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Full NA server but no people


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Hello Anet I would like to talk about WvW and how our NA server is full yet we have nobody playing. We can barely get 20 people on if we are lucky during the day. How is this possible with a full NA server? Well it could be that nobody is playing which would be a first reasonable assumption. I also wonder how many people have secondary accounts registered on our server? Our server is pretty competitive even with few people on but it is very discouraging that we are constantly defending our keeps and towers. Things need to change on our server or many will leave because they are just getting tired of this. I have been on the server over 3 years and it is just getting worse. Sad because we have great competitive people on the server.

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I wonder if they reset the population again. But I can believe no one playing it's because they either not going online, has done their weekly skirmish things, or playing their alts somewhere else. :3

Imo, wvw should be a daily skirmish, where ppl queue up once a day so a 24 hour skirmish is done.

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For starters its nearing reset - your server has probably already won or lost. Wednesday/thursday is always dull because people have given up, then friday its usually more activity again because people got over it and stopped caring, lol.

Secondly, most high population servers have the population even when they are getting roflstomped, but because no one is tagged they cant do a proper counter. Cant even begin to count the times where we have hopelessly defended against a mere 20ish enemies with 5 peeps, called out everything in chat with zero responses. Then when all is lost, someone tags up and suddenly 30+ that was seemingly already on the border crawl out of the woodworks like worms responding to the smattering of rain and descend upon you from all directions. No calls, no notices, just a random pug tag flashing. Hell yesterday I tagged up for a daily keep and almost instantly I get whispers from two different people asking what border and I'm like... what? What do they mean what border?? I just said in map chat I tagged up to try and take that keep. How????

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Okay here's a few lists I can share why some don't fight

  1. It is easier to cheese defend. Meaning banners siege and stomps because most players are either alts or new and so to they can't sustain well

  2. The enemy is overwhelming meaning they are good or many, meaning they beat your team and so the commander makes a judgment call to avoid fights until they got similar numbers and ppl in coms.

  3. China flu meaning dealing with irl that they can't play. Meaning trying to figure a way to survive.

  4. Lack of commanders. Meaning most are pugs who just want to do daily. Meaning someone has to take charge or give new ones support

I'm sure there are other reasons, like how many ways to skin a cat, but if you want a team, you got to be willing to look or create a group that wants the same thing.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@Sovereign.1093 said:I'm sure there are other reasons, like how many ways to skin a cat, but if you want a team, you got to be willing to look or create a group that wants the same thing.TL;DR look for friendly psychopaths that want to skin cats.

:) I've found mine in my slayers guild. Took effort but they love to kill just like me. Hehe.

But we just like killing players not cats except char players weee. Meaning them avatars.

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Yeah it's total play hours but doesn't mean that all hours or when you play are going to be having 60-70 players like at NA prime for most or some servers stacked sea or ocx but dead at other times. That's how it can be full and 1 guy thinks it's dead at the time he plays

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With current population algorithm, which is superbad btw, your server would be completely dead if it wasn't full. From what I have seen, all full servers are at the state you're describing 90% of the day.

Open tagging is kind of dead, you can gather 30+ people and run around looking for enemy, but most of time no enemy is willing to tag up to face you. And attacking is boring because enemies with half a brain can just cloud you down. Even if you farm their cloud for 2 hours, they don't get a group to fight you which is quite sad. The result is that people don't join the remaining open tags and its only guild players and roamers left.

In the past lot of the guild players used to follow open tags but now they only play when their own guilds comm is leading.

Swap servers, find a guild or wait for next expansion.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@"Sovereign.1093" said:I'm sure there are other reasons, like how many ways to skin a cat, but if you want a team, you got to be willing to look or create a group that wants the same thing.TL;DR look for friendly psychopaths that want to skin cats.

Careful.. you might get reported by the Charr mains out there.

do they still drop?


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There's also the issue of map queue sized blobs that have alts on another server for when they want to avoid matchups that actually give them a challenge find good fights. There's at least 2 servers that do this. If you are on the alt server, well bad luck, you only have a population when the manipulators feel like it. Cancers eating wvw....

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@Sovereign.1093 said:To add, eu na should be merged now. Or atleast have a 2 month trial

I don't think you understand how ping works, Unless they add random servers in the middle of atlantic AND want to make ping for asians/africans/australians even worse., there isn't any reason to merge these servers. Gaming/conversation cultural differences between EU and American countries are no joke to get through either.

What would it change other than increase amount of servers and lag? Why not just play at the region you prefer instead of mixing the bad with the good? Maybe your issue is lack of players and commanders? Then ask them to reduce amount of tiers, not make everyone have 100+ ping.

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@Threather.9354 said:

@Sovereign.1093 said:To add, eu na should be merged now. Or atleast have a 2 month trial

I don't think you understand how ping works, Unless they add random servers in the middle of atlantic AND want to make ping for asians/africans/australians even worse., there isn't any reason to merge these servers. Gaming/conversation cultural differences between EU and American countries are no joke to get through either.

What would it change other than increase amount of servers and lag? Why not just play at the region you prefer instead of mixing the bad with the good? Maybe your issue is lack of players and commanders? Then ask them to reduce amount of tiers, not make everyone have 100+ ping.

Population and numbers. Game is already laggy. Wouldn't change a thing

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@Sovereign.1093 said:

@Sovereign.1093 said:To add, eu na should be merged now. Or atleast have a 2 month trial

I don't think you understand how ping works, Unless they add random servers in the middle of atlantic AND want to make ping for asians/africans/australians even worse., there isn't any reason to merge these servers. Gaming/conversation cultural differences between EU and American countries are no joke to get through either.

What would it change other than increase amount of servers and lag? Why not just play at the region you prefer instead of mixing the bad with the good? Maybe your issue is lack of players and commanders? Then ask them to reduce amount of tiers, not make everyone have 100+ ping.

Population and numbers. Game is already laggy. Wouldn't change a thing

Game is laggy because you live in Asia... Have you thought this is not the case for people who live near servers? Skill lag aside, I mean the kind of gameplay where you actually single target things and time enemy dodge end times. Population and numbers can simply be balanced by reducing amount of tiers, or might as well abolish the whole relinking system if we're at merging EU/NA point and just throw people at random 9 different servers. Merging NA and EU isn't a magical solution to things as it will just bring more problems.

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@Threather.9354 said:

@Sovereign.1093 said:To add, eu na should be merged now. Or atleast have a 2 month trial

I don't think you understand how ping works, Unless they add random servers in the middle of atlantic AND want to make ping for asians/africans/australians even worse., there isn't any reason to merge these servers. Gaming/conversation cultural differences between EU and American countries are no joke to get through either.

What would it change other than increase amount of servers and lag? Why not just play at the region you prefer instead of mixing the bad with the good? Maybe your issue is lack of players and commanders? Then ask them to reduce amount of tiers, not make everyone have 100+ ping.

Population and numbers. Game is already laggy. Wouldn't change a thing

Game is laggy because you live in Asia... Have you thought this is not the case for people who live near servers? Skill lag aside, I mean the kind of gameplay where you actually single target things and time enemy dodge end times. Population and numbers can simply be balanced by reducing amount of tiers, or might as well abolish the whole relinking system if we're at merging EU/NA point and just throw people at random 9 different servers. Merging NA and EU isn't a magical solution to things as it will just bring more problems.

I don't feel lag in Asia though. And I see claims that a lot of na players play in eu now. And I have a few mates in eu playing in na.

But your conclusion is just your assumptions. It could have the result everyone would want to happen

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