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Let's help the Dev create the Revenant Elite we want.


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Personally, I would like to see an elite spec for the revenant that is thematically based on the ritualists from Cantha. Could have another name, tho, like oracle, seer, etc.My choice for a legend would be Master Togo. I liked him as a character, would give us the ritualist flavour I am looking for, and also had quite some impact on the lore in my opinion.

The most natural weapon choice for them would either be mainhand scepter or offhand focus (unlike other people here, I don't think they will or should give revenant both, no other class received 2 different weapons with their elite spec yet and I think that should stay that way).

For utility skills, I really enjoyed weapon spells back then. Thematically, they are kinda in GW2 as the spirit weapons for guardians, I guess, but they still don't really hit the same flavour for me. So I would give these to this new revenant elite spec. Would also be fitting for a heavy armored warrior class to utilise their magic to enchant the weapons of their allies. There are 2 ways this could get achieved.

Either make them have a similar mechanic like the venoms from thief, meaning that you will enchant everyone around you with the weapon spell to get benefits for the next x hits. Or they could be conjured weapons. I think the venom approach is the better one when it comes to balance and would also fit more the weapon skills I used to love.

The weapon skills could also then reference some of the known characters used for weapon spells and ashes in GW1, for example: Xin'rae, Lingwah, Songkai, Mingson, Tsungrai, Kuurong, etc.

Now this might be a surprise, but I don't envision this elite spec to be a damage oriented caster. Revenant already has a damage elite spec (renegade) and a support elite spec (herald). What revenant is missing is an elite spec with a bruiser playstyle, like scrapper has been for engineer or daredevil for the thief.Therefore, I think it could be interesting if the elite spec gets a new defensive F2 ability that makes him envelope himself in some kind of ghostly armor. You will have to fill a ressource bar, which gets filled by dealing damage and filled even faster if you are lifestealing from enemies. Activating it will give you defensive boons like aegis and protection and also pulse blind for nearby enemies to make the elite spec sturdier and more elusive.

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Because the Revenant has so few weapon sets to begin with, I think it should either get a two hand weapon (longbow, greatsword) or a dual wield (dagger, pistol). Or make an exception and give it scepter + focus.

We already have Shiro, so seeing a non-human legend would be more fitting.I imagine a Tengu with a Longbow or a pair of Daggers mainly.A Tengu hero may be introduced as more of the Canthan lore is revealed.

Skills could have wind elemental magic or ninja feather/smoke bomb themes.I imagine the Longbow as a support/heal weapon to go along with Ventari while doing single target direct damage.If Daggers, they would be thrown at range as projectiles. But it may overlap too much with the Shortbow.Scepter/Focus would be range but not projectiles. Dealing mainly condition damage.

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@Kulvar.1239 said:Because the Revenant has so few weapon sets to begin with, I think it should either get a two hand weapon (longbow, greatsword) or a dual wield (dagger, pistol). Or make an exception and give it scepter + focus.

I always thought about it and I'm glad I'm not the only one, I've never seen anyone talk about it.Like engineer, we have no complementary options, Holosmith can use Sword / Shield or Sword / Pistol.

We already have Shiro, so seeing a non-human legend would be more fitting.I imagine a Tengu with a Longbow or a pair of Daggers mainly.

Yes an Yes!The legendary with longbow would be nice.

I imagine the Longbow as a support/heal weapon to go along with Ventari while doing single target direct damage.

I don't think so, Revenant already have 2 elite spec being supportive.

