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condi rev is so op


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@Eugchriss.2046 said:Since none of them explicitly say what exactly is op, what should be nerfed and how...it's going to take some time.How do you want the devs to balance things when you, then complainers, don't even know yourself what is unbalanced?Their RP builds and play style and click to dodge is what makes other builds OP.

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What kind of damage are you playing, what do you do when you fight one, what do you think is overpowered?

The many things people fail to bring on the table that the readers themselves have to investigate. It's not overpowered, it has weak damage unless you feed it conditions and it has definitely no survivability if you're not facerolling at the game.

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@"Scoobaniec.9561" said:I would post some gif but it will get deleted so imma just ask op and other complaining guys whats so overpowered about condi rev?

Condi rev is "op" because it's good against an even stronger build, power rev. Why do people think condi rev is op? it's always the same, everything that is tanky must be op, right? its damage is worse than holo and ranger but it's more tanky.

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Meanwhile at Anet HQ:

Dev 1: We pushed through with those ranger pet nerfs everyone wantedDev 2: Great, based on the feedback of xXForumPosterXx, ranger pets were everything that's wrong with PvP. Surely the community will be happy now!Dev 1: Nooo... they're just complaining about Prot Holo nowDev 2: Mortar kit? Didn't we hold off on nerfing that because kits were underperforming? I thought they wanted kits to be viableDev 1: Aparently not. Send the nerfs through?Dev 2: So be it.

5 minutes later. . .

Dev 2: Everyone's complaining about cRev now.Dev 1: Oh for the love of-- Let them complain. I need a coffee.

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@Kuma.1503 said:Meanwhile at Anet HQ:

Dev 1: We pushed through with those ranger pet nerfs everyone wantedDev 2: Great, based on the feedback of xXForumPosterXx, ranger pets were everything that's wrong with PvP. Surely the community will be happy now!Dev 1: Nooo... they're just complaining about Prot Holo nowDev 2: Mortar kit? Didn't we hold off on nerfing that because kits were underperforming? I thought they wanted kits to be viableDev 1: Aparently not. Send the nerfs through?Dev 2: So be it.

5 minutes later. . .

Dev 2: Everyone's complaining about cRev now.Dev 1: Oh for the love of-- Let them complain. I need a coffee.

thats what happens when in a game with 9 classes, and 27 specs in total you balance 0,5 spec at a time, each time taking 4 months.at this rate it will take 15 years of fixes to make any real progress

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@Eugchriss.2046 said:Since none of them explicitly say what exactly is op, what should be nerfed and how...it's going to take some time.How do you want the devs to balance things when you, then complainers, don't even know yourself what is unbalanced?

@Scoobaniec.9561 said:I would post some gif but it will get deleted so imma just ask op and other complaining guys whats so overpowered about condi rev?

The problems with condi rev can be summarized as:

  • Too much sustain (mostly through multiple healing sources and resistance)
  • Too many big aoe skills

Both problems were made worse with the corruption traitline rework in the feb 25th patch. Rev has always had very strong traits with tons of stacking damage modifiers and mitigation, the corruption rework just added more passive aoe pressure, and more healing and damage mitigation.

Some examples of why condi rev is op:

  • Swapping legends procs song of the mists and invoke torment, applying 240 radius aoe torment (and burning and poison with GM trait), and slow or chilled&burning. The radius and potentially condi duration/applications needs to be reduced.
  • Call to Anguish is a 360 radius hard and soft cc. The radius of this skill needs to be reduced.
  • Condi rev has 2 legend heals, 2 heals on shield, and typically 2 sources of passive healing through traits. Rev has a ridiculous number of traits that add passive healing or barrier (I think there are around 6 or 7 of them not including leeching effects). Some of these need to be nerfed or redesigned. I would also argue that since rev has 2 utility heals, their effectiveness should be less than that of other classes heals (such as infuse light not having an initial heal, or generally reducing healing coefficients)
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@Kuma.1503 said:Meanwhile at Anet HQ:

Dev 1: We pushed through with those ranger pet nerfs everyone wantedDev 2: Great, based on the feedback of xXForumPosterXx, ranger pets were everything that's wrong with PvP. Surely the community will be happy now!Dev 1: Nooo... they're just complaining about Prot Holo nowDev 2: Mortar kit? Didn't we hold off on nerfing that because kits were underperforming? I thought they wanted kits to be viableDev 1: Aparently not. Send the nerfs through?Dev 2: So be it.

5 minutes later. . .

Dev 2: Everyone's complaining about cRev now.Dev 1: Oh for the love of-- Let them complain. I need a coffee.

