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I won't be buying the expac because of the state of wvw and pvp

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Balance in PvP is little bit impossible, because competive gameplay.

If you lose fight, you will complain how strong the other class was and how weak you class is. Same happens in PvE also, but much lesser volume, because really good balance isn't needed in PvE. Also NPC don't complain if we put them sleep in 5 minutes. Same is with lag, while it's important for every gameplay, it's only become really important when you compete as need of fast reflex. More they nerf classes because balance, worst it will come for everyone.

If You wanna game with really good PvP, then game should be design for PvP only. These mmorpgs where all kind of gameplay's exist, they will be allways just big compromise.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@"Stand The Wall.6987" said:not much else to say. if they aren't given the least bit of care there really is no point in buying the expac and trying to enjoy it. the biggest thing is the lag, but apparently theres bots and hackers now that I didn't know about. this is all on top of the balance patch that wasn't followed up on besides a few tweak patches. it really is too bad, game had such promise. I know people repeat that a lot but its true. anyway if you're still trudging through it all then good luck and don't look back whatever you do.

Also not paying $40 USD for the "privlage" of going over the same maps I did 12 years ago. Stop trying to sell us Nostalgia. I want to go to

Then enjoy PvE.

... Do you not know what year it is and what maps I am talking about?

@"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:Anet has treated WvW as though they regret having made it. PvP went from bad to worse. However, I will be buying because we'll get to go someplace new.

New? It's not new. Factions was released in 2006. They are going to sell you slightly different maps that we already saw 14 years ago.

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@Kylden Ar.3724 said:

@"Stand The Wall.6987" said:not much else to say. if they aren't given the least bit of care there really is no point in buying the expac and trying to enjoy it. the biggest thing is the lag, but apparently theres bots and hackers now that I didn't know about. this is all on top of the balance patch that wasn't followed up on besides a few tweak patches. it really is too bad, game had such promise. I know people repeat that a lot but its true. anyway if you're still trudging through it all then good luck and don't look back whatever you do.

Also not paying $40 USD for the "privlage" of going over the same maps I did 12 years ago. Stop trying to sell us Nostalgia. I want to go to

Then enjoy PvE.

... Do you not know what year it is and what maps I am talking about?

@"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:Anet has treated WvW as though they regret having made it. PvP went from bad to worse. However, I will be buying because we'll get to go someplace new.

It's not new.
was released in 2006. They are going to sell you slightly different maps that we already saw 14 years ago.

It's new to lots of people ... GW2 players aren't necessarily GW1 players. If you don't want it and you don't think it's new to you ... don't buy it. Your argument is actually nonsense ... think about how much cross over there is already between the two ... yet you still made purchases for GW2? Seems like lots of self-engineered disappointment to me.

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@Kylden Ar.3724 said:

@"Stand The Wall.6987" said:not much else to say. if they aren't given the least bit of care there really is no point in buying the expac and trying to enjoy it. the biggest thing is the lag, but apparently theres bots and hackers now that I didn't know about. this is all on top of the balance patch that wasn't followed up on besides a few tweak patches. it really is too bad, game had such promise. I know people repeat that a lot but its true. anyway if you're still trudging through it all then good luck and don't look back whatever you do.

Also not paying $40 USD for the "privlage" of going over the same maps I did 12 years ago. Stop trying to sell us Nostalgia. I want to go to

Then enjoy PvE.

... Do you not know what year it is and what maps I am talking about?

Ahh.. So you got a preview of the potential expac map? ?

If you mean because it’s ‘Cantha’ I would ask, why did you even buy the core game? We’ve been playing in ‘old maps’ the whole time....?

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:not much else to say. if they aren't given the least bit of care there really is no point in buying the expac and trying to enjoy it. the biggest thing is the lag, but apparently theres bots and hackers now that I didn't know about. this is all on top of the balance patch that wasn't followed up on besides a few tweak patches. it really is too bad, game had such promise. I know people repeat that a lot but its true. anyway if you're still trudging through it all then good luck and don't look back whatever you do.See you in Cantha!

Seriously: We all will buy it. The combat mechanic saves this messed up game over and over again. It's the best in the market and as long as there is no competition we are stuck here.

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When I think back to when I played WoW, for competitive players they had Open World PvP on select servers, instanced Battlegrounds, and newly introduced 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 Arena fights. In the years that followed (and after I quit), they introduced new Battleground Maps, new Arena maps, introduced Rated Battlegrounds, and tried creating open world PVP focused zones (Wintergrasp et al) which didn't work all the well....all this in addition to new classes, mounts, skins, etc etc.

