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Why are we forced to play a mode if we dont like it?

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Trise.2865 said:You aren't required to have Legendary equipment, therefore the argument is moot.

But but every type of player should be able to get any legendaryThis, of course, is entitlement.

No it is not entitlement at all, thats like saying every type of player has entitlement for being able to play any class they like it is part of the game.No. It's not like saying that at all.

Yes it actually is very similar, we spent money on an mmo for certain reasons, they clearly state what the mmo is and the claim from the company how casual of an mmo it can be for many.

You spend money on an MMO but NOT so it could be custom tailored so that every player can decide what they are willing to do to get whatever they want. That is an UNREALISTIC expectation for anyone to have of any MMO. just because there are set paths to obtain certain things does not indicate the game isn't casual friendly. Players would need to pay many orders of magnitude more for a game that does that.

When reviewers where sponsered and etc to talk about the game and talk about how casual it is one would think thats what most people would expect when they learned about the game in the first place. But I guess we will have to agree to disagree as this is simply based more on opinion then facts. What I want to know is why you constantly attack and try to discredit any criticism about this game, it is very unhealthy and your doing this towards literally anyone for the years I have come back to check on the game or play. I would certainly hope this is not how anet does business it cannot look good in the forums.

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@Manasa Devi.7958 said:

@"thepenmonster.3621" said:"Forced" is Anet locking Almora's story behind a strike. Vanity items are chosen.It's only a "strike" in name. It's nothing at all like the "real" strikes. It's easier to solo than some personal story instances.

Difficulty is irrelevant. You want to see the story, you need to play the strike. Of course you can YouTube it if you're determined to not PuG, but to not play is your only other choice. This current map is the same for WvW.

So far locking away the Almora story is the only deeply obnoxious attempt to make you play those side modes but make no mistake that IBS is little more than a promotion of the other game modes. If anyone is finding things rather thin storywise, that is why.

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@Cuks.8241 said:

@Trise.2865 said:You aren't required to have Legendary equipment, therefore the argument is moot.

But but every type of player should be able to get any legendaryThis, of course, is entitlement.

No it is not entitlement at all, thats like saying every type of player has entitlement for being able to play any class they like it is part of the game.No. It's not like saying that at all.

Yes it actually is very similar, we spent money on an mmo for certain reasons, they clearly state what the mmo is and the claim from the company how casual of an mmo it can be for many.

And you can casually get GoB in WvW so all is as they say.

Can you though? I think that is all perspective when you count all the pve things your doing as well and now you got to stack up another mode on top of something you do not enjoy., that is just my opinion, personally I enjoy all the modes, but it does take a hek of an investment to do multiple game modes.

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@Ryou.2398 said:

@Trise.2865 said:You aren't required to have Legendary equipment, therefore the argument is moot.

But but every type of player should be able to get any legendaryThis, of course, is entitlement.

No it is not entitlement at all, thats like saying every type of player has entitlement for being able to play any class they like it is part of the game.No. It's not like saying that at all.

Yes it actually is very similar, we spent money on an mmo for certain reasons, they clearly state what the mmo is and the claim from the company how casual of an mmo it can be for many.

You spend money on an MMO but NOT so it could be custom tailored so that every player can decide what they are willing to do to get whatever they want. That is an UNREALISTIC expectation for anyone to have of any MMO. just because there are set paths to obtain certain things does not indicate the game isn't casual friendly. Players would need to pay many orders of magnitude more for a game that does that.

When reviewers where sponsered and etc to talk about the game and talk about how casual it is one would think thats what most people would expect when they learned about the game in the first place.

Hold on ... if you set some expectation for how you should get loot in this game BEFORE you bought it and related that to some indication of 'casual' gaming, that's on you, not Anet. Again, it's completely unreasonable to expect Anet to create a game in a way that lets every player obtain whatever they want any way they are willing to get it. That has NOTHING to do with being casual-friendly or not.

@Ryou.2398 said:What I want to know is why you constantly attack and try to discredit any criticism about this game,

First off, I don't disagree with every criticism. In this particular case, the complaint of the OP is nonsensical and dishonest.