Lol making small changes to a few of the 27 specs over 4 months is a lot? U post makes it sound like their overworked lol.

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  • Too much sustain (mostly through multiple healing sources and resistance)Both heal skills depend on damage and resistance is not better than cleanses. This is why you don't faceroll against a herald condition and in average back to back, those heal skills heal for about 10k unless you're rewarding the Revenant by not paying attention to his skills. For the amount of Necromancers there is in sPvP, it's a no brainer as to whom you should corrupt boons in the middle of a teamfight.
  • Too many big aoe skillsThis was already talked about before, 240 is too small for a teamfight and the energy cost was increased. Should people be more wary of an attack that consumes almost all the possible options after being used. If you're going to nerf AoE skills because they are too "big" for Revenant, nerf all of the other classes as well.

Both problems were made worse with the corruption traitline rework in the feb 25th patch. Rev has always had very strong traits with tons of stacking damage modifiers and mitigation, the corruption rework just added more passive aoe pressure, and more healing and damage mitigation.That's suggestive when NOBODY played it but me and about 2 other players in sPvP. Boa included and when we played it, people would talk down like it doesn't exist while they stick to their own irony that is called meta (Now dead).

Some examples of why condi rev is op:

  • Swapping legends procs song of the mists and invoke torment, applying 240 radius aoe torment (and burning and poison with GM trait), and slow or chilled&burning. The radius and potentially condi duration/applications needs to be reduced.Yeah, what about all of the other things that other classes have activating whenever to do something else themselves every so often? Also Mallyx damage is extremely poor by itself in sPvP. They added a delay for people to avoid it, ruining core condition revenant to make it more "fair" even though the same problem with F2 Mallyx Facet still exist which no one ever mentions for some reason, this was the real problem from the start next to CtA low cost.

  • Call to Anguish is a 360 radius hard and soft cc. The radius of this skill needs to be reduced.It was smaller before and unplayable, players need to open their eyes. It's an expensive skill that you can't stunbreak in the following if freshly done.

  • Condi rev has 2 legend heals, 2 heals on shield, and typically 2 sources of passive healing through traits. Rev has a ridiculous number of traits that add passive healing or barrier (I think there are around 6 or 7 of them not including leeching effects). Some of these need to be nerfed or redesigned. I would also argue that since rev has 2 utility heals, their effectiveness should be less than that of other classes heals (such as infuse light not having an initial heal, or generally reducing healing coefficients)You're ignoring everything that makes Revenant what it is, might as well say let's remove legend swapping altogether. Saying that one legend set is as strong as one's player is absolute bonkers when everything but damage scales poorly on Revenant. Most classes have stronger skills than Revenant given that at BEST unless you faceroll, Revenant heals for about as much as any other professions. Infuse Light is literally the only reason why y'all think it's broken and personally I have been saying they should reduce the effective time as an anti-burst for 2 seconds, that still wouldn't stop punishing the facerolls anyway which we would probably hear the same complains over again.

Most of the class requires momentum to be effective and it's in the players duty to ruin that momentum, Herald slightly takes that away but Mallyx is still Mallyx. Should you try and play around a Revenant skills, not try to counter them, especially when those skills are costly decisions.

@Shiyo.3578 said:Mace/shield + staff sheep condi revs are very boring to fight. Almost zero kill potential but never die.Implying that Sword/Axe makes a difference compared Staff when it CAN'T EVEN RELIABLY CRIT. Better off with Staff, EtD only requires energy to do more conditions, the latter doesn't matter. There's more synergy in staff skills than Sword/Axe, mobility is already bad and Axe 4 hits like a wet noodle on conditions, even when it crits.

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@Shao.7236 said:@"Paradoxoglanis.1904"

  • Too much sustain (mostly through multiple healing sources and resistance)Both heal skills depend on damage and resistance is not better than cleanses. This is why you don't faceroll against a herald condition and in average back to back, those heal skills heal for about 10k unless you're rewarding the Revenant by not paying attention to his skills. For the amount of Necromancers there is in sPvP, it's a no brainer as to whom you should corrupt boons in the middle of a teamfight.I never said resistance was better than cleanses. I said sustain is too high and resistance contributes to that. Im not sure why you are bringing up necros when talking about condi rev sustain in 1v1s or 1v2s.
  • Too many big aoe skillsThis was already talked about before, 240 is too small for a teamfight and the energy cost was increased. Should people be more wary of an attack that consumes almost all the possible options after being used. If you're going to nerf AoE skills because they are too "big" for Revenant, nerf all of the other classes as well.I do think other classes need nerfs to aoe too. Im talking about condi rev here though.

