all the time. Oracle buys new servers all the time.

And that's it. Really.

Also Oracle has a certain... lets say... people have very strong opinions about Oracle's practices. People tend to not like Oracle's behaviour at all. And we should leave it there.

Besides - isn't Zoom that garbage software which made all the data of all the people public? Yeah, I would not use Zoom as a reference at all.

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@"uberkingkong.8041" said:Not sure if any of you went to college. But they have wifi, and when everyone is using that wifi, LAG happens.Zoom being smart "hey everyone is using AWS, lets switch to Oracle, its fast and not many are on it"Everyone else is slow, and the people on the new wifi are normal speed.

You see a lot of LAG recently, it's because people at home on the internet. Services using AWS is clogged up and causing lag.Another thing, multi cloud platform. It is ok to be something like 30% AWS 70% Oracle cloud.

One other thing, Oracle has been doing cloud before AWS, it just recently entered IaaS because everyone else is doing it.AWS is like Apple, everyone does it because its cool.Oracle is like PC, people know Oracle cloud is better and more cost effective too.

Haha you literally don't know what you're talking about. Holy comical Saturday morning, I needed that.

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GW2 WILL NOT get superior performance because the game developer is trying to cut every corner imaginable to boost profits for Big Daddy NCSOFT. It has been like that for the past 8 years, what makes you think it will get any better now?Just let this game die already so we can all go play Hello Kitty Online already.

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@ArlAlt.1630 said:GW2 WILL NOT get superior performance because the game developer is trying to cut every corner imaginable to boost profits for Big Daddy NCSOFT. It has been like that for the past 8 years, what makes you think it will get any better now?Just let this game die already so we can all go play Hello Kitty Online already.

LOL - too funny. This game is a modified engine built on the one that runs GW1 and that engine is 15 years old. It is also built on DX 9C that is the game in a nut shell. It would be impossible to tweak the engine more as DX9.0C runs mostly off of the CPU and is single threaded. There are ways to tweak how your system deals with that, as I have done, but it takes a little know how and a strong constitution.

I do not see the lag that everyone is talking about. People should look how their connection is to GW2 servers and make sure there is nothing happening IN BETWEEN you and the server. Remember you do not have a direct connection to the server (like one jump). People need to look at the Diagnostic notes that A.Net has to determine what is going on. It is nice this game has that built in. Mine looks like this...

Computing statistics for 62 seconds...Source to Here This Node/LinkHop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address0 Computer0/ 50 = 0% |1 2ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% Router0/ 50 = 0% |2 4ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx0/ 50 = 0% |3 5ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% 50 = 0% |4 6ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% ins-b13-4-0-1508.kmrr.netins.net []0/ 50 = 0% |5 15ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% ns-347.awsdns-43.com []

Doesn't seem to have any lag for me. Also GW2 calculates the round trip as your ping not one way, hence my ping, in game, is 71ms. I am on Fiber optic connection also which means I have a direct connection to my ISP. Most people have Cable which is a loop type of connection (WAN - Wide Area Network) and more than 100 households can be on one loop. The amount of traffic on that loop determines your actual upload/download rate. Rarely do people get what there ISP contract says.

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@uberkingkong.8041 said:

@Dawdler.8521 said:The GW2 engine isnt even close to the Unreal Engine. It's Anets own engine.

@"psyt.9415" said:They know all this they just dont have money to do anything about it. What ever funding they did have NCsoft pulled out from under them and laid that other team off. They have enough money to keep the status quo and put an expac out here and there and thats it. They arent getting money to re-write the engine as at that point they might as well make GW3. they aren't getting money to get better servers either so they are stuck on AWS like everyone else. There isnt really much they can do if you look at it objectively as NCsoft by the looks of it isnt willing to invest anymore than they have to at this point in the games life cycle. The question is even if they were willing to do all that would that drastically increase their earnings or would it just be throwing money at the game with no return? Better off putting out Cantha and getting to work on or licensing a better engine for GW3.

The issue isnt about GW2 engine.
Could be the engine from the greatest game today.If you run on slow outdated servers, you going to keep getting lag.