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Well as someone else said before id like a full dps elite , herald is too focused on sup and heal and i think because of that idea bad implemented it diesnt realy work well and renegade already gives us a decent condi dmg weapon (sb , maybe it needs some tweaks but its a decent weapon to pair with mace/axe ) and also rene has a broken alac skill+trait combo(its broken we have to admit it) and good heal and good team sup so what we need is first changes in the herald and second a selfish power dmg elite , weapons might be either gs , daggers or maybe 2 focuses , think about it, we only have focus as offhands but they could be made so a class has a focus on each hand surounded by energy( or mist ) and fighting like a monk of shorts or a mistic brawler wich could git revenant , also i think a new elite could have new mechs talking about the energy sistem , like having both legends merged , being at last able to mix skills and maybe having 2 energy bars , ill put an example:We all know that certain weapons are more related to certain legends right? I mean mallynx usually goes mace and axe , staff has more utility and some heal wich relates to ventari , jalis is more of a neutral but even so hamer and jalis kinda have similar looks and shiro is for double swords playing agresive and fast, or at least it kinda looks like this a bit foesnt it? Then if we had 2 energy bars , 1 for shiro for ex and 1 for mallinx , with shiro as first and mallinx second , we could mix shiro and mallinc skills in the skill bar ( instead of having 2 bars and swaping 1 with the skills we choose, and dont call it a nerf or similar because we never use all the skills we have in any game mode , at most we use 2 utilities from each legend and thanks god ) so we use a skill from shiro and we exchange energy from shiro energy bar to mallynx and on the contrary we use a mallynx skill and get shiro energy , with the weapons we could pair each weapon set with a legend and make it work similar (maybe too restrictive now that i think but could be interesting) other thing could be giving those weapons a trident threatment, having weapons do alitle more dmg , inflict condis , create healing orbs or dealing weakness or dmg reduct with each legend , some people might not agree but it would be similar to what an elementalist has with atunements but also diferent as it would be like mixing thief energy , ele atunements and litlle cds so its not broken , also we have upkeeps ( maybe upjeeps for weapons ? That could be interesting) as for the legend i didnt play gw1 so im not sure but id deffinitely would like some kind of warrior focused on dmg like shiro but more warrior like as we already have an assasin legend , something focused on hitting hard and having to stay close to the enemy so in order to survive we have to mix it with other legend like shiro to get close or run away or jalis to suffer other clases burst with its dmg reduction and swapint to the warrior for the counter attack.Also a norn legend with transformation skills that change our weapon skills and give us more freedom would be great , like the norn elite skills but well done so we need to be inteligent on when to transform or how many time to stay transformed because transformation is an upkeep .Even becoming a minion master similar to nigro but with pets more dmg focused and diferent from flesh golems , like a mist sumoner of shorts with mist shadows as pets or minions.Rev has a lot of posibilities as its not his powers but powers it gets from the mists and changes as it sees fit suposedly so even mimicking other clases in its own way could be a fun way of plaing for those that like for example being a minion master or having atunements but the actual way those skills or mechs are dont realy feel fullfiling .I just hope its a power full dps as we really need it and it is well done without bugs or bad sinergies

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@VocalThought.9835 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:What else
to do: giving it a Greatsword.What other weapons would you rather have?Dual Daggers, Dual Sceptres, Dual Foci for mid rangeOff hand mace, Main Hand axe for meleeLongbow for long range

And why not Great Sword?Because there already are enough characters running around with unnecessarily huge chunks of metal
or whatever other material a skin is supposed to be.

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@VocalThought.9835 said:

@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:What
to do for the next elite spec: an asuran legend.

What other Legends would you rather see?

To be honest I'm not too savvy on Guild Wars lore. I played it but I was quite young and played very casually, so I don't really have much input in that regard. I've said this many times here before, but what I want from a new elite spec is primarily for Arenanet to take a more creative route with legend swapping. I find it a bit boring that so far, we just get 2 additional legends that don't really add anything to the core mechanic of the class. I would like something to make the legends feel more cohesive together, such as an actual legend-weaving mechanic that gives us new skills based on the two legends we have equipped. It gets a bit stale to have the same utility skills, and even though there is build diversity on Revenant, it doesn't feel as deep or complex as it does on other classes. Due to the core of Revenant's design, I'd say the new elite spec will have to be able to fulfill multiple roles just as Herald and Renegade have, and I think this would be a nice way of honoring that without trying to have it reach too many roles simultaneously like both Herald and Renegade kinda do. By all means I want a new legend, but I want the core of the class built upon more than it currently is.

As far as weapons go, I am pretty open. I just don't want rifles or pistols honestly. Personal preference.

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So, looking at what we currently have:

We have 2 Support Elites.We have 1 with a Support weapon (Shield)We have 1 with a Condi weapon (Shortbow)

Thus, it would make sense to get a selfish DPS Elite that comes with a Power weapon.