Both problems were made worse with the corruption traitline rework in the feb 25th patch. Rev has always had very strong traits with tons of stacking damage modifiers and mitigation, the corruption rework just added more passive aoe pressure, and more healing and damage mitigation.That's suggestive when NOBODY played it but me and about 2 other players in sPvP. Boa included and when we played it, people would talk down like it doesn't exist while they stick to their own irony that is called meta (Now dead).From what I remember, the old traits didnt provide nearly as much sustain and passive aoe. Feel free to share old condi rev builds so we can compare.

Some examples of why condi rev is op:
  • Swapping legends procs song of the mists and invoke torment, applying 240 radius aoe torment (and burning and poison with GM trait), and slow or chilled&burning. The radius and potentially condi duration/applications needs to be reduced.Yeah, what about all of the other things that other classes have activating whenever to do something else themselves every so often? Also Mallyx damage is extremely poor by itself in sPvP. They added a delay for people to avoid it, ruining core condition revenant to make it more "fair" even though the same problem with F2 Mallyx Facet still exist which no one ever mentions for some reason, this was the real problem from the start next to CtA low cost.Passive aoe cover condis is bad design, especially on an instant cast skill like legend swaps. I agree that its a problem for other classes too, but im talking about condi rev here. The combination of invoke torment and sotm create a lot of strong cover condis, and its an issue worth addressing.
  • Call to Anguish is a 360 radius hard and soft cc. The radius of this skill needs to be reduced.It was smaller before and unplayable, players need to open their eyes. It's an expensive skill that you can't stunbreak in the following if freshly done.At 360 radius, CtA is one of the largest aoe cc's in the game. It could very easily receive a radius nerf and still be playable.
  • Condi rev has 2 legend heals, 2 heals on shield, and typically 2 sources of passive healing through traits. Rev has a ridiculous number of traits that add passive healing or barrier (I think there are around 6 or 7 of them not including leeching effects). Some of these need to be nerfed or redesigned. I would also argue that since rev has 2 utility heals, their effectiveness should be less than that of other classes heals (such as infuse light not having an initial heal, or generally reducing healing coefficients)You're ignoring everything that makes Revenant what it is, might as well say let's remove legend swapping altogether. Saying that one legend set is as strong as one's player is absolute bonkers when everything but damage scales poorly on Revenant. Most classes have stronger skills than Revenant given that at BEST unless you faceroll, Revenant heals for about as much as any other professions. Infuse Light is literally the only reason why y'all think it's broken and personally I have been saying they should reduce the effective time as an anti-burst for 2 seconds, that still wouldn't stop punishing the facerolls anyway which we would probably hear the same complains over again.Thats quite the exaggeration. Also facets are one of the best utility sets in the game, especially as power. I dont think rev utility is "broken". I think infuse light and similar heals are great skills that add an interesting element to gameplay. What I am saying is anet didnt spend enough time looking at healing and sustain when they made the feb 25th patch.

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@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