Servers is the issue.Think of it like dialup vs hi speed internet, it doesn't matter if your on super computer, your going to get lag until you change your service provider.

AWS is a service provider and Oracle is a service provider.
Oracle is better, its 2012, its not outdated like AWS 2006 servers.

Only way to fix lag issue is changing to a better plan or server.If it has terrible coverage, you change the provider. Just like a phone provider, Sprint has crappy coverage? You switch to Verizon or AT&T.

Oracle has better servers, its not outdated.Proof?Look at Zoom, 2 days ago they needed more servers, fast, reliable, and provide better security.They went with Oracle, they chose Oracle over AWS.

Biggest company booming right now? It's Zoom.Scalability is another plus for Oracle.
April 28, 2020, its UP TO DATE, TODAY'S BEST user case scenarioGW2 needs to fix lag?Switch to Oracle.

There is a huge difference between a communication program and a game. More information is transferred in a game than in communication. You cannot compare the two and is disingenuous of you to do so.

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@Dusty Moon.4382 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:GW2 WILL NOT get superior performance because the game developer is trying to cut every corner imaginable to boost profits for Big Daddy NCSOFT. It has been like that for the past 8 years, what makes you think it will get any better now?Just let this game die already so we can all go play Hello Kitty Online already.

LOL - too funny. This game is a modified engine built on the one that runs GW1 and that engine is 15 years old. It is also built on DX 9C that is the game in a nut shell. It would be impossible to tweak the engine more as DX9.0C runs mostly off of the CPU and is single threaded. There are ways to tweak how your system deals with that, as I have done, but it takes a little know how and a strong constitution.

I do not see the lag that everyone is talking about. People should look how their connection is to GW2 servers and make sure there is nothing happening IN BETWEEN you and the server. Remember you do not have a direct connection to the server (like one jump). People need to look at the Diagnostic notes that A.Net has to determine what is going on. It is nice this game has that built in. Mine looks like this...

Computing statistics for 62 seconds...Source to Here This Node/LinkHop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address0 Computer0/ 50 = 0% |1 2ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% Router0/ 50 = 0% |2 4ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx0/ 50 = 0% |3 5ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% 50 = 0% |4 6ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% ins-b13-4-0-1508.kmrr.netins.net []0/ 50 = 0% |5 15ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% ns-347.awsdns-43.com []

Doesn't seem to have any lag for me. Also GW2 calculates the round trip as your ping not one way, hence my ping, in game, is 71ms. I am on Fiber optic connection also which means I have a direct connection to my ISP. Most people have Cable which is a loop type of connection (WAN - Wide Area Network) and more than 100 households can be on one loop. The amount of traffic on that loop determines your actual upload/download rate. Rarely do people get what there ISP contract says.

Let me stop you right there. I have played the game as a test, 6 blocks away from the Amazon server hub in Richmond, VA. I had an average of 64 ms ping for the whole session. I was running traffic report the entire time so I have the accurate average over the span of the session, i only had 4 packets lost over 1:52:14, which is nice. But my reaponse time never dipped below 47. Six blocks away, what is it 1 hop-2?

Joke is that now that I live 1200 miles away I get an average of 64 ms.

I use an older 4th gen i7 which performs better on single thread tasks. I rarely dip below 20 fps even in threeway blobs. However, input lag is ever present in those.

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@ArlsTipsierAlt.9138 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:GW2 WILL NOT get superior performance because the game developer is trying to cut every corner imaginable to boost profits for Big Daddy NCSOFT. It has been like that for the past 8 years, what makes you think it will get any better now?Just let this game die already so we can all go play Hello Kitty Online already.

LOL - too funny. This game is a modified engine built on the one that runs GW1 and that engine is 15 years old. It is also built on DX 9C that is the game in a nut shell. It would be impossible to tweak the engine more as DX9.0C runs mostly off of the CPU and is single threaded. There are ways to tweak how your system deals with that, as I have done, but it takes a little know how and a strong constitution.

I do not see the lag that everyone is talking about. People should look how their connection is to GW2 servers and make sure there is nothing happening IN BETWEEN you and the server. Remember you do not have a direct connection to the server (like one jump). People need to look at the Diagnostic notes that A.Net has to determine what is going on. It is nice this game has that built in. Mine looks like this...