What has ANET introduced to competitive play outside of the elite professions that came with each expansion, and of course the Warclaw in WvW. Sure they tweaked stuff here or there, but what did they add?

There is only so much you can play on the same 5v5 map, which certainly explains why PvP population continues to dwindle.

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WvW is to much ktrain timezone vs empty servers/small timezone.... not so much of EOTM, Anet wanted to kill fights they achieved that.

If score of this servers get similiar it is working for Anet while most time servers are ktraining each other empty timezones, its a idiotic gamemode.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:not much else to say. if they aren't given the least bit of care there really is no point in buying the expac and trying to enjoy it. the biggest thing is the lag, but apparently theres bots and hackers now that I didn't know about. this is all on top of the balance patch that wasn't followed up on besides a few tweak patches. it really is too bad, game had such promise. I know people repeat that a lot but its true. anyway if you're still trudging through it all then good luck and don't look back whatever you do.

Also not paying $40 USD for the "privlage" of going over the same maps I did 12 years ago. Stop trying to sell us Nostalgia. I want to go to

Then enjoy PvE.

... Do you not know what year it is and what maps I am talking about?

@"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:Anet has treated WvW as though they regret having made it. PvP went from bad to worse. However, I will be buying because we'll get to go someplace new.

It's not new.
was released in 2006. They are going to sell you slightly different maps that we already saw 14 years ago.

It's new to lots of people ... GW2 players aren't necessarily GW1 players. If you don't want it and you don't think it's new to you ... don't buy it. Your argument is actually nonsense ... think about how much cross over there is
between the two ... yet you still made purchases for GW2? Seems like lots of self-engineered disappointment to me.

HoT was nice. While it had SOME overlap with old maps, it also went to totally new places. It also had enemies that required thought and planning and not "Stack and press 1."

PoF did not until it literally pulled a shattered island out of the mists in the last part of LS4 and yes, I found all of PoF disappointing except for the mounts and elite specs, which I had to buy as a WvW main at the time because they were so OP they STILL define the Meta.

The argument is not nonsense just because you disagree with it.

@KrHome.1920 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:not much else to say. if they aren't given the least bit of care there really is no point in buying the expac and trying to enjoy it. the biggest thing is the lag, but apparently theres bots and hackers now that I didn't know about. this is all on top of the balance patch that wasn't followed up on besides a few tweak patches. it really is too bad, game had such promise. I know people repeat that a lot but its true. anyway if you're still trudging through it all then good luck and don't look back whatever you do.See you in Cantha!

Seriously: We all will buy it. The combat mechanic saves this messed up game over and over again. It's the best in the market and as long as there is no competition we are stuck here.

If we keep playing we'll buy it. Because like they did to the HoT sepcs before PoF, they are now gutting the PoF specs before Cpax so they can sell WvW/PvP only players that based on having to keep up with power creep alone.

I plan on Icebrood Saga being my last. Assuming I can get thru it before I'm sick of it. The plot really sucks.

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I'll probably buy it just for the nostalgia aspect of it. Taking into the account the last patches it will be the last xpac for gw2 anyway.PvP and wvw dead, pve last patches are a kitten chore, since the new flying mount patch I didn't finished any masteries, don't have the new mount and in the last one played one hour.The quality is going downhill at an alarming rate, they will go all in with the Cantha xpac to try to win people over and I doubt it will happen.

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@Kylden Ar.3724 said:

@"Stand The Wall.6987" said:not much else to say. if they aren't given the least bit of care there really is no point in buying the expac and trying to enjoy it. the biggest thing is the lag, but apparently theres bots and hackers now that I didn't know about. this is all on top of the balance patch that wasn't followed up on besides a few tweak patches. it really is too bad, game had such promise. I know people repeat that a lot but its true. anyway if you're still trudging through it all then good luck and don't look back whatever you do.

Also not paying $40 USD for the "privlage" of going over the same maps I did 12 years ago. Stop trying to sell us Nostalgia. I want to go to

Then enjoy PvE.

... Do you not know what year it is and what maps I am talking about?

@"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:Anet has treated WvW as though they regret having made it. PvP went from bad to worse. However, I will be buying because we'll get to go someplace new.

It's not new.
was released in 2006. They are going to sell you slightly different maps that we already saw 14 years ago.

It's new to lots of people ... GW2 players aren't necessarily GW1 players. If you don't want it and you don't think it's new to you ... don't buy it. Your argument is actually nonsense ... think about how much cross over there is
between the two ... yet you still made purchases for GW2? Seems like lots of self-engineered disappointment to me.