With that in mind, and because getting 5 new skills > getting 3 or 2 new skills the options for such a weapon are:

  • Greatsword
  • Rifle
  • Longbow
  • Dual Pistols
  • Dual Daggers

Unless they pull out something new like Focus/Torch/Warhorn MH or Scepter OH or an Elite that comes with 2 different weapon types for a MH+OH combo.

Outside of that, I personally hope the weapon will be a similar style as Sword/Sword, by way of having decent Vuln stacking so that Battle Scars life siphon can come into play.

Ideally, I'd like to see some Norn Legend. But it's unlikely given that ANet forgets that the Norn race exists...

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@Taril.8619 said:So, looking at what we currently have:

We have 2 Support Elites.We have 1 with a Support weapon (Shield)We have 1 with a Condi weapon (Shortbow)

Thus, it would make sense to get a selfish DPS Elite that comes with a Power weapon.

With that in mind, and because getting 5 new skills > getting 3 or 2 new skills the options for such a weapon are:

  • Greatsword
  • Rifle
  • Longbow
  • Dual Pistols
  • Dual Daggers

Unless they pull out something new like Focus/Torch/Warhorn MH or Scepter OH or an Elite that comes with 2 different weapon types for a MH+OH combo.

Outside of that, I personally hope the weapon will be a similar style as Sword/Sword, by way of having decent Vuln stacking so that Battle Scars life siphon can come into play.

Ideally, I'd like to see some Norn Legend. But it's unlikely given that ANet forgets that the Norn race exists...

Power weapon? Yes.DPS weapon? Actually no, in my opinion.

A bruiser weapon with some power damage and alot of emphasis on defense would make more sense in my opinion. Looking at the elite specs for all classes, I roughly seperate them in 3 roles.Support (examples: scourge, tempest)DPS (examples: holosmith, reaper)Bruiser (examples: daredevil, scrapper)

Revenant has the support and dps roles covered, what is missing is the bruiser role. So I would prefer that revenant gets a weapon that has some built in defensive capabilities.

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@Kodama.6453 said:Revenant has the support and dps roles covered, what is missing is the bruiser role. So I would prefer that revenant gets a weapon that has some built in defensive capabilities.

Shield/Staff and Retribution?

Also, Corruption.

Rev already has Bruiser/defensive options.

With Jalis being very much a Bruiser based Legend and Corruption spec providing a lot of defensive options for Mallyx.

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@Taril.8619 said:

@Kodama.6453 said:Revenant has the support and dps roles covered, what is missing is the bruiser role. So I would prefer that revenant gets a weapon that has some built in defensive capabilities.

Shield/Staff and Retribution?

Also, Corruption.

Rev already has Bruiser/defensive options.

With Jalis being very much a Bruiser based Legend and Corruption spec providing a lot of defensive options for Mallyx.

Thief also already had single target dps, they still added deadeye as a dps elite spec.Yes, revenant has the core bruiser archetype, but there is no elite spec for it. And as I said, renegade already serves as revenants damage oriented elite spec.

I just think that it is more interesting to give these 3 elite spec roles to all the classes. Hence why I am asking for a support elite spec for my main engineer, since we already got dps (holosmith) and bruiser (scrapper) covered.

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@Kodama.6453 said:Thief also already had single target dps, they still added deadeye as a dps elite spec.Yes, revenant has the core bruiser archetype, but there is no elite spec for it. And as I said, renegade already serves as revenants damage oriented elite spec.

I just think that it is more interesting to give these 3 elite spec roles to all the classes. Hence why I am asking for a support elite spec for my main engineer, since we already got dps (holosmith) and bruiser (scrapper) covered.

But Rev has Glint which is an Elite spec that provides a defensive weapon as well as defensive support (You can get perma-Protection and Regeneration, in addition to your Retribution/Corruption core specs)

For Elite Spec weapons, Rev is missing Power DPS. Glint's Shield is Support/Bruiser, Kalla's Shortbow is Condi.

With them already having baseline defensive options through Sword MH's Evade and Staff's Block + Healing.