  • Too much sustain (mostly through multiple healing sources and resistance)Both heal skills depend on damage and resistance is not better than cleanses. This is why you don't faceroll against a herald condition and in average back to back, those heal skills heal for about 10k unless you're rewarding the Revenant by not paying attention to his skills. For the amount of Necromancers there is in sPvP, it's a no brainer as to whom you should corrupt boons in the middle of a teamfight.I never said resistance was better than cleanses. I said sustain is too high and resistance contributes to that. Im not sure why you are bringing up necros when talking about condi rev sustain in 1v1s or 1v2s.Because that resistance is easy to remove and it's the only thing that makes this build work.
  • Too many big aoe skillsThis was already talked about before, 240 is too small for a teamfight and the energy cost was increased. Should people be more wary of an attack that consumes almost all the possible options after being used. If you're going to nerf AoE skills because they are too "big" for Revenant, nerf all of the other classes as well.I do think other classes need nerfs to aoe too. Im talking about condi rev here though.Should speak broadly because Condition Revenant has a whole barely has anything to deal damage with.Both problems were made worse with the corruption traitline rework in the feb 25th patch. Rev has always had very strong traits with tons of stacking damage modifiers and mitigation, the corruption rework just added more passive aoe pressure, and more healing and damage mitigation.That's suggestive when NOBODY played it but me and about 2 other players in sPvP. Boa included and when we played it, people would talk down like it doesn't exist while they stick to their own irony that is called meta (Now dead).From what I remember, the old traits didnt provide nearly as much sustain and passive aoe. Feel free to share old condi rev builds so we can compare.No the current traits are technically worst than they were before. Condition Revenant "worked" because it could transfer conditions back, but they killed it with the patch for core and the facet on Herald is overtuned af.Some examples of why condi rev is op:
  • Swapping legends procs song of the mists and invoke torment, applying 240 radius aoe torment (and burning and poison with GM trait), and slow or chilled&burning. The radius and potentially condi duration/applications needs to be reduced.Yeah, what about all of the other things that other classes have activating whenever to do something else themselves every so often? Also Mallyx damage is extremely poor by itself in sPvP. They added a delay for people to avoid it, ruining core condition revenant to make it more "fair" even though the same problem with F2 Mallyx Facet still exist which no one ever mentions for some reason, this was the real problem from the start next to CtA low cost.Passive aoe cover condis is bad design, especially on an instant cast skill like legend swaps. I agree that its a problem for other classes too, but im talking about condi rev here. The combination of invoke torment and sotm create a lot of strong cover condis, and its an issue worth addressing.It's not exactly "passive" if it's triggered by a skill, you can see it coming by the huge legend swap above the persons head. 240 is already really small, should you actually see how big it is for real.
  • Call to Anguish is a 360 radius hard and soft cc. The radius of this skill needs to be reduced.It was smaller before and unplayable, players need to open their eyes. It's an expensive skill that you can't stunbreak in the following if freshly done.At 360 radius, CtA is one of the largest aoe cc's in the game. It could very easily receive a radius nerf and still be playable.This skill started at 240 and it was pretty much a waste of energy even at 30% cost. Mallyx strive on grouping people to apply as many conditions as it can which is not even a "good" the source of damage by itself, if you do CtA from 50% you're vulnerable if you choose to do damage. Should they add a visible AoE? Sure why not, maybe that'll make players react better.
  • Condi rev has 2 legend heals, 2 heals on shield, and typically 2 sources of passive healing through traits. Rev has a ridiculous number of traits that add passive healing or barrier (I think there are around 6 or 7 of them not including leeching effects). Some of these need to be nerfed or redesigned. I would also argue that since rev has 2 utility heals, their effectiveness should be less than that of other classes heals (such as infuse light not having an initial heal, or generally reducing healing coefficients)You're ignoring everything that makes Revenant what it is, might as well say let's remove legend swapping altogether. Saying that one legend set is as strong as one's player is absolute bonkers when everything but damage scales poorly on Revenant. Most classes have stronger skills than Revenant given that at BEST unless you faceroll, Revenant heals for about as much as any other professions. Infuse Light is literally the only reason why y'all think it's broken and personally I have been saying they should reduce the effective time as an anti-burst for 2 seconds, that still wouldn't stop punishing the facerolls anyway which we would probably hear the same complains over again.Thats quite the exaggeration. Also facets are one of the best utility sets in the game, especially as power. I dont think rev utility is "broken". I think infuse light and similar heals are great skills that add an interesting element to gameplay. What I am saying is anet didnt spend enough time looking at healing and sustain when they made the feb 25th patch.As Power it's false, specifically because there's no marauder now. Infuse Light on power berserker is the most inefficient way to play Power because of it's HP pool being lower than Warrior still, it serves as a lazy alternative for i-frames rather than being a good sustain skill, nobody uses the shield and sword off-hand is rather underwhelming compared axe as well lately. As Condition it's true because of the health increase and abuse of condition damage on top of reversal to said condition damage. They didn't have to look up anything, they assume players are smart enough to not get baited into a full heal all the time, so is the skill description pretty obvious on how to counter.
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@Virdo.1540 said:

@jsp.6912 said:

@Virdo.1540 said:Not really op. Its one of the easiest classes to counter.

tell me what class counter a rev with the build of the mota final (mace shield staff)

other revs, power thieves, necros, power spellbreakers, mesmers, condi holos.... its really easy. Just think about what could be possible counters

in silver tier maybe

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@jsp.6912 said:

@jsp.6912 said:

@Virdo.1540 said:Not really op. Its one of the easiest classes to counter.

tell me what class counter a rev with the build of the mota final (mace shield staff)

other revs, power thieves, necros, power spellbreakers, mesmers, condi holos.... its really easy. Just think about what could be possible counters

in silver tier maybe

nope. Always been hardcore rev counters. In Plat, legy and even wvw

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@jsp.6912 said:

@jsp.6912 said:

@Virdo.1540 said:Not really op. Its one of the easiest classes to counter.