Dishonest: Anet does not force anyone to do anything they don't want to do, especially with regards to legendary items that are completely cosmetic and not needed to play the game.Nonsensical: Crafting isn't the only way the OP can get a legendary weapon.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Trise.2865 said:You aren't required to have Legendary equipment, therefore the argument is moot.

But but every type of player should be able to get any legendaryThis, of course, is entitlement.

No it is not entitlement at all, thats like saying every type of player has entitlement for being able to play any class they like it is part of the game.No. It's not like saying that at all.

Yes it actually is very similar, we spent money on an mmo for certain reasons, they clearly state what the mmo is and the claim from the company how casual of an mmo it can be for many.

You spend money on an MMO but NOT so it could be custom tailored so that every player can decide what they are willing to do to get whatever they want. That is an UNREALISTIC expectation for anyone to have of any MMO. just because there are set paths to obtain certain things does not indicate the game isn't casual friendly. Players would need to pay many orders of magnitude more for a game that does that.

When reviewers where sponsered and etc to talk about the game and talk about how casual it is one would think thats what most people would expect when they learned about the game in the first place.

Hold on ... if you set some expectation for how you should get loot in this game BEFORE you bought it and related that to some indication of 'casual' gaming, that's on you, not Anet. Again, it's completely unreasonable to expect Anet to create a game in a way that lets every player obtain whatever they want any way they are willing to get it. That has NOTHING to do with being casual-friendly or not.

@Ryou.2398 said:What I want to know is why you constantly attack and try to discredit any criticism about this game,

First off, I don't disagree with every criticism. In this particular case, the complaint of the OP is nonsensical and dishonest.

Dishonest: Anet does not force anyone to do anything they don't want to do, especially with regards to legendary items that are completely cosmetic and not needed to play the game.Nonsensical: Crafting isn't the only way the OP can get a legendary weapon.

When anet shows what they are about its not the players making assumptions but again your entitled to your opinion, I have yet to see you truly disagree with any flaws of the game. I did not say it was completely forced but if you want the cosmetics your still forced to do it no matter how you trick the wording.

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@Ryou.2398 said:

@Trise.2865 said:You aren't required to have Legendary equipment, therefore the argument is moot.

But but every type of player should be able to get any legendaryThis, of course, is entitlement.

No it is not entitlement at all, thats like saying every type of player has entitlement for being able to play any class they like it is part of the game.No. It's not like saying that at all.

Yes it actually is very similar, we spent money on an mmo for certain reasons, they clearly state what the mmo is and the claim from the company how casual of an mmo it can be for many.

You spend money on an MMO but NOT so it could be custom tailored so that every player can decide what they are willing to do to get whatever they want. That is an UNREALISTIC expectation for anyone to have of any MMO. just because there are set paths to obtain certain things does not indicate the game isn't casual friendly. Players would need to pay many orders of magnitude more for a game that does that.

When reviewers where sponsered and etc to talk about the game and talk about how casual it is one would think thats what most people would expect when they learned about the game in the first place.

Hold on ... if you set some expectation for how you should get loot in this game BEFORE you bought it and related that to some indication of 'casual' gaming, that's on you, not Anet. Again, it's completely unreasonable to expect Anet to create a game in a way that lets every player obtain whatever they want any way they are willing to get it. That has NOTHING to do with being casual-friendly or not.

@Ryou.2398 said:What I want to know is why you constantly attack and try to discredit any criticism about this game,

First off, I don't disagree with every criticism. In this particular case, the complaint of the OP is nonsensical and dishonest.

Dishonest: Anet does not force anyone to do anything they don't want to do, especially with regards to legendary items that are completely cosmetic and not needed to play the game.Nonsensical: Crafting isn't the only way the OP can get a legendary weapon.

I did not say it was completely forced but if you want the cosmetics your still forced to do it no matter how you trick the wording.

That's wrong because Anet has made an alternate approach for a person to get a legendary item if they don't want to be forced into content they don't want to do to get it. They can buy a legendary outright from the TP. Also, GoB can be obtained without ever going into WvW in guild hall.