HoT was nice. While it had SOME overlap with old maps, it also went to totally new places. It also had enemies that required thought and planning and not "Stack and press 1."

PoF did not until it
literally pulled a shattered island out of the mists in the last part of LS4
and yes, I found all of PoF disappointing except for the mounts and elite specs, which I had to buy as a WvW main at the time
because they were so OP they STILL define the Meta.

The argument is not nonsense just because you disagree with it.

No, it's nonsense because you don't know what is going to be in the next expansion ... you have just assumed you have 'already experienced' it because there is overlap in GW1. The irony is that the SAME overlaps DIDN'T prevent you from buying the other expansions.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@"Stand The Wall.6987" said:not much else to say. if they aren't given the least bit of care there really is no point in buying the expac and trying to enjoy it. the biggest thing is the lag, but apparently theres bots and hackers now that I didn't know about. this is all on top of the balance patch that wasn't followed up on besides a few tweak patches. it really is too bad, game had such promise. I know people repeat that a lot but its true. anyway if you're still trudging through it all then good luck and don't look back whatever you do.

Also not paying $40 USD for the "privlage" of going over the same maps I did 12 years ago. Stop trying to sell us Nostalgia. I want to go to

Then enjoy PvE.

... Do you not know what year it is and what maps I am talking about?

@"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:Anet has treated WvW as though they regret having made it. PvP went from bad to worse. However, I will be buying because we'll get to go someplace new.

It's not new.
was released in 2006. They are going to sell you slightly different maps that we already saw 14 years ago.

It's new to lots of people ... GW2 players aren't necessarily GW1 players. If you don't want it and you don't think it's new to you ... don't buy it. Your argument is actually nonsense ... think about how much cross over there is
between the two ... yet you still made purchases for GW2? Seems like lots of self-engineered disappointment to me.

HoT was nice. While it had SOME overlap with old maps, it also went to totally new places. It also had enemies that required thought and planning and not "Stack and press 1."

PoF did not until it
literally pulled a shattered island out of the mists in the last part of LS4
and yes, I found all of PoF disappointing except for the mounts and elite specs, which I had to buy as a WvW main at the time
because they were so OP they STILL define the Meta.

The argument is not nonsense just because you disagree with it.

No, it's nonsense
because you don't know what is going to be in the next expansion ... you have just assumed you have 'already experienced' it because
there is overlap in GW1. The irony is that the SAME overlaps DIDN'T prevent you from buying the other expansions.

Each fight, map, and set of masteries since PoF and LS4 has been more of the same. You can put a new skin on it, but it doesn't change the actual events in the Skinner Box.

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@Aaralyna.3104 said:Before talking bout next expac, I am still waiting for the WvW alliances that was promised with the PoF expac (oh and expansion-like features in icebrood saga, and no monetized things do not count).

I have to say, they never actually promised it with the PoF expac. They were sufficiently nebulous in their ‘announcement’ to effectively never release it and not be outside of what their announcement said.

Of course, that just further solidifies for me that to say WvW is third tier is an over estimation of where they value it.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@Aaralyna.3104 said:Before talking bout next expac, I am still waiting for the WvW alliances that was promised with the PoF expac (oh and expansion-like features in icebrood saga, and no monetized things do not count).

I have to say, they never actually promised it with the PoF expac. They were sufficiently nebulous in their ‘announcement’ to effectively never release it and not be outside of what their announcement said.

Probably one of the reasons that Anet rarely posts in the official forums. People can take their words out of context and/or complain about promises not being kept (which were never made).

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Aaralyna.3104 said:Before talking bout next expac, I am still waiting for the WvW alliances that was promised with the PoF expac (oh and expansion-like features in icebrood saga, and no monetized things do not count).

I have to say, they never actually promised it with the PoF expac. They were sufficiently nebulous in their ‘announcement’ to effectively never release it and not be outside of what their announcement said.

Probably one of the reasons that Anet rarely posts in the official forums. People can take their words out of context and/or complain about promises not being kept (which were never made).

I don’t doubt that is part of their reason, however, in the case we are discussing, why give a main post and two subsequent updates, along with verbal referral on two occasions after, if you aren’t actually going to go through with it?

Or worse, the idea that they were deliberately disingenuous in order to keep people playing.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:I don’t doubt that is part of their reason, however, in the case we are discussing, why give a main post and two subsequent updates, along with verbal referral on two occasions after, if you aren’t actually going to go through with it?

I agree. Not sure of the reasons. Can only speculate that perhaps it is much more difficult to implement than they had imagined and/or direction for other content superseded it. Maybe they thought it best to say nothing so that the players wouldn't jump all over them for saying something different than what was said before?