Computing statistics for 62 seconds...Source to Here This Node/LinkHop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address0 Computer0/ 50 = 0% |1 2ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% Router0/ 50 = 0% |2 4ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx0/ 50 = 0% |3 5ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% 50 = 0% |4 6ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% ins-b13-4-0-1508.kmrr.netins.net []0/ 50 = 0% |5 15ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% ns-347.awsdns-43.com []

Doesn't seem to have any lag for me. Also GW2 calculates the round trip as your ping not one way, hence my ping, in game, is 71ms. I am on Fiber optic connection also which means I have a direct connection to my ISP. Most people have Cable which is a loop type of connection (WAN - Wide Area Network) and more than 100 households can be on one loop. The amount of traffic on that loop determines your actual upload/download rate. Rarely do people get what there ISP contract says.

Let me stop you right there. I have played the game as a test, 6 blocks away from the Amazon server hub in Richmond, VA. I had an average of 64 ms ping for the whole session. I was running traffic report the entire time so I have the accurate average over the span of the session, i only had 4 packets lost over 1:52:14, which is nice. But my reaponse time never dipped below 47. Six blocks away, what is it 1 hop-2?

Joke is that now that I live 1200 miles away I get an average of 64 ms.

I use an older 4th gen i7 which performs better on single thread tasks. I rarely dip below 20 fps even in threeway blobs. However, input lag is ever present in those.

Your problem is, your Network connection is - cable? Then you share with others and it there are tons of people on line, like now during Covid-19, and your connection is less than what your ISP says. Also, Just because you are down the street from the farm does not mean a direct connection. You have no clue how routing works.

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@Dusty Moon.4382 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:GW2 WILL NOT get superior performance because the game developer is trying to cut every corner imaginable to boost profits for Big Daddy NCSOFT. It has been like that for the past 8 years, what makes you think it will get any better now?Just let this game die already so we can all go play Hello Kitty Online already.

LOL - too funny. This game is a modified engine built on the one that runs GW1 and that engine is 15 years old. It is also built on DX 9C that is the game in a nut shell. It would be impossible to tweak the engine more as DX9.0C runs mostly off of the CPU and is single threaded. There are ways to tweak how your system deals with that, as I have done, but it takes a little know how and a strong constitution.

I do not see the lag that everyone is talking about. People should look how their connection is to GW2 servers and make sure there is nothing happening IN BETWEEN you and the server. Remember you do not have a direct connection to the server (like one jump). People need to look at the Diagnostic notes that A.Net has to determine what is going on. It is nice this game has that built in. Mine looks like this...

Computing statistics for 62 seconds...Source to Here This Node/LinkHop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address0 Computer0/ 50 = 0% |1 2ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% Router0/ 50 = 0% |2 4ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx0/ 50 = 0% |3 5ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% 50 = 0% |4 6ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% ins-b13-4-0-1508.kmrr.netins.net []0/ 50 = 0% |5 15ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% ns-347.awsdns-43.com []

Doesn't seem to have any lag for me. Also GW2 calculates the round trip as your ping not one way, hence my ping, in game, is 71ms. I am on Fiber optic connection also which means I have a direct connection to my ISP. Most people have Cable which is a loop type of connection (WAN - Wide Area Network) and more than 100 households can be on one loop. The amount of traffic on that loop determines your actual upload/download rate. Rarely do people get what there ISP contract says.

Let me stop you right there. I have played the game as a test, 6 blocks away from the Amazon server hub in Richmond, VA. I had an average of 64 ms ping for the whole session. I was running traffic report the entire time so I have the accurate average over the span of the session, i only had 4 packets lost over 1:52:14, which is nice. But my reaponse time never dipped below 47. Six blocks away, what is it 1 hop-2?

Joke is that now that I live 1200 miles away I get an average of 64 ms.

I use an older 4th gen i7 which performs better on single thread tasks. I rarely dip below 20 fps even in threeway blobs. However, input lag is ever present in those.

