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First impression of MOTA

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PvP is coming home !Thx teapot and all ppl who made this possible :)Very positive :Apart from that theres no warriors (and just one mesmer) yet, diversity is incredibly high. All classes/specs are represented, thats great. Team composition, harmonic teamplay and good rotations seem more decisive than single strong players/1v1 situations. Thats the way it should be, PvP is a team game after all.Very negative :There are matches in which are more rezzes than kills, what is still ok I think. But there are matches with more instant rezzes than overall kills, and that is not ok in my opinion.There shouldnt be matches, decided just by a certain skill, and I saw at least one match, decided just by glyph of renewal. That sucks ! Instant rezzes are way too overtuned and should havemuch higher CD. It also hurts to see revs high sustain under pressure and still doing high damage. Rev is only class carried by build in my opinion.The fact that anet didnt participate, that anet didnt take effort on this tourney, that anet even seems to have nothing to do with MOTA is poor.

All in all I am happy to have championships again and I am having fun watching all these great players.There will be of course more impressions til the finals. What do you guys think about MOTA ?

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

@"hotte in space.2158" said:The fact that anet didnt participate, that anet didnt take effort on this tourney, that anet even seems to have nothing to do with MOTA is poor.

depends how you look at it?, on one hand they did "something" on the other hand me as someone who visits forums OFTEN, and plays the game have not seen it at all, do you think at least 2% of the players saw it?

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@hotte in space.2158 said:

@"Sigmoid.7082" said:

Anet didnt support teapot in organizing this event. Anet didnt spend any money for this event. Should we praise anet now because they posted an announcement ?It’s a community driven event and ANet added 12?k gems to the prize pool. To say they didn’t support tpot and team is just silly and makes you extremely ill informed.

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Anet didnt support teapot in organizing this event. Anet didnt spend any money for this event. Should we praise anet now because they posted an announcement ?It’s a community driven event and ANet added 12?k gems to the prize pool. To say they didn’t support tpot and team is just silly and makes you extremely ill informed.12 K gems ? great ! . . .the champions can buy themselves 20 chairs then =)
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Anet didnt support teapot in organizing this event. Anet didnt spend any money for this event. Should we praise anet now because they posted an announcement ?It’s a community driven event and ANet added 12?k gems to the prize pool. To say they didn’t support tpot and team is just silly and makes you extremely ill informed.

they pledges to add gems as much as they promised to give tournament test subject title to those participants

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I really enjoyed the broadcast overall. I'm not a huge PvPer, but I found the fights very exciting and watchable. I found Roy's commentary to be super insighful and Teapot as usual brought the high energy.I found the gameplay amazing to watch and I was tuned in to pretty much the entire broadcast of day 1.

The games themselves were standard pvp fare with the occasional close match highlighting many curb stompings. Watching Rank55 Dragons and Team USA was amazing. Seeing what some of these guys can do is a real eye opener.

That said the stream came to a screeching halt any time Angeels was put in front of the mic, his lack of meaningful commentary and overall low energy did the presentation no favors. Watching him fumble every time Roy passed to him was super uncomfortable.DAY 2 EDIT: Angeels is a LOT better today, providing much better analysis and bringing a far stronger presentation.

Anet didnt support teapot in organizing this event. Anet didnt spend any money for this event. Should we praise anet now because they posted an announcement ?It’s a community driven event and ANet added 12?k gems to the prize pool. To say they didn’t support tpot and team is just silly and makes you extremely ill informed.12 K gems ? great ! . . .the champions can buy themselves 20 chairs then =)

If I am Not mistaken:
  1. Anet scheduled their own Legends Tournament to accommodate the scheduling of this one
  2. Anet Added 12k Gems for the prize pool
  3. Anet added a special inGame title for the winners.
  4. Anet ensured that two outlying degenerate builds that were overperforming we addressed in time for the Tournament.
  5. Anet Hyped the tournament on Social Media.
  6. At least two Anet employees contributed personally to the Prize Pool.Your comment is an ignorant meme and really, when the company is showing pretty solid support for a fan-run event, it's really a good idea to be better informed before you spew.
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Glyph of Renewal has a 2 sec Cast, so the player would of been casting it already, knowing he would go down (or hoping he would) at the spot he cast it for it to be instant, It's a pretty strong skill but I wouldn't say its OP as it takes up a utility slot for something else and can be countered by the opposition with any kind of CC aswell as the downed player possibly porting somewhere else, being knocked back away from the casting area of the glyph and then you wasted a res for 90 seconds.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:How'd warrior do? That's my question to the devs lol.

Wasnt played Im pretty sure. Only class that wasnt, even.

Lol I didn't watch but kinda figured, thanks for the info man.

Vaans was the only one and that was in the NA qualifier matches last weekend.

It went about as well as you thought it would...

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@Starbreaker.6507 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:How'd warrior do? That's my question to the devs lol.

Wasnt played Im pretty sure. Only class that wasnt, even.

Lol I didn't watch but kinda figured, thanks for the info man.

Vaans was the only one and that was in the NA qualifier matches last weekend.

It went about as well as you thought it would...

Lol yeah not suprising.

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@Mini Crinny.6190 said:Glyph of Renewal has a 2 sec Cast, so the player would of been casting it already, knowing he would go down (or hoping he would) at the spot he cast it for it to be instant, It's a pretty strong skill but I wouldn't say its OP as it takes up a utility slot for something else and can be countered by the opposition with any kind of CC aswell as the downed player possibly porting somewhere else, being knocked back away from the casting area of the glyph and then you wasted a res for 90 seconds.

R55 just lost...@Misha on tempest was getting CCed to hell, he wasn't able to fire a single glyph ress...@Fly on s/d literally camped him, so your analysis is 100% spot on

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