Thief and Ranger really should have gotten a new role from their PoF E-Specs rather than doubling down on rDPS and mDPS respectively with Deadeye and Soulbeast (Though, they at least got a Ranged Power Weapon and a Melee Condi Weapon which they were missing beforehand)

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@Kodama.6453 said:

@Taril.8619 said:So, looking at what we currently have:

We have 2 Support Elites.We have 1 with a Support weapon (Shield)We have 1 with a Condi weapon (Shortbow)

Thus, it would make sense to get a selfish DPS Elite that comes with a Power weapon.

With that in mind, and because getting 5 new skills > getting 3 or 2 new skills the options for such a weapon are:
  • Greatsword
  • Rifle
  • Longbow
  • Dual Pistols
  • Dual Daggers

Unless they pull out something new like Focus/Torch/Warhorn MH or Scepter OH or an Elite that comes with 2 different weapon types for a MH+OH combo.

Outside of that, I personally hope the weapon will be a similar style as Sword/Sword, by way of having decent Vuln stacking so that Battle Scars life siphon can come into play.

Ideally, I'd like to see some Norn Legend. But it's unlikely given that ANet forgets that the Norn race exists...

Power weapon? Yes.DPS weapon? Actually no, in my opinion.

A bruiser weapon with some power damage and alot of emphasis on defense would make more sense in my opinion. Looking at the elite specs for all classes, I roughly seperate them in 3 roles.Support (examples: scourge, tempest)DPS (examples: holosmith, reaper)Bruiser (examples: daredevil, scrapper)

Revenant has the support and dps roles covered, what is missing is the bruiser role. So I would prefer that revenant gets a weapon that has some built in defensive capabilities.

If scourge counts as support, then the same applies to renegade. The whole firebrand, renegade, scourge trifecta were designed to be both support and condi. In that sense, rev has 2 support/hybrid specs, with herald branching towards a bruiser playstyle, and renegade towards condi.

What rev truly lacks is a dedicated power dps build.

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@Fueki.4753 said:Dual Daggers, Dual Sceptres, Dual Foci for mid rangeOff hand mace, Main Hand axe for melee

Dual scepters/foci is way too unlikely, I have to consider it wishful thinking, but scepter + focus can.Because mace/axe and axe/mace would be confusing, I don't find it to be a good idea.

@Taril.8619 said:So, looking at what we currently have:

We have 2 Support Elites.We have 1 with a Support weapon (Shield)We have 1 with a Condi weapon (Shortbow)

Thus, it would make sense to get a selfish DPS Elite that comes with a Power weapon.

To balance it interestingly, it would have to get a good base damage but lack the ability to give itself offensive boon consistently.Doing so means that with a team it can reach higher in DPS from receiving boons.The new weapon and legend should avoid giving any more Might, Fury, Quickness.Maybe have a trait increasing Energy while having Alacrity ? (+1 Energy / 2 second of Alacrity).

@Taril.8619 said:Outside of that, I personally hope the weapon will be a similar style as Sword/Sword, by way of having decent Vuln stacking so that Battle Scars life siphon can come into play

Maybe not from the auto attack chain so it differentiate from the sword ? Have one of the skill apply a spike stack of Vulnerability on a cooldown.

@JohnWater.5760 said:

@Kulvar.1239 said:Because the Revenant has so few weapon sets to begin with, I think it should either get a two hand weapon (longbow, greatsword) or a dual wield (dagger, pistol). Or make an exception and give it scepter + focus.

I always thought about it and I'm glad I'm not the only one, I've never seen anyone talk about it.Like engineer, we have no complementary options, Holosmith can use Sword / Shield or Sword / Pistol.

We already have Shiro, so seeing a non-human legend would be more fitting.I imagine a Tengu with a Longbow or a pair of Daggers mainly.

Yes an Yes!The legendary with longbow would be nice.

I imagine the Longbow as a support/heal weapon to go along with Ventari while doing single target direct damage.

I don't think so, Revenant already have 2 elite spec being supportive.

How do you imagine it ? I have that feeling ANet isn't willing to give a pure DPS spec to the Revenant unless it's gimmicky.

@Kodama.6453 said:Power weapon? Yes.DPS weapon? Actually no, in my opinion.