If there is any 'tricks' in the wording, it's all on the side of people claiming they are being forced to do content. There is no 'forced' to do anything because the beginning of the path for a player to get an item from a predetermined set of activities is a CHOICE made by THEM. If you are going to make that connection between your choices as a player and being forced to do content then it's not Anet forcing you, it's yourself.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Trise.2865 said:You aren't required to have Legendary equipment, therefore the argument is moot.

But but every type of player should be able to get any legendaryThis, of course, is entitlement.

No it is not entitlement at all, thats like saying every type of player has entitlement for being able to play any class they like it is part of the game.No. It's not like saying that at all.

Yes it actually is very similar, we spent money on an mmo for certain reasons, they clearly state what the mmo is and the claim from the company how casual of an mmo it can be for many.

You spend money on an MMO but NOT so it could be custom tailored so that every player can decide what they are willing to do to get whatever they want. That is an UNREALISTIC expectation for anyone to have of any MMO. just because there are set paths to obtain certain things does not indicate the game isn't casual friendly. Players would need to pay many orders of magnitude more for a game that does that.

When reviewers where sponsered and etc to talk about the game and talk about how casual it is one would think thats what most people would expect when they learned about the game in the first place.

Hold on ... if you set some expectation for how you should get loot in this game BEFORE you bought it and related that to some indication of 'casual' gaming, that's on you, not Anet. Again, it's completely unreasonable to expect Anet to create a game in a way that lets every player obtain whatever they want any way they are willing to get it. That has NOTHING to do with being casual-friendly or not.

@Ryou.2398 said:What I want to know is why you constantly attack and try to discredit any criticism about this game,

First off, I don't disagree with every criticism. In this particular case, the complaint of the OP is nonsensical and dishonest.

Dishonest: Anet does not force anyone to do anything they don't want to do, especially with regards to legendary items that are completely cosmetic and not needed to play the game.Nonsensical: Crafting isn't the only way the OP can get a legendary weapon.

I did not say it was completely forced but if you want the cosmetics your still forced to do it no matter how you trick the wording.

That's wrong because Anet has made an alternate approach for a person to get a legendary item if they don't want to be forced into content they don't want to do to get it. They can buy a legendary outright from the TP. Also, GoB can be obtained without ever going into WvW in guild hall.

If there is any 'tricks' in the wording, it's all on the side of people claiming they are being forced to do content. There is no 'forced' to do anything because the beginning of the path for a player to get an item from a predetermined set of activities is a CHOICE made by THEM. If you are going to make that connection between your choices as a player and being forced to do content then it's not Anet forcing you, it's yourself.

Yes you said this earlier and I understood it but I simply cannot agree that does not mean it is more forced, But I imagine in the tp it may be expensive to get and may require allot of grinding. I did not say it was forced just kind of forced if you want to legendary, there is a thing called grindwalls and while guild wars 2 is far more fair then some horrible pay to win system you see in other mmos for cleaverly made grind walls, I actually do not blame anet for making certain things more exclusive as there is a need for each mode to feel rewarding, as anyone who likes rpgs most likely love this as well. But it is still kind of forced, and cosmetics are a huuuuuge part of gw2. I would say this is more of a grey area. I should of clarified this better so I apologize.

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I'm not here to convince you ... but I will ensure that if you want to wordsmith and dance around what 'forced' means or use meaningless, vague terms like 'kind of forced', there will be clarity and context for that if you fail to provide it yourself. There are not various levels of being forced to do something; you either are or are not.

A reasonable person would not say that they are forced to do a thing if they CHOOSE to do it while not under duress ... that's simply dishonest. You have to question the value of the complaint if someone needs to resort to dishonesty to make it.

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@Adonai.5071 said:Its more of a Note to devs:

(returning player.) why gift of battle needed for legendaries now only obtainable through reward track? if i hate wvw mode don't force me to play it. this will NOT help make me like wvw at all. it will just suck few days of disgusted playing time and contempt towards the game. Also, if anything it will make me forget about ever creating a new legendary again.

Why am I forced to do strikes to get the bear armor I've wanted since launch? Oh yes because forcing us to play the mode is the only way to get us to play it. Nothing new here welcome to Online Games.

