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Hello, i dont know what to think…. the matchmaking in gw2 makes no sense. I queue on thief and got 10 times a thief in my team while the enemies had no one. Also i got mesmer and necros / warriors. The enemy team was always stacked with FB, Holo, core nec, tank rev. Arenanet can you show us how the ranked queue system works ? i had Qpop sometimes instant and sometimes after only 1-2 min but every time the teams where so ueven it felt like a total joke. Its not worth it to play this season like this, ist 100% luck if you have buffed team while the enemys are unable to do something at all. i Know ist normal that you sometimes have games like this but this season i only have game like this, not even close not even balanced in any way.Also would be nice to have transparency about the personal MMR and how it effects your matchmaking.Thank you ! An devs answer would be good. Ist not an crybaby post - accepting a lose should be normal, but it dont feel balanced at all not even RNG.

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@xWiroo.3841 said:pvping in gw2 needs not just skill, but luck too, every time you queue you roll a dice to see whether your mates are trash or not.Tho, the higher the elo the better they usually are

No in the words of duo q'rs it's the players fault if they go mid 4v4 and ur three teammates get wiped in 2 secs leaving u 1v4 or 1v3. U should be able to win the outnumbered or have saved them all by taking all the pressure off them. Or when ur capping and instead of helping elsewhere ur teamate comes to ur node as ur freely capping it, u should be able to capitalize on their masterful rotating skills.

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Matchmaking is one of the things we've already been clued in on.

First, the matchmaker makes an attempt to mirror team comps. Emphasis on attempt. If you queue as something there is still a chance you might be the only one of that something in the game, but generally you're likely to see another one of yourself on the other team.

Some DuoQ's abuse this by queuing as the same class; thus raising the chances of at least one of that class being on the other team, then immediately swapping to a counterpick. These are the same people that download the game to an SSD or play on premium cloud gaming services(xd) to minimize load times. They could have already done this by the time you've loaded in even once.

Secondly, the matchmaker will generally start around your effective rating as MMR, and after a few minutes of searching(I don't remember the exact amount of time) if it cannot find a game for you it will start searching lower/higher in order to find you a game just to play rather than waiting an eternity for something fair.

Keep in mind this is also going on for everyone; especially those 2 legend players stacked together in their DuoQ, because of course they're never going to find another legendary DuoQ, or anything remotely close in all likelihood. This increases the chance of golds being thrown in with or against them(usually with, slightly to their credit) although the competition would still be completely unbalanced and seemingly completely RNG.

And you'd be right. It is. The matchmaker seems to require a much higher population of players than what's there to be functional. That's not even accounting for broken "features" like class-swapping and DuoQ which completely throw a wrench in the matchmaking. DuoQ especially is a huge outlier that trashes matchmaking which Arenanet has already been somewhat open about when they restricted it the first time.

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@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:Some DuoQ's abuse this by queuing as the same class; thus raising the chances of at least one of that class being on the other team, then immediately swapping to a counterpick. These are the same people that download the game to an SSD or play on premium cloud gaming services(xd) to minimize load times. They could have already done this by the time you've loaded in even once.

Dude... SSDs are not rocket science level of technology, they are way cheaper than 3 years ago, to count that as an advantage is dumb.

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@xWiroo.3841 said:Dude... SSDs are not rocket science level of technology, they are way cheaper than 3 years ago, to count that as an advantage is dumb.

I don't know what you expect me to count it as then. If an SSD allows someone to class-swap/counterpick faster than someone else can, then what else do you call it?

Keep in mind this isn't Overwatch, we're not talking about a few milliseconds difference. Class-swapping in this game is actually scuffed and can take almost the entire set-up phase or longer just to do once for some people.

You also have to account for people being lazy. Take me for example: I cannot be asked to dl the game on an SSD because I don't care enough. When I click the queue button, I just want to play GW2. Don't want to be a part of some boring metagame.

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@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Keep in mind this isn't Overwatch, we're not talking about a few milliseconds difference. Class-swapping in this game is actually scuffed and can take almost the entire set-up phase or longer just to do once for some people.Then blame the game not the player, this game is like 8 years old and still has bugs in LWorld 1 or 2 lmao, theres no intention on fixing things that actually matter. Do you think that you need to go through 2 loading screens and the character screen? It would be way better that there were a combobox in the character select button and that it, just 1 load screen to enter as the char you just chose.

You also have to account for people being lazy. Take me for example: I cannot be asked to dl the game on an SSD because I don't care enough. When I click the queue button, I just want to play GW2. Don't want to be a part of some boring metagame.You whine about how having the game in a ssd is an advantage, yet you say that yourself dont want to put in a ssd because you dont care enough, but you care enough to complain haha.

Don't want to be a part of some boring metagame.

you are Elite on the forum, so im sure you have been here for years, you are old enough to know how the game and the community is/ has changed. Yourself posting here shows that you still wanna be here, i too dislike meta things and how arena does nothing for pvp, but im here knowing that thats how things are, as you do.

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Also the first weeks of the season are a shitshow, since everyone has volatile rating, also the first 10 games have way too huge impact on where is your proper mmr and it would take a lot of games till the matchmaker decides that ou maybe this guy is not for this mmr. Queuing multiple times one after another works terrible and for some reason playing a game per day gives better results, like it is made to be played less.