Or worse, the idea that they were deliberately disingenuous in order to keep people playing.Possible, but I don't buy that.

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@Kylden Ar.3724 said:

@"Stand The Wall.6987" said:not much else to say. if they aren't given the least bit of care there really is no point in buying the expac and trying to enjoy it. the biggest thing is the lag, but apparently theres bots and hackers now that I didn't know about. this is all on top of the balance patch that wasn't followed up on besides a few tweak patches. it really is too bad, game had such promise. I know people repeat that a lot but its true. anyway if you're still trudging through it all then good luck and don't look back whatever you do.

Also not paying $40 USD for the "privlage" of going over the same maps I did 12 years ago. Stop trying to sell us Nostalgia. I want to go to

Then enjoy PvE.

... Do you not know what year it is and what maps I am talking about?

@"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:Anet has treated WvW as though they regret having made it. PvP went from bad to worse. However, I will be buying because we'll get to go someplace new.

It's not new.
was released in 2006. They are going to sell you slightly different maps that we already saw 14 years ago.

It's new to lots of people ... GW2 players aren't necessarily GW1 players. If you don't want it and you don't think it's new to you ... don't buy it. Your argument is actually nonsense ... think about how much cross over there is
between the two ... yet you still made purchases for GW2? Seems like lots of self-engineered disappointment to me.

HoT was nice. While it had SOME overlap with old maps, it also went to totally new places. It also had enemies that required thought and planning and not "Stack and press 1."

PoF did not until it
literally pulled a shattered island out of the mists in the last part of LS4
and yes, I found all of PoF disappointing except for the mounts and elite specs, which I had to buy as a WvW main at the time
because they were so OP they STILL define the Meta.

The argument is not nonsense just because you disagree with it.

No, it's nonsense
because you don't know what is going to be in the next expansion ... you have just assumed you have 'already experienced' it because
there is overlap in GW1. The irony is that the SAME overlaps DIDN'T prevent you from buying the other expansions.

Each fight, map, and set of masteries since PoF and LS4 has been more of the same. You can put a new skin on it, but it doesn't change the actual events in the Skinner Box.

Sure .. the whole game uses the same combat mechanics ... why would anyone expect otherwise? There is a long history to this game ... of course we are going to see similarities to fights. Seems to me that what the problem here is that your expectations aren't inline with what the game delivers. It's actually rather absurd to expect specific things to be 'new' in every expansion, especially if those specific things are defined by you. Game doesn't cater to individuals.

I mean, let's be VERY clear here ... you were complaining about not paying "$40 USD for the "privlage" of going over the same maps I did 12 years ago" that's a reference to GW1 ... so when you edit my post to delete the comparison between GW1 and GW2 like it wasn't related to your complaint ... you're being dishonest here. You just want to move the goalposts because you have an axe to grind? OK ... but that still doesn't change what I said because it was in context to this original complaint you had. If you want to add a SECOND complaint ... we can do that too, but don't pretend the first one didn't exist.

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Same boat. PvP is an absolute shit show atm. There needs to be more balancing.

Yet again, Anet promises one thing and does another. After 8 years, I've finally gotten the hint. I love this game, obviously after sticking with it for 8 years, but the next expansion won't be bought by me until I see massive improvements in both quantity of balancing patches and QUALITY of balancing patches - because lately, the balancing has rocked the entire boat off course. And this comes with zero word from Anet/Developers on anything. Didn't we just go through this entire cycle last year with devs promising more communication and patches?

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Wasn't the last thing they said about wvw alliances that they needed a working swiss system first? Which we have now... Theres too many posts about World Restructuring (wvw alliances) that it cannot be just some false promise... Else they would have only mentioned it once to never come back to it..... like... I think there was never a real contest to win a Beetle car, buggy race,... After years they never said who won it. Swiss Pvp test titles seems the next thing they are absolutely silent about and so far all support said was "we cannot hand out titles and achievements" (my latest ticket about it is still running without zero reply for a week now, apart from "we got your ticket"). We got no community manager, we don't have a product manager (Mike Z left unannounced and no news on who got the position), Ben and Cal became very silent as well. Needless to say I am not really happy with how the game (backoffice as frontoffice) is running atm.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

There is no ‘green borderlands’.

If you mean alpine, that would replace two.

He obviously meant that Green Borderlands would become the new bl map in the same way that red is now the desert bl map. This would leave blue with alpine and give us 3 distinct bl maps.

Edit: Should've read further before replying, this has been addressed.

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