Your problem is, your Network connection is - cable? Then you share with others and it there are tons of people on line, like now during Covid-19, and your connection is less than what your ISP says. Also, Just because you are down the street from the farm does not mean a direct connection. You have no clue how routing works.

You misunderstand again, the test was performed last summer, mid July arguably most people were on vacation. My latency was the same living 6 blocks away from the physical location of the GW2 servers as it is now 1200 miles away. I don't know what your level of understanding with networks is. I have worked with the DoD as part of a subcontract division for 6 years. I understand how networks are built. It is physically impossible to get the same ping 2 miles away from the hub and 1200 miles away from the hub you're connecting to, unless the company is cutting corners.

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@ArlsTipsierAlt.9138 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:GW2 WILL NOT get superior performance because the game developer is trying to cut every corner imaginable to boost profits for Big Daddy NCSOFT. It has been like that for the past 8 years, what makes you think it will get any better now?Just let this game die already so we can all go play Hello Kitty Online already.

LOL - too funny. This game is a modified engine built on the one that runs GW1 and that engine is 15 years old. It is also built on DX 9C that is the game in a nut shell. It would be impossible to tweak the engine more as DX9.0C runs mostly off of the CPU and is single threaded. There are ways to tweak how your system deals with that, as I have done, but it takes a little know how and a strong constitution.

I do not see the lag that everyone is talking about. People should look how their connection is to GW2 servers and make sure there is nothing happening IN BETWEEN you and the server. Remember you do not have a direct connection to the server (like one jump). People need to look at the Diagnostic notes that A.Net has to determine what is going on. It is nice this game has that built in. Mine looks like this...

Computing statistics for 62 seconds...Source to Here This Node/LinkHop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address0 Computer0/ 50 = 0% |1 2ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% Router0/ 50 = 0% |2 4ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx0/ 50 = 0% |3 5ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% 50 = 0% |4 6ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% ins-b13-4-0-1508.kmrr.netins.net []0/ 50 = 0% |5 15ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% ns-347.awsdns-43.com []

Doesn't seem to have any lag for me. Also GW2 calculates the round trip as your ping not one way, hence my ping, in game, is 71ms. I am on Fiber optic connection also which means I have a direct connection to my ISP. Most people have Cable which is a loop type of connection (WAN - Wide Area Network) and more than 100 households can be on one loop. The amount of traffic on that loop determines your actual upload/download rate. Rarely do people get what there ISP contract says.

Let me stop you right there. I have played the game as a test, 6 blocks away from the Amazon server hub in Richmond, VA. I had an average of 64 ms ping for the whole session. I was running traffic report the entire time so I have the accurate average over the span of the session, i only had 4 packets lost over 1:52:14, which is nice. But my reaponse time never dipped below 47. Six blocks away, what is it 1 hop-2?

Joke is that now that I live 1200 miles away I get an average of 64 ms.

I use an older 4th gen i7 which performs better on single thread tasks. I rarely dip below 20 fps even in threeway blobs. However, input lag is ever present in those.

Your problem is, your Network connection is - cable? Then you share with others and it there are tons of people on line, like now during Covid-19, and your connection is less than what your ISP says. Also, Just because you are down the street from the farm does not mean a direct connection. You have no clue how routing works.

You misunderstand again, the test was performed last summer, mid July arguably most people were on vacation. My latency was the same living 6 blocks away from the physical location of the GW2 servers as it is now 1200 miles away. I don't know what your level of understanding with networks is. I have worked with the DoD as part of a subcontract division for 6 years. I understand how networks are built. It is physically impossible to get the same ping 2 miles away from the hub and 1200 miles away from the hub you're connecting to, unless the company is cutting corners.

No, you miss the point. Just because you are 6 blocks away doesn't mean your connection just goes 6 blocks right to the server farm. Your connection has to go to the backbone and then gets routed to the farm. If your backbone, at the time, had issues that is where the problem comes in.

They are not cutting corners, it depends how everything is routed through the backbone network. Example, my last ISP was comcast. How they were routed, it took me 25 jumps to get to the Amazon server farm and my new ISP where I live, 600 miles west of where I was previously, only has 2 hops. It happens.

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