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@Ryou.2398 said:

@Trise.2865 said:You aren't required to have Legendary equipment, therefore the argument is moot.

But but every type of player should be able to get any legendaryThis, of course, is entitlement.

No it is not entitlement at all, thats like saying every type of player has entitlement for being able to play any class they like it is part of the game.No. It's not like saying that at all.

Yes it actually is very similar, we spent money on an mmo for certain reasons, they clearly state what the mmo is and the claim from the company how casual of an mmo it can be for many.No, it isnt.

What you said is the eqvivalent of loving to play warrior, but since thieves can stealth and you want to stealth too yet hate playing thief, you should get stealth skills on the warrior, because Anet owes you that without forcing you to play thief.


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@thepenmonster.3621 said:

@thepenmonster.3621 said:"Forced" is Anet locking Almora's story behind a strike. Vanity items are chosen.It's only a "strike" in name. It's nothing at all like the "real" strikes. It's easier to solo than some personal story instances.

Difficulty is irrelevant. You want to see the story, you need to play the strike. Of course you can YouTube it if you're determined to not PuG, but to not play is your only other choice. This current map is the same for WvW.

Read what I wrote: you can solo it, and it's easier than some personal story instances. Why would you even bring up PuGging for content you can solo?

So far locking away the Almora story is the only deeply obnoxious attempt to make you play those side modes but make no mistake that IBS is little more than a promotion of the other game modes. If anyone is finding things rather thin storywise, that is why.It's not locked away, so all of this is just a sadly misguided diatribe by someone who obviously hasn't even tried the "strike". If you had, you would have figured out it scales to the number of players, and you'd have happily played it all by yourself, without a PuG in sight.
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@Manasa Devi.7958 said:

@thepenmonster.3621 said:"Forced" is Anet locking Almora's story behind a strike. Vanity items are chosen.It's only a "strike" in name. It's nothing at all like the "real" strikes. It's easier to solo than some personal story instances.

Difficulty is irrelevant. You want to see the story, you need to play the strike. Of course you can YouTube it if you're determined to not PuG, but to not play is your only other choice. This current map is the same for WvW.

Read what I wrote: you can solo it, and it's easier than some personal story instances. Why would you even bring up PuGging for content you can solo?

So far locking away the Almora story is the only deeply obnoxious attempt to make you play those side modes but make no mistake that IBS is little more than a promotion of the other game modes. If anyone is finding things rather thin storywise, that is why.It's not locked away, so all of this is just a sadly misguided diatribe by someone who obviously hasn't even tried the "strike". If you had, you would have figured out it scales to the number of players, and you'd have happily played it all by yourself, without a PuG in sight.When the fuss was kicked up over Bastion of the Penitent, I found the rhetoric from the side who didn't like that a relevant story beat got added to a raid to be a stomache turning display of jealousy and ill will.Name-calling, hyperbole, metric tons of shade dumped on the developers and ENDLESS self-martyring ...all from a segment of the community that is the absolute first to point the finger at people who enjoy raiding as "toxic", or "bad for the game".To see that same language being used here by @thepenmonster.3621 about people being "forced" to do group content because a relevant story beat was gated behind Forging Steel was pretty surprising.Nevertheless, when you said the mission scaled I was still ready to call shenanigans on you...

But rather than jump the shark, I went in and tested it. And wouldn't you know it... the mission scales pretty nicely to a solo player.There are markedly less enemy spawns and the Champion at the top of the hill was perfectly doable by myself.(this is as far as I went...it's past 2am, I will likely play through it myself completely tommorow)

I find it absolutely awful how a certain segment of this community tries to push the developers away from adding relevant story to group content.... As if the people who enjoy group content like raids, fractals and strikes are not worth including a good story for.But to see it over soloable content is just mind-boggling.Thanks for the inclusion of actual facts.

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@Ryou.2398 said:

@"Trise.2865" said:You aren't required to have Legendary equipment, therefore the argument is moot.

But but every type of player should be able to get any legendaryThis, of course, is entitlement.

