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Nerf grenades, explosive entrance and sword damage on holosmith

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Do people actually think Holosmith isn't on the same level as condi rev? The class is absurdly bloated and does everything at once with zero sacrifices - the exact design this mega patch was trying to remove.

Can't fight at range because grenades global you, can't melee because you die to holo mode, and if you do get them low they can just run away and full heal then re-engage whenever they want because for some reason they have superspeed AND stealth?

The class needs to lose something.

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Spoiler: When using Kalla elite the grenades contain large amounts of foefire gluten which makes your charr ghost tea parties get overweight where they begin to move on their own and start doing things that were unexpected. So sometime soon you'll be seeing a fresh shipment of gluten free grenades being delivered to all the engineers so they don't make dead charr get too fat from all this.

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nades are really not the issue here. if they were, nade core and scrapper would be on par with holo- and they aren't.

nades are the kit on engineer designed to do the most damage. they are pretty one dimensional, but are working as designed atm, they hit hard at the expense of a utility slot. however they are only an issue when compounded with holo mechanics, thats why they are not a problem on core or scrapper builds

I would hate to see core engi nerfed because of holo over-performing again. just nerf the forge smh (maybe remove crit on explosive entrance too, or hit flashbang- but nades are not the issue here)

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Explosive Entrance seems out of line when compared to other on dodge traits. Both Bounding Dodger and Reckless Dodger deal 133 base damage and have 0.5 power scaling, while this has 332 base damage and 1.25 power scaling. Not only does it deal more than twice as much damage, its timing is also inconsistent since it is activated by any damage dealt after the dodge as opposed to being a damage tick at the end of a dodge. Then it also has a bigger radius, a free activation at the start of combat, and much stronger trait synergies than the other two examples.

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@choovanski.5462 said:nades are really not the issue here. if they were, nade core and scrapper would be on par with holo- and they aren't.

nades are the kit on engineer designed to do the most damage. they are pretty one dimensional, but are working as designed atm, they hit hard at the expense of a utility slot. however they are only an issue when compounded with holo mechanics, thats why they are not a problem on core or scrapper builds

I would hate to see core engi nerfed because of holo over-performing again. just nerf the forge smh (maybe remove crit on explosive entrance too, or hit flashbang- but nades are not the issue here)

Pretty much this. 'Nade core engineer is pretty far from viable, and I'm yet to see a 'nade scrapper. The problem is holo having ~20 might all the time.

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@"lovemghool.7613" said:Coming from a Kalla/Jallis renegade main, this sounds hilarious

no we dont need more damage nerfs. but we need more viable builds

now go back to crying about burn guards

Stay on topic, if you want to make thread about what i play and how i play, do it.

There are many engis in every game, more precisely "holosmith" engis and they always do the most damage after every game. Even jalis/khalla can't tank them with protection boon, weakness condi on them, stability, heals etc it is rdicilous. Hope devs will do some analyze. Holo got that trait which makes its heat max to 150% which boosts sword damage but also boosting might. So with it, it does so much damage with sword all skills. Grenades seems to scale so well with power with 0.33 power coeficient and since there are 3 grenades, it rises to 1. Blind is also problematic there, explosive entrance should be trait that can't crit as many other traits currently in the game. You can't kite it, because it kites you, you can't outsustain because it can outsustain even better, it is very mobile, very oppressive for no cons. I suggest some cut off from its kit. To be honest i don't support ability for one class/spec to be good in everything, there should be roles, strengths and weaknesses for each class, holosmith has no weakneses but only if it is so bad to overheat itself and take self damage which never happens.....

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@Svez Poizon XD.5268 said:

@"lovemghool.7613" said:Coming from a Kalla/Jallis renegade main, this sounds hilarious

no we dont need more damage nerfs. but we need more viable builds

now go back to crying about burn guards

Stay on topic, if you want to make thread about what i play and how i play, do it.

There are many engis in every game, more precisely "holosmith" engis and they always do the most damage after every game. Even jalis/khalla can't tank them with protection boon, weakness condi on them, stability, heals etc it is rdicilous. Hope devs will do some analyze. Holo got that trait which makes its heat max to 150% which boosts sword damage but also boosting might. So with it, it does so much damage with sword all skills. Grenades seems to scale so well with power with 0.33 power coeficient and since there are 3 grenades, it rises to 1. Blind is also problematic there, explosive entrance should be trait that can't crit as many other traits currently in the game. You can't kite it, because it kites you, you can't outsustain because it can outsustain even better, it is very mobile, very oppressive for no cons. I suggest some cut off from its kit. To be honest i don't support ability for one class/spec to be good in everything, there should be roles, strengths and weaknesses for each class, holosmith has no weakneses but only if it is so bad to overheat itself and take self damage which never happens.....