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what always have fb in team ? - I have secret info how to do this. Use duo q.Don't want see second thief in team? Don't be first tief.

Want get full control build/class in team and great rewards?? tournaments waits you.

Also we have perfect matchmaking in gw2. You should be happy.

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Yeah just for $hits thought f it I'll try few matches in ranked. All three on dp thief for most kills,offense and defense and lost all three cuz literally non of my teammates could kill anyone themselves. It's so hard not to get tilted when ur winning 1v2 on a dp thief yet losing cuz ur team is dying to players ur winning outnumbered against. Figured it try it out but 4 matches in total are enough for me, good luck this season boys.

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@"xWiroo.3841" said:Then blame the game not the player, this game is like 8 years old and still has bugs in LWorld 1 or 2 lmao, theres no intention on fixing things that actually matter. Do you think that you need to go through 2 loading screens and the character screen? It would be way better that there were a combobox in the character select button and that it, just 1 load screen to enter as the char you just chose.

It is about the game. I get that players have agency, and can choose not to do these things, but ultimately the game provides them the tools to do so.

I think those ideas on class-swap would be a good. Like I say, it's pretty scuffed having to load the same map twice and "logout" to character select just to change characters. If it's a feature, it should probably be apparent and have some better integration.

Or it could just not be there at all, which seems way more easy to do on Arenanet's end and would be the same amount of fair. I'm voting for that option still if it ever comes down to a vote.

You whine about how having the game in a ssd is an advantage, yet you say that yourself dont want to put in a ssd because you dont care enough, but you care enough to complain haha.you are Elite on the forum, so im sure you have been here for years, you are old enough to know how the game and the community is/ has changed. Yourself posting here shows that you still wanna be here, i too dislike meta things and how arena does nothing for pvp, but im here knowing that thats how things are, as you do.

It's easy to complain, I can complain all day and never get worn out. Thus explains how I and most others got 4 good noodle stars to begin with.

I like PvP too, because when it's good; it's great, but right now it's really bad. I'm aware that there's very little I can do, and that these complaints are probably just falling on deaf ears, but i'll still do my part because it's easy and there's a small amount of dopamine points to be had in those sick thumbs up on occasion. Moreso than you'd get by actually playing into a boring intricate metagame anyway.There's also the very slight off-chance that something might be done about it by Season 30. ?

I was also simultaneously explaining how the matchmaker actually works, and the ways in which people can and do abuse it to make it appear more unfair. Basically responding back to the OP. Bit unfair imo, because matchmaking is one of the things Arenanet actually has communicated to us on.

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@"cptaylor.2670" said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Just play 2 thief one shot builds like zerker staff or deadeye and farm the firebrands...

lol Is there a staff one shot build? I didn't think Vault did that much damage anymore.

Check metabattle.com. Vault damage is actually potentially insane rn going up to 13-14k depending on the build though not all so that damage, but 1 shot staff is actually more based on staff2s forward charge into swipe which maxes out at like 10k including *mug, but it’s a insanely fast way to plus 1 into some which I can follow up with dust sweeps and vaults for damage. It was always wild into firebrand but not many ppl played it except maybe hitzer who solo qd to like rank 4 at end season on it recently, now that firebrand is still common asf in ranked and kind of low on sustain it’s starting to look almost op and is building some popularity.

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And again people do not understand how small the pvp population is.I don't have have an exact number of people that pvp only and regularly.

But usually when you get instaQ it's because of PvE or new players doing the daily and leave, after some time you Q and start to find always the same names and people in your matches and this is a tell how much people play PvP consistently. Maybe they are less than 200 or even 100.

So how can you expect a perfect matchmaking with low population?As someone else said the matchmaker is programmed at some point to find you any kind of mmr match to let you play instead of waiting 30 mins for the perfect fair matchup.

It was always like this, to be honest it was even worse before where you could get 4 scourges against you after PoF release, or later 4 mirages etc etc.

If the population stays low this is all we got, play and have fun and don't care, win, lose and move on.

It's a game made to spend your free time, if you have to rage all day because of it, maybe take a break or find something else.

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@TallBarr.2184 said:Literally had mesmer+warrior in my team while enemy team were all meta classes + 4 premadessomeone in anet promise what you should win more than lose ? Don't think so. All skilled players use duoq, and can push wall up. Probably you not ready for this. This is not bad, or good. You do only one mistake if you wait some magic fair in mmo game.

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@Dantheman.3589 said:

@"cptaylor.2670" said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Just play 2 thief one shot builds like zerker staff or deadeye and farm the firebrands...

lol Is there a staff one shot build? I didn't think Vault did that much damage anymore.

Check metabattle.com. Vault damage is actually potentially insane rn going up to 13-14k depending on the build though not all so that damage, but 1 shot staff is actually more based on staff2s forward charge into swipe which maxes out at like 10k including *mug, but it’s a insanely fast way to plus 1 into some which I can follow up with dust sweeps and vaults for damage. It was always wild into firebrand but not many ppl played it except maybe hitzer who solo qd to like rank 4 at end season on it recently, now that firebrand is still common asf in ranked and kind of low on sustain it’s starting to look almost op and is building some popularity.

I'm playing staff DD this season and this quote above is absolute BS.

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