tell me what class counter a rev with the build of the mota final (mace shield staff)

other revs, power thieves, necros, power spellbreakers, mesmers, condi holos.... its really easy. Just think about what could be possible counters

in silver tier maybe, seriously this guy really think his list can kill this kind of rev

@jsp.6912 said:

@jsp.6912 said:

@Virdo.1540 said:Not really op. Its one of the easiest classes to counter.

tell me what class counter a rev with the build of the mota final (mace shield staff)

other revs, power thieves, necros, power spellbreakers, mesmers, condi holos.... its really easy. Just think about what could be possible counters

in silver tier maybe

nope. Always been hardcore rev counters. In Plat, legy and even wvw

yeah sure lol

this guy really said warrior beat this kind of rev seriously

i hope he is na player

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The thing that is of worthy notice about Herald in general, regardless of its Mallyx or Shiro builds, is the high up time on its skills that provide immunity to damage along with it's very fast movement speed. These two combined makes both builds highly sustainable even when focused for a very long time. What makes it outrageous is this inherent high amount of survivability and speed is coupled with frequent crowd control and moderate damage from Mallyx or very high burst and very high sustained damage as well as the ability to cling to a target from a greater distance than any other class is capable of shooting from with Shiro.

Power herald is clearly the more powerful of the two which makes it even more alarming considering how powerful Condi Herald is. The only saving grace is that Power herald takes a lot of skill to pull off the damage and the average player cannot handle condition builds with it otherwise there would be power heralds everywhere destroying any and everything in sight.

Honestly I think something as simple as changing the heal on the glint legend to something like the mirage heal would be enough by itself to bring both builds in line.

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@jsp.6912 said:

@jsp.6912 said:

@jsp.6912 said:

@Virdo.1540 said:Not really op. Its one of the easiest classes to counter.

tell me what class counter a rev with the build of the mota final (mace shield staff)

other revs, power thieves, necros, power spellbreakers, mesmers, condi holos.... its really easy. Just think about what could be possible counters

in silver tier maybe, seriously this guy really think his list can kill this kind of rev

@jsp.6912 said:

@jsp.6912 said:

@Virdo.1540 said:Not really op. Its one of the easiest classes to counter.

tell me what class counter a rev with the build of the mota final (mace shield staff)

other revs, power thieves, necros, power spellbreakers, mesmers, condi holos.... its really easy. Just think about what could be possible counters

in silver tier maybe

nope. Always been hardcore rev counters. In Plat, legy and even wvw

yeah sure lol

this guy really said warrior beat this kind of rev seriously

i hope he is na player

Yes warrior can have enough cleansing ,boonrip and raw power. More than enough to handle any rev without problems.If u arent able to win with warrior, its your problem.

No, Eu.

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@Virdo.1540 said:

@jsp.6912 said:

@jsp.6912 said:

@jsp.6912 said:

@Virdo.1540 said:Not really op. Its one of the easiest classes to counter.

tell me what class counter a rev with the build of the mota final (mace shield staff)

other revs, power thieves, necros, power spellbreakers, mesmers, condi holos.... its really easy. Just think about what could be possible counters

in silver tier maybe, seriously this guy really think his list can kill this kind of rev

@jsp.6912 said:

@jsp.6912 said:

@Virdo.1540 said:Not really op. Its one of the easiest classes to counter.

tell me what class counter a rev with the build of the mota final (mace shield staff)

other revs, power thieves, necros, power spellbreakers, mesmers, condi holos.... its really easy. Just think about what could be possible counters

in silver tier maybe

nope. Always been hardcore rev counters. In Plat, legy and even wvw

yeah sure lol

this guy really said warrior beat this kind of rev seriously

i hope he is na player

Yes warrior can have enough cleansing ,boonrip and raw power. More than enough to handle any rev without problems.If u arent able to win with warrior, its your problem.

No, Eu.

Not true at all. Unless war traits and equips every utility for cleansing he won't have a hope of keeping up with the constant condi pressure and will have zero kill potential. I fought a condi flamethrower engi last night on war running zerk and rune of resistance , shake it off and brawlers recovery and the fight lasted almost 2 mins. He literally stood there spamming his auto like a bot putting constant burns on me. Throughout the fight he shrugged off 4 attempts at bullscharge as if what's hard cc. He ate at least 5 gs f1's and multiple FC's as he wasn't skillful enough to avoid any of them or wasn't trying to and in the end I had to disengage my cleanses couldnt keep up and he shrugged off all my bursts and damage like nothing yet his burns dropped my hp so damn fast. The game state right now is total trash and the current bleeding population speaks for itself, the current bunker condi $hit needs to be dealt with or this games pvp dead by 2021 guaranteed.

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