A bruiser weapon with some power damage and alot of emphasis on defense would make more sense in my opinion. Looking at the elite specs for all classes, I roughly seperate them in 3 roles.Support (examples: scourge, tempest)DPS (examples: holosmith, reaper)Bruiser (examples: daredevil, scrapper)

Revenant has the support and dps roles covered, what is missing is the bruiser role. So I would prefer that revenant gets a weapon that has some built in defensive capabilities.

Which defensive mechanics do you have in mind ?

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@Kulvar.1239 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:Dual Daggers, Dual Sceptres, Dual Foci for mid rangeOff hand mace, Main Hand axe for melee

Dual scepters/foci is way too unlikely, I have to consider it wishful thinking, but scepter + focus can.Because mace/axe and axe/mace would be confusing, I don't find it to be a good idea.

@Taril.8619 said:So, looking at what we currently have:

We have 2 Support Elites.We have 1 with a Support weapon (Shield)We have 1 with a Condi weapon (Shortbow)

Thus, it would make sense to get a selfish DPS Elite that comes with a Power weapon.

To balance it interestingly, it would have to get a good base damage but lack the ability to give itself offensive boon consistently.Doing so means that with a team it can reach higher in DPS from receiving boons.The new weapon and legend should avoid giving any more Might, Fury, Quickness.Maybe have a trait increasing Energy while having Alacrity ? (+1 Energy / 2 second of Alacrity).

@Taril.8619 said:Outside of that, I personally hope the weapon will be a similar style as Sword/Sword, by way of having decent Vuln stacking so that Battle Scars life siphon can come into play

Maybe not from the auto attack chain so it differentiate from the sword ? Have one of the skill apply a spike stack of Vulnerability on a cooldown.

@Kulvar.1239 said:Because the Revenant has so few weapon sets to begin with, I think it should either get a two hand weapon (longbow, greatsword) or a dual wield (dagger, pistol). Or make an exception and give it scepter + focus.

I always thought about it and I'm glad I'm not the only one, I've never seen anyone talk about it.Like engineer, we have no complementary options, Holosmith can use Sword / Shield or Sword / Pistol.

We already have Shiro, so seeing a non-human legend would be more fitting.I imagine a Tengu with a Longbow or a pair of Daggers mainly.

Yes an Yes!The legendary with longbow would be nice.

I imagine the Longbow as a support/heal weapon to go along with Ventari while doing single target direct damage.

I don't think so, Revenant already have 2 elite spec being supportive.

How do you imagine it ? I have that feeling ANet isn't willing to give a pure DPS spec to the Revenant unless it's gimmicky.

@Kodama.6453 said:Power weapon? Yes.DPS weapon? Actually no, in my opinion.

A bruiser weapon with some power damage and alot of emphasis on defense would make more sense in my opinion. Looking at the elite specs for all classes, I roughly seperate them in 3 roles.Support (examples: scourge, tempest)DPS (examples: holosmith, reaper)Bruiser (examples: daredevil, scrapper)

Revenant has the support and dps roles covered, what is missing is the bruiser role. So I would prefer that revenant gets a weapon that has some built in defensive capabilities.

Which defensive mechanics do you have in mind ?I notice you posed a lot of questions without giving an answer.
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@VocalThought.9835 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:Dual Daggers, Dual Sceptres, Dual Foci for mid rangeOff hand mace, Main Hand axe for melee

Dual scepters/foci is way too unlikely, I have to consider it wishful thinking, but scepter + focus can.Because mace/axe and axe/mace would be confusing, I don't find it to be a good idea.

@Taril.8619 said:So, looking at what we currently have:

We have 2 Support Elites.We have 1 with a Support weapon (Shield)We have 1 with a Condi weapon (Shortbow)

Thus, it would make sense to get a selfish DPS Elite that comes with a Power weapon.

To balance it interestingly, it would have to get a good base damage but lack the ability to give itself offensive boon consistently.Doing so means that with a team it can reach higher in DPS from receiving boons.The new weapon and legend should avoid giving any more Might, Fury, Quickness.Maybe have a trait increasing Energy while having Alacrity ? (+1 Energy / 2 second of Alacrity).

@Taril.8619 said:Outside of that, I personally hope the weapon will be a similar style as Sword/Sword, by way of having decent Vuln stacking so that Battle Scars life siphon can come into play

Maybe not from the auto attack chain so it differentiate from the sword ? Have one of the skill apply a spike stack of Vulnerability on a cooldown.