The rest of the 'god' modes are hindered by set cooldowns and resources, holo just doesn't have that, it has full control over the mode all the time, maybe the option is to have a cast time for deactivation so people actually are able to force holo to overheat or maybe getting damaged or cced should add heat, makes sense right, kinda like necromancer shroud loses effectiveness the more damage and cc it takes. But these are just mechanical drawbacks that probably should have been there from the start.Basically all of the PoF specks suffer PVE mechanical powercreep with no foresight about how they will work in pvp. That is why every time the 'nerf' something another dumb interaction pops up. Also Arenanet is consistently inconsistent, they forget why they made baseline changes to mechanics to all classes and then randomly add them for no reason back to some.

The elite specs just lack identity and purpose. Maybe the next expansion will spread the multipurpose kits and make elite specializations, just that, specialization with its own niche and place to shine.

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I agree with that, if we had some control on its heat level and punish its opressivness it could be fine. On necro's shroud we can burst it quick with focus fire and force it to go out of it, denying it to go wild. Another problem with holo form is that it has cooldown of 5 seconds while necro's shrouds 10 seconds. If necro had shroud every 5 seconds it would be crazy for its sustain and dps but also many other effects shroud does. So engis control their heat level and hold it above 50% and below 100% all the time, even before fight start. I think we can't say holo is "similar" to necro but I think there should be some more punishment for his overheat, so it have to be more careful instead of going wild on you without fear. Also there are some big questions with its power scaling since many physical damage reductions have almost no effect against it(at least in my experience).

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:just think explosive entrance was not something they shoukd have added in the last big patch.Totally opposite of their intention^thisAfter the big patch a few years ago when HoT specs got nerfed, anet announced that its their balance philosophy that :NO CLASS/SPEC SHOULD HAVE EVERTHING !Now look at the boon-stripes of holo and rev, they have all boons, they have everything and holo can even stealth by smoke field combo every 20 seconds.Totally opposite of their intention

February anet announced balance patches every 4 - 6 weeks plus hotfixes. But now nothing happens anymore, and I have the feeling that there wont bea significant balance patch this year anymore.Totally opposite of their intention

Theres a german proverb that says : the road to hell is surfaced with good intentions.

They dont organize championships anymore, swiss mode took 2 years (!), they dont communicate with the community, no reworks get done ever.

No wonder that player population is low !Probably also totally opposite of their intention

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@hotte in space.2158 said:

@"Crab Fear.1624" said:just think explosive entrance was not something they shoukd have added in the last big patch.Totally opposite of their intention^thisAfter the big patch a few years ago when HoT specs got nerfed, anet announced that its their balance philosophy that :NO CLASS/SPEC SHOULD HAVE EVERTHING !Now look at the boon-stripes of holo and rev, they have all boons, they have everything and holo can even stealth by smoke field combo every 20 seconds.Totally opposite of their intention

Just to make sure youre aware, you do know Holo doesnt have a smoke field, right? The only one it could use is in Bomb kit, but you dont run bomb kit. Their stealth comes from Throw Elixir S.

February anet announced balance patches every 4 - 6 weeks plus hotfixes. But now nothing happens anymore, and I have the feeling that there wont bea significant balance patch this year anymore.Totally opposite of their intention

Yeah, agreed.

Theres a german proverb that says : the road to hell is surfaced with good intentions.

Its "paved" rather than surfaced actually. English also has that proverb.

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Both Grenades and explosive entrance are fine. Core Engi and Scrapper rely on these to make otherwise weak specs relevant.

I'd advise against nerfing either, and instead tone down Holosmith if it's proving to be problematic. There are a number of things Anet could hit to shave its power.Photon Forge damage coefficients, Holo leap cooldown, Increase heat generation in PvP only to reduce how long they can remain in forge, ect.

I wouldn't hit sword because engi weapons are weak enough as is. If anything their other weapons (pistol) could use buffs.

That said, it's not in immediate need of a nerf in my opinion. One common complaint I see is that power is too weak and condi is too strong. If that's true, I'd advise against nerfing one of the few strong power builds in the meta. Especially one that isn't terribly obnoxious to fight.

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