No it is not entitlement at all, thats like saying every type of player has entitlement for being able to play any class they like it is part of the game.No. It's not like saying that at all.

Yes it actually is very similar, we spent money on an mmo for certain reasons, they clearly state what the mmo is and the claim from the company how casual of an mmo it can be for many.

You spend money on an MMO but NOT so it could be custom tailored so that every player can decide what they are willing to do to get whatever they want. That is an UNREALISTIC expectation for anyone to have of any MMO. just because there are set paths to obtain certain things does not indicate the game isn't casual friendly. Players would need to pay many orders of magnitude more for a game that does that.

When reviewers where sponsered and etc to talk about the game and talk about how casual it is one would think thats what most people would expect when they learned about the game in the first place. But I guess we will have to agree to disagree as this is simply based more on opinion then facts. What I want to know is why you constantly attack and try to discredit any criticism about this game, it is very unhealthy and your doing this towards literally anyone for the years I have come back to check on the game or play. I would certainly hope this is not how anet does business it cannot look good in the forums.

Reviewers said the game is "casual" because it doesn't require a subscription (an important thing back in 2012) and it doesn't require to get better gear with every patch (gear treadmill) meaning you can come back to the game years later and not missing much in terms of performance. And given how the Gift of Battle existed as a requirements for crafting Legendary Weapons since the game released in 2012 you have no argument here. You should rewatch some of those reviews.

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@"Turkeyspit.3965" said:So while you are correct in saying "You don't really need to enter Raids to get any Legendary item except for Envoy Armor. You don't need to do any form of PVE to get the PVP or WVW Legendary armors (although it will help with certain materials)" that applies only to Legendary Armor.

Which is why in the part in your quotes I explicitly stated "Envoy Armor" and "Legendary Armors" so of course it applies only to Legendary Armor, which is the only part of the game that requires Raiding.

For Legendary weapons and accessories (with the exception of Conflux), a player must participate in both WvW and PvE (including fractals) to obtain them. "all aspects of the game" may be an exaggeration, but it's close to being accurate, and both WvW and PvE players are required to venture into the opposite game mode.

Well if we call getting Gift of Battle "participating in WVW" then yes. Plus there is no inclusion of Fractals, unless you craft the Precursor, and there is NO need to run the latest Fractals as they aren't used in Precursor crafting. And you said it yourself

The uncomfortable truth of it all is, it takes less time to get the Gift of Battle for a PvE-only player than it does to get the PvE-sourced components for a WvW-only player.

Part of the reason why threads like this make no sense. Gift of Battle takes less than 30 minutes, but getting map completion takes a rather long time, yet we get posts about players complaining they are "forced" to do content they do not like. I guess farming all that Blood or Mithril required to make a Legendary Weapon is such an exciting experience compared to the couple minutes required to get Gift of Battle

"All aspects of the game" to make a Legendary is actually a joke.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:

@thepenmonster.3621 said:"Forced" is Anet locking Almora's story behind a strike. Vanity items are chosen.It's only a "strike" in name. It's nothing at all like the "real" strikes. It's easier to solo than some personal story instances.

Difficulty is irrelevant. You want to see the story, you need to play the strike. Of course you can YouTube it if you're determined to not PuG, but to not play is your only other choice. This current map is the same for WvW.

Read what I wrote: you can solo it, and it's easier than some personal story instances. Why would you even bring up PuGging for content you can solo?

So far locking away the Almora story is the only deeply obnoxious attempt to make you play those side modes but make no mistake that IBS is little more than a promotion of the other game modes. If anyone is finding things rather thin storywise, that is why.It's not locked away, so all of this is just a sadly misguided diatribe by someone who obviously hasn't even tried the "strike". If you had, you would have figured out it scales to the number of players, and you'd have happily played it all by yourself, without a PuG in sight.When the fuss was kicked up over Bastion of the Penitent, I found the rhetoric from the side who didn't like that a relevant story beat got added to a raid to be a stomache turning display of jealousy and ill will.Name-calling, hyperbole, metric tons of shade dumped on the developers and ENDLESS self-martyring ...all from a segment of the community that is the absolute first to point the finger at people who enjoy raiding as "toxic", or "bad for the game".To see that same language being used here by @thepenmonster.3621 about people being "forced" to do group content because a relevant story beat was gated behind Forging Steel was pretty surprising.Nevertheless, when you said the mission scaled I was still ready to call shenanigans on you...