@Kulvar.1239 said:Because the Revenant has so few weapon sets to begin with, I think it should either get a two hand weapon (longbow, greatsword) or a dual wield (dagger, pistol). Or make an exception and give it scepter + focus.

I always thought about it and I'm glad I'm not the only one, I've never seen anyone talk about it.Like engineer, we have no complementary options, Holosmith can use Sword / Shield or Sword / Pistol.

We already have Shiro, so seeing a non-human legend would be more fitting.I imagine a Tengu with a Longbow or a pair of Daggers mainly.

Yes an Yes!The legendary with longbow would be nice.

I imagine the Longbow as a support/heal weapon to go along with Ventari while doing single target direct damage.

I don't think so, Revenant already have 2 elite spec being supportive.

How do you imagine it ? I have that feeling ANet isn't willing to give a pure DPS spec to the Revenant unless it's gimmicky.

@Kodama.6453 said:Power weapon? Yes.DPS weapon? Actually no, in my opinion.

A bruiser weapon with some power damage and alot of emphasis on defense would make more sense in my opinion. Looking at the elite specs for all classes, I roughly seperate them in 3 roles.Support (examples: scourge, tempest)DPS (examples: holosmith, reaper)Bruiser (examples: daredevil, scrapper)

Revenant has the support and dps roles covered, what is missing is the bruiser role. So I would prefer that revenant gets a weapon that has some built in defensive capabilities.

Which defensive mechanics do you have in mind ?I notice you posed a lot of questions without giving an answer.

I wasn't asked anything so I don't see what I could answer :)

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Please give us a power build, a selfish, simple, no gimmick attached power build.Why? Because so after our gimmicks get us nerfed or are buggy. E.g Hammer's coalescence of ruin was a beautiful on release , now its a tiny (by comparison) flavorless line thats STILL receiving nerfs. Another example is shortbow namely bloodbane path, very cool skill on paper right up until a normal sized target steps forward and then you cant hit a thing but I'll give an honourable mention to sevenarrow's horrible camera issues and wonky projectile spread.

It terms of bugs kalla's spirits in PvP and in many areas in PvE just dont work with the terrain very well. You drop them with a green circle and get "No valid Path" any experienced Revenant will know that happens and if you are serious about Raiding that drop in spirit uptime because of that RNG hits your personal DPS hard when you are playing Alacrigade.

Preferably with greatsword.Why? Greatsword seems to be arenanet's favorite weapon every greatsword in the game is good. It may not be the absolute best but its pretty close. The same will happen to Rev if its given Greatsword. Its like people have forgotten back in day how bad necromancer was, they would literally be instant kicked from any dungeon party. They got Reaper (GS spec) and the devs suddenly noticed many of necro's problems and fixed them. Revenents desperately need some serious TLC from the dev team, whether it be expanding the weapon sets, making a new strong power elite or reworking current legends (Glint and Jalis mainly glint).

I'd love for this greatsword to be a slower weapon with massive burst damage and gap closers or CC. Ideally it'd work well with Shiro and S/S so we can chain combo from battlescars or unblockable attacks and give us some thoughtful skill useage, traitlines and GOOD HEAL. Maybe if it worked well with Jalis he'd see some play too!

I truly do NOT want another weapon choice like shield. We already have very few options in terms of build diversity due to legends we cant afford to lose our elite spec weapons to nonsense , super niche weapons types (shield). We struggle to mass tag in PvE mainly due to all the hammer nerfs and we dont have a pure power dps build.

We have a support in diviner's with Renegade, a complex condi build in Viper's with Kalla and an off healer in Harrier with Kalla/Jallas. Glint is only seen in PvP as a bunker (tank) boon support weird hybrid thing and seriously needs to be reworked at this point IMO.

In terms of a legend I'd pick Jora cuz she's a norn character that many GW1 player would love to see return and her sword in GW1 is like the size of a greatsword anyway. If we are have to pick from Cantha I'd say Archemorus (land Spear/greatsword ) or St.Viktor (Greatsword). Plus they would give cool interactions with Shiro.

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