But rather than jump the shark, I went in and tested it. And wouldn't you know it... the mission scales pretty nicely to a solo player.There are markedly less enemy spawns and the Champion at the top of the hill was perfectly doable by myself.(this is as far as I went...it's past 2am, I will likely play through it myself completely tommorow)

I find it absolutely awful how a certain segment of this community tries to push the developers away from adding relevant story to group content.... As if the people who enjoy group content like raids, fractals and strikes are not worth including a good story for.But to see it over soloable content is just mind-boggling.Thanks for the inclusion of actual facts.Funny how two people react so differently to my post here. One thanking me, one completely ignoring how I refute his claims and oh so ironically accusing me of posturing. Thanks for confirming what I posted, it's apparently necessary.

This instance is quite good in how it works with 10 people, with potentially extra difficulty through challenges, as well as for just a single player. This is what people wanted out of raids. Now they've made a good attempt of accommodating that player segment and they're still complaining. ANet just can't win.

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@Manasa Devi.7958 said:This instance is quite good in how it works with 10 people, with potentially extra difficulty through challenges, as well as for just a single player. This is what people wanted out of raids. Now they've made a good attempt of accommodating that player segment and they're still complaining. ANet just can't win.

Some people will complain as long as there is content inside an instance.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@ArchonWing.9480 said:Honestly, for those of you reading, I would recommend to spend no more than 15 minutes on the wvw dailies; it's often better just to advance the track a bit and do something else. If you're spending hours or something, just don't if you don't like the content.

Solid advice. Crafting a legendary is only painful if you're in a hurry. The pace is set by the player (for the most part), and the hardest part is to manage expectations and delay a sense of gratification while you grind out the mats...and this is most decidedly a grind, and done so on purpose. But to flip 2 camps, kill a sentry and stand in the circle, and spend badges of honor for Big Spender takes very little time, and those three dailies net you 4 potions of WvW reward - do that 20 times and boom, a Gift of Battle (+1 Amalgamated Gem stone + 2 Mystic Clovers), and that doesn't even count any reward track 'ticks' you earn just by spending longer than 5 minutes on the map.

Legendaries are the most expensive and laborious cosmetic items in the game, and if players want them, they need to understand what they are undertaking.

Well time management will also make you more efficient for most things. Even as a WvW main, I still know which dailies are worth going for. World Ranker is usually not worth my effort unless I actually plan to play lots of wvw that day. Master of Monuments is basically free, so I'll grab that quickly. I would even argue that Veteran Creature Slayer isn't really worth it unless you don't have to wait for it, but sunk cost and all.

People definitely can't just look at things at face value. In the past, you could make a lot of gold by forging and then salvaging karma gear. But then it's just so time consuming-- why even bother. Heck, I've stopped mining most ore and just flat out destroying low value drops just because it doesn't deserve any of my time at all. Feels good to take out the trash anyways. ;)

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@"Manasa Devi.7958" said:This instance is quite good in how it works with 10 people, with potentially extra difficulty through challenges, as well as for just a single player. This is what people wanted out of raids. Now they've made a good attempt of accommodating that player segment and they're still complaining. ANet just can't win.I think the takeaway here is this segment of the community who perpetrates this behavior is not as interested in story as they claim to be. That this really is about jealousy over allocation of resources.It's a babyrage tantrum to mom over what they think is the last cookie.... despite the fact they have eaten 3/4s of the box and have three other siblings.It also tells me that Anet's design choice to not cater to this segment of the population with an "easy mode" for raids was likely the right one.They wouldn't have been satisfied anyways.@maddoctor.2738 said:Gift of Battle takes less than 30 minuteslol wut?Even getting 80 potions of WvW rewards takes longer than 30 mins total. I'm sure you could spend half that just waiting for harpies and wargs to spawn.

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